Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 818 Come and Play

Chapter 818 Come and Play
Chapter 823 Come and Play


Ran Ming nodded and said: "Marine warfare is very important, and the battles are usually very fierce. Landing battles like those in Manboyi City are rare, and there are too few reserve cadres. In the future, the Marine Corps Officers at all levels must adopt the arrangement of one officer, three officers and two officers. Once the chief officer is killed in battle, or unable to command the battle due to injury, the first deputy will immediately take over the command task. If the first deputy dies in battle, the second deputy will take over. Never Because of the officers, the troops were thrown into chaos."

"Don't worry, the general. Our first battalion will establish and improve the reserve officer mechanism as soon as possible."

Zu Yan quickly said: "The final plan is to set up an officer training school in the First Marine Corps. Soldiers who have made meritorious service in battle can only be promoted after they graduate from the officer training school."

Ran Ming said: "We must pay attention to supervision, and avoid nepotism, which will dampen the enthusiasm of the soldiers."

After returning from the first battalion of the Marine Corps, Ran Ming returned to the Governor's Mansion in Ningyuan City.This Governor's Mansion is the original Lord's Mansion of Ye Tiao Kingdom, Jaerkarta, and basically no large-scale renovation has been carried out.At this time, the position of governor of Ningyuan was still vacant, and Ran Ming took the governorship himself, and his favorite candidate for governor was Gao Shi, the original school captain of Dinghai.This old subordinate who has been with him for 11 years has been verified by time.Nanyang must leave enough naval power, so Gao Shi served as Governor of Dingyuan and Commander of the First Fleet.

On September 3000th of the seventh year of the first year, Cao Zekai, who was in charge of intelligence work on the Gupta Empire, received news from at least four sources that the Gupta Empire had mobilized the whole country.The sea guardian of the Gupta Empire borrowed 3000 million denaras from Brahmans (the currency of the Gupta Empire, if calculated in terms of grain purchasing power, is roughly equivalent to six hundred Wei State copper coins.) Samadhara Gupta used 63 million denaras as a means of war Funds were mobilized in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Kakinada and Madeira, a total of 23 warships, of which there were as many as 470 fourth-class warships, and three There are 560 first-class warships, 21 nine second-class warships, and more than [-] transport ships of various types, totaling about [-] navies.Grand Duke Manid Singh is the commander, and Devadagupta is the deputy commander.

Upon receiving the news, Ran Ming called a meeting of more than [-] Wei State military officers at the Sima level and above.

As Ran Ming entered the council hall of the Governor's Mansion, all the generals focused their attention on Ran Ming.

"See General!"

In the army, Ran Ming was not leading the army as a prince, but as a general of Wei Guozhu.Ran Ming did not return the salute but let the generals stand.

Ran Ming said: "Fifty-seven years ago, Liu Yuan, the son of Liu Bao, the virtuous king of the Huns in the south, took advantage of the rebellion of the Eight Kings of the Jin State, raised his troops against Jin, attacked Luoyang three times, and finally took control of the Central Plains. He became our Chinese (ancient Chinese) It means the Central Plains) was the first emperor of the Hu nationality in the Central Plains. After Liu Yuan established the Xiongnu Han Dynasty, he forcibly destroyed the Han culture in the Central Plains, and millions of soldiers and civilians of the Han Dynasty were massacred. , Blindly fighting, the country's power is declining, and Shi Le, the general of the Huns and the Han Dynasty, rose up. Zhao Guoshi's so-called respect for the Buddha and the creation of a prosperous and peaceful world are simply the peace that a group of spineless literati whitewashed. We were once Subjugated slaves, our homes, ancestral halls, and ancestral tombs have been destroyed once by the Hulu. Finally, we iron-blooded men, under the leadership of His Majesty, expelled the Hulu and restored our Han family. However, the Gupta Empire wanted to do it again. Let’s talk about the dreams of the Huns, Jie people, Xianbei people, Di people, and Qiang people, should we agree?”

The blood in the hearts of the generals was suddenly ignited by Ran Ming, and they all shouted: "No, no!"

