Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 835 We have always been good

Chapter 835 We have always been good
Chapter 840 We have always been good
However, when the salaries of the marquises were first deducted, Ran Min did not complain much, and even rumors spread that Ran Min killed the donkey and treated the meritorious officials harshly.It's just that when these marquis noble groups repaid the benefits of dividends, there was no need for Ran Ming to urge them anymore. They raised money voluntarily, and even took out their own reward land as collateral to borrow money from Huaxia Bank to invest in business.The average profit of Zhongnan Development Company is [-]%, but the loan interest rate of Huaxia Bank is only [-]%. This disparity is enough to drive Wei's honorable group crazy.

Later, almost all the honorable groups participated in the colonial development of the Wei state. In this way, if the aboriginals in Zhenhai rebelled, not only would they lose the wealth of the gentry, but it would also affect the interests of the honorable groups, and even affect the interests of the Wei state. tax.

No one of the generals of the Wei State would dare to bear the crime of losing their promises. In the Wei Guojun, if they lose their promises, unless it is due to irreversible factors (weather, disaster, etc.), the leading general will be sentenced to a felony to show the seriousness of the crime. Those in the middle range from being demoted to three ranks in a row, and the next ones range from thirty army sticks. If it is because of the suppression of the Zhenyuan rebellion, they are not included in the list of broken permits. If this is pursued, their future and life are in danger.Although he was very dissatisfied, he did not dare to bear the crime of dishonesty.

What Su Jue thought was different from other ordinary soldiers, he was born as Ran Min's family general.Su Jue knew Ran Min's temper. In the third year of Yongxing, Wei State was in critical situation. In order to prevent the people from starving to death, Ran Min led more than ten thousand troops to rob food and feed on the enemy.In the case of defeat in the Battle of Liantai, Ran Min had to lead a bloody battle with the main force of the Yan army with the remnants in order to cover the transfer of the people.If Ran Ming hadn't tried his best to turn the tide, Wei Guo's fate would have been unimaginable.

Two to three million natives besieged Fubo City, which had only 30 defenders. Without foreign aid, Fubo would definitely not be able to hold on.Once the city is broken, the more than [-] people in Fubo City may not be spared.Thinking about the life and death of [-] Han people in his own hands, Su Jue became entangled.Military law is ruthless, but Su Jue knows that Ran Min will never punish him because of this problem. On the contrary, if he is indifferent, then his future is really in danger.

As a general who has just entered the middle age, being a general is actually the real golden age.Below this age, there will always be a frivolous impression.The generals who have entered the age of forty are different. They neither lack rich experience nor have mature minds. This is the best candidate to lead the army to fight.As a founding magistrate, born in the emperor's family, Su Jue felt that if he didn't get mixed up with a prince, he would be sorry for himself.Su Jue absolutely does not allow his military and political career to come to an end.

Su Jue thought about it again and again, and said domineeringly: "Lieutenant general, you don't need to say any more. As the commander of the whole army, any responsibility and punishment will be borne by the general himself, and you will never be involved."

Su Jue's words were very serious, and Ji Polu couldn't say anything more.Don't look at him as the youngest son of General Anbei, with a prominent status, the general military generals will give him face, so it is not easy to offend him.However, Su Jue does not belong to this category of people. Although Su Jue's level is only the fifth rank and the upper rank General Yingyang, compared with the first rank General Anbei, he is lower than the third rank and sixth rank. In fact, Su Jue is in front of Ran Min. However, the level of trust is not much worse than that of Ji Wei.

Even Ji Li and Su Jue called him brother and brother, not to mention Ji Po Lu who claimed to be his nephew in front of Su Jue.

Originally, according to the plan, they would also arrive at Zhenyuan Port and take a three-day short rest in Fubo City.At this moment, Su Jue had no choice but to give an order to speed up.In the era of sailing ships, the risk factor of advancing at full speed was actually greater, and the entire battleship or transport ship required manpower to operate, which could easily fatigue soldiers.But at this time, Su Jue couldn't care less.

