Chapter 831
Chapter 836

Fortunately, Xie Xuan, who was on the front line, ordered the eight-ox crossbow to launch rockets and ballistas to launch bombs to attack. The continuous explosion sounded, and it was terrifying that such a tall, brave, and cowardly animal like a war elephant was destroyed.As a result, the war elephants turned against each other, and instead smashed the Gupta Empire's army to pieces.

Seeing the establishment of gunpowder and the loosening of the Gupta army, Liu Laozhi made a decisive decision and ordered a counterattack.

The so-called servant army is actually unreliable.When the battle is going well, they are as brave as wolves, but once the battle is in a stalemate or losing the wind, they will waver immediately and even fight back.During the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty actually fought six wars with the Arab Empire, and the first five all ended in victory. However, in the Battle of Talas, the elite Tang Army infantry had the upper hand, but it was different from the previous enemies who were not strong enough to fight. , *** is a group of lunatics, Tang Jun kills one group, and another group will rush up, killing them inexhaustibly, and destroying them inexhaustibly. As a result, the war has reached a stalemate. The Tang army was thus defeated.

The defeat of the Tang army in Dafeichuan was also due to the rebellion of the Tuyuhun people.So Ran Ming attaches great importance to the use of these servants. During the use, they must not be allowed to stand alone. Therefore, Liu Laozhi, who has won Ran Ming's true biography, adopted the method of sandwich bread to deploy the army.

The front line is the elite of the advance battalion of Wei State, and the 2000 troops of Ye Tiao State are behind them. However, there are two troops behind them, a [-]-man supervising team. These supervising teams cover these servants with crossbows. The change, the first to usher in the blow of the storm.

Now, the vanguard of the State of Wei has defeated the war elephant troops of the Gupta Empire. Looking at the chaotic Gupta Empire army and those Yediao troops, their courage came up. Back charge, this charge, not to mention the results obtained are definitely not small.

It's just a pity that the general of the Gupta Empire is definitely a veteran on the battlefield. After the war elephant lost control, he rampaged in the Gupta Empire's army, causing a lot of casualties.However, although the war elephant is huge, as a Gupta army that is good at using war elephants, there are ways to restrain war elephants.

The army of the Gupta Empire used the baby elephants to control the adult elephants. Those Gupta empires quickly used their housekeeping skills to drive the baby elephants to the Ye Tiao Kingdom's army charging towards the battlefield. Naturally, the defense of the baby elephants was not as good as that of the adults. The elephants fell to death in front of Ye Tiao's army. Seeing this situation, those elephants turned around and rushed towards Ye Tiao's army. Hundreds of crazy war elephants had already launched, and their power was astonishing.

These Ye Tiaoguo troops fled away in a hurry again in fright. This time, Ye Tiaoguo's army performed well. Behind the roadworks, assemble.The crazy elephant charge soon stopped. The trench in front of the first fortification was more than three feet wide and more than one foot deep vertically, which was an insurmountable moat for giant elephants.

In desperation, the Gupta Empire army also withdrew.In this tentative fight, in the eyes of the Gupta Empire, they were a miserable victory.More than 4000 casualties and more than 7000 casualties were caused by the opponent, which is barely a victory.However, in Liu Laozhi's view, Wei State was completely victorious. Although the Gupta Longbow caused more than 300 casualties in the advance battalion, Wei State found a way to restrain their war elephants. The elephant collapsed, not to mention the countercharge of Ye Tiao's national army, which also achieved a small victory.

The battle on the west bank of the Jidan River has now become a new focus.Because this geographical location is too important, if the coalition forces don't care about it, their retreat will be blocked by Liu Laozhi, and everyone knows what it means to an army to lose supplies and retreat.

Naturally, the Gupta Empire, which had suffered a loss, would not let it go. A dissatisfied Aksohini (a [-]-army army, equivalent to the current group army) that landed on the Malay Peninsula began to move to the west bank of the Ghitan River.

Liu Laozhi found that the Gupta Empire had stopped attacking, and the opponent showed no signs of retreating, so he guessed that the opponent might be waiting for reinforcements.Liu Laozhi didn't dare to take it seriously, he never thought that he could rely on one of his advance battalions to fight against an Akshoshini of the Gupta Empire, and at the same time he asked Ran Ming for help.

At the same time, the land and sea coalition forces from the mainland of Harotan also launched an attack on Ningyuan.This time, the Harodan Kingdom was desperate. Almost all the troops that could be mobilized were put into the attack on the Wei State. More than 100 troops, more than [-] navies, all dispatched, more than [-] warships, one More than [-] large and small fishing boats and transport ships, carrying more than [-] troops, headed towards Ningyuan in a mighty manner.

The navy of Harodan Kingdom is simply too weak. Even if Ran Ming didn't reorganize the Wei State's long navy before the reorganization, he still has the strength to completely abuse them.However, this group of natives who don't know how to live or die, on the contrary, the birthday star drank arsenic and became impatient.

The naval warships of the Harodan Kingdom are all five or six feet long, one or two feet wide, and can carry up to 50 people. If they need to carry supplies, there will be fewer naval soldiers on board.The most important thing is that this kind of small warship is too weak. Whether it is Wei Guo's gunpowder bomb or stone bomb, as long as it is fired, this warship will be reimbursed.However, there are exceptions. The largest warship of the Harodan Navy is a second-class warship of the Gupta Empire. This warship of the Gupta Empire was originally a main force of the Benga (Venka State, now roughly Bangladesh) state navy. Warships, in order to support the pitifully small navy of the Harotan Kingdom, the Gupta Empire ordered the Benga State to give them to the Harodan Kingdom free of charge.