Ran Ming nodded and continued: "There has always been a problem that has been bothering me. How should I tell the generals under my command why you are fighting? Some people say it is for your majesty. But your majesty One day we will grow old. What should we do at that time? Some people say that we are fighting for the military salary. But once Wei’s financial crisis, the military salary will not be paid? Now I will tell you, you go tell the following Soldiers, you are fighting for our country, for the nation, for your children and future generations."

Ran Ming's voice slowly lowered, and he said lightly: "Some people may think that this is an alarmist talk. The Gupta Empire is so far away from us, and they cannot invade us. If you think so, it is completely Wrong. We must not rely on the benevolence of the enemy for our own safety. A wolf may not eat sheep for a day, but a wolf cannot stop eating sheep forever. The Gupta Empire is such a greedy wolf. The Gupta Empire was established more than 40 years ago It's just a small principality on the banks of the Ganges River, but such a small country. But through continuous aggression and supporting war with war, its strength is getting stronger and stronger, and their appetite is getting bigger and bigger. In just four years, They occupied the Malay Peninsula. If there is no us, they will soon annex Ye Tiao Country. In the future, it may be our Zhenyuan Island, Fuyuan, Yizhou, Jiaozhou, and may even occupy our Yecheng, our Youzhou! "

Ran Ming pointed to the information in his hand and reported: "According to reliable sources, the Gupta Empire has already launched a war against our Great Wei. They have assembled 63 warships, more than 21 transport ships, and the navy alone has as many as [-]. Among them were hundreds of thousands of cavalry, infantry, and chariot soldiers. When Devadatta, the governor of the Gupta Empire’s Galgona State, led more than [-] Gupta warships to Luyapatiri, Ye Tiaoguo bowed his head and proclaimed himself a vassal Yes. Since the Gupta Empire is going to fight, our Wei country will definitely not be like Ye Tiaoguo. If we want to fight, we will fight for them. I will believe that our Great Wei will win the final victory. I believe that our Chinese nation, our Yanhuang The descendants will surely stand in the east of the world again, and our China will surely win!"

"We must win, we must win!" Chen Yong, Zu Yan, Gao Shi, Zheng Wu, Tang Mao and other generals shouted that they must win.According to the records of Emperor Wu's Chronicle in the "Book of Wei", in the seventh year of Kaiyuan, the crown prince and general of the Zhu Kingdom, Ming, made a decisive battle against the Gupta Empire.

Regardless of the fact that the Gupta Empire has already begun war mobilization, but with the backward system of the Gupta Empire, it is definitely not a matter of a day or two to gather hundreds of thousands of troops.Even before the end of the seventh year of Kaiyuan, this war could not be fought.

Ran Ming said: "This general is not a war maniac. This general also hates war, bloodshed, and death even more. But this general has to send our young soldiers to the battlefield and let them face the baptism of death. This is not the general's heart." Ruthless, it’s not that Ben will reject civilization. It’s because Ben knows that we are surrounded by a group of barbarians and lunatics. What Ben can do is to use the sacrifice of our generation to fight for our future generations. Come down to a peaceful and prosperous world. Leave a happy and fulfilling life to our descendants."

Deciding to fight is one thing, but how to fight is another.As a result, after discussions and discussions, no suitable solution was found.The opinion put forward by the staff department is to occupy the Manchuka Strait first, use the narrow waterway of Manjaka, and take a head-on approach to defeat the Gupta fleet.

Although Manchu plus narrow waterways can make the Gupta Empire's numerical advantage not be fully utilized.But Ran Ming knew that this strategy seemed feasible, but in fact it was too difficult.The narrowest part of the Mantriga Strait is about 37 kilometers. With such a width, even if all 75 flying fish warships are lined up in sequence, there is still no way to block the opening.

At this moment, Ran Ming's big apprentice Chen Yong took a solution: "Let's compete in the land battle."

The central idea of ​​this strategy is also pre-emptive strikes, which is to land on the Malay Peninsula with three battalions of the Marine Corps, six battalions of the temporary infantry, and 21 battalions of the Three Township Army, with a total of 15 people, to annihilate the Gupta Empire in the Malay Peninsula. power.The focus of this strategy is to gain command of the sea. Once the navy fails, this army will lose its supplies and become a lone army.The outlook is bleak.