In fact, the indigenous riots in Zhenyuan included not only Tagalogs and Iloks, but also Ifugao, Kalinga, Yanjian and Ibatans.Among them, almost all 30 Tagalogs participated in the rebellion, more than 20 Ilok people, and nearly 10 other indigenous tribes.

Almost all of the 60 million indigenous tribesmen participated in the rebellion. Of course, less than half of them have combat effectiveness, but there are still 20 young and strong.Although the equipment of the indigenous rebels was extremely poor, they seized a lot of equipment from the guards during the attack on Han manors, mines, and workshops, which gave them at least tens of thousands of sophisticated weapons.

As time passed, these natives who occupied most of the area began to gather in Fubo City, the largest city on Zhenyuan Island. In just three days, no less than 10 people gathered.As time goes by, the number of this indigenous rebel is still increasing.But fortunately, the Tagalog and Ilok are the two largest indigenous peoples in Zhenyuan. In fact, they are divided into more than 90 large and small tribes. For a while, they have not yet established a unified command mechanism.But don't expect these natives to have any tricks, they all rush forward, and if they can't be defeated, they will retreat like herding sheep.

Even so, it frightened the defenders of Fubo City. There are only three thousand troops in Fubo City.Fortunately, the aborigines did not have any siege weapons. Even though the weapons they seized from the Han guards were mainly melee weapons, knives and guns, there were not even any crossbows or trebuchets.

Relying on simple ladders and the most primitive method of siege with ants, this method is not impossible, but the cost is too high.Unless the morale of the defenders is too weak, it is impossible to succeed.However, judging from the defense strength of Fubo City, if the natives attacked without counting casualties, they would arrive in five to seven days at most.

Ningyuan travels to Helenburg, and Ran Ming is very happy when he learns that the aborigines in Zhenyuan and Fuyuan have rebelled.In fact, this forced rebellion against the natives was definitely not Ran Ming's whim, but the result of careful consideration.

The essence of the gentry, like the capitalists, is extremely greedy.Although it is not too heavy to levy [-]% tax in the colonies, at least the noble families and those nobles have gained too much benefits.However, human nature is inherently evil, and in return for the benefits of colonization, these gentry clans seemed to shake off Ran Ming and go it alone. In fact, they didn't shake off Ran Ming, but they threw off Wei Guo.After they learned to carry out colonial management, they had the idea of ​​tax evasion.Of course, in terms of making false accounts, Ran Ming and his group of veterans who run modern accounting training for later generations are definitely not comparable to those accountants in the gentry family.

Although Ran Ming severely punished the crimes of making false accounts and evading taxes, since ancient times, Chinese people have been very good at ordinary people.Especially for legal loopholes, there is a right policy above and countermeasures below.After discovering that their way of making false accounts was impracticable, these gentry began to make small moves.That is to conceal the newly opened manors or workshops privately, and not bring such dark factories under the supervision of the Wei State tax official. After the secret investigation by Tianyan and the "Tiger Organization", a Heitianzhuang 460 was discovered in Zhenyuan. There are more than 270 million mu, and the annual grain tax leakage alone amounts to as much as 60 shi of grain.The situation in Fuyuan is better, but there are more than 100 black farms that conceal nearly 20 shi of tax and grain every year.There are 37 hidden gold, silver, copper, iron, gemstone, coal and other resource mines in the two places, and nearly 70 gold is missed every year in taxes alone.

Ran Ming didn't want to encourage this trend. By forcing these natives to rebel, Ran Ming wanted to warn those gentry and nobles who had different ideas.Overseas, they can't do anything without the Great Wei court. No one can guarantee their long-term interests. Only by working closely with Wei can they make a fortune.

As for the people who died in the aboriginal turmoil, Ran Ming was naturally responsible. It was difficult to have both. For the sake of the country, some of them had to be sacrificed.Besides, none of the Han people who dare to come overseas is a good person, unless they are involved in a life lawsuit, or they are simply bandits and robbers who were bought by the nobles, nobles, and merchants.There might be innocent people, but neither did Ran Ming. Without the support of the state, overseas colonization would definitely not be able to proceed.

