Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 836 Roman Empire Consul

Chapter 836 Roman Empire Consul

Chapter 841 Roman Empire Consul
Ran Ming smiled and said, "Tell me, how long can your Roman army's heavy shield formation last under the attack of this kind of weapon?"

Helena looked at the giant water column in the water, her face paled in fright.

She thought to herself, fortunately our Roman Empire did not become an enemy of Wei State. If it was an enemy of Wei State, no amount of Roman legions would be enough to destroy it with this kind of weapon.Helena said with a pale face: "Your infantry regiment is really powerful."

Ran Ming smiled and said: "Actually, what I just told you is only the light infantry of our Wei State. If the Modao army goes out to fight, all the heavily armored soldiers, holding the Modao, push forward like a wall, and everything that stands in front of them Enemies, whether they are beasts or humans, have only one end, and that is to be chopped into a pulp."

Helena has never seen any Mo Dao Army, but the Mo Dao Army that Ran Mingkou respected, and it should not be far behind.Ran Ming said: "It's just that our navy is too weak!"

"My God, is your navy still worth it?" Helena said incredulously, "Your three-masted flying fish warships are comparable to the fifth-tier warships of our Roman Empire. The huge fleet of your expeditionary navy is enough to dominate the Mediterranean Sea." You must know that our Mediterranean fleet of the Roman Empire only has 62 fifth-tier warships, and the other third-tier and fourth-tier warships are no match for the first-class warships, but your country Wei already has more than 280 first-tier warships This is three points more powerful than the Mediterranean fleet of our Roman Empire!"

Ran Ming said with a helpless smile: "We Wei's navy is actually the same. It has not been tested in actual combat at all. To be precise, no matter whether it is the palace or the generals at all levels, we have no combat experience in large-scale naval battles. Therefore, I would rather the Gupta Empire be better prepared, and our naval officers and soldiers should be trained more proficiently."

"Is it just a lack of strategic naval commanders?"

Helena asked curiously: "If you have a strategic commander, can you launch an attack immediately without giving the Gupta Empire time to prepare for war?"

"Of course!" Ran Ming said with a smile: "Unfortunately, this is just an if. In this world, there are not so many ifs!"

Helena kissed Ran Ming's forehead suddenly, and said affectionately: "Do you believe in Helena?"

"Honey, I believe in you!"

"As long as you believe in Helena, Helena will recommend someone to you, that is Severus. Severus was the deputy naval officer of the Mediterranean Fleet of the Roman Empire, and was later promoted to the chief of staff! During his tenure, he commanded and participated in the Sa Ramis naval battle, and complete victory over the Persian fleet!"

An infantry consisting entirely of recruits, after three months of simple training, and then fighting a few small battles, seeing blood, and overcoming bloody obstacles, can slowly grow into an elite force.For cavalry, it takes three years or more from the beginning of formation training to the growth of elite cavalry.

However, the higher the technical level of the army, the longer the training period.Like the navy, it is simply not possible to increase combat effectiveness in a short period of time by relying on a few or dozens of advanced warships.The Wei State Navy developed from the Changshui Army, although it does not lack combat experience.But these combat experiences, in Ran Ming's view, are very pitiful.

The battles that Wei's navy participated in were not to destroy pirates, but to bully the backward naval forces of the Jin Dynasty. Compared with the real naval power, the gap is not 01:30 points.Even though Ran Ming knew that the longer the decisive battle was delayed, the more prepared the Gupta Empire would be, but Ran Ming didn't want to take any risks.

The larger the scale of naval battles, the higher the requirements for the art of command.This is not at all capable of this task with the navy developed by Wei Guo relying on that kind of wild way.Even knowing that the later the decisive battle is, the chances of Wei Guo's victory will be slimmer.But Ran Ming would rather let the sailors accumulate more experience in training than take risks on the battlefield.Wei Guo could not afford to lose this battle.

Once it fails, the interests of the Nanyang Islands, Jinzhou (Manchuka), Malay Peninsula, Borneo (Kalimantan), and the four towns of Luyapati, Zhenyuan, Ningyuan, Fuyuan, and Weiyuan will gradually lost.Once the Gupta Empire is allowed to repay the sweetness of the Nanyang Islands, I am afraid they will not stop there, and it is very likely that they will follow the South China Sea and advance northward along the coastline of the Indochina Peninsula, leading the war to the hinterland of China.

