Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 839 Conspiracy is useless in front of absolute strength

Chapter 839 Conspiracy is useless in front of absolute strength

Chapter 844 Conspiracy is useless in front of absolute strength
Devadatta’s planned battlefield is in the Java Sea. The so-called Java Sea is actually the place between Golden State (Sumatra), Borneo (Kalimantan Island), and Luyepati (Java Island). A piece of sea.

Now this sea area has become the bathtub of Wei State, and the Wei State Navy is even more familiar with the Java Sea than Taihu Lake.

Ran Ming was also a little entangled. Once Wei's navy was defeated, it would lose such a strategic position, which would be very detrimental to Wei's long-term development.So while the navy was operating, Ran Ming also ordered the army to start operating.Ran Ming's order to the army is that no matter whether the navy wins or loses, they must be nailed to the Golden State and the Malay Peninsula like nails.In this land decisive battle, Ran Ming not only invested in two marine battalions and five provisional infantry battalions, but also ordered Zhenyuan Army, Ningyuan Army, Fuyuan Army and Weiyuan Army, a total of 21 battalions and more than [-] main troops. Take part in the battle.

After careful consideration, Ran Ming decided to use the servant army mainly to lure profit.Ran Ming ordered the servants in the four towns of Nanyang to enjoy military pay, half of the Han army, fifty dollars a day, and one thousand rewards for beheading one level.Although the price is a bit low, it can't stand the fact that the indigenous tribes in these four towns are very poor.In fact, the most important thing in Nanyang is food, and the price of food is very low. In this way, the life of the indigenous people who do not have precious metals is naturally very hard.

Any capital is actually aimed at exploiting surplus value.Although the price of Wei's products is actually not high, especially cheap linen and ordinary silk, even if they are shipped to Luyepati, the price of linen is only six or seven hundred dollars per piece, but Ran Ming gave Ye Tiao Guo's currency pricing is extremely cheap. A gold coin of Wei State is only equivalent to 32/[-] of a catty of Ye Tiao's gold, but its value is equal to a catty of gold.This is basically the case in Zhenyuan, Fuyuan, and Weiyuan.In terms of currency, the hegemonic status made Wei's goods very expensive, while the wages of the indigenous craftsmen were very low, and some did not pay wages at all.

The price of grain in the four towns is basically kept at five or six qian per liter. Each soldier of the servant army can buy eight liters of rice with [-] qian military salary every day, and can buy two stones and four buckets of rice in a month. The rice money is enough for a family of five. Eat for two or three months.If you buy cloth and linen with one month's salary, you can buy nearly three horses and six buckets of salt.Although the value of Wei Guo copper coins is not high, the purchasing power is not low.Since the news came out, the soldiers of the servant army were extremely excited.

Moreover, Ran Ming adopted the method of voluntary participation in the war. As long as he participated in the war, he could get a settling allowance of [-] yuan, or he could get commodities of the same value.

Many servant soldiers who were initially resistant suddenly became more active.Especially for the reward for beheading, it is as much as a thousand dollars, which is equivalent to one or two Ye Tiaoguo's gold.The eyes of those indigenous servants showed wolf-like greed.

At this time, when these servants set off, almost each of them prepared a sack or basket, which was used to hold human heads.

Among the tens of thousands of army troops, the Wei Army and the Han Army plus the advance battalion dispatched earlier, there are only eight battalions, a total of 4 people.However, there are as many as [-] servants in fourteen battalions in the four governor's mansions.However, the [-] servant army cannot be regarded as an ordinary servant army. It should be said that there are more than [-] desperate people.In fact, it is not that these [-] servants are not afraid of death, but that sometimes poverty is far more desperate than death.

Wei Guo's money is actually not so easy to get. If one person surrenders to the enemy, the whole team will be beheaded. If the whole army surrenders, everything will be beheaded.If more than [-]% of the members of the same clan defected to the enemy, all the soldiers of the clan would cancel all their salaries and bounties.More than [-]% of the people who fled or surrendered temporarily, their tribes were flattened, young and old were beheaded, and women, children, old and young were used as slaves.

However, such harsh conditions did not dissuade the enthusiasm of the servants to participate in the war, and the warriors of the Ye Tiao Kingdom tribe who did not register were still crying in anger.

In this world, everything can be bought with money.Don't say that dignity is priceless, because dignity is priceless because the chips issued are not enough.

At this time, the Java Sea was very busy. Whether it was the merchant ships of Wei State, military transport ships, or even the merchant ships of Ye Tiao State, they were rented by Ran Ming to transport troops and supplies to Jinzhou and the Malay Peninsula.

On August 21, the flagship of the Gupta Empire's navy, the "King of the Peacock", carrying Manid Singh, Devadagupta, and senior generals of the Gupta Empire, entered the Mancijia Strait.

