Chapter 819
Chapter 824
Although Ran Ming didn't make a single move, he didn't stop, but concentrated his waist and wrist strength on Mo Dao by rotating like a windmill.

One knife after another, like forging iron.Although Ran Ming was happy, Lin Heishan complained endlessly.In fact, the iron hammer is the same as the Mo knife. It is a heavy weapon, and the technique is also a vigorous way.

If it's fighting against the enemy, that's fine.Lin Heishan can also use his indomitable momentum to oppress his opponent, but Lin Heishan's current opponent is Ran Ming, and he doesn't dare to kill him.You must know that a heavy hammer is not as easy to send and receive as a light sword.In case of hurting Ran Ming, Lin Heishan will die without redemption.

Adding the weight of Mo Dao and Ran Ming's own weight, it would be an exaggeration to say that the power of one knife is a thousand catties, but the strength of several hundred catties is there. Ming, the more the fight became smoother, Lin Heishan gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

Don't look at Lin Heishan's infinite strength, but he can't stand the cumulative damage of being hit by Mo Dao like iron.

Just when Lin Heishan was about to disarm and surrender, Ran Ming suddenly withdrew his knife and stood up, entering a state of meditation.In fact, Ran Ming did realize something.When he was fighting Lin Heishan, Ran Ming discovered that Mo Dao could cause serious cumulative damage to Lin Heishan under the influence of inertia. If he hadn't seen Lin Heishan's tiger's mouth burst, Ran Ming would not have been able to stop.

In fact, there was a huge disparity between Ran Ming's strength and Lin Heishan's.It is impossible for Ran Ming to defeat Lin Heishan with a single blow.If the Gupta Empire is compared to Lin Heishan, Mo Dao's continuous cumulative damage is the only way to defeat him.At this time, Ran Ming wanted to hit the wall a little bit, and he walked into a misunderstanding.As a time traveler, he simply made an unforgivable mistake.

As early as during the Anti-Japanese War, Taizu proposed zero-knock brown sugar, and pointed out that it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.That is to say, through countless small annihilation battles in battles and small snacks, the method of gradually expanding, constantly annihilating the enemy's vital forces, accumulating small victories into big victories, achieving the goal of strategically consuming the enemy and gradually changing the war situation.This method of warfare, against the enemy, can damage their morale, shake their confidence, and consume their strength; against me, it can gain experience, train troops, improve tactics, technical levels, and command levels, continuously enhance combat effectiveness, and lay the foundation for a large-scale annihilation war. good foundation.

Thinking of this, Ran Ming felt relieved, and the problems that had troubled him recently were easily solved.Wei Guo's navy is still in its infancy, and the generals at all levels have no experience in commanding large-scale naval battles.Neither Gao Shi nor Cui Cheng has experience in commanding large-scale naval battles.Just like Zhang Yong, he led twelve flying fish warships, but he was able to fight with Devadatuo. However, Zheng Wu and Tang Mao, the main forces of the Third Fleet, made the mistake of underestimating the enemy and advancing quickly. , but the Third Fleet lost a lot.

Ran Ming still decided to break it up into parts and split the navy again. Among them, the First Fleet was divided into two left and right battle groups, each with twelve Flying Fish battleships as the main force and fifty Mengchong battleships each.Take Gao Shi as the commander-in-chief of military affairs on the left marching.On the left side, Zhai Ling, the captain of the 009 ship, was the marching commander of the first battalion, and Xiao Hong, the former first fleet marching commander, was also the leader of the second battalion.The Second Fleet is the Central Route Army, with Cui Cheng as the commander-in-chief of the Central Route Army.The original sixteen Flying Fish warships were transferred from the Third Fleet to eight ships. Zhang Yong of the Third Fleet was the marching commander of the Second Fleet, leading the front battalion, and Cui Cheng was also in charge of the rear battalion.The Third Fleet Zheng Wu and Tang Mao were separated, and each also commanded twelve warships.

In this way, 75 warships are divided into six battle groups.Each battle group has twelve warships.In order to prevent the battle group from being encircled and annihilated by the Gupta Imperial Navy, Ran Ming adopted a whimsical strategy, equipping each battle group with one positive and one pair of two hot air balloons.Used to observe the command.

