Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 825 It Was Actually Greek Fire

Chapter 825 It Was Actually Greek Fire
Chapter 830 It’s Actually Greek Fire

However, not long after Ran Ming's wedding holiday, Jin Chengyue arrived here with a happy face.Although Ran Ming built a new palace for Ye Xuan and Ye Mei for the sake of Ye Tiaoguo's princess, but Ran Ming prefers to stay in Jin Chengyue's Yue Lu.

Relatively speaking, Ran Ming's habit of liking mature women has not changed, but for those Ye Tiaoguo and aboriginal women, Ran Ming only has a man's sense of conquest, but has no intention of heart-to-heart.

Regarding her own position, Jin Chengyue is actually very upright, that is to follow Ran Ming to make a fortune.

Jin Chengyue knew that she was a second wife and had two children with her. She would never return to the Central Plains and become Ran Ming's high-ranking concubine.

After being with Ran Ming for so long, Jin Chengyue has always taken measures to prevent pregnancy. It's not that she doesn't want to have a child with Ran Ming, but she doesn't want her child to become a victim of political struggle.

Being alone is the best destination.

But as she got older, Jin Chengyue's sense of crisis became stronger and stronger, and she felt that she was getting old quickly because of her business affairs. Although Jin Chengyue took good care of herself, the years had left her face The traces are also becoming more and more obvious.

Jin Chengyue doesn't know how long her happy life can last.

Although he has Ran Ming's money bag and the self-protection power of the "Tiger Organization", Jin Chengyue may not have any ideas if there is no Yuelu, but because of Yuelu, Jin Chengyue changed his original intention.

In fact, anyone's dream is to change with the environment.

When there is no food and clothing, to be able to have a full meal is the greatest luxury.But once you have no worries about food and clothing, you will naturally want to enjoy a luxurious life.

Empress Zetian in history, it was also because she met the cowardly and incompetent Li Zhi, try another person?Wu Zetian will definitely live in a different way.Among the few famous women in history, the old witch of Xiaozhuang is definitely one of the best, but under the whitewashing of later generations, she seems to be the embodiment of wisdom.But who knows that when Xiaozhuang committed himself to Doer Gun, it was only to make Fulin the emperor, and when he was fighting Oboi, it was also to keep Kang Mazi alive.

This is all about the environment. As for Cixi’s harm to the country and the people, it is the slander of shameless literati. The real Cixi is actually a traditional Chinese old lady. In her later years, Cixi has reached a political settlement with Prince Gong Yixin. 400 million taels of silver, at the cost of rebuilding the Summer Palace, let Cixi give up power.As for the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, Cixi was nothing but a scapegoat.

Jin Chengyue saw Ran Ming's trust, especially when Ran Ming gained the ruling power over Ning Yuan, which made Jin Chengyue feel that his chance had come.She decided to have a child with Ran Ming, and instead of returning to the Central Plains, she would only be a local emperor in Ningyuan.

However, although Jin Chengyue stopped the contraceptive method, she couldn't conceive if she wanted to conceive.Until now, according to the doctor, she has had a happy pulse for more than a month.This made Jin Chengyue very happy.

"Your Highness, I have two happy events to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?" Jin Chengyue said with a cheerful face.

Usually a woman who can laugh will make people feel like a spring breeze, and Jin Chengyue is the best among them.

Men react the most in the early morning, seeing Jin Chengyue coming, Ran Ming naturally has to make a move.

But this time Jin Chengyue changed his face. She had always been very open about intercourse, but now she rejected Ran Ming.Ran Ming asked in confusion: "Why, your good friend is here?"

Jin Chengyue naturally knows Ran Ming's alternative language, so-called good friends are his own example.Jin Chengyue gave Ran Ming a blank look: "It's all your fault, this good friend will never come back again, at least for ten months."

How could Ran Ming fail to understand the meaning of Jin Chengyue's words, and he was overjoyed and said, "Yes!"

"Yeah!" Although Jin Chengyue was very restrained, he couldn't hide the smile on his eyebrows: "The doctor said it for more than a month."

"Thank you!" Ran Ming lightly kissed Jin Chengyue's forehead, gently put his arms around Jin Chengyue's shoulders, and said softly, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Jin Chengyue suddenly worried about gains and losses and said: "Your Highness, what if the slave family wants to have a daughter?"

