Chapter 827

Chapter 832 Only Women Understand Women Better
Helena said in admiration: "It takes a lot of effort to dig a long 'channel' underground just for a 'flush toilet'? This His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Wei, is really a rare gentleman."

In fact, Ran Ming was definitely not trying to curry favor with the Roman Empress. Although the Roman Empress Helena had some uses, she wouldn't make Ran Ming waste a lot of trouble.However, the real purpose of Ran Ming building such a large-scale Chinese-style garden in Ningyuan City is to promote Chinese civilization to Nanyang.

Even in the future, this is left to the archaeological world as a myth.Ran Ming adopted the water pipe technology of later generations in Yuelu and Yeyuan. Although there is no water pressure device, it is difficult for the ancients of this era. They have established familiar roads in the four corners of each palace. A high-altitude reservoir of 30 meters, a huge water truck is used to send spring water to the high-altitude reservoir, and then the water's own pressure is used to supply water to each room that needs water.

What about flush toilets, shower rooms, in fact, the cost of building a separate water supply system is not small.It's just that Ran Ming's purpose is to show Wei's advanced technology and create classics of Chinese civilization, so as to form the fashion of Chinese civilization in Luye Poti.

However, through this Great Qin Palace, Helena developed a good impression of Ran Ming.Although she was the daughter of Emperor Constantine, Constantine died before she could remember.Although she once became the queen of the Roman Empire, but now she is just a rootless duckweed.

With the understanding of Ran Ming and Wei Guo, Helena discovered that the entire Wei Guo was stronger than she imagined.Although the Roman Empire has a population of 5000 million (according to the general history of the world), the Wei State only has a population of about 400 million, which is less than one-third of the Roman Empire, and the territory of this Wei State is only two-thirds of the territory of the Roman Empire. .However, the military power of the Wei State is too strong. At the peak of the Roman Empire, there were only 29 Roman legions (each Roman legion had a full number of 6000 people, including 120 auxiliary soldiers), and an army of more than 30 people. The empire's finances were very tight.However, Wei State has more than 60 professional troops. If their second-line (frontier) and third-line corps (county soldiers) are included, this number will exceed 100 troops.If the Wei State's servant army is counted, then Wei State can have more than 30 million armed forces, of which more than [-] troops can be mobilized to leave the border for expeditions.

Now there are less than 200 Roman sergeants under the Sarus consul, relying solely on Sarus and Valens.Constantine Tius had no hope of vengeance at all as emperor of Rome.But if Ran Ming is willing to help them, Valens will have hope.

When Helena thought of this, she felt that she should have a good relationship with Ran Ming.If you want to have a good relationship with Ran Ming, you can't rely entirely on translation, so Helena finds a translator to be a teacher by herself to learn Chinese.Not only she wants to learn, but even the four-year-old little prince Valens.Constantine Tius was also forced by Helena to learn Chinese.In fact, under the influence of Helena, nearly [-] Roman sergeants including Sarus were frantically learning Chinese culture.

Helena is actually a very smart woman. She has accepted noble etiquette, ladylike conversation and dancing since she was five years old.She also has to learn fencing, horseback riding, and shooting.In terms of language, history, and philosophy, she is taught by the best teachers in Rome. She is also very talented in languages. She is proficient in Latin, Greek, French, and Italian.She was the pride of Constantine, the most prominent lady in the high society of the Roman Empire, countless handsome knights, young earls, dukes, and governors circled around her pomegranate skirt, but now she is a fallen phoenix Not as good as chicken.

Helena learned Chinese very quickly. Although she couldn't write or recognize characters, Helena was able to communicate normally with Gong'e gradually.At this time, Helena approached Ran Ming.

In fact, during this period of time, Ran Ming did not pay attention to Helena. In fact, Ran Ming himself was incapable of avatars. The unique geographical environment of Ningyuan City allowed Ningyuan City to occupy an absolute position in the upcoming war between the Gupta Empire and the State of Wei.Ran Ming wanted a stable rear, so during this period of time, Ran Ming discussed with officials at all levels of the Ningyuan Governor's Mansion, people who were pro-Chinese and Ye Diao, as well as pro-Chinese indigenous leaders, representatives of Wei businessmen and soldiers, and discussed the upcoming plan. As long as Helena was present, Helena would listen attentively to the political, military, economic, administrative, taxation, employment and other issues of the Governor's Mansion in Ningyuan, showing great attention.

Ran Ming thought that Helena was just pretending to understand, so he didn't pay attention to these questions.Especially when Ran Ming talked about many more modern and scientific theories and concepts that surpassed the current era, Helena was dazzled and admired.When there were only two people in the room, Ran Ming was reviewing official documents, and Helena was watching Ran Ming quietly from the sidelines, a little bewildered.

