Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 833 We Are All Civilized People

Chapter 833 We Are All Civilized People

Chapter 838 We Are All Civilized People
Seeing Helena's Helenbergh, Jin Chengyue was also unhappy.She also asked Ran Ming to strengthen Yuelu's defense facilities.For Ran Ming, if it can be solved with money, it is not a problem.With a big wave of his hand, Ran Ming agreed to Jin Chengyue's proposal, and also strengthened the defense construction in Yuelu.

To please Ran Ming, Helena is ingenious.Music and dancing in the style of the Roman imperial court, as for food.The ancient Roman nobles actually enjoyed it the most.Helena personally baked bread, made biscuits, and cheese for Ran Ming. The relatively rich diet also opened Ran Ming's eyes.

The nobles of ancient Rome attached great importance to dinner, and they liked to hold such large banquets, which made Ran Ming enjoy it very much.The dinner food of the Roman nobles was also very rich, including honeydew squirrel, braised flamingo tongue, steamed elephant trunk and even sow's milk.These rare delicacies will make Ran Ming and all the guests feast on them.

But the dishes in it feel a bit strange, maybe I don’t dare to eat them.

Roman aristocrats liked food with a strong taste. They usually added a kind of sauce to their dishes, called garam, which was made from fish viscera and salt water, and filtered. It was a luxury at that time, and only nobles had money to enjoy it. .Naturally, Jin Chengyue was not willing to show weakness to this point, and Jin Chengyue came up with the idea of ​​nostalgia.

The orthodox traditional dance and vocal music of the Central Plains, the Surabaya flower carvings brought from the Central Plains, and the orthodox tea ceremony and food culture, not only moved Ran Ming very much, but also conquered Helena.

It's just that Ran Ming is very troubled at this moment, no matter what the two daughters do, they can't make Ran Ming feel relieved.

What Ran Min was thinking, Ran Ming can actually guess one or two, that is, he is in his prime and doesn't want to delegate power prematurely. His son is too capable and puts too much pressure on him.This kind of thing happened to Tang Gaozu Li Yuan. Li Yuan did not hesitate to encourage Li Shimin to balance Li Jiancheng. It is a pity that the ambitious Li Shimin is a fierce man. He directly overthrew Li Jiancheng, put Li Yuan under house arrest, and directly became the emperor himself.

Compared with the aggressive Ran Zhi, Ran Ming seems to be in better control.But in Ran Min's opinion, this son is more capable than Ran Zhi, but also more dangerous.So Ran Min began to support the fourth eldest Ran Yu.The title of King Wu Xing was actually a signal to the ministers that Ran Yu was behind him.

Of course, Ran Min also knew about Ran Ming's prestige and status in the army, for Ran Yu.From a righteous standpoint, he is even more disadvantaged, and as far as abilities are concerned, he is far behind.But if the emperor wants to support a person, in fact, that pile of shit can blow up to the sky.This is China's national conditions.

Ran Min made repeated moves. First, he wanted to send Ran Yu down to Jizhen's army for training, and then slowly cultivate his connections. However, Wei Guo has not fought for five or six years now, and military merit is not so easy to earn.Small-scale battles, such as arresting bandits, and armed infiltration of the Northern Han Kingdom, but the Northern Han Kingdom has self-knowledge, as long as it is a small-scale battle, they will tenaciously resist, and once the Wei Kingdom moves northward, they will avoid it.The vast Mobei has become the most natural barrier of the Northern Han Dynasty.

At this time, it is not so easy for Ran Yu to make meritorious service in the Anbei Army.You must know that the military merits of the Wei State are actually more difficult as they go up. Ran Min decreed to marry Ran Yu in June of the seventh year of Kaiyuan. Ran Yu's Princess Wuxing was the same as Ran Ming. The main concubine is Dong Qiaowan, the sixth daughter of Taiwei Dong Run, the concubine Ping is Ji Yaner, the eldest daughter of Ji Li, and the other is Ruyi, the youngest queen of Shang Shuling Wang Jian.

Binding Ji Gu, Dong Run and Wang Jian, the three military and political leaders to Ran Yu's chariot, was Ran Min's greatest support to Ran Yu.The decree was made in June and the marriage was completed in October, with less than a hundred days in between.After getting married, Ran Min sent Ran Yu as one of the reinforcements to Nanyang to participate in the war with the Gupta Empire. Obviously, he wanted to share some of Ran Ming's credit with Ran Yu.

