Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 837 War and Conspiracy

Chapter 837 War and Conspiracy (Two in One)

Chapter 842 War and Conspiracy
The native riots in Zhenyuan and Fuyuan may be directly related to Ran Ming.However, after more than half a month of evolution, the situation in the two places has gradually gotten out of control.The aborigines of the two places, whether they are Tagalog or Ilok, have one characteristic, that is, their technology is very primitive.

At this time, the aborigines in the two places did not use iron weapons, but now, more and more aborigines have replaced iron weapons. Although these iron weapons are very simple, and the quality is obviously much worse, these iron weapons are still It is made of wrought iron, no matter how hard or flexible it is, it is far inferior to the standard horizontal knife of Wei State, even compared with the standard weapon of Jin Dynasty, there is a significant difference.

Obviously, it is impossible for these aborigines to learn to use iron in just over half a month, not to mention that they also have a large bow, which is made of bamboo and wood, which saves effort when pulled apart, and can shoot heavy arrows, killing people. It is stronger than the light arrows of the Wei army, but weaker than the horse crossbow. However, due to the limited material, the cost is very cheap, which makes a large number of indigenous equipment.Although archery is not easy to train, if you don't pursue shooting accuracy, but only seek a rough coverage, such an archer is still very easy to train.

Although the aborigines did not have armor, the change in weapons was detected by Tianyan, and Tianyan quickly fed back this information to Ran Ming, who also realized the problem.After repeated reconnaissance, Tianyan finally discovered the shadow of the Gupta Empire behind the aborigines of the two places.

As the founder of the Gupta Empire, Samadhara Gupta is actually not a reckless man who can only conquer by force. In fact, the Gupta Empire he represents always adopts both soft and hard methods.Although Samadhara Gupta was vigorous and vigorous in the military, he was a practitioner of lenient punishment and suspended administration in internal affairs.Moreover, he paid attention to diplomatic means. In fact, as early as more than ten years ago, the envoys of the Gupta Empire had already begun to target diplomatic work in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Java. These envoys carried three things with them when they went to various places. , holding the Dinara (currency unit) and Buddhist scriptures of the Gupta Dynasty in one hand, and the Gupta long sword in the other.There are also traces of Gupta merchants and envoys in the Nanyang Islands, Malay Peninsula, Indochina Peninsula, Borneo and Jinzhou.The Gupta Empire took culture, trade and religion as the medium, and took root as they spread to many unexplored lands in Southeast Asia. The 4th century was a critical period for Indian civilization to enter Southeast Asia. Except for northern Vietnam, the entire Southeast Asia was almost reshaped by Indian civilization.

As Samadhara Gupta got the news of Devadagupta's defeat, Samadhara Gupta began to pay attention to Wei, a powerful opponent, especially Manid Singh, who had been sitting on the bench for a long time, came out again. Manid Singh proposed targeting the rear of the Indochina Peninsula of the Wei State Expeditionary Army and started a secret operation.

Knowing these facts, Ran Ming broke out in a cold sweat.If it was a mistake this time, deliberately forcing those natives back, if the intelligence personnel and envoys of the Gupta Empire complete the riot plan, Wei's power in the southern part of the Indochina Peninsula and the Nanyang region may be shaken immediately.This can be regarded as a false attack. Ran Ming's real purpose of forcing against the natives is to hold back Ran Yu's reinforcements and prevent Ran Yu from making great achievements on the battlefield of the decisive battle.

However, because of Ran Ming's unexpected behavior, the hard work of the Gupta Empire was in vain.Even so, these natives still caused considerable losses to Fubo City, especially those native rebels who had already repaid the sweetness of robbing fat sheep. Regarding the huge bait of Fubo City, the native rebels broke out. Their strongest side.

In just three days, the battle in Fubo City was very fierce. In order to obtain the property of Fubo City, the indigenous rebels launched an attack on Fubo City at all costs.Fortunately, Ran Ming attached great importance to the construction of Fubo City. Because of Fubo City's tall walls and complete city defense facilities, the attacks of the indigenous rebels in the past three days have all suffered setbacks without exception.