Helena had a very good relationship with Julian after marriage. Although Julian was born in the royal family, he was persecuted in the political struggle, so Julian had a lot of experience when he was imprisoned and lost to the people.Julian's thoughts are rich, and Ran Ming's thoughts and behaviors have caused Helena's thinking to be confused.

Especially when Ran Ming focused on reviewing official documents, he was very similar to Julian. Helena unknowingly imagined Ran Ming's thick and black hair, that straight and firm nose bridge, and that smooth line in her brain. His face and focused eyes were quietly replaced by Julian's blond hair and blue eyes.

When she was a child, Helena had dreams that girls love to dream. She always imagined that there would be a handsome knight, wearing a mighty armor, holding a knight's long sword, and riding a tall horse, gently coming to her side. He knelt down, took her hand, and kissed her lightly.Until one day Julian appeared, and Helena's dream came true. Julian is handsome yet heroic, tall but gentle. Julian is her ideal life partner for Helena.

But her career didn't last long, Helena's knight died, and she, an elf from heaven, was knocked down from the mortal world at once.From a queen, with her young son, wandering thousands of miles, like a lonely soul, also like a wild ghost.When Ran Ming rescued Helena from that hell, Helena exclaimed: "Is this God's grace?"

Now, Ran Ming gave Helena the castle she longed for (Miyagi is also a kind of castle building), and also gave her a palace, a large number of maids and samurai, and more importantly, gave her the safety and future of life hope.

Is this God's will?Helena looked at Ran Ming, her eyes became more blurred. "Julian, now Helena can only feel sorry for you."

Unknowingly, Helena's face was filled with the happy expression that only girls in love can show.This scene happened to fall into the eyes of Jin Chengyue who was about to come in.

If you want to say that the one who understands women best in this world must be women.Jin Chengyue only took one look at Helena, and he knew that this foreign woman was in love with her.

Jin Chengyue cursed in her heart: "Damn it, if you dare to poach the corner of my mother, I will let you know why the flowers are so popular!"

With Jin Chengyue's ability and the resources in his hands, it's really not difficult to play Helena to death.But Jin Chengyue did not do this, because Jin Chengyue saw that Ran Ming had no interest in this Helena.Later, Jin Chengyue asked Ran Ming this question in confusion.

Ran Ming's answer surprised Jin Chengyue.It turned out that this Helena is a Christian believer, and Christianity treats marriage as monogamy. It is impossible for Ran Ming to give up the entire forest for an old tree.

On December [-], the seventh year of Kaiyuan, the rescue envoy of Chitu Kingdom arrived in Manboyi City and formally asked Ye Tiao for support.King Ye Tiao thought over and over again, and decided to ask Ning Yuan Ran Ming what he meant.The envoy of Ye Tiaoguo who arrived in Ningyuan City this time was none other than Bo Lin, whose surname had been changed to Lin Zhong from Ye Tiaoguo.

Bo Lin, not Lin Zhong, this mission was requested by Lin Zhong himself.Because Lin Zhong knew that his third daughter Lin Yinling and Lin Zhaoxun were already pregnant.

Lin Zhong not only carries his own mission, but also Ye Wu's kindness.As the Supreme Emperor of Ye Tiao Country, no matter whether it was Lin Zhong or Ye Wu, they naturally couldn't do without Ran Ming's gift.Regarding Ye Tiaoguo's polite inquiry, Ran Ming naturally followed suit.When Ran Ming promised Ye Tiaoguo that the Wei State Navy would escort him, Ye Wu no longer had any worries.

On December 27th of the seventh year of Kaiyuan, after Ye Wu, the king of Ye Tiao Kingdom, paid homage to the ancestral temple, he announced that the Ye Tiao Congress would fully support the Chitu Kingdom. He led his army of 100 troops, 100 million shi of food, [-] million arrows, and several weapons to support the Chitu Kingdom.

When Ran Ming saw Ye Wu's order, he was immediately amused by Ye Wu's plan to kill with a knife.As the first general of Ye Tiaoguo to turn to Ran Ming, Lin Zhong inevitably stood on the opposite side of Ye Wu.At this time, with Lin Zhong as the commander of the reinforcements, using the sword of the Gupta Empire to kill Ran Ming's running dog, it is killing two birds with one stone.

In fact, what Ye Wu did was only treating the symptoms but not the root cause.Even if his strategy is successful, as long as Ran Ming is willing, he can find a hundred or a thousand Lin Zhong in Ye Tiaoguo, and even Ran Ming pushed Lin Zhong's son to Lin Zhong's position in order to stabilize people's hearts. People can stop Ran Ming.

On December 27, Lin Zhong led his troops to set off.The Shiwan Yediao army will take more than 470 Wei State transport ships. They will set off from Surabaya Port, and their destination is Baloting in Chitu State. The only port still under control.Along with the escort of this huge ship were the three battle groups of the Wei State Navy, that is, 36 flying fish warships.