At the same time, Ran Ming opened his golden finger and made a telescope.Almost every time-travel novel will include the plot of making glass and telescopes.In fact, the principle of the telescope is very simple. Junior high school students know what is going on, but few people know that optical glass and ordinary glass are completely two concepts.

Without modern technology, the cost and difficulty of manufacturing concave-convex mirrors are not lower than those of colorless crystals.When Ran Ming robbed Ye Tiaoguo's treasury, many crystals were found in it, especially many colorless crystals.Ran Ming started thinking about building a telescope.Using this batch of colorless crystals, Ran Ming asked the craftsmen to polish more than 48 pieces of concave-convex mirrors. After repeated tests, they finally produced more than [-] telescopes. These telescopes cannot be compared with later generations, and the multiples range from eight times to [-] times. wait.However, with a telescope, the Wei State Navy can detect the enemy first and strike first.

Meng Chong speedboat, this is the magic weapon that Ran Ming used in the wolf pack tactics of the Gupta Empire Navy.In fact, as early as the Han Dynasty, China had already matured the application of Mengchong speedboats.During the Battle of Chibi in the 13th year of Jian'an (208) in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhou Yu, the governor of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, used "dozens of Mengchong battleships, filled with firewood and ointment oil", rushed into the Cao army's fleet after igniting them, and burned the Cao army's fleet in one fell swoop. .This is a typical example of a conflict-based attack in China's military history. (The plot of burning Chibi in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, of course, has nothing to do with Zhuge Liang in history.)
Ran Ming also made changes to Mengchong, adding a ram on the bow, which is an enlarged version of the harpoon, and then loading incendiary bombs on Mengchong instead of firewood.

Of course, preparations for the decisive battle are already underway.Ran Ming also got a rare free day.In later generations, Jaerkarta was a city integrating marine trade, industry and tourism.After changing his name to Ningyuan, Ran Ming set aside a private territory more than [-] miles north of the city.

Ran Ming mobilized many Yediao people to build a manor for him. In this manor covering an area of ​​[-] to [-] mu, a pure ecological natural paradise was established.In this manor, Ran Ming asked people to collect the characteristic animals of Luyapati, such as some colorful birds, orangutans, tapirs, Sumatran tigers, Javan bison and the world's largest lizard - Komodo dragon, etc., let Ran Ming From time to time, you can live a hunting addiction.

The trees are densely green, and Ran Ming is wearing a light gauze dress, walking barefoot on the path paved with cobblestones.The most central part of the natural paradise on this land is naturally Ran Ming's Yuelu.The building complex covering an area of ​​more than [-] mu was named Yuelu because of Ran Ming's spoof.Chiang Kai-shek built the summer palace for himself, and named it after Song Meiling's beautiful characters, and it became a good story for a while.Ran Ming built such a palace in Ningyuan City. Naturally, the Jin family actually had a name. Her name was Jin Chengyue, and Yuelu came into being.

Tired from walking, Ran Ming returned to sit on the wicker chair under the tree.Opposite Ran Ming is the Jin family.Jin has a graceful figure, wearing a lake green narrow-sleeved top and a peacock blue shirt with a pointed collar.The sleeves are short and cover the shoulders, and the hem only reaches the waist below the breasts. The two plackets fasten a small golden butterfly on the chest.

This is Ran Ming's forbidden area, even Lin Heishan, his confidant, can only guard at the door, this Yuelu of more than [-] acres is a kingdom of daughters.Both guards and maids are all women.Although there are rare creatures like eunuchs, Ran Ming doesn't like them.

The etiquette and laws of the feudal era were actually for the rulers.In terms of etiquette, there are originally many interpretations.There is no aristocratic airs, no ancient etiquette, as long as the literati like it, they will say that this is approachable and courteous corporal.What's more, Ran Ming

He was not a polite person.

Jin Chengyue was not used to Ran Ming's profligate behavior at first.In Jin Chengyue's view, this is very rude.Especially Ran Ming has become the crown prince of Wei.However, later generations are used to seeing beauties in bikinis, but they are not used to women who are wrapped up all over their bodies.

However, Jin Chengyue was still very happy about naming Ran Ming's palace after his own name.Women are all vain, especially the palace named after themselves is destined to be written into the history books.Jin Chengyue was very happy, so he didn't mind dedicating himself to Ran Ming.

