Chapter 823

Chapter 828

[-] sets are equivalent to [-] gold.

Hearing this news suddenly, Professor Vanier's breathing became short of breath.Don't look at it as just sending clothes, but clothes are also money. Even if such beautiful clothes are sold for a thousand denars, they will probably be snatched up by the nobles of Ye Tiaoguo.

Professor Vanier is also a smart person. Of course he knows that Ran Ming must have demanded such a high price. There is no such thing as a free lunch. This principle is universal in the world.

Sure enough, Ran Ming did not disappoint Professor Vanier's expectations. After a while, Ran Ming said, "In order to promote the Chinese culture and the friendship between Wei and Ye Tiao for generations, this palace has decided to provide [-] gold scholarships to the Holy Academy every year."

According to the exchange of currency values, the gold coins of Wei State are equivalent to one catty of Ye Tiao State's gold, and the denaras are equivalent to one tael of gold.And Ran Ming took out [-] gold at once, which is equivalent to [-] catties of gold, which is an increase of twenty times.In addition, the Palace also intends to provide Professor Vanier with an annual historical research fund of two thousand gold. "

Professor Vanier said: "I don't know, Your Royal Highness, what direction do you want Vanier to study?"

Ran Mingdao: "According to the records in the "Historical Records" of the First Emperor, Qin Shihuang wished to live forever. The alchemist Xu Shi (Yinfu) wrote to the first emperor that there are three fairy mountains in the sea, Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, where gods live. You can ask the gods for it. Therefore, Qin Shihuang sent Xu Shi to lead thousands of virgins and virgins, as well as three years of food, clothing, medicine and farming tools that had been prepared into the sea to seek immortality. Xu Shi led a huge fleet with 37 virgins, He went to sea in the 37th year of Shihuang. Since then, his whereabouts are unknown. Calculated from the time, the 570th year of Shihuang is more than 500 years ago now, and according to the legend of your Luyepati, the tribe only appeared more than [-] years ago. Is there a connection?"

"I am a scholar with a conscience, and I will not sell my academic conscience for money!" Professor Vanier's words were very firm, but his tone was a bit strange. "I still have a good impression of Wei Guo and the people of Seris."

Hearing Professor Vanier's unscrupulous words at this time, even Muluft, who thought he was thick-skinned and had no bottom line, felt blushed.You know, he found out very clearly that Professor Vanier is the ideological leader of the current anti-Ceres people's remarks.

Then, what made Muluft feel even more disgusted was that Professor Vanier said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Wei, I personally hold different opinions on the movement of these Tiansheng students against the Seres. For the protection of the students' enthusiasm, I am not in a hurry to express my opinions. We hope that they can realize their own paranoid thinking ills, so that they can learn to think independently through self-reflection.

"Damn it, is it okay to explain it this way?" Ran Ming couldn't help but admire Professor Vanier, this smash, if in later generations, it can definitely become a big cow in the big V.

Muluft also felt very speechless about Professor Vanier's face-changing technology.Damn it, you still have to be shameless.

But Professor Vanier didn't realize that there was anything wrong with what he was doing.For him, everything is imaginary, and no gold is the best.In the Holy Academy, he is a professor and the teacher of more than [-] students. Although he can't make a decision with one word, he can influence the opinions of the students.His anti-China remarks were not because Wei Guo hurt the dignity of Ye Tiaoguo, nor was it for the national interest, but because Ran Ming dumped Wei Guo's cheap goods to Ye Tiaoguo, which made the eight companies operating Ye Tiaoguo's local property The Vannier family, the shop that sold the cloth, suffered heavy losses.

Cutting off people's wealth is naturally like killing their parents, so I don't blame him for making anti-China remarks.But his eight shops can only earn one or two hundred catties of gold in annual income.But the two thousand gold coins that Ran Ming had to pay was ten times the income.What's more, he can also get a lot of benefits from those donated clothes.

In fact, during this period, China's influence was world-class.The entire Southeast Asian region is full of Chinese fans. They are proud of learning culture. In particular, Ran Ming sent invitations to the Holy Academy, and each of them can give them [-] places for international students.This made Vanier very excited. With [-] quotas for international students in his hands, he was not afraid that senior officials in Ye Tiaoguo would not buy his account. Who wouldn't want to study in Weiguo?
Moreover, Ran Ming also proposed a huge Chinese culture promotion plan. In this plan, Professor Vanier is responsible for guiding Wei Ye's friendly remarks. , he personally obtained the nationality of Wei State, and he also had the right to emigrate to Wei State, and paid him a one-time payment of [-] gold coins. Ran Ming also generously provided [-] gold coins for Professor Vanier to operate.

The next day, Professor Vanier wrote an article. In fact, the article was useless. The main reason was that he delivered an open-air speech. The theme of this speech was "Weiye friendship lasts forever." Ye Tiaoguo is a vassal state of Han. Although the two countries are far apart, in fact, they have the same national conditions and common culture. Wei Guo is also a cherished friend of Ye Tiaoguo.

Vanier also clamored loudly that the Gupta Empire had wolfish ambitions for Ye Tiao Country. They wanted to swallow Ye Tiao Country as their own, but Wei State was different. Wei State was a friend of Ye Tiao Country and came to help them.

As for the war between Wei State and Ye Tiao State, Devadatta, without any surprise, became the best candidate for the blame.

Vanier also said that one should be grateful to be a human being, if one is a wolf, one is a beast.Ye Tiaoguo learned advanced farming techniques from the Han Dynasty more than 200 years ago, which saved them from the threat of starvation, and let them learn how to weave cloth in the Han Dynasty, so as to avoid being naked like savages.Learned to cook salt from Han, so that they can eat delicious food.

