Chapter 822

Chapter 827
"Can I not go?" Professor Vanier asked cautiously.

The strong man said: "The leader just asked me to take you to see him. As for whether to live or die, I didn't order it."

Hearing these threatening words, Professor Vanier softened immediately.Don't look at them daring to point fingers and point fingers in front of the princes and high-ranking officials.But in the eyes of local hooligans, it is like mud on the ground.They can step on a few feet at any time.As the saying goes, if you order tofu in brine, one thing will drop one thing, these local hooligans are the nemesis of this group of high-ranking saint students.

"You are blatantly abducting, do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?" An angry student came forward and accused.

Countless students who attended the class, or Professor Vanier, immediately closed their eyes in pain. As expected, just as the words fell, these hooligans ignored these students.Seven or eight big men went up and beat them until the student was completely silent, and he didn't know whether he was lying dead or alive in a pool of blood. At this moment, Professor Vanier timidly said: "If you have something to say, if you have something to say, Why bother to be rough!"

Professor Vanier is also a smart man. He knows that if he dares to refuse the request of these hooligans, they will be in trouble immediately.Although those local hooligans would be unlucky if they killed them, but what is his identity, is he worthy of changing his life with these lowly people?
In this way, Professor Vanier was brought to Yuelu in Ningyuan City by the hooligans.

When he saw Ran Ming wearing a majestic royal robe, Professor Vanier understood what it was.

Ran Ming opened his mouth and said: "Professor Vanier, you have a lot of prejudice against our country Wei!"

When Professor Vanier heard what the translator said, Professor Vanier stiffened up. He twisted his head and said, "You damn invaders, you will definitely go to hell, and the Buddha will punish you."

"Whether the Buddha will punish me, I don't know, even if the Buddha manifests and punishes me, you won't be able to see it." Ran Ming sneered, "However, I will see it soon, and you will be rewarded." There are punishments."

As a former mafia boss, Ran Ming had an innate liking for Ye Tiaoguo's gangsters.Muluft was originally a bastard in Manboyi City.By mistake, he got on the line of the "Tiger Organization". Due to the huge funds and weapons support of the Tiger Organization, relying on slave trade, smuggling of mines and raw materials, Muluft became Ye Tiao in a short period of time. The biggest underworld boss right now.Under the guidance of the boss Ran Ming, Muluft also formed a new interest alliance with Ye Tiaoguo's senior officials by adopting Wei's snow salt, cheap cloth and snow sugar, and various luxury goods.This is why Muluft dared to forcibly take Professor Vanier away in broad daylight.

No matter how powerful the underworld organization is, it is impossible to compete with the state machine.But once there is a protective umbrella, these underworld forces can be infinitely arrogant.

Now Ran Ming is Muluft's biggest financial backer. In terms of snow salt trade alone, Muluft can get 13 gold every month.Salt is a necessity in life, but Ye Tiaoguo, who knows how to boil salt, does not know that sea salt needs to be filtered and purified. The salt they make is not only black in color, but also has a strong bitter taste.The sea salt of Wei State is not only white as snow, but also has no peculiar smell, and more importantly, the price is very cheap.Almost every sea salt processing factory uses indigenous slaves for processing. These slaves only need to pay three meals without wages, so the cost is almost negligible.

Muluft knows very well that in this world no one has trouble with money. Since Ran Ming can support him, he can also easily crush him to death. There are many people in Ye Tiaoguo who want to cooperate with Ran Ming.Seeing Professor Vanier being so ungrateful, Muluft felt that he should do something.

Seeing Muluft showing a man-eating expression, Professor Vanier was terrified.If Ran Ming kills him, he can become the hero of Ye Tiaoguo, and also make Wei Guo a public enemy of Ye Tiaoguo. Wei Guo will never kill him because of such a trivial matter, but will win him over.

Although he is not afraid of Ran Ming, it does not mean that he is not afraid of Muluft. Professor Vanier knows a little about Muluft.If Muluft is offended, he will dare to sell all his children as slaves to other places, and his home will also be inexplicably caught on fire, and the whole family may die strangely overnight.Muluft has done too much of this.

