Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 821 Dealing with Issues Left Over from History

Chapter 821 Dealing with Issues Left Over from History
Chapter 826 Dealing with Issues Left Over from History

Of course, there are also people who do not believe in evil, but they were immediately picked out by the "deaf and dumb" and the devolved censors, officials and those passionate scholars, and accepted the severe punishment of the law.However, although this tax reform seriously damaged the vital interests of local officials, Ran Min also followed Ran Ming's opinion and gave them a sweet date.

Ran Min issued an imperial decree, giving them official official status.Although they are not officials, they are just officials, but they have served iron rice bowls, and received salaries like officials and lords.According to the size of the counties and counties, except for those officials with official status, the other Liucao clerks, accountants, yamen servants, catchers, clerks, jailers, watchmen, etc. all have wages.They also ate the imperial food.

In fact, since the establishment of the feudal system, these low-level officials have not paid much attention to it in all dynasties.Moreover, the imperial court did not provide them with salaries, so although on the surface, the income of the country's finances was reduced, but in fact, these personnel were also human beings, and they also needed to eat and support their families.Since the imperial court does not give them salaries, they will naturally find ways to get money, and the wool comes from the sheep. Naturally, it is those common people who are unlucky in the end.

From the perspective of Ran Ming, a time traveler, this is simply an ostrich policy.Out of sight, out of mind.What is even more frustrating is the Manchu Qing Dynasty. When the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the salaries of officials were very low, not to mention the huge expenses of hiring masters, bearers, coachmen, entourage, and attendants. Those officials couldn’t even support themselves. Be an upright official.

Originally, Ran Ming proposed these suggestions to Ran Min in the third year of Kaiyuan. The key point is that Ran Min had no money in his hands. If such reforms were made, Wei Guo would have more than 20 more mouths to eat every year. a small amount.But as Ran Ming robbed Ye Tiaoguo's treasury, Wei's treasury also became more abundant.

Of course, Ran Min had the confidence to carry out this kind of reform.This kind of reform is obvious, because these low-level officials never receive court salaries, and all their personal honors and disgraces are given by their superiors, so these people have no sense of integrity and loyalty to the country.

For the salaries of officials, a three-tier distribution system is adopted, which is the basic salary issued by the imperial court, followed by the withheld part of local taxes as bonuses, and the third is personal performance salary.

Not surprisingly, Ran Min's actions won the loyal support of more than 500 small officials in more than 20 counties in Wei State.And according to the feedback, the effect of this reform is very good.Unsurprisingly, most areas of Wei State have been greatly improved.Moreover, this reform also includes the promotion channels for these small officials. Although they cannot become officials, they can be promoted.Go from county to county or state, or even hub.In this way, the unprecedented enthusiasm of those low-level officials has been further stimulated.

The practical significance of this official reform is no less than the significance of the imperial examination.

In the seventh year of Kaiyuan, this was the best year since the founding of the Wei State. The grain output generally exceeded two and a half shi (260 catties), and some areas even had a high yield of three and a half or even four shi.The bumper harvest of grain gave Ran Min a sense of accomplishment.

Huang Fuzhen, who had become Ran Min's regular attendant at Sanqi and head of the household department, carefully handed these financial statements to Ran Min.

Because of the emergence of Ran Ming's cross-era report, it is very convenient to check the accounts, and it is almost clear at a glance.

Ran Min said: "Chu Ji, next year's water conservancy construction will be tilted towards poor areas, especially the people in the border towns. Their infrastructure has been severely damaged, and their life is very hard. Let's forget this year, next year's quiet , Ping, Ying, Bing, Shuo, Yong, Qin, and Liang 170 nine cities, all taxes do not have to be handed over to the center, and another 30 gold was allocated from the treasury for water conservancy construction.”

Huangfu really quickly memorized the city proposed by Ran Min. In fact, he didn't have to memorize it. These things will be issued in the imperial decree.

Ran Min thought about it again, frowned, and said: "The construction of the expressway next year will be stepped up. In addition to the quiet, flat, and camp lines, the expressway from Luoyang to Nanyang also needs to be built quickly."

Shang Shuling Wang Jian's eyes lit up when he heard this suddenly.

Nanyang directly reaches Jingxiang, the meaning of which is self-evident.It seems that His Majesty does not want to wait any longer.