Now that the Wei people are here, they bring their friendship, their advanced technology, comfortable and beautiful clothes, and delicious food to Luyepati, and Luyepati will usher in rapid development.

Vanier also pointed out that some people in Ye Tiaoguo have always been selfish and have no sense of the overall situation.For such a big thief who wants to destroy Wei Ye's friendship, everyone should be punished.

One day, two students went to ask their Greek teacher for advice.Asked: "Teacher, what is sophistry?"

"Two people came to my place as guests, one was very clean and the other was very dirty. I asked two of them to take a bath, think about it, which of them can wash?" The student blurted out: "It goes without saying, of course it is that Dirty ones." The Greek teacher shook his head again and again and said, "No, clean ones should be washed, because he has developed a habit of loving cleanliness; dirty people don't take it seriously and don't want to wash at all. Think again, who is it? Have you taken a shower?" The student hastily changed his words: "I love cleanliness!"

"No, it's a dirty person, because he needs to take a bath." The teacher retorted and asked the students again: "So, who took a bath?" In fact, this is sophistry.

When Professor Vanier immediately changed his views, from resolutely anti-China to advocating friendship between Wei and Ye, some of them raised doubts.

You should learn to think independently, rather than simply being swayed by the professor's point of view. "Vanier said to the students earnestly, "The reasons I said before are actually untenable. I hoped that you could stand up and debate with me and question me.It is a pity that you did not do this.Therefore, I wrote such an article today to let everyone understand what is called independent academic thought. "

"But, that's your point of view!"

"That's just for the purpose of protecting you. If I don't stand up, think about it, those officials will persecute you in order to please the Seris people. But I'm different, and they won't do anything to me. "Professor Vanier said in an unastonishing manner: "You may not know that we and Wei Guo are actually of the same origin."

"What?" For this absurd point of view, more students feel incredible.

Vanier patiently explained: "As for the earliest origin of our Luyepati, you all know that our Luyepati formed a primitive tribe five or six hundred years ago, and then established the first country with the royal family. The first documented material in Ye Tiaoguo was written in Chinese."

Some students said: "We, Ye Tiao Country, do not have our own written language. We sent envoys to the Han State and established diplomatic relations more than 200 years ago. We learned the use of Chinese characters from the Han State. This is not surprising. what!"

Professor Vanier said: "You may not know that the history of the Serese people is longer than ours. They established their own country as early as 3000 years ago, and successively appeared Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and the present. Wei Guo, although they changed the royal family, they are all countries established by the Seres people. As early as 600 years ago, the first emperor of Qin, the Seres people, sent a fleet of 3000 people across the ocean. Hai, came to Luyepati, and finally intermarried with our local people, forming the current Javanese tribe, and establishing our own unified country.”

Then, naturally, Professor Vanier presented his own evidence. Like the Javanese, they are different from other tribal peoples. We farm the land, weave cloth, use iron, and domesticate livestock. Of course, we are also like Like the Seres people, they worship their ancestors and attach importance to their graves. "

In fact, this is not evidence at all, but only the characteristics of farming peoples.Of course, such superficial evidence is untenable.There is a saying that hooligans are not scary, but they are afraid of being educated.

Professor Vanier said: "Of course these evidences are not convincing enough, but I believe that we will definitely find stronger evidence. Five or six hundred years ago, the Seris people came to Luyepati, and their It is impossible for the fleet to be smooth sailing. In Luyepati, we will definitely find their sunken ship. Perhaps in the sunken ship, we can find evidence that the Seres arrived at Luyepati. Also, our burial system, which is similar to that of Seris Like the people of Lys, once we excavate some of the tombs, we can find evidence in the funerary objects."

Upon hearing this statement, the students present were all agitated.Although they don't understand the language of the Wei people, it doesn't mean anything.In Wei State, there is no sound for ten miles, and there are different customs for hundreds of miles. Wei State is so big that they can't imagine it.Just like the worship of the United States in later generations, in this era, the countries and forces around China are all proud of Chinese culture.

These students are also very envious of the wealthy Wei State. As long as they become Han Chinese, maybe they can live a life of a master.

Under the guidance of Professor Vanier, Ye Tiaoguo set off an upsurge in salvaging sunken ships.Finally, one day in more than two months, they salvaged a Qin Dynasty warship.On the sunken ship were beautifully crafted bronze vessels, as well as a considerable part of blue pottery, as well as ancient coins of the Qin Dynasty, Qin crossbows, armor and Qin swords.

It is naturally impossible to salvage the sunken ship of the Qin Dynasty in Luyepati, but it is different in today's Zhenyuan Island (Luzon).As Zhao Tuo established the Nanyue Kingdom in Panyu (now Guangzhou), Liu, Ren and other four families who were dissatisfied with Zhao Tuo began to migrate to Zhenyuan Island. During the migration process, they naturally encountered storms and many shipwrecks.Later, Liu Qi became the governor of Zhenhai. When cleaning up Zhenyuan Port, they salvaged a warship made in the Qin Dynasty.In order to help Professor Vanier make a fake again, Ran Ming asked Liu Qi to spend a lot of effort to transport it to Luyepati, and then sank into the offshore.

As for the excavation of ancient tombs, this matter has encountered considerable resistance. Like the Han people, the Java natives who value their ancestors very much do not agree with the excavation at all. Fortunately, Vanier has a better way. He found those who have no descendants. Excavation of the ownerless ancient tomb.Nature found the de facto "truth" in the tumulus.

The appearance of such "powerful" evidence surprised the whole Ye Tiaoguo. It turned out that Wei Guo and we are one family.

It is the most common practice in the United States to buy well-known big Vs with great influence and use their huge influence to guide public opinion to the self-interested side.

(End of this chapter)

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