The Governor's Mansion of the Four Towns of Nanyang actually has the same administrative level treatment as the Western Regions Protectorate's Mansion. It is an official of two thousand shi, and the establishment is the governor. There are one chief minister, one prime minister, and one deputy lieutenant, and one soldier and one Sima each. , there are five Sima in Biebu, and ten in the army.With the establishment of the Zhenyuan Army, the military forces of the Zhenyuan Governor's Mansion were almost completely withdrawn.At this time, Sima Liu Jiaqing, the guard of Fubo City, was not actually a relative of Liu Qi, but a leader of the guard house of Liu Yuan's Liu's firm.Even the trilogy it belongs to, most of them are bandits and bandits from the Central Plains who have been incorporated by major firms, as well as guards.Although Liu Qi is the governor of Zhenyuan, the five thousand soldiers under his command are actually only a thousand people who rebelled with him.The other [-] troops are all members of the affiliated companies of the Huaxia Business Alliance Liangnan Development Company.At this time, the head of internal affairs is Shi Liang Xinghua, the head of the governor's office.

At this time, Liang Xinghua became more and more panicked. As the battle continued, the situation became more and more unfavorable to Fubo City.Although Fubo City has [-] troops, these are actually not five other departments under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Mansion, but were temporarily formed by the major families, merchants, and guards in Fubo City. powerful.

After three days of fighting, more than half of the defenders had suffered casualties. Among them, more than 400 people were killed, and more than 2000 people were seriously injured and unable to fight again. Even with the wounded, the number of troops that Fubo City could use was less than 8000.Although they caused a lot of casualties to the indigenous rebels, there were as many as 10,000 corpses left under the city wall alone, and there were not many injured enemies.It's just that for the more than [-] casualties, they can still afford the [-]+ indigenous coalition forces.

The drums were rumbling, and the native rebels rushed forward with shouts.Because of the property and temptation, and the instigation of the Gupta people behind them, the leaders of these indigenous tribes were highly motivated to fight. In order to satisfy their greed for property, they didn't care about the casualties of their tribe at all.Although they are natives, their bloodthirsty character has not changed.Under the supervision of the Absolute Superiority Supervision Team, those indigenous rebels also became fearless. They held simple shields made of rattan shields, table boards, and bed boards, and guarded a team carrying huge beams and pillars as siege logs. The soldiers attacked the city gate.

And countless crude big bows are facing the city with a dense rain of arrows. The number of these arrow rains is extremely large. Although the accuracy is poor, the damage is not small.

"Incendiary bomb, throw it at the ladder, and burn them to death!" Liu Jiaqing yelled frantically.

"Boom boom boom!" A series of incendiary bomb explosions resounded through the space on the battlefield, countless ladders were ignited by incendiary bombs, and the indigenous rebels who finally lost the ladders retreated seeing that there was no hope of climbing the city.

Watching the enemy recede, Liu Jiaqing heaved a sigh of relief. "All ministries check the casualties and report immediately!"

Not long after, the casualties were reported again, with 37 killed and 78 injured, including 29 seriously wounded.Liu Jiaqing frowned even tighter.

At this moment, Liang Xinghua, who was terrified, came to the top of the city. "Liu Sima, how is the situation?"

"Hey, it's not optimistic!" Liu Jiaqing sighed: "I don't know what's going on with this group of natives. They have become too fierce. They attack more than a dozen times a day. Our number is too small, and the soldiers can't get any more. With sufficient rest, my physical strength drops very quickly, not to mention being a soldier, even I can hardly hold it. In addition, the consumption of incendiary bombs and bombs is too fast. In two days at most, we will use up all our resources. The amount of inventory, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is whether we can last for two days."

Liang Xinghua said: "Liu Sima, do you have any good solutions for these problems in front of you?"

"We need support!" Liu Jiaqing said: "Let the Governor's Office come forward and organize those merchants to make the final mobilization, and tell them that if they still want to hide, after the city is broken, none of us will be able to recover!"

Liang Xinghua, who returned to the Governor's Mansion, immediately summoned the managers of the major companies to attend the meeting. Liang Xinghua informed them of the current situation.

"Everyone, you must be aware that there are now 5 people in Fubo City, and more than 3 of them are Chinese. I don't know if the natives in the city can survive, but after the city is broken, we Han people will definitely Among the massacres, if we want to overcome this difficulty, we have to work together and organize all the Han people to participate in the defense of the city."

"Even if we are all united, I'm afraid it will not be easy to persevere. Besides, we don't know how to fight. Even if we get on the city wall, it will only be a disservice."

Hearing this obvious evasion, Liang Xinghua was very unhappy, Liang Xinghua said: "Why, does He's firm want to betray Wei Guo?"