After becoming the prince, Ran Ming's influence in the army also decreased a lot. In order to reduce Ran Min's suspicion, Ran Ming could only gradually weaken his control over the army. At the same time, Shi Yue's South Conquest Army is also closely related to Zhang Wen's Zhennan Army.Of course, the Qinliang faction of Zhenxi Army headed by Xie Ai has gradually become stronger.The second is Ran Ming's Lecture Hall Department.Of course, although factions in Wei Guo's military were gradually formed, no matter which faction it was, Ran Min was still the leader and did not dare to have any dissent.

Among them, Ran Ming contributed the most. Ran Ming suggested to Ran Min that in the process of distributing military salaries, in order to prevent generals from being greedy for military salaries and drinking soldiers' blood, which would cause the combat effectiveness of Wei's army to decline, Ran Ming suggested to Ran Min that the court should cooperate with the army. Huaxia Bank cooperated and asked the bank to distribute the military salary as an agent.

Huaxia Bank will not distribute metal coins to soldiers, but will set up a bank account for soldiers in the bank. As long as the imperial court transfers military expenses to the bank, the bank will then distribute military salaries quarterly.In the bank branches in various places, it is distributed to every soldier in the form of money notes.

At first, this kind of money can only be used to withdraw cash at Huaxia Bank, and at the same time, it can also be used to replace currency and purchase goods in the stores of Huaxia Business Alliance franchisees.However, this kind of money note, which anyone can go to the bank to withdraw cash, has been liked by businessmen and people of all sizes once it was launched.Money bills are light in weight and easy to carry, which has many advantages.

Of course, Ran Ming's real purpose was to introduce banknotes to Wei to pave the way.After getting a good response from the army, Ran Min turned his ideas on the minister again.Regardless of courtiers, scattered officials, or nobles, they don’t need to open bank accounts, but transfer them to them in the form of money tickets, and let them withdraw cash by themselves. In this way, the state of Wei can reduce the loss of metal currency during transportation. up.

Of course, what's even better is that as long as the soldiers dare to make any changes, the court can immediately freeze their bank accounts. You must know that Chinese people have the habit of saving money. Most of the soldiers' salaries will be stored. The general has neither the opportunity to be kind to his subordinates nor the strength to rebel.This is much better than the system of eunuchs and military supervisors in the Song Dynasty.

This kind of system is naturally in the name of Ran Min. In this way, it can not only promote the market flow and prosperity of Wei's commercial economy, but at the same time, the emperor can firmly control the military power.There is only one reason for the bank to freeze the account, that is, the imperial decree of the emperor. Except for the emperor, no one else can interfere with the normal operation of the bank.

Ran Min was happy, but Ran Ming couldn't be happy.Who would be a man without ambition?When there is no house, I want a house of my own. If I have a house, I want a car. If I have a car and a house, I want a beautiful wife.This is Shengdou Xiaomin's ambition, but Ran Ming, who has truly enjoyed the taste of power, will easily give up the power he is about to acquire?
Ran Min can't do it, and neither can Ran Yu.Just when Ran Ming felt that he was in danger, he suddenly had a thought that Li Shimin was actually not bad.History is written by victors. When Li Shimin became emperor, who would care if he killed his brother and imprisoned his father, and took away his sister-in-law?History will only record his great achievements.

After suffering for many days in a row, Ran Ming got very drunk once in the Great Qin Palace.Helena wore a light scarlet robe, sitting sideways on the side of the couch, and asked sweetly, "Honey, what are you thinking?"

A head of wet long hair was draped over her shoulders, making her pretty face extremely soft and charming.Holding a horn comb in her plain hand, she gently combed her shiny, silky hair.

Ran Ming, who drank too much, had extremely poor self-control, and he couldn't help but completely opened his heart to Helena.He told Helena about his situation in Wei State and some guesses about Ran Ming.

Helena had combed her hair and brushed her golden hair down her shoulders.Look at her slender and long moon eyebrows, her eyes are extremely seductive, her nose is exquisite, her red lips are raised up, a youthful and charming freehand brushwork is on her face.

