Chapter 834
Chapter 839

Liu Qi also understood that now Ye Tiaoguo was responsible for almost 70% of the supplies for the Wei State Expeditionary Army, and with Ye Tiaoguo's [-] million active troops, Ye Tiaoguo's burden was already heavy enough.

"It's too late!" Ran Ming said, "If you add more burdens to Ye Tiaoguo, I'm worried that Ye Tiao will be overwhelmed."

"What does Your Highness mean?" Liu Qi asked cautiously.

"I've thought about it, and you are the only one who can bear this burden." Ran Ming said, "Weiyuan and Ningyuan have a small population and limited output, and only Zhenyuan and Fuyuan can shoulder this burden. .”

Liu Qi said without hesitation: "What do you need me to do, please show me, Your Highness!"

Ran Ming said: "One hundred thousand troops, supplies for half a year, is there any difficulty?"

The supplies for Wei State’s regular army include two sets of clothes in winter each year. The weather in Nanyang is so hot that they can’t use them in winter, but two sets of summer clothes, including underwear and shoes and socks, cost [-] yuan, which is [-] soldiers. Thirty-four thousand gold is needed.

A soldier consumes four liang of grain per day, four liang of bread, and two liang of meat.

The price of ten catties of meat is equal to one stone of rice, and the meat is about 32 yuan per catty. In this way, the food and meat consumption of 360 soldiers for half a year requires 7 stones of rice, which is equivalent to about [-] gold, (the price of grain It is planned to be [-] yuan per stone), [-] million catties of meat, [-] gold, and salt, tea, wine, canned food (rice wine and liquor), fruits, and other non-staple food.This is equivalent to sixteen thousand gold.

If these supplies are evenly distributed among the 60 to 480 people in Zhenyuan, the tax each person needs to bear will be as much as [-] yuan.Zhenyuan's current economy is mainly based on agriculture, and their most common means of payment is to hand over food quite directly.For [-] yuan, [-] catties of grain must be paid. Besides, this is in addition to the normal tax. If a family of five requires [-] catties.

Ran Ming looked at Liu Qi and said, "This batch of supplies is mainly prepared by Zhenyuan. Of course, Fuyuan's burden is not easy. They need to bear [-] soldiers and half a year's military salary."

Now Liu Qi felt balanced. Although Fu Yuan didn't need to be in charge of such a huge amount of supplies, he still had a lot of money.To be precise, it should be a bigger burden than Zhenyuan.

Knowing the time, Liu Qi quickly went to give the order, and at the same time, Ran Ming handed over the task to Governor Fu Yuan.On the surface, Ran Ming didn't do anything, but it can't be said that he didn't do anything.Just made it less obvious.Even if Ran Min knew, he couldn't say anything.

After all, it was Ran Ming's job to prepare supplies for the reinforcements.But in fact, Ran Ming was ruthless.At this time, whether it is Zhenyuan or Fuyuan, the local garrison has been reduced to the lowest level, and a large number of young and strong people have been drafted as servants of the expeditionary army and undergo intense training in Luyepati.

As the two earliest colonies of the Wei State, the aborigines in Zhenyuan and Fuyuan have serious hostility towards the Han people. Usually, they are fine. Whether it is the garrison of the local governor's mansion or the private soldiers of the Han family clan, they all have a good reputation. fighting power.If the natives riot, they will be severely punished.But now, most of the military forces in Fuyuan Town and Zhenyuan Town have been emptied, and only some important towns and important cities are firmly in their hands. As for the other places, they are occupied by the natives.This is just a stopgap measure, as long as Ran Ming's expeditionary army defeats the Gupta Empire and the army returns to the division, even if they don't have to quell the rebellion, they will calm down.

Following Ran Ming's paper-making order, most of the taxes in the two places were transferred to the natives.The aborigines of the two places are also in a difficult situation. Let’s do it, their life will be difficult. Although it is not as serious as starving to death, it is definitely not as easy as before.If you don't, you will definitely face severe punishment.