"What's wrong with my daughter, my daughter is my Princess Ningyuan." Ran Ming said, "If it's my son, I will make him King Ningyuan."

"Your Highness is serious!"

"You are not joking." Ran Ming said: "Since I am the heir, I am also the emperor. How could I lie to you?"

Jin Chengyue said: "Your Highness, your chance has come!"

"Oh!" Ran Ming naturally knew what this meant.Now Tianyan's power in Nanyang is not as strong as that of the "Tiger Organization". For the intelligence work of Nanyang countries, the "Tiger Organization" is naturally the main force, and Tianyan is supplemented.

In fact, the Gupta Empire also advanced by land and water. While gathering their navy and conducting running-in training, they also started a land attack.By land, it is to take the Malay Peninsula first.

At this time, there were four main countries in the Malay Peninsula, the Balasa Kingdom, the Brasa Kingdom, and the Harodan Kingdom. These three countries all had their hearts towards the Gupta Empire, but the Chitu Kingdom was one of them. (In the third year of Daye in the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang sent an envoy to Chitu State. The envoy was received grandly. In the fourth year of Daye, led by his prince, he led more than [-] ships to the Sui Dynasty and established diplomatic relations. .)
Chitu Kingdom is one of the four major countries on the Malay Peninsula. When he learned that the Gupta Empire wanted to attack the Malay Peninsula, Ran Ming did not immediately send troops to help the Chitu Kingdom resist the Gupta Empire. This was because Chitu Kingdom did not understand the national conditions of the Malay Peninsula. , If you fight in a different place rashly, you may fall into a passive position.After obtaining this Chitu country with a small population and not weak national power, especially in terms of military strength, Ran Ming felt more interested in sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight. Ran Ming planned to arrive in Chitu as a positive savior and help the Chitu people resist the Gupta Empire. .

At this time, the Gupta Empire was a catechist army holding a Buddhist scripture in one hand and a steel knife in the other. Their land combat skills should not be weak, and their morale was high. Although the equipment was poor, they had a population advantage. , Wei Guo can be played to death.

Ran Ming felt that the Igupta Empire had dealt them a fatal blow when they were overwhelmed with pride.

Jin Chengyue said: "I received the news that the Chitu Kingdom could not resist at this time. Under the joint attack of the Balasa Kingdom, the Brasa Kingdom, the Harodan Kingdom, and the Gupta Empire, the Chitu Kingdom lost thousands of miles. Their in-laws, Yetiao Kingdom and Funan Kingdom, have asked for help, and now the envoys are on the way, and they can reach Manboyi City in at most three days."

Ran Ming smiled and said, "That's great, Gu's Hengdao is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Is there any latest trend in the navy of the Gupta Empire?" In fact, Ran Ming didn't pay much attention to the army of the Gupta Empire. Ah San was a funny country in history.Although they were once proudly advertised, they defeated Alexander's Macedonian legions during the Gupta Empire.

In Ran Ming's view, this is a joke. Alexander was born in 350 BC and died in 320 BC.However, the Gupta Empire was established in 320 AD. Although there was only one BC difference in the middle, there was a gap of more than 600 years.However, in the history of ancient India, it is recorded that Chandhara Gupta I contradicted Alexander the Great. Later, Chandhara Gupta I escaped Alexander's control through his wit, and organized an army to repel Alexander's Macedonian army.Ran Ming was rather depressed. Could it be that Chandara Gupta I was also a time traveler like himself?Deliberately went back more than 600 years to contradict Alexander?
As for the expansion of the Gupta Empire, Ran Ming felt that the Indians were whitewashing their history.Anyway, it was the time when the Gupta Empire was at its peak, but the Central Plains was in the worst chaos. If the Gupta Empire had only sent even a small fleet or attacked the Eastern Jin Dynasty from Burma, the Eastern Jin Dynasty would have absolutely no chance of surviving.However, according to Chinese historical records, only a small number of Gupta merchants appeared in Guangzhou.

