Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 829 It's Not We Are Too Strong But You Are Too Weak

Chapter 829 It's Not We Are Too Strong But You Are Too Weak
Chapter 834 It's Not We Are Too Strong But You Are Too Weak
The advance battalion sent by the Wei State to the Chitu State this time can be described as a luxurious camp. Among them, the captain is Liu Laozhi, a famous historical general, and the marching Sima Yang Quanqi. This Yang Quanqi is not an unknown character. He has been an official in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The governor, in the process of fighting against Huanxuan, was defeated and killed.But in this time and space, because the Hongnong Yang family took refuge in Ran Ming, Yang Quanqi became an officer of the Wei State Marine Corps under Yang Hui's recommendation.Yang Quanqi and Shen Yi are brave and brave, while his brother Yang Guang and younger brother Yang Siping are both tough and rough, so they are not popular, otherwise they would not be suppressed and unable to stand out.

As for the five Biebu Sima, the former Biebu Sima was Liu Yi, the father of Liu Song Situ and Liu Muzhi, Duke of Nankang County.Known for his loyalty.In history, he even became the governor of Yuzhou in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Liu Yingzhi, the Sima of the left department, was the general of Liu Laozhi in history.Sima Gaosu of the other department on the right.Gao Su's reputation is not obvious, but he has a more famous descendant, that is Gao Huan, the founder of the Northern Qi Dynasty.Sima Du of the Later Ministry responded, while Sima of the Central Ministry responded with He Wuji, the son of Liu Laozhi's elder sister and his nephew.Basically, these five other Sima, for the last time in history, also became the prefect of a county.What's more, there are military marquises with a lower rank. Among the ten military marquises, three of them are famous generals of the Beifu Army.

The ultra-luxury lineup this time also made Liu Laozhi's stunning appearance, which also represented Liu Laozhi's official entry into the stage of history.

Sengqian City, originally just a small town, prospered because of the Jimi people. After the establishment of Chitu Kingdom and making it the capital, Sengqian City developed rapidly.

The current Sengyi City is already a city with more than one hundred thousand people.In the Malay Peninsula, it is definitely the leading big city, not even the capital of Brunei Sultanate.

The Jimei people are not actually the indigenous peoples of the Malay Peninsula. They first lived in Ye Suzhu (near the Salween River in Thailand today). Near the city of Sukhotai, the result was that the Thai people won all the battles, so they founded the country in the city. The Thai history is called the Dynasty of Sukhotai, also translated as the Sukhotai Dynasty.The Jimei people migrated to the Malay Peninsula.

The Jimei people came to Sengqi City, and after more than 200 years of development, they gradually became stronger and established the current Chitu Kingdom.Although the Jimi people are not the only ethnic group in the Chitu Kingdom, there are also Malay, Thai, and indigenous tribes in the Chitu Kingdom. During these years, the Chitu Kingdom has adopted a national policy of long-distance friendship and close attack. The Jin neighboring country in the west of the Sogutai Dynasty (also recorded as the Jin Chen Kingdom) carried out friendly exchanges, but on the one hand, it carried out military conquests against Pattani, Songkhla, and Nalat Yuet.Although the economy of the Chitu Kingdom is not prosperous, it is still quite good in terms of force. At least in the past few decades, they have fought against their old enemy, the Sugutai Dynasty. The princess married the prince of the Borneo Kingdom, and the two countries will become a country of marriage. Maybe the Chitu Kingdom can fight back to Ye Suzhu's hometown.

In terms of the combat effectiveness of the army, the tens of thousands of troops of the Chitu Kingdom are really strong enough. Among the four countries on the Malay Peninsula, don’t look at the Balatha and Brasa in the west and the Harodan in the south. The three countries are added together. , and it may not be possible to take advantage of Chitu Country.It's just that it's different now. With the addition of the Gupta Empire, the war has turned one-sided.

However, in the Chitu Kingdom, the Gupta Empire did not invest many troops. There were about [-] infantry cavalry soldiers from Aksohini Chen, who were not full, on the border of the Chitu Kingdom.Seeing the arrival of the boss, the troops of the three countries of Brahma, Brasa, and Harodan, who were eager to show off, were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Although they suffered a lot of casualties in the attack, they still continued to advance regardless of the casualties .

