Chapter 824
Chapter 829

Needless to say, this kind of investment is small, but the rewards are great.In later generations, Ran Ming also adopted this method, but Ran Ming was just making a fuss, the purpose was just to let Huaqing Group have a good reputation.

However, in this time and space, Ran Ming played a bit too big.However, the only thing that Ran Ming was not sure about was Vanier's worth. How much would it cost to make him change his mind?Now it seems that Vanier's status is really not too high, and it is completely within the range that Ran Ming can bear.

You can despise Vanier's moral character, but his character can be guaranteed. This is a typical example of a woman who has a milk is a mother, or that she is ungrateful for profit.After receiving benefits from Ran Ming, Professor Vanier actually tried his best. According to his private promise to Ran Ming, Ran Ming will definitely reap huge real benefits.

Through a series of actions, Wei Guo will not encounter any resistance in Ye Tiaoguo, but has become the closest friend of the people of Ye Tiaoguo.Especially under Vanier's advocacy, if you can't speak Chinese, it is a scum behavior that shames your ancestors.

If you don’t wear the Hanfu with the right lapel, you will forget your ancestors. If you don’t learn to eat Han food, you will be barbaric and disrespectful of etiquette.

In short, under the advocacy of Vanier, Ye Tiaoguo quickly formed a wave of Han culture.

Especially the more than [-] students of the Holy Academy, each of whom was dressed in a decent Confucian shirt and held a folding fan, looking elegant and extraordinary.

During this stage, Jin Chengyue began to ask Vanier to advocate Wei Guohan's intermarriage.

Cultured hooligans are indeed terrible, and Vanier made another large-scale speech.He told the people of Ye Guodiao, "Do you know why the warriors of Seres are invincible and unparalleled in the world? Do you know why the craftsmen of Seres are so ingenious and ingenious? Do you know why the people of Seres are prosperous and powerful, and everyone is like a paradise ?Do you know why the Seris people are smarter than our Yediao people? In fact, we all have the same ancestor, but we have intermarried with the indigenous barbarians for so many years. Those barbarians with low intelligence have polluted our noble Han family descendant blood."

"Our warriors want to be brave and invincible, scholars want to be unparalleled in wisdom, craftsmen want to be smart, and farmers want to be rich and worry-free. The only way is to change our bloodlines and use the noble bloodlines of Seris to evolve our humble bloodlines."

As soon as this remark came out, it was extremely powerful, and it was simply a cultural nuclear weapon in soft power. The elites of Ye Tiaoguo also began to reflect on it. In fact, they were not allowed to reflect on it. It is possible to turn a blind eye, especially the Wei army, they can have hundreds of people chasing them and killing tens of thousands of people, why are they so brave?Especially businessmen, the money they earn in a year is something they can't earn in a few lifetimes.Through Vanier's remarks, they knew that the original blood was on the bloodline.

As long as they evolve bloodlines, they can become brave, intelligent, and wealthy.

As a result, countless high-ranking officials, nobles and elites of Ye Tiao Kingdom began to think of ways to intermarry with Seres people.As for the common people, or the indigenous tribes, they were simply ignored.

At this time, Ran Ming proposed that although intermarriage is possible, there must be conditions.Intermarriage must be established on the basis of mutual consent, and the woman must change her surname to Han, must learn Chinese, and wear Han clothing.

With the introduction of this policy, which is not a policy, the clothing, especially the garment manufacturing business in all parts of Wei State has made a lot of money.

The sales volume of rainbow brocade, which was already meager in profit in Wei State, has increased by more than ten times. Not to mention, these natives of Ye Tiao Country are also very rich, especially those nobles of Ye Tiao Country who are planning to marry their daughters. If you don't buy hundreds or thousands of ready-made clothes in various colors, you will be ashamed to go out.

As for all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, the sales of furniture and a large number of luxury goods have also doubled.Especially for tea and all kinds of porcelain, although the Huaxia Business Alliance has organized a large amount of transportation capacity, it still cannot satisfy the market of Ye Tiaoguo.You must know that this is a consumer market with more than 800 million people. When it comes to wealth, Ye Tiaoguo is richer than Weiguo.

