Chapter 830

Chapter 835 Beat the dog to see the owner
Although Liu Laozhi is a bit difficult to understand, but the beheaded head and the large number of prisoners make Liu Laozhi believe that this is the truth.

Although the Chitu Kingdom is facing an attack from the Allied Forces of the Gupta Empire, Balasa, Brasa, and Harodan, according to the feedback from the Chitu Kingdom, the Gupta Empire did not directly participate in the direct attack at all. It is said that it is the Allied Forces of the Four Nations, but in fact there are only three countries. , and the Harodan Kingdom, which sent more than [-] troops, is obviously the main force of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.However, the facts are in front of him, making it difficult for Liu Laozhi to figure out what happened?

As the main force of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, the Harodan Kingdom is so useless, one can imagine how trashy Poluothorn and Brasa are.Relying on this kind of army, it actually defeated Chitu, the largest military power in the Malay Peninsula, and lost thousands of miles, and lost more than [-] soldiers.

To say that the greatest contribution of Zhongnan Development Company and Nanyang Development Company to Ran Ming, in Ran Ming's opinion, is not to make a lot of profits, but to train a large number of translators who are proficient in the indigenous languages ​​of the Indochina Peninsula and Nanyang Islands.For Harodan, one of the four main countries on the Malay Peninsula, Wei Guo also had business dealings with them in the Nanyang Development Company, so naturally there were translators who were familiar with their indigenous languages.

After interrogating the prisoners, Liu Jianzhi finally understood why the strength of the Harodan army was so weak.With the absolute advantage of the Harodan Kingdom on the battlefield, the demise of the Chitu Kingdom is just around the corner. Some high-ranking officials and nobles of the Harodan Kingdom could not sit still. They sent their sons, nephews, and direct children of the family to lead the family Part [-], going to the front line, the purpose is only to be gilded.

For such an aristocratic army composed of a group of rich second-generation and official second-generation, the battle can be imagined.What's more, in the initial battle, the leader of this army, Crown Prince Kukshiwa of Harodan Kingdom, was shot in the throat by a stray arrow, and died directly on the battlefield. You have to run away quickly, causing the whole army to collapse.

Knowing the reason of the incident, Liu Laozhi had to admire Xie Xuan's good luck.In fact, not only Liu Laozhi was jealous of Xie Xuan's good luck, Xie Xuan was also jealous of Liu Laozhi's shit luck.However, although Xie Xuan's record has an element of luck, no one can deny his credit.According to Xie Xuan's status, as Xie Daoyun's direct younger brother who is most likely to be the empress, even if Ran Ming randomly arranges Xie Xuan to stand alone as a miscellaneous general, no one can say anything.After all, in this day and age, there is no such thing as fairness.

Although the crown prince Kukshiwa of the Harodan Kingdom was killed unintentionally, this has already formed a deadly feud with the Harodan Kingdom. Once the Harodan Kingdom learns of the news, it will definitely retaliate against the advance battalion crazily .After discussing with generals at all levels, Liu Laozhi arranged four fortifications overnight on the west bank of the Jidan River.In the absence of sufficient manpower, Liu Laozhi also overbearingly detained more than [-] troops of Ye Tiaoguo, forcing them to contribute to the deployment of fortifications.

As the coach of Ye Tiaoguo's reinforcements, he was Ran Ming's number one lackey. Lin Zhong knew that although Liu Laozhi was young, his family background was not considered prominent. The key point was that he was from Ran Ming's school boy, and he was a very close relationship. Liu Laozhi's approach was acquiesced.He even ordered the [-] leaves to transfer the national army and obey Liu Laozhi's command.

Don't look at Liu Laozhi's ranking in Wei's army, he is not a well-known general, but in Ye Tiao's army, especially Lin Zhong's troops, most of the troops were recruited by Liu Laozhi, Liu Laozhi's words are also very useful.

Liu Laozhi has won the true biography of Ran Ming, so he will naturally display the geotechnical work to the fullest.The four circular fortifications have used up all the available land on the west bank of the Jidan River. Even in places where there is no favorable land, Liu Laozhi asked the soldiers of Ye Tiaoguo and the people of Chitu Kingdom to dig a road sixteen miles long and about 6 miles wide. A trench of three feet long, and more than 30 traps were placed in the middle of the four fortifications, and more than [-] catties of fire oil were even frantically arranged in the forest on the east bank of the Jidan River. The forest in Duoli will form a wall of fire in the shortest time. As for whether it will cause a large-scale forest fire on the terracotta, it is not within the scope of Liu Laozhi's consideration.

