Chapter 820

Chapter 825
The land price in Jinling is very cheap.One mu of upper field costs only 24 to [-] yuan, while middle field costs only [-] yuan, and lower field is about the same as wasteland, both of which cost [-] yuan per mu.Of Xiao's [-] lands, [-] lands were devoted to upper fields, [-] lands were devoted to middle fields, and more than [-] lands were devoted to Xiatian and mulberry fields.The total value of these fields is no more than two hundred thousand gold.Among them, [-] gold is missing.

Jin Chengyue said: "Four years ago, Liu Heiqi, a gangster in Kuaiji County, kidnapped Xiao Jun's eldest son, Xiao Lezi, and extorted a ransom of [-] gold. Xiao Jun paid the ransom as promised. Liu Heiqi was defeated by Captain Chen You's troops. More than [-] bandits under his troops were slaughtered, but the ransom of [-] gold was never found."

Ran Ming said: "Could it be that you sent someone to instigate Liu Heiqi?"

Jin Chengyue smiled and said: "Naturally, if Chengyue hadn't tested the loyalty of our company's internal personnel, how could Xiao Jun have succeeded?"

At this time, Ran Ming suddenly remembered that when Jin Chengyue was in Xijuan City, he had adopted many homeless teenagers, including both men and women. Tianyan once gave Ran Ming a secret report saying that Jin Chengyue had adopted a lot of homeless teenagers every year for this reason. They all cost thousands of gold.Ran Ming thought that Jin Chengyue was just overwhelmed by women's sympathy, and besides, Ran Ming didn't lack money, anyway, Ran Ming didn't bother.But now that I think about it carefully, I am afraid that Jin Chengyue still has an organization similar to Tianyan in his hands.

In fact, Ran Ming guessed right.Jin Chengyue does have a special force in his hands.Among them, it was established with the young men and women she adopted as the backbone.Insiders all call Jin Chengyue the Holy Mother.Hearing this news, Ran Ming almost choked on his own saliva.

Fortunately, Christianity has not yet been introduced, otherwise Jin Chengyue would never have proclaimed herself a virgin.This organization code-named "Tiger" also has a very strict organizational structure and strict hierarchy.This is an intelligence structure based on the Nanyang Development Company. There are four levels, namely Tiger Cub, Little Tiger, Tiger, and Tiger King.Its core member is Jin Chengyue's secret think tank, which is equivalent to the highest department of "Tiger King" and is also the brain of the tiger.Among them, auditing is the main focus.Later, he developed many insider intelligence personnel in Nanyang Development Company and Zhongnan Development Company. These intelligence personnel allowed Jin Chengyue to control the two major development companies effortlessly.In order to facilitate the understanding of market intelligence, Jin Chengyue's "Tiger" organization has more than 3000 members, covering almost all business outlets of Zhongnan Development Company and Nanyang Development Company.

In fact, the "Tiger" organization, like Tianyan, also has their operatives.People like Huya and Huzhuo are responsible for specific actions, and they are all composed of people from the rivers and lakes.Xiao Jun embezzled more than 40 gold, six of which were robbed by Huya. Even the time when Liu Heiqi hijacked Xiao Lezi, it was also planned by Huya and Huzhuo.

After more than six years of development, after deliberately avoiding the eyes of the sky, Jin Chengyue's tiger organization has already possessed extraordinary strength.In fact, Jin Chengyue started to use the looted funds to buy Wei officials and secretly buy party members for Ran Ming.

Jin Chengyue handed over to Ran Ming a list of Wei state officials in the hands of the "Tiger" organization, including 21 officials at the county level and governor level, and 260 officials at the county level.

Jin Chengyue said: "As long as His Highness issues orders, these people will spare no effort to support His Highness. Although they dare not rebel, but if they are asked to do other things, they will do so in a strange manner."

Ran Ming found these lists carefully, many of them were people that Ran Ming was familiar with, and the most notable feature was that these people were all upright officials.However, they are all under the control of Jin Chengyue now.Some of them fought for family property, brothers killed each other, some committed adultery with their stepmothers, and some killed their fathers.Of course, there are also those who are corrupt, and some who are Wei officials flirt with the Eastern Jin Dynasty.As for colluding with gangsters, oppressing goodness, and so much bullshit, there are too many things.