"How dare you Xiaomin!" said the manager of He's firm, "It's just that we people really don't know how to fight. We can do business, but we can fight... According to what the Prince's Hall said earlier, professional things should be taught Professionals do it."

Liang Xinghua said: "Fearing death is so noble, I understand you people."

The manager of He's firm said: "Liang Changshi, although we can't fight, but we can't help Fubo City!"

"Don't fight the war?" Liang Xinghua said: "I'd like to see what you can say!"

The manager of the He family said: "We can offer money and offer a reward. A native's head is ten thousand dollars. No matter who it is, we will pay. I want to see if there are more native rebels, or we have more money!"

Liang Xinghua said: "Thousands of dollars are quite a lot, but I'm afraid it's not enough to attract people in the city to go all out!"

"Ten thousand won't work, then one hundred thousand."

"What about the soldiers in the city?"

"I said that everyone will be treated equally, and they will definitely be treated equally. Their military exploits will also be counted as money. From now on, if you get back a native head, you will be given [-] yuan. Even if the He family goes bankrupt, you will never break your promise!"

"How can this matter let your He family stand alone, and our Liu family will definitely not lag behind!"

You must know that Ran Ming's management of the Huaxia Business Alliance is very strict. As long as he betrays the business alliance, he will be dismissed immediately and his membership qualification will be abolished forever.Moreover, the Huaxia Business Alliance will concentrate its strength to suppress the betrayed firms.Therefore, no firm dares to betray the alliance.

Following the decision to offer a reward formed by the Governor's Mansion, Fubo City was shaken.The purchasing power of coins in Wei State is definitely not low. A skilled worker only earns six to seven hundred yuan, and a family of five can only live for four to five thousand yuan a year.One hundred thousand dollars is enough for a commoner family to live for 20 years (provided there is no inflation.)
Now in Fubo City, no matter if they are Han folks or indigenous craftsmen, they don't even need to be mobilized by the Governor's Mansion, they clamor to live and die with the city.As more than [-] people, most of them joined the battle, the situation was suddenly reversed.

Fubo City, as Wei State's first overseas colonial governor's mansion, was originally designed for military functions rather than commercial functions.In fact, whether it is Fubo City, Fuyuan City, or Ningyuan City, it is not easy to be attacked unless it has the help of internal support. Since these places are too far away from Wei State, there is a separate water source in the city, and the food reserves are kept at the supply level. It is estimated that the entire city will consume a year and a half of personnel, and if it is used sparingly, it can even last for more than two years.

This is the case in theory, but in any war, it is people who play the key role. The garrisons in the four towns of Nanyang were all withdrawn, which made Zhenyuan Governor's Mansion and Fuyuan Governor's Mansion feel at a loss.After going through the panic at the beginning, slowly, the advantages of the Governor's Mansion began to emerge.

Business in this era is still dominated by men. Even the accountants and managers at the first level are all strong and strong people. Whether they are guard members or buddies, they are actually ruthless people who can kill with a knife .When they found no way to retreat, they broke out a very tenacious fighting force, and the situation slowly turned in a favorable direction.

Especially when Su Jue led the reinforcements to reach Zhenyuan Port, most of the storage area of ​​the port had already been lost. After all, the port's city defense capability was not as good as that of a real city.Seeing the skyrocketing fireworks from countless warehouses, these reinforcement soldiers were very angry.There is a saying that no one will be hurt if the knife does not cut the flesh. These reinforcement generals are also members of Wei Guo's honorable group, and they more or less own the shares of the Liangnan Development Company.At this time, the native rebels also had their share of the property they robbed and burned. This made the reinforcements very resentful. There was no need for Su Jue to mobilize on the battlefield, and the reinforcements began to land.

Holding a spear in his left hand and a halberd in his right, Ran Yu grinned and said, "Brothers, kill! Kill all the damned natives!"

The meat war has begun, and the weapons in Ran Yu's hands are actually the imitation versions of Ran Min's dragon-slaying halberd and soul-devouring spear, which are the same as the weapons of Jin Nu and Tie Nu, except that Jin Nu and Tie Nu have learned from Ran Min. Min's two weapons are the same, but Ran Yu is good at both spear and halberd.Ran Min's martial arts is actually not suitable for everyone to learn, just like Ran Zhi and Ran Ming, the two of them do not have Ran Min's natural supernatural power, and they cannot display Ran Min's domineering kung fu at all.But Ran Yu is different. The 14-year-old Ran Yu already has more than [-] catties of strength in his left arm. Although his right arm is close, he can easily draw a three-stone bow.For this fierce man, it was like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep.