Chapter 693 A woman's heart needle under the sea

Chapter 693 A woman's heart needle under the sea

Although the discussions were very intense, they did not come up with a solution that satisfied Ran Ming.Even the staff department made Ran Ming very disappointed. Ran Ming has mobilized more than 200 people in the staff department of the expeditionary army.However, these elite talents made Ran Ming feel a little speechless this time.

In fact, it's no wonder that these elites can't keep up with Ran Ming's thinking.There is no way, China is a big country on land, since ancient times, military art has been developed to the fullest.But for the ocean, this is still an unknown thing, even Ran Ming himself is only half a bucket of water.The level of students taught by a teacher who is half a bucket of water can be imagined.

In desperation, Ran Ming announced the end of the meeting.This should be said to be an unsuccessful meeting, because apart from mobilizing morale and deciding to fight, Ran Ming and the others did not discuss any substantive solution to the problem.Even though it was already September, in Ningyuan City, it was still as hot as summer.

Ran Ming felt restless, suddenly he saw a Mo Dao standing beside the screen wall, Ran Ming suddenly walked over quickly and picked up the Mo Dao.The Modao in the Wei army did not have a lot of equipment. It is far from the Tang army in which the Modao occupies a large position. In the Tang Dynasty, the field army basically had the Modao unit, and this ratio is not counted. Small, usually about [-]%.In Ran Ming's expeditionary army, there are only dozens of Mo Dao, which are not used for fighting, but for Ran Ming to play with.

Since becoming the prince, Ran Ming's kung fu has dropped.Ran Ming patted the slightly protruding belly, looked at the calluses that had disappeared from his hands, took a deep breath, and swiped the Mo Dao with a "swipe".

After playing the Mo Dao a few times, Ran Ming felt that it was meaningless.Looking at Lin Heishan who was breathing heavily beside the door, Ran Ming immediately shouted: "Lin Heishan, come and play with me!"

Although Lin Heishan looks simple and honest, he is not stupid in reality. He knows that he is today because of Ran Ming.Showing off to Ran Ming is also a way to enhance the relationship between the two.Lin Heishan picked up two big hammers, crossed the hammers, and made a defensive posture.

Ran Ming said: "Lin Heishan, you have to cheer up, if I get hurt by this palace, I won't have your wine this month."

Hearing this, Lin Heishan's face was full of black lines. This guy is a carnivore, and he enjoys eating meat and drinking every day.If he didn't drink, it would make him worse than kill him.Lin Heishan grinned and said, "My lord, you will never hurt me!"

Ran Ming put the long handle of the knife on the side of his waist and took a step forward to slash the knife horizontally. This is one of the basic six cuts of the Mo knife, breaking thousands of troops!

Lin Heishan was absent-minded at first, but he knew very well about Ran Ming's kung fu. If he really fought, Lin Heishan would definitely have a chance to capture Ran Ming alive within ten moves. If he wanted to defeat Ran Ming, it would only take five or six rounds at most.However, the Mo Dao had already been activated, and Lin Heishan saw that it was powerful, so he hurriedly backed away.

Ran Ming slashed through the air without stopping, borrowing the power of Mo Dao's rotation.Borrowing the strength of his waist, he took a few steps forward and spun Mo Dao again.Mo Dao's techniques are actually exactly the same as the Overlord Spear, both of which use power to suppress people and use strength to fight.

The sharp Mo Dao made a faint thunder, and continued to cut towards Lin Hei. Lin Heishan was terrified, and tried his best to raise two big hammers to block it.

"Dang lang lang lang..." There was a piercing golden sound, and sparks shot out.As for the Modao tactic, it was invented by Ran Ming.Once the Mo Dao is activated, its power will not be exhausted. This is the minimum rule. Otherwise, once it is forced to stop, it will give the enemy an opportunity to open and close the Mo Dao. Without this momentum, as long as people get close, there are countless ways to get rid of Mo Dao's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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