Jin Chengyue's voice was soft and indescribably touching, but the meaning he expressed was ruthless and bloody: "I should have gone to hell, so let me be the villain. Your Highness is for the country and for the country." People, you must never give up halfway!"

At this moment, Ran Ming was deeply shocked.Is this still the Jin family he knows?
Ran Ming was stunned by the two attitudes in her words: her affectionate attitude towards her death without regrets and her cruel and bloody attitude in the officialdom. Looking at her, Ran Ming's mind was so full of thoughts that he couldn't speak out whether it was reprimand or dissuasion.

Women are the most complicated animals in the world. When their sympathy overflows, they will cry for three days if they trample an ant to death.But once the heart is ruthless, it will definitely change the color of the most brave fighters.

At this moment, Jin Chengyue said: "Your Highness, what do you plan to do with Ningyuan (Yalkarta)? There is an army stationed in Ningyuan City now, and those Yediao people will be honest, but once the army withdraws, they will still Are you as honest as you are now?"

Ran Ming said, "What can you do?"

Jin Chengyue said: "When I was in Xijuan, I was very inspired by reading the King of Yue's Chronicle. Your Highness may wish to follow the example of King Zhao Tuo."

"Zhao Tuo?" Ran Ming was actually not familiar with Zhao Tuo, he just knew that he was the general of the former Qin Dynasty and the deputy commander of the Qin Dynasty's southern army.After the death of the coach Ren Qi, Zhao Tuo established himself as the king of Yue and ruled Nanyue for 81 years. He was also a very long-lived person in history.

Jin Chengyue said: "Zhao Tuo was originally a general of the Qin Army and deputy commander of the Nanzheng Army. The commander Ren Qi is a hardliner who is very tough on South Vietnam. His method is to kill those who dare to attack the Han people, kill those who refuse to obey orders, and even If the attitude is not submissive, they will be killed. However, the tribes of South Vietnam did not give in. Countless Yue people came out of the jungle and swamp, and launched a decisive attack on the Qin army. Although they looked weak in front of the elite Qin army, they They were like moths throwing fire, killing and destroying. Later, Zhao Tuo discovered that killing could not solve the problem. Yue people were not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death? The 50 soldiers could no longer get the support of the Qin Dynasty, so Zhao Tuo began to change his method. He conquered the South Vietnamese noble Lu Jia, and used it to control the South Vietnamese nobles. With the surrender of the South Vietnamese nobles, those who were originally fearless After death, the Baiyue barbarians who followed one after another suddenly became as docile as sheep. So Zhao Tuo put forward the political slogan of reconciling Baiyue, and Baiyue will be determined from then on.”

Even in the weak period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Nanyue did not dare to rebel, and the three counties of Jiaozhou were also controlled by the Jin Dynasty.

However, now Ran Ming dare not underestimate Jin Chengyue.He said: "What the hell are you doing!"

Jin Chengyue blushed, and said: "Your Highness, the political slogans of Zhao Tuo and Ji Baiyue are actually doing one thing, that is, to match the 50 soldiers from the southern Qin army, and to marry the noble girls of Baiyue. The generals of the Qin army, and the soldiers married women from Baiyue, and stabilized Baiyue through intermarriage. At present, six women have been sent by Ye Tiaoguo to His Highness's room, and one of them is the palm name of Ye Tiaoguo's sub-minister Bo Lin. One is the nineteenth princess of Dabawuna, the king of Yetiao Kingdom."

Ran Ming said: "Don't tell me you want to treat this palace as a stallion and marry their princess every time you conquer a place?"

"Hehe, Your Highness is really good!" Jin Chengyue said angrily, "There are not many cats in this world that don't eat fish. Similarly, there are fewer men who don't eat fish than cats that don't eat fish."

Ran Ming murmured, "Am I such a superficial person?"

"If His Highness is unwilling, I will not make things difficult for His Highness!" Jin Chengyue said: "Lin Heishan, Lin Heishan."

Lin Heishan ran over in a hurry, but when he saw Jin Chengyue's appearance, he closed his eyes in fright and shouted: "I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything!"

But there are certain parts of the body that cannot be deceived.A man is an animal that thinks from the lower body, the instinct of the body, and the consciousness of substitution.