Ran Yu's charge was very fast, and he fell to the ground screaming among the natives in front of him. Ran Yu's troops also followed Ran Yu, and more and more Wei troops boarded Zhenyuan Port. , The sound of shouting and killing suddenly resounded through the sky.

Thornton is the young patriarch of the Gu'a tribe, and also the bravest warrior in this tribe with more than 4000 young and strong and more than 1.6 people.The Kua tribe is actually a Tajialu tribe, but Thornton is a different kind of Tajalu tribe. Among the Tajialu tribe, whose adult height is only [-] meters, Thornton has become a member of the tribe by accepting a height of [-] meters. proud.Thornton's body is extremely strong, and his protruding muscles show that he has extraordinary strength.

If it is an ordinary Wei soldier, it is really not Thornton's opponent. Thornton's huge gold earrings are constantly shaking on his shoulders.The heavy battle ax took advantage of the Wei army's horizontal sword, and cut down seven or eight Wei soldiers in a row. It's a pity that Thornton's good luck ran out.He met Ran Yu.

"Dang lang" sounded a golden sound, sparks shot out, and Thornton was suddenly surprised. He really couldn't see that a person like Ran Yu, who was not considered a tall man, had such power.Thornton slashed with all his strength, but Ran Yu held him back with a spear.

However, at this moment, Ran Yu turned his head and left.This made Thornton very uncomfortable, and he felt insulted.He waved the heavy battle ax in vain, and gradually felt that his arms were sluggish, and he could no longer hear the exciting "pop" sound of the ax blade entering his body and see the blood splashed into the air by Wei Jun.

Ran Yu's speed was very fast, and he blocked Thornton's fatal blow with the iron spear, but the iron halberd in his right hand deftly pierced into Thornton's stomach, and as Ran Yu's right wrist fought, the sharp The halberd blade pierced Thornton's heart like a poisonous snake.

"Pfft!" With just one sound, Thornton's sore and weak arm slackened, and a sound much shorter than the sound of his ax cutting through the human body sounded, and Thornton only felt a stabbing pain in his chest.He lowered his head, and saw the halberd blade as thick as a child's arm resting on his chest, and the half-foot-long sharp spear head had completely pierced his heart.His heart was crushed, even the Immortal Da Luo could hardly take Thornton's life.

Ran Yu would never waste time and energy on a dead person.

The combat effectiveness of these indigenous rebels is actually pitifully low. Whether it is the caravan guards or the garrison of the Governor's Mansion, they can far surpass them. They are only in a weak position when faced with a disadvantage in numbers.However, this batch of reinforcements from the Wei State is different. They are the elite of the Wei State's elite, especially the three battalions of the Anbei Army. The established plan was to gradually encroach on the Northern Han Kingdom in Mobei. Although there was no major war between the two sides, small-scale battles continued.As Ran Min's direct troops, except for the Sixth Battalion of the Infantry and Shesheng, Yueqi, and Tunqi stationed in Yecheng, their equipment was replaced first.

Although the journey was exhausting, the combat effectiveness of these reinforcements was not comparable to those of the natives.After more than an hour of fighting, all 5000 troops from the seven infantry battalions under Su Jue landed on Zhenyuan Island and wiped out the indigenous rebels in the port area.Just when Su Jue was about to lift the siege of Fubo City with all his might, Ran Ming's messenger also arrived at Zhenyuan Island.

"General Su, the deputy general, the military order of General Zhu Guo!"

Ji Polu hurriedly surrounded him and said, "Did General Zhu Guo order me to march towards Ningyuan immediately?"

Su Jue opened the bamboo tube with a blank expression, took out the military order inside, checked the marks repeatedly, and then checked the content of the military order.In the military order, Ran Ming informed Su Jue that the Gupta Empire was behind the Zhenyuan indigenous rebellion. Ran Ming ordered Su Jue to suppress the Zhenyuan and Fuyuan indigenous rebellions as quickly as possible, and ensure the safety of the expeditionary army's rear.