On January 24th in the eighth year of the Great Wei Kaiyuan, [-] A.D., the news that the crown prince Kukexiwa of the King of Harodan was killed by the state of Wei soon spread to the ears of King Handu Yadun of the King of Harodan , Handu Yatun, who was dealing with state affairs, was furious when he heard the news.

In fact, Handu Yatun knew the strength of the Wei state through the merchants of the Wei state in the Harodan state.Especially Chinese people have a tradition of bragging. This Handu Yadun really wants to establish diplomatic relations with Wei.Handu Yadun adopted the oldest and most traditional way to propose marriage to Wei Guo.When the news reached Ran Ming's ears, Ran Ming directly rejected it.

In the state of Wei, the power of the clan is very weak. At present, there are only two girls in the clan who are of marriageable age in the state of Wei. One is Ran Min’s eldest daughter, Tong Tang, and the other is Ran Ming’s adopted daughter, Ran Jingwen. No matter who it is, Ran Ming is They will not agree to marry the prince of their small indigenous country.

Being rejected by Ran Ming, Handu Yadun was very dissatisfied.But it is a fact that Wei State is powerful. In fact, even his master, the Gupta Empire, suffered a lot from Wei State.Handu Yatun could only suppress his resentment.However, now that there is revenge for killing his son, all the anger of Hang Tu Yatun exploded at once.

"Damn Serisians! Not only did they reject my offer, they dared to kill my son! Poor Kukeshiwa, I will avenge you and let those damned Serisians be buried with you! Lord Buddha , I, Handu Yadun, swear, I will kill all the Serisians in Wei!" Handu Yadun said through gritted teeth.

Handu Yadun's first step in retaliating against the Wei State was to attack the Wei State businessmen who were doing business in the Harodan State. More than 100 businessmen from Wei State who were doing business in the Harodan Kingdom did not escape immediately because they did not know the news. Most of these 100 people were murdered by the Harodan Kingdom.

More than 100 people were beheaded in front of countless Harodan citizens, and the property of these businessmen was robbed.In the second step, Handu Yatun summoned the generals of the navy and army of the Harodan Kingdom. As military generals, after knowing that their crown prince was killed by the Wei people, especially because there were countless noble nephews in the hands of the Wei state, they The reaction was very violent.

They didn't wait for Handu Yatun's order, and they called for a fight one after another, wanting to give a good look to the Serisians of Wei State.Seeing the military generals eager to fight, Handu Yatun was very satisfied!He directly ordered the main force of the navy to go to Ningyuan to destroy those Serisians!In addition, the army also dispatched half of the troops, that is, 5000 people. This is the maximum capacity that the Harodan Kingdom currently has in the country.In Handu Yatun's view, after the navy has wiped out Wei's navy, it will assist the army in landing and wipe out Wei's army as well!

Although the merchants of the Wei state said that the Handu Yadun knew that the Wei state was very powerful, but no matter how strong it was, they had many troops thousands of miles away from Ningyuan. As long as Ran Ming was captured, maybe the Gupta Empire His Majesty the Emperor is happy, and he bestowed Ning Yuan on him.

Secondly, Handu Yatun ordered the generals of the Harodan Kingdom on the front line, asking them to launch an attack on the Wei army on the west bank of the Jidan River, and at all costs, kill the Seris murderers who killed Kukshiwa.

Although Handu Yatun's idea is good, it just corresponds to that sentence, the ideal is very full, but the reality is too skeletal.

Harodan has a population of more than 100 million, which is considered a populous country.Originally, Harodan had only 14 troops. After emergency expansion, the number of troops exceeded 13. Of course, a part of it was consumed in the war. Now, Harodan is almost full of men over 50 years old and men under [-] years old. Men and even some middle-aged women were drawn into the army by Hang Tuah Tun.The combat effectiveness of such an army can be imagined. Although they have the upper hand in the current war against the Chitu Kingdom, it is based on the fact that the Chitu Kingdom has devoted its energy to defending the Gupta Empire. The excessively dispersed forces were quickly defeated by the Allied Forces of the Four Nations. .Although the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces were several times larger than Chitu Kingdom, the current casualties of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces were far greater than those of Chitu Kingdom.