Professor Vanier didn't wait for Muluft to make a move, and said to Ran Ming directly: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Wei, I think we must have a lot of misunderstandings. As long as there is a misunderstanding, there is nothing that cannot be solved."

Ran Ming looked at Professor Vanier who changed his face like a chameleon, and told him a Chinese saying bluntly: "Don't pretend to be forceful in everything, and you will be struck by lightning if you pretend to be forceful."

Professor Vanier was a little speechless, he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Ran Ming chuckled and said, "Professor Vanier, I heard that you are an expert on the history of Lu Yevati, but I am also very interested in the history of Lu Yevati, so I want to have a discussion with Professor Vanier. Some academic exchange!"

"Academic exchange?" Seeing Muluft who rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight, Professor Vanier was terrified.But he didn't know what Ran Ming meant, but he didn't dare to disobey Ran Ming's meaning now, otherwise Muluft would make him look good right away.

Ran Ming looked at the dazed Professor Vanier and explained: "This is a little personal hobby of this palace. I am a person who loves history very much. But because of his status, he has never had time to conduct special research. Professor Niai is an expert in this kind of convenience, that's why we had this meeting."

Although Professor Vanier's character is not flattering, but due to the characteristics of a literati, once it comes to the field he is best at, Professor Vanier forgets his timidity and talks freely: "For Lu Yepo With historical research, I do have a little immature opinion!"

As Ye Tiaoguo, who has been influenced by Han culture, Professor Vanier has a modest character like the Central Plains literati, and his words are no longer ostentatious.

Ran Ming said: "Then, here comes the question. I would like to ask Professor Vanier, when did the history of Luye Poti originate?"

Professor Vanier said without hesitation: "The earliest people in Luyepati were the Javanese. 500 years ago, an early tribe was formed in Luyepati. 200 years ago, Ye Tiaoguo came from a tribe , began to fight, and gradually formed a unified country. It’s just that our Ye Tiao Kingdom has not yet invented writing. Our earliest official documents are 45 years after the establishment of Ye Tiao Kingdom, in the sixth year of Yongjian in the Han Dynasty (131 AD). , was sent to Han as a mission. Later in Han, I learned to use bamboo and silk to record characters. 16 years ago, I went to the Gupta Empire to study abroad. After returning from my studies, I began to promote Sanskrit in Yediao Kingdom. It went very badly."

In fact, Java formed its own characters after 700 years, around 1000 AD, that is, it did not have its own characters until the Song Dynasty.In the fifteenth century, it was conquered by the Ara Kingdom Empire, and the whole country believed in Christianity.

Ran Ming couldn't help being happy for a country without its own language.It's like wanting to sleep, so someone sends a pillow.

"Oh!" Ran Ming said: "So that's the case, then Professor Vanier, since Ye Tiaoguo once used Chinese characters as the king's documents to record historical materials, why did he discard them!"

"This problem is very complicated, but it's actually not complicated!" Professor Vanier said: "Although Ye Tiaoguo is very rich, those selfish bureaucrats don't agree to allocate funds to the college at all. Without financial support, the promotion of Chinese characters is becoming more and more difficult. 100 years ago, our Ye Tiao Kingdom had more than 1000 knowledgeable professors at the most period, and they all could not only speak Chinese, but also write Chinese characters. But now, in the whole Ye Tiao Kingdom, there are only a few people besides the queen’s historian Apart from being able to use Chinese characters, no one else can. As for the people who can speak Chinese, I’m afraid there will not be more than 100 people.”

Ran Ming pretended to be angry and said, "How can a person as knowledgeable as Professor Vanier not have the funds to do research? You know, the history of a country is very important. How about this? I will support it with private funds." The historical research expenses of the Holy College, and in the next five years, implement a Chinese language and Chinese culture promotion plan.”

