Chapter 817
Chapter 822

According to Devadatta's suggestion, this is not only to attack the Seris people, but also to control these navies in their own hands.Having figured this out, Samadhara Gupta no longer hesitated. He announced that Grand Duke Manid Singh would be the commander-in-chief of the entire army, and Devadatta would be the deputy to command Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, The warships of the five states of Kerala, Kakinada and Madras will fight against Wei!

At the same time, the Gupta Empire also began to mobilize for war. A large number of forest tribal troops (cannon fodder troops of the Gupta Empire) and their Chaluqi cavalry, Lapchite cavalry, Tamil heavy armored warriors, and a large number of elephant soldiers and chariot soldiers With light infantry, longbowmen began to move to the south of the Gupta Empire.

When the Gupta Empire launched a national war mobilization, Ran Ming was not idle.In naval battles, whether it is wolf pack tactics or saturation attacks, it is a headache.Although Ran Ming owned 75 cross-era flying fish battleships, he was not conceited enough to take down the Gupta Empire at will.

Ran Ming fell in love with changing the name of others. Manila Port, which was originally a famous port in the world, was changed to Zhenyuan Port by Ran Ming, and Luzon Island was also renamed Zhenyuan Island. The military and administrative center of Zhenyuan Island was the original Fubo City. .Mindanao, Mindanao, was changed to Fuyuan Island by Ran Ming, and Davao, the military administrative center, was also renamed Fuyuan City.The port of Cagayan de Oro was renamed Xing Seaport.

Busangate Island was renamed Weiyuan Island, but the port did not change its name. With Zhengwu Port, the military and administrative center was Tangmao City.The port of Luye Poti's Yalkarta was renamed Wei Haigang by Ran Ming, and Jalkarta was renamed Ningyuan City.But Ran Ming didn't know that this unintentional name change created the four Nanyang Towns of Great Wei.

Yalkarta was originally one of the prosperous areas of Yetiao Kingdom, second only to its Manboyi City.When Ran Ming led the main force of the expeditionary force to arrive here, Xie Ning, the son of Xie Fei, the master craftsman of Wei Guobuqi's shipyard, and Wei Zhiyang, the son of Wei Meng, the master craftsman, arrived here first.Both of these two were born in shipbuilding families, and they are very good in theory and technology.

Xie Ning and Wei Zhiyang led more than 500 craftsmen to take over the Yalkarta shipyard under the protection of the guards.The warship technology in Ye Tiaoguo is actually not advanced, but their transport ship manufacturing industry is not far away.As early as 200 years ago, Ye Tiaoguo was able to manufacture sea ships with a length of more than [-] feet.However, it seems that Ye Tiaoguo has no intention of being a pirate. Although they are very prosperous in the ocean transportation industry, it is a pity that the warships are very rubbish.

Ever since Jie Fei and Wei Meng surrendered to Ran Ming, their fate has undergone a complete change.These two were originally the main designers of Shihu's warship building period.Shi Hu originally planned to build an invincible fleet to wipe out the Eastern Jin Dynasty in one fell swoop and unify the world.But before Shi Hu's fleet was built, he belched.Jie Fei and Wei Meng, who would have been massacred by the Xianbei's invasion of Yecheng, not only lived 11 years longer, but also lived a much better life than the embarrassing life in history.

When Ran Ming saw Xie Ning, he was directing Ye Tiaoguo and Wei Guo craftsmen to resume production like ordinary craftsmen.Knowing that Ran Ming is coming, Wei Zhiyang and Xie Ning came to greet him with a group of craftsmen from Wei State.

Ran Ming laughed when he saw Xie Ning, and he also knew that he should not be rude when meeting Ran Ming, so he hurriedly found the official to wear it on his body.Good guy, the fifth-rank officer's make-up clothes are full of mud.In fact, Wei Zhiyang didn't go anywhere well.

"Xie Ning, Governor of the Water Division of the Ministry of Industry, is meeting His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Wei Zhiyang, the Minister of Water Affairs of the Ministry of Industry, pays a visit to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Everyone, let's get back together!" Ran Ming said, "What is the specific situation of our Ningyuan Shipyard now, please introduce it to me!"