As a superpower with nearly ten million square kilometers of land and a population of more than 3000 million, the Gupta Empire has sufficient military resources and military strength.Because of the appearance of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world, the original expansion of time and space in history only stopped in Lu Yevati's Gupta Empire. God knows if they will take a fancy to the prosperity of the Central Plains.Ran Ming had to deal with this problem carefully.

At this time, Helena recommended Severu to Ran Ming, which gave Ran Ming a new choice.As the general of the Wei State Navy, Gao Shi is steady, but the structure is too small, he can only be a general, but he is not a handsome talent who can stand alone.As for Captain Changshui, Cui Cheng has nothing but his background. If Ran Ming had a choice, he would definitely not hand over the navy to him.Although Cui Cheng is not an amateur, he is definitely not a good general.Tang Mao is resolute and Zheng Wu is meticulous, but the two must not be combined as one, and they both have fatal flaws.Ran Ming is very much looking forward to a Zhou Yu-style handsome talent in Wei Guo, but it is a pity that Ran Ming has not seen such a person until now.

Soon, Severus was invited by Helena.

Rattius Severus was born in the royal family of the Severus Dynasty in Rome. During the reign of Constantine the Great, Rattius Severus became a knight. As a Roman nobleman, he was similar to the family of generals in China.

In 345 AD, Latius was promoted to governor of Syria by Constantius II and was nominated as a elder of the Council of Elders.

In 350 AD, Ratius Severus became the administrative deputy consul of the Mediterranean Fleet of the Roman Empire. After Julian became the Roman Emperor, Ratius Severus became the Chief of Staff of the Mediterranean Fleet.

However, as a traditional land power, the Roman Empire did not pay much attention to naval construction. Although the Roman Empire's Mediterranean fleet exceeded the four Roman legions in number, they did not receive the same treatment as the Roman legions.

It’s just that when Julian became the Caesar of the Western Roman Empire, he studied the Persian Empire seriously. At that time, Julian discovered that the Persian Empire (Sassanian Dynasty) had a huge naval force of 27 ships, especially the Roman Empire At that time, the main battleship was a third-class warship, which was only 45 to 170 meters long, with upper, middle and lower three-layer oars, and a total of 520 soldiers rowed. The warships of the Persian Empire had five masts and five-layer oars. The fifth-tier warship operated by 350 oarsmen, and has a powerful metal ram. At that time, the Roman Empire Mediterranean Fleet only had 1000 eight warships, while the Persian Empire had more than [-] warships. In terms of quantity, it is almost the same as that of the Roman Empire. Three times as much, even if merchant ships were called to participate in the war, the Roman Empire Navy had less than [-] ships.

As the commander of the naval battle, Latius Severus made full use of the geographical factors of the Salamis Strait. At the entrance of the Salamis Strait, it was blocked by Salamis Island. The waterway was narrow, and the giant Persian warships Due to its bulkiness and bulkiness, only dozens of ships could pass through at a time. The Persian navy had to adopt the most taboo military "refueling tactic" and put in the battle fleet one by one.The Persian fleet entered the strait in several files.

At this time, the tide was high, and the undercurrent in the strait was surging. The huge Persian warship had a large tail, and it was difficult to control the direction.The Persian warship that entered the strait was still blown by the strong wind, and its hull was sideways to the Roman warship. Before they turned their bows, the long-awaited Roman Empire fleet rushed up like an arrow.

The Roman navy took advantage of its small and fast boats, and first continuously attacked the Persian warships in oblique lines. Using a copper-clad crossbar about 5 meters long on the bow, it first cut off the enemy's long oars, so that they could be lost and controlled by oars. The power of the ship, then turned the bow, and slammed the belly of the Persian warship with the bow inlaid with copper.

