Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 832 You Are A Princess Of course You Must Live In A Castle

Chapter 832 You Are A Princess Of course You Must Live In A Castle
Chapter 837 You Are A Princess Of course You Must Live In A Castle

Hu Bin ordered calmly, and when the first wave of ballista strikes was not ideal, Hu Bin resorted to the big killer-Greek fire.

In fact, during the march, the gas pump of the Greek fire was activated, but it was not connected to the oil tank.Under Hu Bin's order, the air pump operator quickly opened the valve leading to the oil tank, and the soldiers operating the flame-throwing pipe urgently adjusted the launch angle, and beside the flame-throwing pipe, the soldiers had already prepared the torches.

"Get ready, let go!"

The iron block weighing 260 jins pushed the piston of the air pump with inertial power, and the air pump reached [-]PSL in an instant. This instantaneously formed terrifying power pushed the kerosene in the oil tank violently towards the oil tank.With a loud bang of "Peng", the flame sprayed out the tube, forming a fire dragon with more than sixty paces.

The huge fire dragon was flying on the sea, and wherever it passed, whether it was the battleship of the Harodan Kingdom or the turbulent sea, fierce fires burned.It was the first actual combat shooting of the Greek fire, and the record was quite good. The three warships of the Harodan Kingdom were instantly swallowed by the fire.

The shrill screams rang out on the sea, and the sudden appearance of the Greek fire stopped the attack momentum of the Harodan navy, which was attacking like a bull.However, it only stopped for a moment.

In this gap, Hu Bin ordered again: "All ships spread out! Keep the distance from the enemy ships and use artillery to destroy the enemy!"

There is no way. Although the power of Greek fire is good, it is a pity that it is different from artillery. Although it is not a one-time consumable, each oil tank can only be fired once.After launching, the soldiers need to open the oil tank, and then pour the prepared fire oil into the oil tank.At this time, it is necessary to lift the [-]-jin iron block and the piston of the air pump.This will take time, even though the soldiers of the state of Wei put their speed at the fastest speed, it still takes a while.

The standard bearer notified the ships of the patrol fleet with Hu Bin's order.After receiving the order, the ships dispersed one after another.The ballistas on the battleship are also ready for battle. The ballistas on the bow, stern, and sides of the ship have all been loaded. To deal with those small boats with only a few tens of tons, I am afraid that only one shell is needed. Torn to shreds!It's just that the target is smaller, and correspondingly, the difficulty of aiming has also increased.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At three quarters in the afternoon, the Java Sea Battle began!When the warships of the Harodan Navy were only a hundred steps away from the warships of the Wei State, the warships of the Wei State Navy opened fire one after another!

Although the distance is very close, these ballista and rocket operators who are the first to board the battleship are a group of rookies. During normal training, they can hit the target accurately, but in the actual combat process, they make mistakes again and again, one after another. The shells fell into the sea, splashing water jets.However, because the naval warships of the Harodan Kingdom were relatively small, they failed to hit the target in the first round of ballista bombardment!
The bombardment of the Wei State Navy shocked the Harodan State Navy.However, when they found that the shells had fallen into the sea and did not cause any damage to them, they were no longer afraid, but sped up their speed, screaming and rushing towards the battleship of the Wei State Navy!

As Wei Guo's navy accelerated its retreat, as time passed, this group of navy rookies gradually calmed down from their panic.

They slowly found confidence in the training process, and the accuracy of the ballista has also greatly increased.

"Boom" A warship of the Harodan Kingdom Navy that was sailing at high speed was hit by a ballista shell. This kind of small warship with a scale of only a dozen tons weighed fifty catties and had as many as 32 tons of explosives. In front of the cannonball that weighed [-] catties, it was like paper.It was as if the battleship had hit a solid city wall head-on, and the entire bow of the warship was shattered at once!Afterwards, the battleship fell apart in the explosion of the shells!Dozens of officers and soldiers of the Harodan Kingdom Navy on the battleship all fell into the sea.Except for some people who were killed on the spot, the rest of the people all fell into the water!Of course, no one will rescue them on the battlefield full of artillery fire!
"Little Six played well, this time you are the first!" The hit of this shot was the masterpiece of the No. [-] ballista gunner on Hu Bin's ship, and the ballista operator was an acquaintance of Hu Bin.

Encouraged by Hu Bin, the ballista operators of other ships also threw off their arms and started working hard.As time goes by, the ballistas and rockets of the first-class warships will become more accurate.And those battleships of the Harodan Kingdom that are close to the first-class battleships will be taken care of by the Greek Fire. This kind of powerful weapon makes the Harodan Kingdom Navy lose the momentum to charge desperately.