In fact, the Flying Fish battleship at this time is different from the past. With the Roman Queen being taken in by Ran Ming, Helena ordered the Romans under her command to cooperate with the State of Wei. The technology of fire and ballista is kept private.With the cooperation of the famous Roman royal mechanic Cicero and other Roman craftsmen and Wei craftsmen, the Flying Fish battleship was refitted. At this time, the Flying Fish battleship has removed two of the four bow ballistas, although the number of Flying Fish battleships has been reduced. The firepower attack in the advancing state has added a giant Greek fire.

After an improved version of the Greek fire, the range has been increased to sixty feet, so that the flying fish no longer have to be afraid of melee jumping tactics.Cicero also participated in the reformation of ballistas. In fact, such things as ballistas are not good at Chinese craftsmen at all. Without the existence of Ran Ming, a time traveler, it would be impossible for Wei Guo to develop ballistas.The Wei State ballista, which combines Chinese and Western elements, has a longer shooting range, and its effective range has reached [-] steps, which is similar to that of the Baoxu crossbow.More importantly, the added correction mechanism can make the ballista more accurate.

Of course, in order to commend Cicero's contribution, Ran Ming named Cicero the Viscount of the State of Wei, and set aside a fief of about [-] mu for Cicero on Zhenyuan Island.Moreover, he was promoted to a third-level Great Wei Craftsman.Cicero did not understand Wei's political system and official system, but when he learned that Wei's third-level craftsmen enjoyed a salary of [-] shi, which was equivalent to the treatment of a county magistrate.

Cicero regretted it very much at this time. If he had known that Wei Guo had treated him like this, he would have gone to Wei Guo a long time ago, and maybe he could become a bigger noble now.

In fact, the ancient Roman Empire did not pay much attention to scientific and technological personnel. Although it gave a lot of gold coins, it would definitely not improve their political status.In the Roman Empire, whether a person is a noble depends on whether they have their own castle and their own fiefdom.Although the land of more than [-] mu is not large, it is a very large property in the Roman Empire.

Stimulated by Ran Ming's positive policies, those Roman technicians were even more motivated.Seeing Cicero being reused by Ran Ming, Helena was also moved.The Roman queen, who wanted to please Ran Ming with all her heart, directly gave an order to Sarus, the consul of the Roman Legion, to let Sarus teach Ran Ming the tactical manual of the Roman Legion.

The Roman Legion adopted a professional system. The soldiers trained for a long time and were very proficient in various tactics.However, in Ran Ming's view, the Roman legion was only suitable for fighting at the tactical level. For battles at the campaign level, even peasants who had just picked up weapons in the Han Dynasty were able to defeat the Roman legion.

In fact, the Roman Legion was only bullying the Gallic chickens and the Germans. During this period of communication, Ran Ming had already discovered it.The personal combat level of the Roman sergeants is very high. Even if the Qilin guards go down to single-handedly, the outcome can only be mixed. The combat advantage of the Wushi level is not obvious, but when they reach the tun level, a tun in Wei is equivalent to a Roman With a centurion of the legion, the advantage is revealed.

The Roman Legion was not equipped with weapons such as bows and arrows, long-range suppressive strike forces, although there were ballistas and Greek fire, but they were not conventionally prepared. How could Ran Ming be so rich and powerful? The soldiers of Wei State basically had four types of weapons. , Daggers, horizontal knives, and crossbows are all necessary regardless of which type of arms they are.A garrison of one hundred crossbows starts shooting arrows at a distance of 150 steps. When the Roman legions rush to the effective strike range of the javelins, they need to attack no less than 120 steps forward. That is to say, they will bear the coverage of ten rounds of crossbow arrows sex blow.

However, the Roman Legion was still much more advanced than the Wei State in terms of soldier training and officer training, staff and logistics supplies, so nearly [-] soldiers were disrupted by Ran Ming to train the Wei State Expeditionary Army.Sarus became Ran Ming's staff officer after getting acquainted with him for a while.

It is also reciprocating, and Ran Ming is also very generous to Helena.Ran Ming gave Helena a garrison of military equipment and asked her to form a guard team for the Great Qin Palace.And gave Helena [-] Wei Guo gold coins.

This made Sarus very jealous. You must know that at this time, the equipment of the Roman legion was only Roman two-handed swords. Rubbish.Not only could it not defend against the slashing of the horizontal knife, even within eighty steps, the crossbow machine could not effectively defend against it.As for the Mingguang armor made of cold-rolled stainless steel, at least a Roman two-handed sword can only leave a scratch on it. As for the javelin, although there is a certain probability of breaking through the defense of wooden shields, in the Wei army, the fine steel folded Shields, heavy shields, and javelins are just powerless. What's more, the ballista of Wei State is not only lighter than the Roman ballista, but also has a faster rate of fire and is more powerful.

After receiving Ran Ming's gold coins and weapons, Helena's heart warmed, and a warm current of gratitude and happiness flooded her whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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