Chapter 828

Chapter 833
In fact, during the four-nation war in the Malay Peninsula, Jinzhou was actually not peaceful.The Sanskrit word Sumatra means gold. When Faxian crossed the sea to seek Buddha, he lived and passed by here, and left the document records of Jinzhou.Unrecognized Sanskrit, or Pulaw Emas in Malay, also refers to the land rich in gold.

In Jinzhou, there are many small countries at this time, such as the Moloyu Kingdom in the Jambi region of Sumatra, the Gandarli Kingdom in the central region, the Shalentra Kingdom in the south, and the Chola Kingdom in the south.

In the original time and space, when the Gupta Empire was rising, China was entering a period of turmoil between the north and the south. At this time, it was too busy to take care of itself, let alone a small country in Southeast Asia.These small Southeast Asian countries had no choice but to surrender to the Gupta Empire.But because of Ran Ming's appearance, Wei Guo entered Nanyang forcefully.Compared with Lu Yepati, the Han Chinese in Jinzhou had a greater influence.

Here, it was originally the commodity distribution center of Wei Nanyang Development Company. With the strong entry of the Gupta Empire, countless countries and tribes were forced to convert to Buddhism.Similar to the policy of keeping one's head but not hair in the Qing Dynasty, the policy of the Gupta Empire was that those who believed in Buddhism lived and those who did not believe died.Under the coercion of Gupta's long sword, some surrendered and some resisted.

Of course, these resistances did not come out of nowhere, and naturally someone fueled the flames.

When Ran Ming learned about these situations, he naturally knew that Jin Chengyue's "Tiger Organization" was making waves.Under the blow of the money offensive, warriors of countless indigenous tribes, holding gold, silk, knives and guns provided by the "Tiger Organization", continued to attack the single army of the Gupta Empire like moths throwing fire.

Jin Chengyue even asked the "Tiger Organization" to offer a reward, no matter who, at any time, as long as they hold the head of a Gupun, they can exchange it for a gold coin or goods of the same value.

The most attractive thing about Wei State is not their gold coins. Although gold is very good, it is not unique to Wei State, especially in Jinzhou, which is rich in gold.But the goods of the Wei State are different. Whether it is tea, silk, porcelain, or furniture and weapons produced by the Wei State, these are all priceless things.

During the period of slavery, all tribal members and property were the private wealth of the slave owner. Since the heads of the Gupta Empire are so valuable, there is no reason not to make this money.As for how many people will die in those indigenous tribes, no one cares.Anyway, when a person dies, he dies.

This is reality, and when Helena heard the news, she thought further and deeper.For the sake of money and profit, the aborigines disregarded the life and death of their own people, just for the damn benefit.In the Roman Empire, utilitarianism came first, and even a regular army was full of deceit and blood.Helena watched with her own eyes the commander of the Parthian army, Nicus the German, who was picked up by Julian. After Julian's death, he thought of deceiving and capturing himself to please his new master, the soldier emperor. Jovian.

Not only Nicus, but also Pruus, the consul of the No.30 Legion, killed more than 3000 loyal Roman soldiers in order to please Jovian. If Sarus hadn’t really broken through, he would have died at that time, or become a captive.Countless Romans, in order to please Wei An, wanted to capture and kill her at all costs.

Because the cost of capturing the former queen and prince would be crazy.

Could Ran Ming be an exception?Could it be that Ran Ming gave her a beautiful palace just as a rare commodity to live in?Are you going to exchange for greater benefits with Jovian in the future, perhaps seeking the friendship between Wei and the Roman Empire?Thinking of this, Helena couldn't be calm anymore.Barefoot, she frantically ran to Yuelu, Ran Ming's study.

Although she is the queen of Rome, Helena is dressed hotly. The guards can tell at a glance that there is no way that Helena is hiding weapons on her body, and it is impossible to threaten Ran Ming's safety.The guard let him go, and Helena rushed directly to Ran Ming's desk, and then slapped the desk vigorously, awakening Ran Ming who was taking a nap.