Half an hour later, the Harodan Navy lost nearly one-third of its warships, and hundreds of soldiers were killed or injured. At this moment, a first-class training fleet rushed to the combat sea area after receiving an emergency signal from Hu Bin. .This training fleet is also the first three boarding warships.The captain's name is Su Liusheng.This Su Liusheng is also the eldest son of Ran Ming's old subordinate Su Jue.

Su Liusheng inherited Su Jue's fiery temper, and when he saw that the enemy ships were attacking Wei's warships, he directly ordered to go into battle.As time went by, Harodan's navy suffered heavy losses, but they still had a numerical advantage, so they kept launching useless attacks.

However, with the arrival of Su Liusheng's fleet, the morale of the Harodan Kingdom began to decline.

In the near future, as many as eleven first-class training fleets have arrived in the combat sea area, and the number of combat warships has increased to 33. At this time, less than half of the warships of the Harodan Navy have been lost. He lost his fighting spirit and thought of retreating.

At this time, the battle had been fought for nearly an hour. Hu Bin held a telescope polished by natural colorless crystal, looked at the battlefield, and smiled on his face.

61 enemy ships have been sunk without any damage.However, the Wei State Navy only had two minor injuries, and the damage to the two first-class warships was not caused by the Harodan Navy, but due to improper operation, the two first-class warships collided with each other.Fortunately, this kind of first-class battleship has a thick skin, and as long as it returns to Hong Kong for repairs, it can quickly form combat effectiveness.

"Give orders to all ships, seize the time to destroy the enemy's warships! After a quarter of an hour, launch a counterattack! Kill all the enemies!" Hu Bin put down the binoculars in his hand, and calmly issued an order.At this point in the battle, Wei Guo's navy has basically established a complete victory in the initial battle.

In Ningyuan Yuelu, Ran Ming's brows were wrinkled at this time, and his forehead was also twisted into a Sichuan character.At this time, because the news of the Java Sea Battle had not yet reached Ningyuan, Ran Ming did not know that the Wei State Navy had won another battle.Although Ran Ming didn't put in all his strength, he had already annihilated more than [-]% of the military power of the Harodan Kingdom.

At this time, Ran Ming also had a very headache.The headache was not other issues, but Ran Min organized a supporting army, including 46 flying fish warships to be built later, and the full staffing of the entire ship, as well as seven battalions of infantry.These infantry units are not the Marine Corps, but are selected from the more than 30 elite troops of the Wei State. They are composed of soldiers who will not get seasick. There are also the trilogy of the Anbei Army, and at this time, the seven battalions have a total of [-] infantry, almost including the trilogy of the big brothers in the Wei Guojun.Naturally, there are also Ran Ming's direct line troops, one of which is composed of the Beifu Army established by Ran Ming in Jiaodong Kingdom, and the leading general is Liu Laozhi's father Liu Jian.

Apart from these parts, it was one of them that gave Ran Ming the most headache.That is Wuxing Wang Ranyu.

Regardless of Ran Yu being named King Wuxing, in ancient China, except for the braid dynasty, there was no obvious difference between the word king and the word king, and there was no distinction between princes and county kings in China.

King Wuxing's fief is naturally in Wuxing, and Wuxing City at this time is Lueyang County in Shaanxi.This is an ancient city established during the Cao Wei period, and it was also Ran Min's original title.In Hou Zhao, Ran Min was first Marquis of Xiuwu, then he was promoted to Lord Wuxing, and then King Wuxing.

Ran Min made Ran Yu the King of Wuxing, the political intention of which is very obvious.What's more, Ran Yu's kung fu is the best among Ran Min's masters. He is six years younger than Ran Ming, and he could barely draw with Ran Ming when he was nine years old. He is no longer Ran Yu's opponent.

Ran Yu was born with supernatural power, and he could open a four-stone strong bow at the age of 14. A four-stone strong bow and arrow requires 480 catties of strength.Although it is said that the catty in ancient times was only more than 300 grams in later generations, this is equivalent to more than 300 years. Since adult men are afraid that few people have this strength.

Naturally born with supernatural power, and has won the true inheritance of Ran Min in martial arts, Ran Min spared no effort in cultivating Ran Yu.Ran Min not only asked Jin Nu and Tie Nu to teach Ran Yu Kung Fu in person, but also sent Ran Yu to the Anbei Army to practice. Now he has served in the army for two years. At this time, Ran Yu beheaded the enemy at level 83 , was promoted to Dubo, and was named a military marquis.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that there are rumors in the court that Ran Yu has the demeanor of His Majesty back then.