Xie Ning, who was still very nervous at first, heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.He is very familiar with shipbuilding. Ever since Ran Ming took over Xie Fei, 14-year-old Xie Ning has been learning shipbuilding from Xie Fei for four years in Yongxing. Although Xie Ning is only 24 years old, he has ten years of service.Ran Ming mentioned his familiar field, and Xie Ning also forgot his nervousness.

He pointed to the big ship that was being fitted out in the dock: "Actually, this Ningyuan shipyard has a good foundation, especially because it stores a lot of wood. The craftsmen's skills are not too bad. When we took over Ningyuan City, the shipyard The craftsmen who escaped basically ran away. Later, according to His Highness, Ning attracted them with high salaries, and those escaped craftsmen came back one after another. Now there are more than 6000 skilled craftsmen, plus the more than [-] people we transferred from Wei Guo At this time, the shipyard has exceeded [-] people."

"Your Highness, have you seen the big ship being fitted out? This is Ye Tiao's main transport ship."

Xie Ning said excitedly: "Your Highness, you don't know that as early as 200 years ago, the people of Yediao country learned to use keel to build ships. Their ships are all sharp-bottomed boats. The enemy reacted quickly, so they were all large. Therefore, when they built ships, they basically used less than [-] materials (materials in ancient times are volume units, ten square feet is equivalent to a stone of grain, and [-] materials are equivalent to [-] tons). .”

Ran Ming smiled, fortunately Ye Tiaoguo didn't pay much attention to the naval battle, otherwise this battle would not be known.

In fact, this is caused by the environment.In Nanyang, Ye Tiaoguo was originally an overlord. If he didn't provoke others, who would dare to provoke them?What's more, in this era, pirates are mainly small boats, and they don't have hot weapons, so they can't make big gains with small things.The [-]-ton cargo ship with a capacity of [-] tons can actually meet the needs of Ye Tiaoguo's ocean transportation.

Under the guidance of Xie Ning and Wei Zhiyang, Ran Ming visited Ningyuan Shipyard.Seeing the joinery, ironwork, cable work, dockwork, awning sail, caulking and other workshops lined up on the construction site, and more than [-] majestic big work ponds are busy busy, Ran Ming couldn't help but nodded happily.

Ran Ming said: "How is Ningyuan Shipyard doing when it resumes production?"

"Reporting to Your Highness!" Xie Ning said: "Now Ningyuan Shipbuilding can basically resume production. The current monthly output is to manufacture [-] centipede ships and [-] ships for [-] materials. Craftsmen are getting more and more proficient in manufacturing our Wei State ships, but this place does not have the strength to manufacture flying fish warships at all."

Perhaps because he was afraid of Ran Ming's reproach, Wei Meng said: "The key is that Ningyuan Shipbuilding does not have supporting facilities for flying fish warships. Even if it can barely manufacture flying fish warships, it does not have weapons such as ballistas and rockets."

Ran Ming nodded, and said: "Currently, the 75 flying fish warships of our Great Wei Expeditionary Army are barely enough. Now I need a small warship with fast speed and flexible operation. The load capacity does not need to be too large. It can hold eight A hundred materials or even less are fine. Remember to add an iron hook to the bow position. As long as it hits the opponent's warship, you can't let the opponent easily ask you, or you can install an enlarged version of the harpoon. In addition, in this naval battle , we have exposed a lot of problems, the range of the ballista is still too short, and it is easy to be approached by the enemy. As for the ballista and rockets, as well as the artillery that we secretly experimented at the wrong time, no matter who can improve these Weapons can make these weapons hit farther, more powerful, and more accurate. Whoever can solve these problems, I will not hesitate to reward you, whether you want a title or a bounty, I will be satisfied. Of course, this is not limited The same applies to us Han people and those Yediao people who are naturalized."

"Yes, yes, yes. The lower officials must pay attention!" Xie Ning and Wei Zhiyang said in unison.

Under Ran Ming's instruction, the interpreter told those Ye Tiao country craftsmen what Ran Ming said, which caused the Ye Tiao country craftsmen to scream again and again.It is impossible to have the title immediately, as long as there is credit, Ran Ming promised them that they can break the time limit for naturalization and immediately upgrade their nationality to Chinese.Not only can you be knighted, but you can also be an official.