"Respect Your Royal Highness, how do you plan to deal with Helena?" Despite being very angry and helpless, Helena still told herself to behave like a nobleman.

"What to deal with?" Ran Ming smiled.

Helena calmed herself down, intensifying the conflict was the most stupid way at this time.She said lightly: "For my arrangement!"

Ran Ming asked in surprise: "Don't you like your current life? Do you want to work? If you want to work, you can go to Ningyuan Governor's Mansion as a secretary and join the army. According to you Romans, it is a consultant. Or, stay in the By Bengong's side, be a staff officer and give full play to your strengths!"

A trace of deep pain flashed in Helena's eyes, and she smiled sadly: "You raised me like a canary, just to exchange for a good bargaining chip from Jovian?"

As he said that, Helena's tears flowed down, "His Royal Highness, Helena is not afraid of death, but Valens is only four years old, he is innocent. Helena is already dead, and she doesn't want to be traded like goods. You can kill her." Kill me, or send me to the gallows, and then give my body to Jovian after I die. As long as I don't threaten his status, he will be happy. Your Royal Highness, you don't know, In Helena's heart, you are the second knight in my life, but please don't let my dream be shattered, don't let me live to see you betray me!"

"Please!" Helena's body curled up like a kitten.

But Ran Ming was angry: "Who said that this palace is going to hand you over? Who said that this palace is going to betray you? Damn, who is that damn Viyoan? I haven't even heard his name, nor have I Know what kind of cat and dog he is."

"Is not it?"

Ran Ming said seriously: "No."

"Jovian is the current emperor of the Roman Empire. That guy used to be a soldier. At first he was a hereditary Roman consul. Like Sarus, he commanded a Roman legion. But after Julian died, he became The new emperor of the Roman Empire. But as long as you give me to him, he will give you a lot of gold coins, and those gold coins can even fill up the palace you gave me, as well as the friendship of the Roman Empire." Helena said: "As The former queen, Helena knows how powerful the Roman Empire is. Although Julian failed, it was not the Persians who defeated Julian, but the scum of the Senate. Our Roman Empire is very powerful. Once they defeat the Persians, It will hit the western part of Wei State, aren't you afraid?"

"Joke!" Ran Ming sneered, and said domineeringly: "In this world, no one can threaten Dawei to hand over a woman to them. We Dawei's hot-blooded men would rather fight with their chests and blood than fight with their blood." Women go to exchange for peace. Although I am the crown prince, I will definitely not compromise like a politician."

Helena said: "If Jovian knows that you have taken me in, he will definitely send a fleet or army to blackmail your emperor from sea or land, and even threaten to cut off trade. Is it worth it for me as a woman? ?”

"My father, like me, is actually a soldier." Ran Ming said flatly: "My father established the Wei State on the ruins, and we will never compromise with the enemy, because compromise can't be changed. Come to peace, only when your enemies are conquered, they will be honest and live in peace with you. As for the threat of trade, it is more of a joke. Without our silk, our perfume, our jewelry, you Roman women It will be overshadowed, I am afraid that Jovian’s throne will not be stable! As for what you said, sending troops to threaten, as long as he dares to let the warships appear on this sea, I will send them all to the bottom of the sea.”

Helena said: "As long as it is a war, people will die, but, but, who am I to you? Is it worth your effort?"

Ran Ming really didn't know what to say, in fact, Ran Ming would be happy to have something to do with such a Roman beauty.In ancient times, it was simply a man's paradise.But Christians are monogamous, don't say that Ran Ming is not willing, even if he is willing, I am afraid that Wei Guo's saliva will drown him.

Ran Ming had no choice but to say directly: "I regard you as a friend!"

"Friends, are they just friends?"

"Can't friends?"

Helena boldly said: "No, I have regarded you as my knight from the first moment I saw you. Knight, do you understand?"