However, knowing that the Chitu War had broken out and the situation was not optimistic, Ran Ming inspected the Ningyuan Shipyard.At Ningyuan Shipyard, Xie Ning and Wei Zhiyang warmly greeted Ran Ming with the management of Ningyuan Shipyard and its attached guard battalion generals.

In fact, what Ran Ming was most worried about was the navy of the Gupta Empire, especially when the Gupta Empire adopted wolf pack tactics, the flying fish warships with a huge disparity in numbers would not be able to take advantage of them at all.

Xie Ning introduced the recent production situation of Ningyuan Shipyard to Ran Ming: "Your Highness, Ningyuan Shipyard has used the old elephant wood that Ye Tiaoguo originally stored here to create a new type of Mengchong. In order to adapt to the wind and waves in the sea, the new Mengchong battleship changed the original flat-bottom design with a draft of six feet and adopted a better sharp-bottom design. Twenty feet one foot three inches, one foot eight feet wide, and a draft of nine feet five inches. The full load is 640 tons. There are two masts on the battleship, which are evenly arranged front and rear. Under normal circumstances, it can reach a speed of fifteen knots, which is slightly lower than that of today's flying fish warships."

Hearing Xie Ning's introduction, Ran Ming couldn't help frowning.Originally, Ran Ming didn't want to build a smaller version of the flying fish warship, but a suicide attack fireship.But since then, this new Mengchong battleship is not equipped with the long-range strike power of the Flying Fish. In fact, it is almost the same as the Flying Fish in terms of speed and maneuverability.To be honest, Ran Ming was really reluctant to use this kind of Mengchong warship as a suicide attack fireboat.

Even though this new Mengchong warship is far inferior to the Flying Fish warship, it can definitely completely destroy the Jin navy if brought back to China, especially against the Jin navy.

Wei Zhiyang is a straight-tempered person. Seeing Ran Ming's displeasure, he asked a little nervously, "What's your highness not satisfied with this new Mengchong? Zhiyang can correct it."

Ran Ming said: "It's not your fault, it's because I didn't make it clear that what I want most is just a small fast boat. The purpose of the fast boat is not to fight against the Gupta navy at sea, but to fight against the Gupta navy. In the case of tailwinds, burn the enemy ships. Now that our new Mengchong is so good, I really don’t want to use this kind of warship as a fireboat for a suicide attack.”

"Oh!" Xie Ning said with a relaxed smile: "Your Highness does not know, we have actually obtained a sharp weapon, so that we don't have to burn our own warships, so as to achieve the purpose of combat. We have obtained a soldier from the Roman Empire. With the help of the nobles. They will make a fire-breathing device that can throw flames fifty paces with the wind down."

"What?" When Ran Ming heard about the Romans and fire-breathing equipment, he immediately thought of the famous Greek fire in history.Ran Ming became excited: "Where is this fire-breathing device? I want to see it!"

Xie Ning said: "Your Highness, please!"

With that said, Xie Ning led the way and came to a new Mengchong battleship that had just been completed.On this new type of Mengchong battleship, Ran Ming found what he had been thinking about day and night, that is a copper pipe, which is very similar to the barrel of the later generations, but this kind of copper pipe has a caliber of about thirty About a millimeter, like an elephant's nose, the core equipment is hidden under the deck of the ship's cabin.

Although he didn't see the real thing in detail, Ran Ming believed that this was the legendary Greek fire.The launching device of the Greek fire probably has essential components such as an oil tank, a manual air pump, a conduit, and a nozzle lighter.The oil tank is placed under the deck of the ship, and the pipe is held by a strong soldier, whose height and angle can be adjusted according to the situation.The role of the hand pump is critical as it is the source of power for spraying the Greek fire.Before spraying, first heat and pressurize the Greek fire, so that after the valve is opened, it will rush out, and the ignition mechanism at the nozzle of the injector will ignite the passing liquid at any time, so that the final spray is flames.

Because things like science can complement each other perfectly, whether it is the eight-ox crossbow or the ballista made in Wei State, they all adopted the gear set mechanism plagiarized by Ran Ming from later generations, using the gear set, the eight-ox crossbow and the ballista You can freely adjust the angle within a 360-degree range, and you can also move up and down as needed.This artillery-like operating system was modified on Greek fire.

(End of this chapter)

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