There was originally a small lake between Helenburg and Yuelu.In fact, it is a small lake, but it is just a small pond, covering an area of ​​about seventeen or eight acres. Ran Ming had people widen it, forming the current Kunming Lake.

As for the origin of the name Kunming Lake, it was just that Ran Ming remembered that there was such an artificial lake in Beijing in later generations.Now that Jin Chengyue is raising her baby with peace of mind, Helena will naturally be given the important task of accompanying Ran Ming to play in Kunming Lake.

When Helena saw the wheeled ship made by Wei Guo for the first time, she was immediately amazed: "This is too unimaginable, this is too unimaginable, unimaginable, unimaginable, this is a ship powered by neither oars nor sails. You Serisians are really smart to make it."

Ran Ming said: "It's just a pity. Before there is no more power, this kind of wheel ship can only be built in this small size. There is no way to deal with that kind of large and medium-sized warships."

Helena said: "I saw you Seris people use that huge disc to absorb water."

"That's not called a disc to absorb water, it's called a water wheel!" Ran Ming explained: "The water wheel was invented in the Eastern Han Dynasty of my country, and it has a history of almost 200 years. Since the appearance of the water wheel, my country's Agricultural production has made breakthrough progress."

"What an amazing invention!" Helena said: "In Greece, there was a man named Archimedes who also invented a screw-type water pump, but it was far superior to your waterwheel in terms of efficiency and manufacturing cost. .It’s just that you haven’t thought about putting blades on your waterwheel and using the wind from the sea to move the wheels?”

Ran Ming's eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "This is a good way!"

Because of the utilization rate of wind energy, the benefits of windmills driving wheels are also obvious, because in the process of sailing, if the wind is not smooth, you can only take the zigzag route, although you can reach the destination, but in this way, the distance is very short As much as twice as far away.And take windmill to drive the wheel, then this problem will not occur at all.However, this wheel ship still cannot be used as a battleship, but it is still very good as a transport ship.

At this moment, Helena said: "My dear, there is one thing that I am very confused about. Can you explain it to Helena?"

Ran Ming said, "What confusion?"

"It is the war that is about to be decided between your Wei State and the Gupta Empire. If the Gupta Empire has more time to prepare, the lower your chances of winning the Wei State will be. Such a simple truth, even Helena understands it. My wise and wise Crown Prince, you should I understand too."

Ran Ming said: "Helena doesn't know something. Our country of Wei is just a big country on land. Our army's combat power, looking at the whole world, has almost no opponents. Even the Persian Empire, which you have not defeated, has never invaded our country. When When our country advanced westward to border the Persian Empire during the Han Dynasty, they adjusted their national strategy in time, changing from attacking from the east to defending from the west to defending from the west. It can be said that the war between Rome and Persia, our country also had a certain influencing factors."

Helena was surprised and said: "Isn't your Wei State not as big as our Roman Empire? We also have a larger population and greater financial resources."

Ran Ming said very stinkingly: "Our country Wei is very convenient in land battles, whether it is offensive or defensive, whether it is cavalry, infantry or chariot combat, if we take the second place, no one will dare to take the first place." !"

Ran Ming paused and said: "The strongest thing in Rome is the heavy armor and shield defense, and the sword and spear assault. Although it is a bit shocking, the fact is that a legion of the Roman Empire faced a Wei Guoba battalion. You need to face five thousand ballistas with a range of 150 steps, which is equivalent to 150 yards. How long does it take for your Roman army to reach the distance of 150 yards? Ten breaths, or twenty breaths? If it is ten breaths, our five A thousand crossbows can shoot six rounds of crossbow arrows, which is [-] crossbow arrows, even if the Roman army can reach the front of the Wei army, have you seen this?"

As he spoke, Ran Ming lightly ignited the fuze of a grenade thrown by a single soldier, and then threw it forcefully into the distance.The grenade flew in the air for about forty steps. At this moment, there was a loud "boom" Helena subconsciously shrank her head, and when she looked again, she saw waves in the pool surging violently. The tall water column just fell.

(End of this chapter)

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