Now the national treasury has finally become abundant, but Ran Min crossed out a small half of it in two or three strokes, which made Huangfu's heart skip a beat.The birth-encouraging policy is the result of discussions between Ran Min and Ran Ming, and its purpose is naturally to enhance national strength.However, there are too many newborn babies in this year. According to the statistics of Kaiyuan in the first nine months of the seventh year, this number has a net increase of more than 71 people.Ran Min suffered from too little population. If he had enough population, Bingzhou and Jizhou, Qing, Yan, Luo, and Henan, the traditionally populous prefectures, could rise to the 500 million population of the Han Dynasty.

Now that the baby is born, the problem of raising it is also very serious. The newborn baby must not only be full, but also eat well and dress well.Otherwise, the common people will not be able to survive and will definitely rebel.Only children with adequate nutrition can grow up to be the most reliable soldiers and taxpayers of the Wei State in the future.

However, Ran Ming didn't expect the enthusiasm for having children in this era. In later generations, if you have two children, the pressure will not be so small.But in this day and age, if you don’t have seven or eight sons, and you support more than a dozen children, you are too embarrassed to go out to meet people.Just the newborn baby bonus, this calculation is strange and incredible, more than 7 gold.

If next year, this number will easily double, and if it takes another ten years, it will definitely be terrible.Ran Min thought, if he repented, he would be slapping himself in the face, which would also do a lot of damage to his prestige.After much deliberation, Ran Min decided to pay as promised, half of which will be converted into tax, and the tax will be reduced next year.

Half of them are distributed in kind, such as large-scale production of cloth, rice from Nanyang, and milk powder. The milk food invented by Ran Ming is simply tasteless for people like Ran Ming, because they have Money, you can hire a few nurses, no matter how good the milk powder is, it is not as nutritious as breast milk.

But for those ordinary people, this is a life-saving thing. Although the price of this milk powder is not cheap, it is much more affordable than hiring a wet nurse.

Ran Min suddenly said: "Since there is a reward, you have to pay tax before you have children. This is called social maintenance. Since the age of 25 is the limit, there is no need for education tax under the age of 25. From the age of 26, every male You need to pay 27 qian a year! If you are 28 and have not had children, you will pay [-] qian, and at [-] you will have to pay [-] qian.”

Wang Jian and Huangfu are really people who have been in touch with mathematics, but they know who Ran Min sharpened his sword for.Taoist priests can marry and have children, but monks and nuns are different. They devote themselves to Buddha and never marry for life.

Anyone with a little knowledge of numbers will know that Ran Min's decree is a trap.Even if you don't have to pay [-] qian, counting on the basis of two, no matter how much money the monk has, it is not enough to be punished.

Wang Jian said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid there will be a lot of resistance, right?"

"By the way, this is because I didn't think carefully!" Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "As an imperial soldier who has been guarding the border all year round, as an imperial official who works hard for the country, this is not included."

Ran Min pointed to Wang Jian and said: "This matter will be handed over to the general of the five senses. We must improve the system as soon as possible and implement the responsibility. The court meeting at the beginning of ten days will be handed over to the ministers for discussion!"

Huangfu couldn't stop smiling wryly. Once this proposal is passed, the Buddhist school will no longer accept it.No temple can afford the horrible tax alone.Huang Qingzhen even thought mischievously: "Why don't monks and nuns make do with each other!"

Perhaps it was the telepathy between father and son. When Ran Min was in Wei State to encourage the birth control policy, Ran Ming also held a mass wedding in Ningyuan City.

The male protagonists of this wedding are naturally the officers and soldiers of the Wei State Expeditionary Army, while the women are the noble daughters of the aboriginal nobles from Ye Tiaoguo, Weiyuan, Zhenyuan, Fuyuan, and Ningyuan.

After more than four months of intense preparations, more than 1 expeditionary soldiers, including Ran Ming himself, will take concubines.

As a prince, Ran Ming naturally cannot occupy the position of governor of Ningyuan forever. Naturally, after everything was on the right track, Ran Ming granted the position of governor to Gao Shi.

Since he is not the governor, Ran Ming is naturally embarrassed to continue living in the Ningyuan Governor's Mansion.Fortunately, Ran Ming's palace in Ningyuan has begun to take shape, and the Yuelu, which was originally more than [-] acres, has also undergone another expansion.Qingliang Mountain was originally an independent hill of earth and rocks to the west of Yue Lu. It was said to be a mountain, but it was actually just a small hill.