Xia Liang's clothes were light, thin, and faintly visible, and the tight clothes set off Jin's figure to the fullest.The tree shadow mother caressed, light and shadows sprinkled on her graceful and delicate body, and her frowning and smiling face became more and more beautiful, even the smallest parts of her fingers could be seen surprises, and the whole was indescribably pleasing to the eye and harmonious.Ran Ming changed into a comfortable position and lay down on the rattan chair, quietly watching Jin, his heart skipped a beat.

The happy time is always very short, just when Ran Ming wanted to take further action, he suddenly heard Lin Heishan's loud voice.

"My lord, there is an urgent military situation!" Lin Heishan said: "The Gupta Empire has added 8 horses to the Chitu Kingdom, of which the vanguard troops have [-] horsemen, and they have already arrived in the Bornasa Kingdom and the Harodan Kingdom. Arrived in Chitu Country."

Ran Ming jumped up all of a sudden, and then he fell silent.Chitu Kingdom is actually the predecessor of the predecessor of the Malacca Dynasty. It is the eastern part of the Malay Peninsula, bordered by the Brasa Kingdom in the west, and the Harodan Kingdom in the south. In fact, there are four main countries on the Malay Peninsula at this time. Among them, Chitu Kingdom The power is the strongest, followed by the Polo Assassins.The Polo State is east of the Chitu State, which is located in the throat of Southeast Asian traffic. Fa Xian, a famous eminent monk in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once went to India to seek the Dharma. When he returned to China, he stayed here on a merchant ship for half a year before returning home. Chitu State is deeply loved by Indian civilization. Influence, "they worship Buddha, especially Brahmans", and have a high degree of civilization.

"Is Your Highness worried about the irreversibility of the situation?" Jin said, "Is Your Highness worried about the interests of our Wei State in Nanyang, or about the upcoming war?"

Ran Ming looked at Jin steadfastly, and suddenly closed his eyes and said wearily: "Only you know my heart. If I lose again this time, even I don't know what to do? He looks calm, but his heart feels like a boulder. This is an army of 17, of which more than [-] are the passionate men of our Great Wei. If they can't be released this time, I don't know if we still have a chance to swim proudly in Nanyang! Don't look at me as a crown prince, but my father has broken the inheritance principle of Li Chang. Seeing that Brother Yu is growing up, it is hard to guarantee that he will not have strange thoughts. Maybe he is innocent now, but in the emperor's house, where There will be simple people. Once this battle is defeated and the army is lost, I am afraid that I will also be attacked from all sides."

"Your Highness actually did something wrong!" Jin Chengyue said: "You are the prince, but your power in the court and the public is too weak. Although this can avoid being suspected by His Majesty, if something happens, Your Highness will not have the power to protect yourself. But you don't have to, Your Highness. Worrying, I have already prepared in secret. Once the battle is unfavorable, people will naturally impeach, and some people will voluntarily take responsibility for the defeat, and His Highness can stay out of it."

Jin's eyes seemed to be like a pool of clear water at the moment, those clear pupils were a little naive and even more innocent.Jin Chengyue said: "I have to meet Your Highness in this life, follow His Highness, even if I die, I will have no complaints. Since Your Highness handed over to Nanyang Development Company to my family, I have made up my mind to help His Highness!"

"It doesn't matter if you say that the slave family is despicable or shameless. The slave family has taken advantage of His Highness's confidence and started to make arrangements six years ago!" Jin Chengyue said: "Your Highness really thought that the slave would not know what that lowly person did. Is it love? If this is the case, I am afraid that I will not live for so long, and I will be eaten to nothing. In fact, when Xiao Jun was plotting against His Highness, I found out. However, I will follow the plan, see Looking at Zhongnan Company and Nanyang Development Company, how many people still remain loyal to His Highness."

Ran Ming was dumbfounded, he didn't know that there was such an inside story in the corruption incident.Ran Ming was also a little surprised at the beginning, this matter was resolved so smoothly.The corruption evidence of those insiders is very sufficient, and those involved in the case are basically old-fashioned, how could they not even deal with the most basic tail.It must have been dealt with, but the praying mantis was catching the cicada, and the golden bird was behind.

Ran Ming was also surprised that Xiao Jun had embezzled more than 40 gold in total, but Jinling was neither Jiankang nor Yecheng.

(End of this chapter)

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