This two-story warship equivalent to [-] tons is the only medium-sized warship in the Harodan Kingdom. It was named "Pina Yeka" by the Harodan Kingdom. It is not only the flagship of its navy, but also the mainstay of the navy. .As a flagship, it is convenient to command, how can it charge forward?Taking the only battleship that can be sold as the flagship, I have to say that the navy of the Harodan Kingdom is also very immature.

After eight days of sea voyage, the fleet of the Harodan Kingdom's sea and land coalition forces arrived in the Java Sea safely, but the Harodan Kingdom's navy that had just entered the Java Sea was discovered by the Wei State Navy.

Since Ran Ming arrived in Ningyuan, Ran Ming unceremoniously regarded the Java Sea as the inland sea of ​​the Wei State. Using the platform of the Ningyuan Shipyard, skilled craftsmen and a large amount of old elephant wood, he began to frantically build new ones. Mengchong battleship.This is almost a scaled-down version of the Flying Fish battleship, because Cicero's great improvements have been made to allow Greek fire and an improved version of the ballista to be used on it, so Ran Ming named this warship the Xiandeng class battleship .

Although this first-class battleship is a little smaller than the Flying Fish battleship, its combat effectiveness is not weak, especially with the improved Greek fire, ballista, and even slight changes to the horizontal sail. The improvement, aerodynamically speaking, is more reasonable.

Through overtime manufacturing, Ningyuan Shipyard has produced more than 260 ships at this time. As long as these first-class warships are delivered to the navy, they will be boarded by the navy receivers sent by Ran Ming for training.In order to have enough personnel to control these battleships, Ran Ming had to deploy enough personnel from all the Flying Fish battleships.As for the auxiliary soldiers and low-skilled personnel on the battleship, they were replaced with indigenous or Ye Tiaoguo personnel, and the replaced personnel became the main force of the Xiandeng-class battleship.

As for the Harodan Navy, not only are the warships seriously small, but the combat philosophy is still side-to-side warfare. According to the classification of ancient Chinese warships, Flying Fish is equivalent to a large warship, while Xiandeng is a medium-sized warship. As for the centipede ship and A small number of wheel ships belong to the small class.Even small warships like centipede ships are ten feet long and one foot eight feet wide, while wheel ships are eight feet three feet long and one foot six feet wide.

This unexpected naval battle still broke out. The two sides fought at a sea area [-] kilometers northwest of the Java Sea. When Wei Guo discovered this large fleet, he ordered them to stop and check.However, the Harodan Navy discovered that the Wei warships in front of them were indeed taller and larger than theirs, but the number was small. The patrol team composed of three first-class warships had no combat missions at all. Their role was actually to serve as sentries.

But the commander of the joint army of Keharadan ordered a direct attack.More than a dozen miniature warships launched an attack on the three first-class warships of the Wei State Navy.Naturally, the Wei State Navy, which was under attack, launched a counterattack immediately without hesitation.At the same time, they didn't know the opponent's strength and were afraid of the opponent's huge number. The Wei State Navy patrol team used the beacon to notify other training warships in the nearby waters to come to support.

As more than a dozen small Harodan Kingdom naval warships took the lead, nearly a hundred other warships also accelerated towards the Wei Army Navy.Although the warships of the Harodan Navy are small, the corresponding combat effectiveness is also weak.However, small battleships also have the advantage of small battleships, that is, their speed is very fast, especially the small battleships that use paddle-sail hybrid power, and the speed of an instant burst can exceed the first board by a large margin.

The sudden attack really shocked the Wei Guojun who was training.However, although they were taken aback, these warships of the Wei State Navy followed the normal operation rules and quickly transferred to the actual combat state.The first to board the battleship will naturally use its own advantages to distance itself from the warships of the Harodan Kingdom Navy, but it is a pity that the Wei Kingdom Navy warships with insufficient psychological quality made mistakes again and again, and missed the most precious opportunities, especially when the distance between the two sides was very large. In addition, the Harodan Kingdom was fighting without declaration, so the two sides quickly entered the effective combat distance.

However, these rookies in the Wei army did not launch the ballista and rockets, and even if they fired barely, they failed to hit the target.The Naval Commander of the Harodan Kingdom was secretly surprised when he looked at the huge first-class warship of the Wei Kingdom.

"I didn't expect that the damned Serisians could actually build such a big warship. This is much bigger than the second-tier warships of the Gupta Empire. When this naval battle is over, these warships will belong to our Harodan Kingdom!"

Willingness is very beautiful, but the reality is too cruel.

At this time, the patrol commander of the Wei State Navy was Hu Bin who was also from Ran Ming Shutong.Compared with Liu Laozhi, Hu Bin is not only taciturn, but also has a perverse personality, not as flamboyant as Liu Laozhi.It is very similar to the history. After Liu Laozhi became the chief general of the first army, this touched Hu Bin a lot, but Hu Bin liked the navy more, so after the battle of Manboyi City, Hu Bin reported to Ran Ming , apply to go to the Navy.

With a large number of first-class warships put into active service, the gap in the expeditionary force is very large. Whether it is officers or soldiers, they are basically empty-handed. Although the beginning is very difficult, it also means that they have more opportunities.As the trainers of the first batch of first-class warships, Hu Bin quickly stood out.As the head of the firepower team, Hu Bin completed a triple jump in one month, and finally became the captain of the first-class battleship XD006, and now the captain of this small patrol team. With large-scale combat effectiveness, Hu Bin may even become a general who stands alone.

This sudden encounter tested Hu Bin's ability to command in battle.Facing such a miniature ship, Hu Bin felt no pressure. In Hu Bin's eyes, those small warships were no different from small sampans!Any warship of the "First Class" can easily send them to the bottom of the sea!It's just that the number of opponents is too large, and Wei Guo's navy has to fight cautiously!The possibility of too many ants killing elephants still exists!
(End of this chapter)

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