Originally, there was no name here, but since Ran Ming came here, he felt that the place seemed to be cooler, so he changed its name to Qingliang Mountain.At this time, a magnificent palace complex has been built on this hill with a height of only fifty feet.This palace is very similar to the Yin'an Hall of Jiaodong Kingdom in Ran Ming. It consists of seven parts: the main hall, Yin'an Hall, Jiqing Palace, Changle Pavilion, Moli Pavilion, Zangshu Pavilion, Sixian Pavilion, and Zhenwu Palace. The land area is nearly [-] square meters, of which the construction area exceeds [-] square meters.

This palace is built with a stone-concrete structure, decorated with a strong Chinese style, not only majestic, but also magnificent, showing the atmosphere of Wei State everywhere.The towers are stacked, the pavilions are staggered, the mountains are dangerous, the concept is ingenious, and the scale is magnificent.This new palace complex will be used to accommodate the nineteenth princess of Ye Tiaoguo and the eldest daughter of Prime Minister Bolin.

Back to four months ago, just after Ran Ming and Jin Chengyue made up their minds, Ran Ming began to make secret arrangements.Talking about the layout, in fact, Ran Ming didn't do anything at all, and it was Jin Chengyue who did the specific things.At this time in Ye Tiao Kingdom, Christianity had not yet been introduced, and the specific religious beliefs were still dominated by Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Ye Tiao Kingdom's fetishism.The so-called fetishism is actually the worship of ancestors and clan spirits by the Han people.

Ye Tiaoguo has only just been influenced by Gupta culture, not subtly influenced.However, the most influential thing to Ye Tiaoguo was the system of the Han Dynasty. At this time, Ye Tiaoguo still adopted the loose feudal vassal system similar to that of the Zhou Dynasty. Of course, Ye Tiaoguo also had a college similar to Guozijian, but what they studied It is not Confucius and Mencius, nor is it Yang Zhu, but theology, which is called omniscience.

Hearing what Jin Chengyue said, this student of the Holy Academy is equivalent to the Chinese gentry class, not only has a lot of wealth, but also has a privileged class, and can be an official after graduation.Such a national college has more than 500 students, and the schooling period is five years. During the study period, these students can serve as advisers, attend court meetings, and discuss national policies. This privilege is even more awesome than the Imperial College.

In this college, there are several student groups, and each group is fanatically calling on students and officials to protest against King Dabawuna, demanding that the entire Yediao Kingdom unite and drive the Serisians out of Yediao Kingdom.In this case, if left alone, it will definitely lead to a full-scale anti-China action.

Fortunately, Jin Chengyue's "Tiger Organization" is headed by local people. Under the money offensive, he quickly figured out that the soul of the so-called anti-China forces is Professor Ye Tiaoguo's Guozijian.The professor's name was Vanier.Vanier is very old, a full 67 years old, not to mention Ye Tiaoguo, where the average life expectancy is less than 40 years old, even in the Central Plains, this age belongs to the elderly population.

On this day, Professor Vannier, bearded and white, stood on the podium, waving his arms, and shouted loudly: "Our predecessors, after decades of fighting, sacrificed countless sacrifices and shed blood, established today's Ye Tiao. But today is a weak and incompetent person. For his own life, he unreservedly sold the interests of Ye Tiao country. We can't let such a coward be our king. We should change our leader and lead All of us in Yediao, work hard to expel the Serisians, and build our united, independent, free, prosperous and strong Yetiao country."

At this time, the students of the Holy Academy who were listening to the class in the audience burst into warm applause.

However, at this moment, a group of very casually dressed strong men rushed into the classroom.At this time, Professor Vanier, who was giving a passionate speech on the podium, seemed to be stuck in his neck, and his voice stopped abruptly.Professor Vanier knew these strong men. They were all local hooligans in Manboyi City.

As far as high-ranking officials and aristocrats are concerned, Professor Vanier and his students will not be afraid. Like the scholar-bureaucrats in the Central Plains, they have a great influence in Yetiao Guosheng Academy. Unless they don't want their own political future, they will not There is a direct conflict with the students of the Holy Academy, especially a direct conflict.These holy college students even dare to scold the king, and the harder they scold, the more capable they are.

But the hooligans are different. These groups don't care about their own face, and they have no political future.

The leading man with a devil tattoo on his face said: "Professor Vanier, our leader wants to see you, you come with us."

PS: I recommend a book "Hengming".
(End of this chapter)

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