"Honey, Helena thinks that it is impossible for the Gupta Empire to fight. You must know that for a huge empire like Wei and the Gupta Empire, it takes a very long time to prepare for war. Julian failed because he was not well prepared at that time. All the information shows that the Gupta Empire is still mobilizing for war. The Gupta Empire has a geographical advantage. The longer they prepare, the more difficult the war will be. However, it seems that the Gupta Empire still does not have enough confidence, otherwise they would have already I just called."

"I also know about this matter!" Ran Ming sighed helplessly, "It's just that I don't know how to face my younger brother."

"In the Kingdom of Wei, you are the first heir to the empire, and His Royal Highness should be regarded as the second heir, so there is a big difference." Helena said: "Now you are the highest-ranking heir of the Imperial Expeditionary Force." Commander, you can freely decide the personnel arrangement of the expeditionary force, can't you let His Royal Highness take on less important combat missions, although it will be very safe, there is no credit for it!"

At this moment, Ran Ming really moved his mind.After a while, he came up with an idea, and Ran Ming waved his hand to a personal guard and said, "Go and invite the governor of Zhenyuan to come over."

There is a saying that the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear.In fact, Ran Ming also entered into such a vicious circle. The problem that he felt helpless, in Helena's view, was not a problem at all.

As the head coach of the Wei State Expeditionary Army, Ran Ming can do too many things.

"Julian launched a crusade against the Persian Sasanian Dynasty two years ago. At the beginning of the war, the Roman Empire had the upper hand. But those damned elders and some scum of the empire, they colluded with the Sasanian Dynasty, and first cut off the Roman army. Logistical supplies, and then the Sasanian Dynasty adopted the scorched-earth strategy of fortifying the wall and clearing the country, which made Julian unable to support the war in Persia. Later, Julian saw that the war was unfavorable and wanted to retreat. When the Roman army retreated to Malanga, the Persian army went crazy. , launched an attack on the Roman army. During the battle, Julian was shot through the ribs and pierced his liver." Helena said angrily: "The tactic of throwing a spear is the most common tactic of the Roman army. However, the Persian army did not have such tactics at all, but Julian died by throwing a spear."

Following Helena's eloquence, Ran Ming broke out in a cold sweat.It seemed that Helena was just describing the misfortune of Roman Emperor Julian, but she did not imply that Ran Ming could take extreme measures to arrange Ran Yu's death on the battlefield.Not to mention whether Ran Ming can be so cruel, in fact, there is not much room for Ran Ming to manipulate. The more he understands Ran Min, the more Ran Ming discovers that Ran Min is unfathomable.

"Deaf and dumb" is not a decoration. There may not be chess pieces arranged by Ran Min around Ran Ming. As long as Ran Min wants to move Ran Ming, he does not need evidence at all, just like Ran Zhi. Already disappointed in him.Even if he did not launch a coup, the throne was lost to him after the Luoyang Incident.Ran Ming still has his own ideals and political ambitions, and he is absolutely unwilling to give up halfway at this time.

As the governor of Zhenyuan and the chief general of the Zhenyuan Army, Liu Qi has also entered the ranks of the senior generals of Ran Ming's forces. Especially after seeing the sharp offensive of Wei's army in Ye Tiaoguo, Liu Qi's pitiful little thoughts faded away. .Although the temptation to be king and hegemony is not small, no matter how good the temptation is, it cannot compare to one's own life.The fighting power of the aborigines in Zhenyuan (Luzon) may not be stronger than that of Ye Tiaoguo. Using these newly evolved aborigines to fight against Wei's elite troops is definitely looking for death.

After being summoned by Ran Ming, Liu Qi immediately dropped his work and came to the Great Qin Palace in Helenbergh in light clothes.

"See Your Royal Highness!"

"Liu Qing is free from courtesy!"

Ran Ming sobered up his confused head with cold water, and said kindly: "Governor Liu, General Liu, I know that the palace summoned you today, what's the matter?"

"I'm stupid!" Liu Qi shook his head and said, "The final general can't figure it out!"

Ran Ming sighed and said: "The decisive battle between us and the Gupta Empire is about to begin. Originally, the logistics supplies were sufficient, but who would have thought that His Majesty sent reinforcements, 48 elite infantry, and 10 flying fish warships, Including the auxiliary troops, the total number of troops is nearly [-], and the benefits of having more troops are obvious. This can greatly increase the odds of victory for our Wei State, but it will also put a lot of pressure on our logistics supplies."

(End of this chapter)

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