"I remember you haven't married a daughter-in-law yet. I'll make the decision today and tell you about a daughter-in-law." Jin Chengyue said: "Heishan, are you willing? There is also Yong Lang, who has only one wife and two concubines, and has been married for three years." , but three daughters have been born, but no sons, the incense of the Chen family is worrying, if you don't worry about it as a master, the slave will do it for you!"

Ran Ming gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Heishan."

Lin Heishan was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.This is not to blame for Ran Ming's stinginess. In fact, these six women are the noble daughters of Ye Tiao Kingdom, and they are just concubines. From the nobleman's point of view, this is not bringing closer relations, but hatred.

Seeing Lin Heishan running with his waist bowed, Ran Ming said: "Don't say it, Lin Heishan really has to marry him a wife. I think your maid Xiaocui is pretty good."

Jin Chengyue said: "Xiaocui is the servant girl of my family, are you willing to give it to Heishan?"

"How can you not give up!" Ran Ming suddenly realized: "You are good or bad, and you are testing Bengong again! It seems that if Bengong doesn't practice the family law, it will be hard for Husband Gang in the future!"

[-] words are omitted here, and the plot can be made up by yourself.

While Ran Ming in Ningyuan City was still suffering from the scorching heat, Yecheng in the north was already chilling.When the time enters October, the year will also come to an end.

In previous years, this time was the busiest time of the year for the government, but in the seventh year of Kaiyuan, everything will change.Although the tax is still collected, the collection method is quite different from usual.Taxes in this era are all collected in kind.However, there are two gaps in the official word, and the common people are not only in the harvest season, but also when they are suffering from the government.There are not only the endless miscellaneous taxes from the government, but also the difficulties of low-level officials.

But now, it's different.Wei State's taxes were changed, all money was collected, and all fields were collected in coins according to the number of acres.Farmers' grain is collected publicly according to the protection price given by the government.Among them, the government, local gentry, elders of various clans, village elders, Lizheng, and a huge class of scholars supervised at various levels.

If you want to play tricks, you must put the officials, squires, elders of various clans, village elders, Lizheng, scholars, etc. who are in charge of supervision among them.Since then, the cost of this expenditure has increased too much.Moreover, once the grain merchants participating in the acquisition adopt the means of forced buying or oppressing the people in disguise, they will be blacklisted by the government and will be fined ten times. .After such a series of actions, the risk is too great, and no one would dare to play such a high-risk move.

As a time traveler, Ran Ming is well aware of the methods used by officials and gentry to entrap farmers.In fact, at this stage, Ran Ming is just a prince, and he can't control him if he wants to.However, after Ran Ming wrote his own series of countermeasures, he gave it to Ran Min.As for the general emperor, he would not dare to do this.Because the interests of too many people are involved in this, I am afraid that troubles will arise.

But Ran Min is not an ordinary person. The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest. The class of self-cultivating farmers and small landlords is Ran Min's biggest source of wealth and soldiers. Corrupt officials should not be killed.If Ran Ming didn't vigorously develop education, Ran Min's Wei State would really be out of control without this group of nobles.But now it is different. There are more than 700 large and small colleges in the entire Wei State, among which there are as many as 12 people with the status of scholars. Although this proportion only accounts for [-]% of the total population of the Wei State, if in Later generations are definitely the best among the rubbish, but in this era, the scholars of Wei State are obviously much larger than the historical scale.

A large number of scholars were assigned to local places by the academy, and the method of remote supervision was adopted, which further avoided the possibility of favoritism and fraud.It is unknown what the future will be like for the young people who have just jumped out of the pile of old papers and are ready to show their ambitions, but at least for now, they are still very ambitious, ambitious, and upright.

It may be possible to buy them, but the price is definitely beyond the ability of those grain merchants.What's more, in this time and space, because Ran Ming obtained a large amount of grain from Indochina Peninsula, Zhenyuan Island, and Ye Tiao Country, the profits of grain merchants were very low, and they had almost no chance of making a fortune.

With the censor and speech officer on the surface, and the "deaf and dumb" in the dark, the news gathered in front of Ran Min from various channels shows that at least this year's grain collection and tax payment work has very few problems.The incidence of various pit farming incidents has almost dropped to an all-time low.

(End of this chapter)

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