In Rome, Persian warships strangled in one place. Bows and arrows between the ships were like locusts, flames were everywhere, and the sound of swords and swords was heard endlessly. Tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of warships were mixed together.The sound of killing, screams, and metal impact echoed over the battlefield.The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood wafted up and down the ship, and on the surface of the sea, corpses and fragments of burning and sunken warships fluctuated and drifted along with the blood-stained sea water.A batch of Persian navy was wiped out in the strait, another batch came in, and another batch was wiped out... This cycle continued until the entire army was wiped out.

This is the naval warfare tactic of the small fish eating the big fish invented by Ratius Severus. This tactical idea is first of all combat troops, with high morale, courage to fight to the death and determination to fight to the death. For the Roman Empire in the period, this kind of problem did not exist at all.In fact, during the rising period of any dynasty, the morale and combat effectiveness of the army are very strong.Just like during the period of Ming Chengzu, during the Five Expeditions to Mongolia, the Mongolian army, which fought so powerfully, fled. However, more than 50 years later, with the change of Tumubao, 50 elite Ming troops were wiped out in World War I.

Ratius Severus was already over 50 years old at this time, and it seemed that the climate in Ningyuan made the Roman navy veteran quite tired.But he was still standing very straight like a javelin.

"See His Royal Highness Emperor Wei!" Ratius Severus gave Ran Ming a knight's salute.

The servants around Ran Ming noticed that the blond barbarian did not kneel to Ran Ming, and were about to reprimand him, but Ran Ming smiled disapprovingly and said, "Helena recommended you to this Palace, if this Palace appoints you as the Wei State Navy Adviser Commander, where can you lead Wei's navy?"

Ratius Severus said seriously: "Ratius, the navy of the Gupta Empire, was fortunate enough to meet. To be honest, to say that they are the navy is an insult to the glorious title of the navy. It is too far-fetched to say that they are the navy. , they are just a group of pirates. On the other hand, the Wei State Navy, this is the real navy. They have good discipline and tactical and technical accomplishments. If His Royal Highness asks Lattius to command this battle, I am [-]% sure Let Wei Guo win!"

"Seventy percent" Hearing this figure, Ran Ming knew that this was a scheming person.He is also a very intelligent general who can speculate on his intentions.Although the probability of [-]% is not too high, if he dares to speak up, Ran Ming will definitely think that he must be bragging. If the probability is too low, it will also make Ran Ming lose confidence in him.And seven achievements are just right.

Ran Ming said: "I don't like to listen to nonsense things. If you can persuade me, I will immediately issue an order to appoint you the chief of staff of the Wei State Navy to command the decisive battle with the Gupta Empire's navy."

Ratius Severus said: "Judging from the equipment of the battleship and the training of the naval soldiers, Wei has an absolute advantage. It is not difficult to win. The only difference is how to reduce the casualties of our army, and how to reduce the casualties of our army. To achieve the greatest victory at the least cost, naval battles are actually about courage and God’s will.”

"What is God's will?" Ran Ming said with a smile: "Heaven belongs to you, he can't control the sky of China. We only believe in Haotian, but I believe that man will conquer heaven."

However, Lattius Severus still convinced Ran Ming, because this old man was very cunning, he only said two words, and Ran Ming had no choice but to agree to his request.


To put it bluntly, the cooperation of the Wei State Navy is far inferior to cavalry.If one warship fought against the largest Tier [-] warship of the Gupta Empire, the Wei State Navy would definitely win in the end. If there were ten warships, the result would be no surprise.Only with a scale of more than [-] ships, the loopholes in the cooperation of Wei's navy will become bigger and bigger, and the command will become more chaotic.Just like the Harodan Navy, they have no strength or opportunity to cause casualties to the first boarders of the Wei Kingdom Navy. However, during the naval battle, the Wei Kingdom Navy discovered three collisions between warships, and finally caused four first boarders. The battleship was lightly damaged, but the biggest accident was the loss of six soldiers.

This gave Ran Ming a headache.

The decisive battle that Ran Ming envisioned was actually in the Mantrika Strait between Jinzhou and the Malay Peninsula. In fact, Ratius Severus also had this idea.This is an ideal place for a decisive battle.The naval warships of the Wei State and the Gupta Empire's naval warships, the huge fleets of the two parties, will be like dark clouds, filling up the thorns.

(End of this chapter)

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