As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there will be resistance.At this time, the indigenous nobles who had been severely weakened by the Wei State and the Han-hating forces began to connect with each other, and soon a vigorous indigenous resistance movement began.Countless aborigines rushed to the manors and castles of the Han people with wooden sticks and crude weapons.In this era, the colonial movement was limited to the scholar-bureaucrat class, and although ordinary people also benefited from it, they could only get some leftovers.

When the native rebellion started, these ill-fated gentry stewards began to collect the gold and silver, and then ran to the city.Just over ten days after Ran Ming's call-up order, Zhenyuan and Fuyuan basically lost control of the natives. Zhenyuan was better because Liu Qi and other four pre-Qin families and a large number of gentry clans all had inferior military power. In addition to Fubo City and Zhenyuan Port, there are four or five large and medium-sized cities.

As for Fuyuan Town, it was rather sad. Except for Fuyuan City and Xinghai Port, all other sites were lost.Take Fuzhen Yuannan Giant Fort as an example. This small castle is home to more than 1000 Han Chinese. After seven days of resistance, the south gate of the castle was opened in the middle of the night due to the betrayal of traitors.Originally, Nei Ying wanted to preserve his wealth, but after the city was broken, the natives attacked the Han people indiscriminately, and even Nei Ying himself died in the chaos.

Wei's reinforcements included 48 flying fish warships and more than 400 large transport ships carrying [-] infantry. This was the first time that Wei's regular army had gone abroad.Although Ran Ming started to develop the Indochina Peninsula and Southeast Asia seven or eight years ago, everyone in Wei knew that the Changshui Army had become Ran Ming's private army.Just like this attack on the Gupta Empire, it was also led by Ran Ming's private army.

The political significance of this expedition by the regular army of the Wei State is far greater than the actual significance of the war.Thirty-five thousand cavalry were combined into seven cavalry battalions. Generals at all levels, school lieutenants, Sima Congjun, Sima of other departments, military marquis, and Dubo were all very excited.The army rode the wind and waves, all the way south.

Sailors and marines accounted for half, and infantry soldiers accounted for half, but most of the navy officers and soldiers and soldiers belonging to the marines were recruits. , Much more elite than the officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps.

The commander of the infantry this time is Su Jue, Ran Min's family general, and the deputy commander is Ji Polu, the son of Jiquan. Ji Li had high hopes for this son, so he named him Ji Polu.Ji Polu is actually three years younger than Ran Yu, and he is not yet thirteen years old.As the youngest son, he has been taken by Ji Wei since he was six years old. Although he has been influenced by his ears since he was a child, he has developed his skills with his father. After all, he has never led a soldier alone, let alone traveled across the ocean, thousands of miles away?

The flagship of the naval reinforcements is also the joint commander of the reinforcements navy and army. The helmsman on duty concentrates on keeping the sun as the direction and correcting the ship's azimuth.The flag bearer kept raising and lowering various signal flags according to the order, commanding the entire fleet to steer, sail, adjust the cockpit, correct the course, and march in an orderly manner.

Su Jue, who was in his forties, watched quietly as the fleet general issued various orders, and his heart was extremely anxious.Although the entire new fleet of the Wei State Navy has been deployed, no one has the slightest thought about facing a vast Gupta Empire with a population of more than 3000 million and a territory three times larger than that of Wei State.What's more, Su Jue also shoulders a secret mission, which is to protect Ran Yu's personal safety. Once Ran Yu has a problem, he doesn't have to come back.These were the exact words that Ran Min told him personally.

Speaking of Su Jue, he was originally Ran Min's family general, no matter who is in charge in the future, he will not treat their direct descendants badly.So when Ran Zhi wooed him, Su Jue was neutral.He felt that if he didn't want to participate in the seizure of the heir apparent, his glory and wealth would also be indispensable.No need to stand in line at all.

Looking at Ji Lian, he was a little confused about this small school that was the Ran's begging army more than ten years ago. As a military commander, he is almost at the end of the day, so why is he still jumping around?Don't you know that His Royal Highness, who looks harmless to humans and animals on the surface, is actually the most terrifying person. At the age of 14, facing [-] dead bodies, it takes a strong heart to be able to keep his face unchanged?
"Old Ji, don't mess around with me, you bastard." Su Jue thought silently.Looking at this heroic nephew, Su Jue felt a little heartache for no reason.The three generations of the Ran family were single-handed, but in the generation of Ran Zhi and Ran Ming, Ran Min gave birth to six sons at once, the eldest son Ran Zhi, the second son Ran Ming, the third son Ran Yin, the fourth son Ran Yu, the fifth son Ran Cao, and the sixth son Ran Rui. .But these six sons, none of them can rest easy.