Ye Tiaoguo is different from the Han people. They are a group of lazy people who like to enjoy life.They occupy fertile fields, and the volcanic ash from the volcano is a natural fertilizer. They can be harvested twice or thrice a year, and the yield is very high.Moreover, the mine resources of this Luyepoti are extremely rich.In particular, the timber of the original forest was sold to Wei Guo in large quantities.

Although these timbers are particularly cheap compared to later generations, these mining methods are almost untenable and get something for nothing. Unlike the Han people, when they have money, the first choice is to save it. They spend it when they have money, and think about it after spending it. Method.Since then, the market in this country of Ye Tiao has been extremely prosperous.

What's more, the various commodities bought by the people of Ye Tiaoguo are not purely for enjoyment, they also sell them to neighboring countries.In particular, Ye Tiaoguo, the overlord of Nanyang, has quite a few countries that have in-laws and diplomatic relations with them.

With the rise of commerce in Ningyuan City and the deepening understanding of Wei State, there are too many people who want to improve their status through bloodline evolution.Of course, for the nobles and elites of Ye Tiao Kingdom, marrying Ran Ming is the best choice, but after all, Ran Ming is only one person. All married.

According to Jin Chengyue's proposal, Ran Ming finally decided to take six concubines in Ye Tiaoguo.The six precious places have become the object of competition for all parties.

Jin Chengyue has been living very comfortably recently, and the threshold of her Yuelu was almost broken by various forces.Of course, the representatives of these powers who seek Jin Chengyue's help can't come empty-handed, counting the money until their hands cramp, and they will get people like Jin Chengyue.

The six people that Ran Ming decided to accept had already been decided. They were the nineteenth princess of Ye Tiaoguo, whose appearance was [-]% similar to that of Zhang Huimei. Now she had changed her name to Ye Xuan.The second is Bo Lin's third daughter. This woman is not outstanding in appearance, she can only barely be considered average.But as Wei Guo's number one lackey in Ye Tiao Country and Ye Tiao Country's number one traitor, Ran Ming naturally wanted to rest his mind.

At this time, Bo Lin changed his name according to the rules of the Han people.However, Ran Ming did not give him the surname Ran, but gave him the surname Lin, and granted him the title of Marquis of Zhongyi.Regardless of the age gap between Lin Heishan and his elder Lin Heishan in his twenties, Bo Lin insisted on befriending Lin Heishan.

Originally, this was a very unreliable thing, but not only did no one raise any objections, it aroused the envy of all parties.Bo Lin, oh not the current Lin Zhong, the third daughter also changed her Chinese name to Lin Yinling.In addition to these two, there is also the youngest daughter of the Prime Minister of Ye Tiao, Jin Yinger, the little princess of the Jialu tribe in Zhenyuan, and Ma Wenxiu, the little princess of the Madura tribe.What's even more strange is that Michelle Ye's niece, Ye Mei, the 12-year-old eldest daughter of the eldest prince.According to the seniority requirements of the Han people, it is absurd for aunts and nephews to marry the same husband.However, this cannot be refused by Ran Ming. In order to ease the heart of Ye Tiaoguo, Ran Ming had to be a beast once.

Ye Tiaoguo and the aboriginal nobles of the four towns of Nanyang who lost the opportunity to marry Ran Ming were very unwilling. They asked to marry other generals of the expeditionary army one after another. Besides, the most popular candidate for marriage, other than that, it's the turn of Ran Ming's personal disciple.

Chen Yong, Guo Yue, Qin Chong, and Zu Yan received four each, and even Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin were forced to accept two. As for Ran Ming's brothers-in-law Xie Xuan, Xie Yan, Li Jing, and Li Feng No one will fall, and all will take part in taking concubines.For the sake of the overall situation this time, Ran Ming tried his best to persuade Xie Xuan, who looked down on the native blood.

However, I don’t know if I don’t count, but after counting, Ran Ming discovered that this time Guangye Tiaoguo will marry more than 1 women, and with the aboriginal noble women from the other three towns, the number is close to [-].

Marriage objects include not only generals at all levels, but even many married soldiers are matched by Lalang.

Although taking a concubine is not as grand as marrying a wife, this time taking a concubine is to promote national integration and to stabilize Ningyuan, which has a strong political meaning.In order to deepen Ye Tiaoguo's affection for Wei, Ran Ming decided to follow the example of later generations and hold a large-scale collective wedding.In this way, a huge square of more than 100 million square meters was expanded in front of the main entrance of Ran Ming's temporary palace.