Hearing the word knight, Ran Ming suddenly remembered an interesting anecdote from later generations, and asked what Guan Yu and Lu Bu had ridden?Someone answered Diao Chan.

How could Ran Ming not understand what Helena meant, he said timidly: "But, let's put it this way, the situation in our Great Wei is different from your Rome's. In our Great Wei, a man can have many wives, but in your Rome, A man can only have one."

Helena said: "In Rome, men can only have one wife in name, but they can have countless lovers."

Helena suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Ran Ming's forehead.Ran Ming was not stupid, so he definitely responded enthusiastically.

Ran Ming and Helena didn't know that this scene had already fallen into Jin Chengyue's eyes.

Jin Chengyue said: "You have already made a move, I will naturally fight, and now our war has begun!"

The military is a place that pays attention to strength. Although the military is relatively fair, in fact, in the general environment of China's human society, nothing is absolute.

Liu Laozhi was promoted from a rookie to a military officer during the year and a half of recruit training. In this peaceful period, this kind of promotion speed is almost unimaginable, but Liu Laozhi did it.If there was nothing tricky about it, Ran Ming wouldn't believe it even if he killed Ran Ming.

In this world, there is no absolute fairness, but relatively speaking, Wei Junjun's promotion channels are relatively fair. Liu Laozhi followed Ran Ming for seven or eight years, and learned a lot of theoretical knowledge through hearing and seeing.As a military marquis, Liu Laozhi is still competent.

However, after experiencing the battle of Manboyi, Liu Laozhi was promoted to Sima of another department on the battlefield, managing more than a thousand soldiers.After the war, Liu Laozhi was rated as the first meritorious service, and his position was promoted two more ranks, and he was directly promoted to Cavalry Captain. According to the military rank system of later generations, Liu Laozhi should be a colonel-level officer at this time.Going up further is a full-time school lieutenant, which can be regarded as stepping into the threshold of the general rank.Even with the military achievements of Manboyi City, this promotion speed still has a lot of moisture.

This time Ye Tiaoguo supported the Chitu Kingdom, and Ran Ming would definitely not let go of this opportunity to infiltrate the Malay Peninsula. Therefore, Ran Ming dispatched elite troops as quickly as possible to form an advance battalion.Liu Laozhi was appointed as the captain of Wei's advance battalion with the rank of captain of cavalry.Although Liu Laozhi's position as a school lieutenant is only an agent, he did not underestimate Liu Laozhi.Although Liu Laozhi came out ten years earlier than in history, Liu Laozhi in this time and space, at least in terms of experience, is richer than later generations.

Compared with Liu Laozhi, Xie Xuan's promotion is a bit of a legend.

In the army, under normal circumstances, the higher the rank, the less attention is paid to personal bravery, but on the contrary, in the grassroots troops, especially the ranks below Dubo, the first thing to be tested is personal bravery.After Xie Xuan, Xie Yan, Li Jing, and Li Feng were transferred to the troops, they were lucky enough to meet three big competitions at a time. Xie Xuan created a legend. , without a break, and as a temporary team leader, once again challenged the Dubo-level instructors. Finally, after hard work, Xie Xuan won with a narrow margin. Within three days, the promotion from Shichang to Dubo was completed.Xie Xuan's outstanding performance also inspired the other three people. Xie Yan's kung fu was slightly inferior to Xie Xuan's, but he also completed the promotion from Shichang to team leader. Only Li Jing was more miserable. He did not give up and challenged three times in a row. In the field, they lost all three times, and in the end even the position of Shichang was taken away by others.Li Feng was more stable and continued to serve in a very long position.

However, in the next military exercise of the whole army, Xie Xuan made a big splash again, leading a hundred soldiers of his troops as the Du Bo. As a result, he made a surprise attack on the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army, and at the cost of more than half of the entire village being "killed in battle", gained the military exploits of capturing the head of the enemy general.Fortunately, Xie Xuan was promoted to the position of military marshal in less than a month.

(End of this chapter)

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