Ji Polu was very unwilling and wasted precious time on this native.Regardless of the large number of indigenous rebels, no matter how great the credit for suppressing the indigenous rebellion is, it is no more than participating in the decisive battle with the Gupta Empire.Although he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.As the commander of the expeditionary force, he had to carry out Ran Ming's orders, otherwise Ran Ming would punish him for disobeying the military orders, and even Ji Wei would not be able to say anything.

"General, what should we do now? Do we want to continue the attack?" A school lieutenant asked eagerly.

Su Jue said: "Now the military situation has undergone new changes. Now not only Zhenyuan has rebelled, but Fuyuan has also rebelled. We must divide our troops and go all the way to Fuyuan to suppress the indigenous rebellion and protect the interests of the empire in Fuyuan. If Zhenyuan and Fuyuan are unable to suppress the rebellion in time, our Great Wei’s fiscal and tax revenue this year will be reduced by more than [-]%, and this price will be more serious than the disasters suffered by hundreds of counties, no matter who it is, it will not be able to bear this responsibility.”

"We just came, and the natives rebelled. It can't be a coincidence!" Ji Polu said in a strange way: "It's too coincidental to say that it's a coincidence. The rebellion didn't happen sooner or later, but it's really a coincidence that the rebellion happened now." Good plan!"

In Wei Guoneng, he became the chief general of the first battalion and became a general at the school lieutenant level. None of his heads were given for free.Even though Lin Heishan is so brave, he is still Ran Ming's confidant, but now he is just treated like a Sima, two levels behind the captain.If Ji Polu hadn't said these words, they might still not understand, but when this layer of paper was pierced, all the generals began to talk about it.

Su Jue nodded and said: "Lieutenant General Ji is right, this is certainly not a coincidence!"

Captain Han Rui is Ji Gu's confidant general, and he is also a fiery temper.Hearing Su Jue's words, he couldn't help it at that time: "It's unreasonable, how could it be like this?"

"Why can't it be like this?" Su Jue said in a deep voice: "Does the Gupta Empire want to inform you that they bought the chiefs of the indigenous tribes in Zhenyuan and Ningyuan and conspired to create this rebellion. If we didn't come in time, you have thought about the consequences Not only did Zhenyuan and Fuyuan fall, but the entire expeditionary army’s retreat was cut off, and they lost food, grass and supplies. Does this mean anything to the tens of thousands of soldiers of the expeditionary army?”

Only then did everyone react, and Han Rui and Ji Polu's faces turned pale at that time. They thought it was Ran Ming's manipulation, but it turned out to be the Gupta Empire.

Han Rui was a straight man, so he asked again: "General Su, is there any evidence that this rebellion was instigated by the Gupta Empire?"

Su Jue said: "There are both direct evidence and indirect evidence. The direct evidence is that General Zhu Guo captured the leader of Ye Tiao Guo's anti-Wei campaign, Nandu Ram Gandhi (meaning a hero) (Singh Lion), after interrogation, obtained this information, in fact this time the Gupta Empire was very generous, they sent more than 60 secret missions, a total of more than [-] people, to the Indo-China Peninsula, the Malay Peninsula, Zhenyuan, Ningyuan, Fuyuan, Borneo and Jinzhou (Sumatra) and other places have a large number of supplies, military equipment and technical personnel. It's just a pity that General Zhu Guo discovered it too late, and Zhenyuan and Ningyuan have already started an incident , I am afraid that the countries in Funan will not be safe."

After explaining this, Su Jue of course understood that it was to prevent the reinforcement generals from disagreeing with Ran Ming and misunderstanding that Ran Ming used a knife to kill someone.Afterwards, Su Jue divided the seven infantry battalions into another division. Ji Polu led two infantry battalions to Fuyuan to suppress the rebellion, and Han Rui and Liu Jian led two infantry battalions to the Indochina Peninsula.And he led the other three infantry battalions to continue to suppress the rebellion on the far island.

Since the natives did not have a naval force, in addition to leaving a sufficient number of transport ships, a large number of transport ships carrying gunpowder and heavy fuel oil and 48 main flying fish warships continued to Ningyuan to support the decisive battle between Ran Ming and the Gupta Empire.

It was July, which was the hottest season in the Nanyang region, but at this time, Ran Ming ordered the expeditionary force to assemble.Ship 001 of the Expeditionary Force is still Ran Ming's flagship.With the flagship 001 under the guidance of the small leading ship, it slowly left Ningyuan Harbor.

(End of this chapter)

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