As for the navy of the Harodan Kingdom, it is even more of a joke.Although the navy of Harodan has more than 100 warships, in terms of quantity, this number is quite a lot.But the trick is that there are more than 100 warships in the Harodan Kingdom, and there are only more than [-] naval officers and soldiers. All the warships are mini-level, and they can only sail in the coastal waters. is one thing.Not to mention the main flying fish warships in Wei Guo's navy, even the centipede ships used in the landing battle can completely torture them.I really don’t know where Hang Tu Yatun’s courage comes from.

The first attack launched by the Heluodan Kingdom was against Liu Laozhi's troops, but it was a pity that they met Liu Laozhi, a ruthless man, and the advance battalion of the Wei State was concentrated in the middle and late Eastern Jin Dynasty, famous generals .Not to mention the great people like Xie Xuan and Xie Yan.

As the first fortification of the four fortifications, this includes a camp wall nearly ten miles long. The wood felled from the nearby forest was cut into eight feet high, and then driven into the ground to a depth of more than two feet. The soil is solid, although it is not stronger than the city wall, at least it is not something that the native troops can easily surpass.As for the plane repelling horse gun invented by Ran Ming, Liu Laozhi also arranged it very well. As for the traditional deer wood and rectangular repelling horse, there are still quite a few traps.

Under the field fortifications that have been the strongest in the cold weapon era, even the elite Han army is not so easy to break through.

As a result, the Harodan Army, which changed its combat order without authorization, was beaten to death on the west bank of the Jidan River. More than 4000 Harodan Army launched an uninterrupted seven-day attack on the Wei State Advance Battalion, but what they achieved The record has destroyed more than 2000 groups of flat horses and more than 1 traps arranged by Liu Laozhi, but [-] people from the Harodan Kingdom fell on the way to attack, and they didn't even face the enemy See you.

The ruthless general of the Harotan Kingdom, Aximi, transferred the other troops of the Harodan Kingdom who participated in the attack on the Sengqi City to the battlefield on the west bank of the Jidan River. Yes, it was Aximi who went crazy, because he Her precious son, who was the crown prince's best friend and the younger brother, also died in Xie Xuan's hands. Aximi, who is in his 50s, has only one son. He is old enough to have a son, and he usually spoils his son. Even if he wants to have another one now, he is powerless.

It's not easy to put it on anyone when you're old.On the eighth day, on the west bank of the Jidan River, the army of the Harodan Kingdom had reached more than 6 people, accounting for more than [-]% of the army of the Harodan Kingdom.However, no matter how angry the ant is, it will never be able to do anything to the lion.

Although under the crazy coercion of Aximi, the Harodan army had to attack at any cost.However, after half a month of fighting, the number of casualties in the advance battalion has never exceeded a hundred, and more than half of them are due to the loss of combat effectiveness due to acclimatization.

Seeing that his younger brother is so helpless, the old man can't sit still.The Gupta Empire army began to fight.

Compared with the low-level Harodan army, the Gupta Empire's army is indeed much better, at least they fight very well.First, the Gupta longbow was used to fire suppressive fire. When Wei Guo's crossbow machine was not dominant, Wei Guo began to suffer casualties.

At this time, the elephant army of the Gupta Empire began to dispatch.The tall and majestic war elephant is definitely a super tank in the era of cold weapons. Even the super powerful horse crossbow is powerless against the thick and solid elephant skin.After seeing Wei Guo's best magic weapon for defeating the enemy, the crossbow machine failed, and the Wei Army's advance battalion inevitably panicked.

Wei Guo was just flustered and expressed such bad emotions, but Ye Tiao's soldiers completely herded the sheep after seeing the war elephant.Frightened by the war elephants, Ye Tiaoguo's army began to rush towards the rear of Wei State.

If Liu Laozhi hadn't left two troops to serve as the supervisory team, otherwise the whole army would have collapsed.Fortunately, the supervising team took the sharpest attack at the first time, with more than 2000 ballistas and more than forty ballistas, raining arrows on the collapsed Ye Tiao's army.After killing nearly 2000 troops of Ye Tiao's national army in a row, this stopped the defeat of Ye Tiao's national army.

(End of this chapter)

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