In terms of military equipment, the four countries in the Malay Peninsula are all scumbags, but the addition of the Gupta Empire is different.

At this time, the Gupta Empire was a country with complete military equipment. Their Gupta longbow had a convenient shooting range and was no worse than Wei’s horse crossbow. But the Gupta Longbow was even lighter than the Magong Ballista, and it cost less to make.As for Gupta's long sword, it is simply a reduced version of Mo Dao, which is very similar to the Pu Dao invented in the Song Dynasty. Such a weapon that has entered the mature period of fine steel is like adding a Cheater.

The difference in weapons is very obvious.Despite Chitu Kingdom's great efforts, it has lost most of its territory in the past half a year, and countless young men were urgently armed and sent to the front line.At this time, Sengqi City was also under strict security.There are soldiers of the Chitu Kingdom with weapons everywhere. The aggression and continuous defeat of the Gupta Empire have put a lot of pressure on the Chitu Kingdom.

At this time, in addition to the national capital Sengjia City, Chitu Kingdom still has Luoye City in the south and Kunduomo City in the west.

At this time, Chitu Kingdom was actually divided into two factions.

"His Royal Highness, the Guptas are too deceitful. We can no longer retreat. At this time, Pattani in the north is also faintly unstable. Now Sugutai is also heavily armed on the northern border. Once the situation is dangerous, they will definitely make trouble. We There is no retreat for the Chitu Kingdom, either we die in battle with honor, or we lose our dignity, wealth and freedom like slaves." A tall and burly man shouted at the top of his voice, "Fight with them."

"Fight, what are you going to fight with them!" Poszharati said, "Our greatest effort is to organize an army of 16, but we have to resist the three kingdoms of Brahma, Brahsa, and Harodan." There are [-] troops in this country, not to mention that there are more than [-] well-trained and well-equipped Gupta Empire troops. What can we fight with them? On the battlefield?"

Chilabachai, the king of the Chitu Kingdom, looked a bit gloomy. Among the dozen or so high-ranking officials in the Chitu Kingdom, only a few advocated the fight, and most of them advocated begging for a surrender.The beggar faction headed by Prime Minister Yun Gang has already occupied the absolute power of the country. As a king, he is also very helpless.

Just then, a soldier covered in blood broke in.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong. Royer City has fallen. Most of the [-] warriors guarding there died in battle, and only a few escaped back."

"What? How is this possible?" Chilab stood up guessing, his face pale.He never expected that Royer City would fall so soon.You know, the guards of Royer City are the most elite regular army of Chitu Kingdom, and more than 5000 people are transferred from the Royal Palace Guard.But how long has it been.It was actually captured by the Harodan people.Chi Rab guessed that the world was spinning for a while, and then he fell to the ground.

The other people in the hall were also in a mess.At the beginning, they were stunned by the news of the fall of Royer City.Chi Rabochai's sudden fainting made everyone seem to have lost their backbone.

"Come on, call the doctor quickly!"

After a while, everyone sent Chilabai to rest, but the hall was still noisy, as if the sky was about to collapse.

On a Wanshi transport ship owned by Zhang's company, Liu Laozhi looked at the crude map with a wonderful expression on his face.Liu Laozhi asked, "How long will it take for us to reach Balotine?"

The soldier who went to ask the captain came back and reported: "General, according to them, if the wind direction does not change, it will take another two and a half hours."

Liu Jianzhi nodded and said: "Well, I see, I will work hard again and inform the leaders and generals of the battalion to come to the meeting."

Since transport ships in this era were generally small, even the Wanshi transport ship could only transport four to five hundred fully armed soldiers.The entire advance battalion used fourteen Wanshi transport ships to transport the ten songs and supplies of the advance battalion.

After more than two quarters of an hour's communication, the military commanders of each song and the Sima of each department arrived one after another. After the personnel arrived, Liu Jianzhi said: "Now we are less than two hours away from reaching our destination. According to our plan , we will arrive at the port of Balodin first, and then after a rest, we will go to the capital of the Chitu Kingdom, Sengyan City. This Sangyan City is [-] miles away from Balodin, but the road condition is very bad. We have brought a lot of It is estimated that it will take at least a day or even more than a day to reach the city of monks with the equipment and supplies."