Ran Ming then said calmly: "Your Saint Academy has only about 3000 students, which is too small. I believe that as the highest institution in Ye Tiao Country, there should be at least [-] students."

"His Royal Highness, you don't know that students are studying in the college, and our college is responsible for their study materials and life. There are two sources of funds for the Holy College, one of which is allocated by the king from the finances, and the other is Gupta. With the support of the empire, last year it was only [-] denaras, but this year it is much better, with [-] denaras!"

Ran Ming knew that the Dinara was the currency unit of the Gupta Empire. According to the purchasing power of grain, the Dinara of the Gupta Empire was equivalent to six hundred yuan in the Wei Kingdom. It is equivalent to thirteen hundred dollars.If you want to buy things like cloth, the purchasing power of a dinara is equivalent to 480 yuan in the state of Wei.

At present, there is no sound exchange system for the currency of Wei State and Gupta’s Dinara, and the value of this currency fluctuates in a wide range.In Ye Tiao Country, Dinara is also the current currency of Ye Tiao Country, and the difference between the currency and the Gupta Empire is very outrageous.Ran Ming insisted that the exchange ratio is that one catty of gold is equivalent to one gold coin. In fact, Wei Guo has earned 32 times the currency profit from Ye Tiaoguo.

Under the expectant eyes of Professor Vanier, Ran Mingfeng said calmly: "Well, starting from next year, the Holy Academy will donate [-] sets of Hanfu to the Palace. The [-] sets of Hanfu will be divided into dresses and music , book clothes, shooting clothes, royal clothes, poetry clothes.”

Then Ran Ming asked someone to take out samples. The style of Han costumes is: solemn, majestic, elegant, and agile.The overall style of Han costumes for thousands of years has been light and simple.The ancient robes of the Han nationality can best reflect this style, and the main feature of this kind of robes is the toga.Big sleeves, bodice and belt, although the shape is simple, but once worn on the body, each person is different, with a different look and strong plasticity.

Although the prototype of this kind of clothing cannot be seen now, one or two of its appearance can be seen from the silk paintings of the Han Dynasty and some figure paintings left over from the Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties—the simple Han suit coat attached to the figures of different postures. Immediately, there is a fresh vitality in the body, and the lines are soft and smooth, which makes people imagine.The simple and easy attire added a natural charm to them.The gown fully embodies the gentle and comfortable, elegant and detached, poised national character of the Han nationality, as well as the plain, natural, subtle, elegant and fresh aesthetic taste.

No one has much resistance in the face of beautiful things. For the Yediao people who have just completed the transformation from barbarism to semi-civilization, Hanfu is too beautiful.After passing through Shenyi, one of the Hanfu dresses, the dressed-up Professor Vanier has undergone a significant change in temperament.

Ran Ming said: "How about it, Professor Vanier's dress can be regarded as a good fit?"

Where has Professor Vanier worn such clothes in his life?In fact, although there are businessmen in Ye Tiaoguo, they are all grassroots businessmen. They are either errands or accountants. When it comes to dressing, they are mainly for the convenience of production and life.In terms of development, Hanfu is for convenience.If you want to do strenuous exercise, you should have tight-fitting military uniforms, and if you want to attend those solemn ceremonies, you should wear dark clothes with noble hair.If it is for leisure and entertainment, then you should wear smart and elegant music clothes.The essence of Hanfu is six kinds of clothing with different functions. As for the nondescript mandarin jackets and women’s cheongsams produced by later generations, it is very funny. This is because the Manchus bully the Han people. The origin of the mandarin jackets is actually Manchu wrapping. The special clothing for slaves, as for the cheongsam, it is the special clothing for prostitutes in brothels.Why, opened such a big fork, not to show the thigh.

Ordinary woman, who would show her thighs in front of other men?

Ran Ming was willing to spend a lot of money. This set of deep clothes is made of top-quality silk. The silk is smooth and breathable, and it doesn't stick to your body even if you sweat. It is very suitable for the humid and hot climate in Ye Tiao Country.

(End of this chapter)

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