Needless to say Ran Zhi, who is insane, especially this little four, Ran Yu, do you think you will do better than your second brother in that position?Will you fight cattle?Although Wei Guo can't be said to be like a cloud of fierce generals and a rain of good plans, there is absolutely no shortage of generals nowadays.I can fight a lot, so what if I can fight more?At most one battle, the state of Jin can be destroyed, and the state of Wei can enjoy peace.What this requires is not the ability to fight, but the strategy of governing the country.

Ran Ming's strongest place is not leading troops to fight, but governing the place. Jiaodong Kingdom, which is not a shit, has been governed by Ran Ming from the poorest and backward place, and now the world is rich and prosperous.There is also the Qin State, which was devastated by the flames of war. After Ran Ming's governance, it now has the reputation of the Pearl of the Western Regions.But little four, what will you do?

At this moment, the three sentinel ships in front suddenly lowered their sails, as if they were doing something.

"Why did it stop? Quickly send a semaphore to ask what's going on?" Su Jue noticed the abnormality ahead and quickly ordered: "Half Sail slow down."

After hearing the order, the messenger said, "General, there is a small ship ahead, it seems to be one of our people."

"Order the sentry to bring them!"

Dubo on a sentry boat hooked the small boat with a hook gun barefoot, and lowered the rope ladder from the sentry boat.The people on the small boat climbed up the sentry boat from the rope ladder, and then transferred from the sentry boat to the flagship ship.

Su Jue looked at these people who were still in shock, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Wow!" One of them cried loudly, "General, please show mercy, please Zhenhai!"

"What?" Su Jue was shocked. Of course he knew Zhenhai. This is an overseas enclave that Ran Ming took down. It is said that it is rich in grain and spices. Many people will starve to death.This Zhenhai has contributed [-]% of Wei's current tax revenue.

"Those damned natives on Zhenhai Island have all rebelled. They attacked us Wei people bravely and fearlessly. Our farms, factories, mines, and a large number of small and medium-sized cities were taken away by them, and countless comrades were brutally killed by them. Dead. Now more than 20 natives are besieging Fubo City. If there is no foreign aid, the [-] defenders will not last long!
Since Ran Min started the Wei army in the first year of Qinglong, it is the sacred mission of this army to protect all Han people in the world from harm.Su felt that a large-scale indigenous riot had occurred in Zhenyuan, so he informed the generals at all levels of the Reinforcement Army Department of the news.

But as soon as the news reached the generals at all levels below, it immediately exploded, almost causing a mutiny.

When Su Jue proposed to send troops immediately to quell the rebellion in Zhenhai, this made Ji Polu, who was only thinking of making credit, very dissatisfied.He directly said frankly: "General Su, this is just an unexpected situation, just an accident. The military order we received was to arrive in Ningyuan as quickly as possible, accept the restraint of General Zhu Guo, and participate in the decisive battle against the Gupta Empire. But once God knows how long it will take to go to Zhenhai to support these hundreds of thousands of natives, and if they lose their time, everyone must know what will happen to them!"

It is true that Ran Ming took the gentry to colonize, but Ran Ming also did not forget the founding heroes who followed Ran Min to conquer the country.As a speculative civil servant group has taken such a big advantage, there is no reason for Wei Guo, a group of military generals who work hard and bleed.On the point of overseas colonization, Ran Ming did not favor any side.

Especially after the policy of abolishing titles completely failed, Ran Ming thought of a "curve to save the country" method. According to the expenses of each founding noble family above the Marquis, in addition to ensuring the normal expenses of the family, Ran Ming let They took out half of their salaries to invest in two Nankai companies, mainly Zhongnan Development Company, and Ran Ming's purpose was to dilute the shares held by the aristocrats and prevent them from interfering with the normal operation of Zhongnan Development Company.

(End of this chapter)

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