Liu Laozhi paused and said: "Now that the reinforcements from the Hundred Thousand Ye Tiao Kingdom have arrived in Baloting, they should have arrived in Sengjiao City earlier than us, so it doesn't make much sense for us to go again. I thought that, We should be more flexible and not confine our rescue to Sengjiao City. If the Shiwan Yediao National Army still can’t repel the Gupta army, it won’t help if we go. Therefore, we planned to not go to Sengjiao City. , instead go to Modi Kalandan."

Marching Sima Yang Quanqi, as Liu Laozhi's deputy, raised a question: "What's the situation with this Modi Kalandan? What's the general's plan?"

Liu Laozhi said: "Modi Kalandan is on the east bank of the lower reaches of the Jidan River, backed by the beach. If the battle is unfavorable, we can retreat by sea at any time. The terrain of Modi Kalandan is low in the east and high in the west. Moreover, there is a Thirty miles deep forest can serve as a good cover. To the west of the Jidan River, there are virgin forests. This is the only way from south to north. If the forward of the Gupta Empire has arrived here, we will Hide in that forest belt, look for the right time, and hit them all at once when they are unprepared."

Yang Quanqi said: "This is good, and I support it very much. However, it is easy to talk about it on paper, but there will definitely be a gap on the ground. We can only make a decision after arriving at the scene and scouting the environment."

After heated discussions, Liu Laozhi decided to change to Modi Kalandan.Under Liu Laozhi's order, the transport fleet immediately began to adjust its direction. Four hours later, Liu Laozhi's troops landed on the land of Modi Kalandan.

Just before Liu Laozhi's order, the other department highlighted the reconnaissance.Each battalion in Wei State is divided into five divisions, which are the front, left, right, middle and rear. In fact, the functions of each division are strictly distinguished. The front is equivalent to a reconnaissance battalion, and the central It is equivalent to the troops directly under the army. The rear is generally a mobile support force, and the left and right are the two wings of the assault department.

Because Ran Ming attaches great importance to the reconnaissance of the plot, the combat effectiveness of the front of Wei's armies is very high.Liu Yi, the former Sima of the other Ministry, had a total of 41 people. After reconnaissance on the east bank of the Jidan River and confirmed that the [-]-mile range was a safe zone, Liu Yi ordered his troops to cross the Jidan River and conduct armed reconnaissance to the west bank.

Less than half an hour later, the accident happened.Xie Xuan, Marquis of the Zuoqu Army who was in the front, ordered Xie Yan to set up a skirmish line to reconnaissance along the river bank, and encountered more than 100 people from the Harodan National Army.Originally, [-] people were stationed facing more than [-] people on the other side, and they would definitely retreat.As a result, a soldier of the Harodan Army who broke away from the team and came out to relieve himself was the first to discover Xie Yan's troops.

Xie Yan immediately ordered the troops to alternately cover and retreat. However, a very unexpected thing happened. In a hurry, only more than [-] people were assembled, and [-] crossbows were used at one time. He shot and killed more than a dozen soldiers of the Harodan National Army. This time it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. More than [-] people rushed forward like sheep herding.

Xie Yan ordered his soldiers to stabilize the corners of the formation and retreat while fighting.When Xie Yan sent out a distress signal, and when Xie Xuan led his personal soldiers and two troops to support him, he found that the Heluotan army had collapsed.

A camp of more than 300 people faced the enemy's [-] troops and fired more than [-] crossbow arrows back and forth, causing less than [-] casualties on the opponent. As a result, the opponent collapsed.

After Xie Xuan got nervous, he breathed a sigh of relief.Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be pretending to retreat, but really collapsed, Xie Xuan also gave the order and waited for the opportunity to chase and kill.

A funny scene appeared. After discovering the arrival of reinforcements from the Wei army, countless soldiers of the Herotan army dropped their weapons and surrendered.From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, it took less than a quarter of an hour. In the end, Xie Xuan's troops easily won a big victory with less than ten casualties and zero casualties. They killed more than [-] people from Heluotan Kingdom and captured [-] people Yu people.

When Liu Laozhi saw this battle report, he couldn't believe it.Is there such a silly fight?Is the enemy too weak, or are we too strong?

(End of this chapter)

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