Ye Tiaoguo naturally attached great importance to Ran Ming's opinion on the collective wedding. For this reason, King Ye Tiao and his subordinates also moved from Manboyi City to Ningyuan.

Not only the king of Ye Tiaoguo, but also a large number of relatives of the wedding women, this has brought great pressure to Ning Yuan. Those ordinary wealthy businessmen are better, those big families and nobles plus servants and maidservants, the attendants are very heavy.Fortunately, Ningyuan Port is the only commodity distribution center in Wei State, so the pressure on food and drinks is not too great.

However, more than 100 million people rushed in at once, which caused a lot of security problems in Ningyuan.But none of this is important. The important thing is that the Qianmen Square of the palace, which is more than 100 million square meters, was built in the shortest time.

At the end of the seventh year of Kaiyuan, this massive collective wedding began amidst the much-anticipated public.In order to highlight the atmosphere of Chinese culture, although it is a group wedding, there are quite a few six rituals in the wedding.Taking a concubine as a wedding ceremony is something that only a reckless person like Ran Ming can do.

The huge welcoming team started to set off, and more than 1 grooms in auspicious clothes led their sedan chairs and began to walk to the bride's home.Most of the brides in this collective wedding do not live in Ningyuan City.However, most of these brides are rich people with very rich family resources, so the first real estate speculation in the history of the world began.

In Ningyuan City, a house that was originally worth only two or three catties of gold has soared to tens or hundreds of times in a short period of time, and there is no market for it.There is really no one who can’t buy a house in Ningyuan City, and hurry up to buy land and build a house outside the city. Whether it is housing prices or land prices, they have increased by tens or hundreds of times. Ming is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

Ningyuan City, which more than doubled in size in just four months, was like a blow of air. At this time, it was like a sea of ​​red, with countless colored silks and ribbons dotted everywhere.When countless bands, Chuichuidada began to greet the bride, the whole Ningyuan City began to boil.

Ran Ming personally arrived at the residence of Ye Xuan and Ye Mei in the Governor's Mansion in Ningyuan City. There was no other way, Ye Tiaoguo's face still had to be taken care of.

Ran Ming still respects Dabawuna who changed his Chinese name to Ye Wu, at least from face.One thousand horses of rainbow brocade, five hundred horizontal knives, five hundred bright armors, one hundred longan-sized walking beads, one hundred knives of rice paper, and eight hundred altars of mellow liquor. Yu Wanjin.This made Ye Tiaoguo very satisfied.

Seeing these betrothal gifts, Ye Wu breathed a sigh of relief.Accepting his daughter can at least guarantee his safety, and accepting the eldest prince's daughter, so that even after his death, his son can smoothly ascend to the throne.

Under the witness of Ye Tiao's civil and military officials and representatives of the nobles, Ran Ming solemnly swore: "Wei has been friendly for generations, if there is any betrayal, it will be like this arrow."

As he spoke, Ran Ming pinched one hand off.

The wedding was naturally a traditional wedding. Under He Huan's auspices, Ran Ming, Gao Shi, Chen Yong and other grooms were sent to the bridal chamber after worshiping heaven and earth.

Of course, as the owner of Ningyuan City, Ran Ming naturally wants to entertain guests.On the square at the front gate of the palace where the wedding had just been held, countless dining tables were placed.In the entire Ningyuan City, except for the soldiers on duty, other personnel, even a beggar, received free food and drinks.

The army is naturally full of hot-blooded men. After they got the ban on alcohol lifted, they started drinking like crazy.When attending the wedding banquet, this is undoubtedly the most relaxing moment for the civil and military officials and nobles of Ye Tiaoguo. This grand wedding can be regarded as reassuring for their hearts, and they can still live happily.

Ran Ming, who was drinking a little too much, naturally entered the bridal chamber.Ran Ming entered Ye Mei's new house without knowing why.Ran Ming has an indescribable dislike for this habit of the ancients.If it was a Han woman, Ran Ming really couldn't do anything to a 12-year-old girl.But for Lu Yevati, especially Indonesia in later generations, Ran Ming didn't have any guilt.

With the strength of wine, holding the 12-year-old Ye Mei in his arms, he couldn't help but be confused for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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