Obviously, none of them felt at ease.

At this time, Ran Yu was about to arrive in Ningyuan in a month. If Ran Ming was in a good mood, that would be a strange thing.

"Damn, this damn infighting, I hate infighting!"

In fact, there are not so many things that Ran Ming cares about, not just the threat from Ran Yu.In fact, there was also the struggle between Jin Chengyue and Helena, which also gave Ran Ming a headache.

Jin Chengyue is the executive officer of the Nanyang Development Company who grew up from the grassroots. In terms of skill and courage, ordinary men may not be able to match her.Coupled with the fact that she has considerable money in her hands, as well as capable leaders like the "Tiger Organization", this makes Jin Chengyue far surpass Helena in terms of absolute strength.

However, although Helena was down and out, she was once the queen of Rome. Although her queen had been in office for less than two years, although it was said that a down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, there is a saying that a lean camel is bigger than a horse.As the youngest daughter of Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire, Helena grew up in an environment that was most adept at infighting.After the death of Constantine the Great, the huge Roman Empire was divided into three. Constantine II was emperor for four years before being killed by his younger brother Constantius II, one of the three emperors. Constantine also died after failing in the internal struggle. As a result, in the Constantine family's internal struggle in just [-] years, almost all the royal children died. This is why after Julian's death, the empire became a Valentinian dynasty.

In the struggles that she had heard and seen for so many years, if Helena didn't have the slightest ability, she would have died long ago.Even if Helena only has about [-] steps at this time, these steps are definitely not as simple as soldiers.Like Sarus, the consul of the Roman Legion, his real official position in the Roman Empire was the commander of the Imperial Guard, which was equivalent to the commander of the Beijing Military Region and the commander of the Central Guard Division in later generations.Cicero was the mayor of Constantinople, and participated in the construction of Constantinople following his teacher Podaka. Cicero had a deep study of geometry and physics.Charlton was an outstanding mathematician and mechanic in the Roman Empire, while Eunapius was an educator, writer and historian in Rome.A pagan to the Christian Church, Polydeuces was actually an astronomer and philosopher.Philip and Gordian were the cavalry training staff officers of the Roman Empire, and Severus was the chief of staff of the Roman Empire's Mediterranean Fleet. Unlike China's military system, the Roman Empire's chief of staff was actually the leader of the fleet.etc.

Regardless of the fact that there are not many people around Helena, it can be said that more than half of the first-class scientific and technological talents of the Roman Empire and a considerable part of the big cows are concentrated around her.Moreover, the Roman sergeants around Helena also have a good training mechanism. As long as they have financial support, they can recruit soldiers for training and form combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

As a woman, I actually understand women better.Although Jin Chengyue was also good at hiding his emotions, the hostility that Jin Chengyue showed inadvertently was discovered by the keen Helena. This woman was extremely sensitive.In order to prevent Jin Chengyue from catching her own loopholes, Helena managed her Daqin Palace in an impenetrable manner, and Jin Chengyue had nothing to do.

After Helena and Ran Ming made a breakthrough in their relationship, Helena acted like a baby to Ran Ming, saying that she wanted a castle that belonged to her.Ran Ming was not short of money anyway, so he agreed to Helena's request.On the basis of the Great Qin Palace, Ran Ming set aside about [-] acres of land for Helena to expand in the west and north.And transfer another [-] yuan for construction costs to Helena.However, Ran Ming disagreed with Helena building a Roman-style castle, but building a Chinese-style castle.

To be precise, it is not considered a castle, but the most common Wubao in the Central Plains. Helen Fort covers an area of ​​more than 46 acres, surrounded by high walls of two feet and eight feet high. This kind of wall is represented by bluestone. , the inside is filled with mellow soil and compacted. Although it is only a wall, it has a complete defense system. Outside the wall is a trench that is more than three feet wide and vertically downwards. Two exits, two suspension bridges.Watchtowers and archery towers have been built around the Daqin Palace in the center, and 21 fixed Xiangyang stone cannons, eight-ox crossbows and [-] ballista carts that can move at any time on the wall are arranged. The defense system composed of machine guns and ballistas, after calculation by Cicero, found that as long as there is sufficient food, grass and supplies, [-] soldiers can defend against more than [-] troops for more than a month.

(End of this chapter)

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