Throughout the feudal era, China has been at the forefront of the world.Because China has a very good mechanism, then the princes and generals are kind to each other. Through struggle, the poor can also become nobles.It is a unique phenomenon that does not exist in other countries and regions except China.Especially the Gupta who are solidified by the four surnames, their way of progress will be completely imprisoned.In the face of repeated aggression, the ancient Indians never had a country or a race that could complete the great cause of national restoration.

Another is the battleship, Ran Ming proposed a concept.That is bigger, stronger, and faster, and it can smash the enemy into pieces with almost no need to hit.

In later generations, China started relatively late in the ocean, and was powerless about the blue ocean.But in this era, not only is China not lagging behind, but it is in front of the world.A scene appeared in front of Ran Ming's eyes.

The shadows of the sails and the shadows of the ships almost obscured the sky and the sun. I brought such a huge fleet, based in the South China Sea, guarding the Strait of Malacca, and operating the entire South China Sea into China's inland sea.I will break through Malacca, step into the Indian Ocean, and conquer the world.

However, Ran Ming will never forget that song that made the people of the country feel sad no matter what day.

"Who made you lose your prestige, who made the flames blaze, hatred soaring into the clouds, who is not angry and sad? How much blood and sweat have been shed to win the work of heaven and build it. I built it with my heart and passed it down forever. Passed on for thousands of years, I don’t want to end up with this field, I have insulted my family and my lintel, and I hope that the shock of this fire will remind my descendants, and they will wake up to why they are bullied and bullied. Use this fire as a record, Bringing up old grievances again is why the heavens are being bullied."

Ran Ming put away his chaotic mood, and said to himself silently in his heart.That scene in history will never repeat itself.Ran Ming said to Xie Ning, Wei Zhiyang and other craftsmen in Ningyuan Shipyard: "You have three tasks at this stage. The first is to concentrate all your energy on manufacturing that kind of small speedboat. I will need a lot of it in half a year. , this Palace needs at least 3000 small fast ships. The second is that you organize a research team and recruit the most skilled craftsmen to upgrade, innovate and invent the naval warfare weapons and equipment of our current navy. The third is that Bengong is going to use all the strength of Ningyuan Shipyard to build a peerless giant ship, which will be used to promote the country's prestige in various parts of Nanyang. This giant ship will be at least three to five times larger than our current flying fish warship, and the loading capacity will exceed ten. Never mind. It can have more than [-] crew members. But you don’t want to build another Chang’an, which sank before going to sea.”

After leaving the shipyard, Ran Ming inspected the first battalion of the Marine Corps.The [-]st Battalion of the Marine Corps achieved remarkable results in this landing operation.

At this time, the first battalion of the Marine Corps was stationed in the northeast of Ningyuan City, which was the junction of the old seaside area and the new area of ​​Yarkarta in later generations, but at this time, it was still a wasteland.Using the money in his hands, Ran Ming recruited more than [-] Ye Tiao people and asked them to build a permanent military camp for the First Marine Corps.After more than a month of intensive construction, the barracks are basically completed, and the rest is interior decoration and water pipe installation.

The entire barracks covers an area of ​​more than 42 mu, and 70 permanent camp houses have been built. These barracks are 12 meters long and 28 meters wide. Each barracks has 42 rooms, and the average building area of ​​each room is [-] square meters. .Ran Ming's plan is to live in one room for each team.The design of these rooms is very similar to that of Tonglilou in later generations, but it is only a single-story building with separate washrooms and toilets.In addition to [-] permanent barracks, the barracks also built the White Tiger Festival Hall, the General Staff Headquarters and the Logistics Equipment Department, a collective canteen, a military club, a training center, and [-] large warehouses.

Captain Zu Yan of the First Battalion of the Marine Corps reported his work to Ran Ming: "Since we moved in on May 46, the seventh year of Kaiyuan, we have completed the main building of the barracks, including [-] arrow towers around the barracks, with a radius of [-] miles. The construction of the nine beacon towers is currently under construction for the entire camp wall, one-third of which has been completed."

Ran Ming nodded and said, "Are the soldiers in a good mood?"

Zu Yan said: "The soldiers complained a little. The permanent barracks are built here, and they must be stationed here. The soldiers are willing to follow the general to make contributions, not to waste time here."

"You guys fought the battle. The first battalion of the Marine Corps is the trump card in the hands of the general. How could it be hidden!" Ran Ming said again: "How is the training of the Marine Corps officers and cadres going?"

(End of this chapter)

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