Manid Singh and Devadagupta stood side by side on the five-story front deck. Manid was very moved. The warship under their feet was the largest fifth-tier warship manufactured by the Gupta Empire. Even the entire Gupta Empire had only two ships. It's just a boat.The displacement of this huge battleship is as high as 400 tons, and even Wei's Flying Fish warship is more than [-] tons smaller than this fifth-tier warship.

At this time, Manid Singh had enough military intelligence of the Wei State, some of which were obtained by intelligence personnel or monks of the Gupta Empire, and some were bought at high prices from merchants of the Wei State.From the intelligence, Marshal Manid Singh realized that although the enemy he had to face was an emerging country, it was not weak, especially the army of Wei State.Their fleet is also invincible.

Facing such an enemy, Marshal Manid Singh did not dare to take it lightly.If it fails again this time, the Gupta Empire will not only lose Luyapati, Jinzhou and Borneo, but also seriously weaken the empire's external deterrence. I am afraid that the treacherous Tubang kings in the Teshi area will also take the opportunity to rebel.The stable environment formed by the Gupta Empire with great difficulty will also be broken.By the time.As the commander of the expeditionary force, he will definitely not have any good results.The angry Samadhara Gupta would definitely send him to the execution platform without trial to execute the punishment of heaven.

"Our Gupta Empire will win this battle!" Marshal Manid Singh said to himself.

At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away to the southeast, the Wei State Navy fleet lined up in three battle lines, three kilometers apart, and slowly sailed northwest.After the last line of battleships, a few dozen miles away, there was a battleship flying the flag of the Roman Empire quietly following the warships of the Wei State Navy.

The Roman warship was none other than Helena and her son Valens.Helena said to Valens: "There are four superpowers in the world today, the westernmost of which is our Roman Empire, the east of our Roman Empire is the Persian Empire, the east of the Persian Empire is the Great Wei Empire, and the south of the Persian Empire It is the Gupta Empire. Among the four superpowers in the world, our Roman Empire is the richest, but in terms of military affairs, we are actually the weakest. You also know that the Persian Empire not only defeated the Roman Empire, but also Killed your father. Do you know why the Persians have never dared to provoke the Seresians for hundreds of years?"

Valens shook his head and said puzzledly: "I don't know, that's because the Serisians are stronger than the Persians. Moreover, there is a Congling mountain range that stretches for more than 3000 miles between the Seresians and the Persians, and there are more than 2000 Kilometers of desert, and the barren and inhabited Gobi, it is not so easy whether the Serisians want to fight the Persians, or the Persians want to fight the Seresians. Onion Ridge, which is higher than the sky, has a harsh climate and difficult supplies The desert is their natural barrier."

"Mother, what does this have to do with us?"

"Of course it matters!" Helena said, "Valens, my dear child, don't you want to be the emperor of Rome?"

"I want to, of course I want to." Valens said, "But will Jovian agree?"

"Of course Jovian will not agree to give up the throne!" Helena said, "Even with the support of Sarus, Cicero, and Severus, you will not be able to regain the throne if you agree. However, as long as your stepfather , His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Wei helps you, and you can regain the throne that originally belonged to you. However, there is a prerequisite, you must be friendly enough to your stepfather!"

On the No. 001 flagship, Ran Ming also summoned the captains and above-level officers of the Wei State Navy to make the final mobilization for the war.Ran Ming said straight to the point: "Everyone, this time our enemy is powerful, with a total of 67 large and small warships, almost three times as many as ours! Among them are a fifth-tier battleship, 23 fourth-tier battleships and More than 400 third-tier warships! It can be said that this is the most powerful enemy we have encountered! However, this time we have no way out. If our Wei State Navy is defeated, we will lose Jinzhou, Borneo, and mainland China. Yevati, even Zhenyuan, Fuyuan, and Weiyuan. You must know that the Indochina Peninsula and the Nanyang region account for only [-]% ​​of our Wei State’s tax revenue, which is close to [-]%. If we fail and lose nearly [-]% of our tax revenue, we will The financial pressure of Wei State will be very heavy, and perhaps due to financial pressure, the military's expenditure will be reduced."

Tang Mao roared: "Your Highness, our Great Wei will surely win this battle. Our Great Wei will not fail,"

Zheng Wu and Zhang Yong also expressed their confidence in winning to Ran Ming. "General Zhu Guo, please give the order."

Ran Mingdao: "This general doesn't understand naval warfare. It's a big taboo for military strategists to command outsiders. Severus is the commander-in-chief for this decisive battle. All of us, including this general, must listen to Severus' orders. Once someone If you violate the law, or evade orders, this general will never take you lightly!"

Ran Ming handed over the command to Severus and let Severus take command.

Just when Severus had just accepted the command of the decisive battle and had not had time to issue the first military order, a general suddenly reported urgently: "General Zhu Guo, Chief of Staff of Serbia, our secret office in the Gupta Empire sent back news, the Gupta Empire About [-] warships of the naval fleet lost their trace in the Andaman Sea!"

"What, can more than 600 warships disappear in the air?" Ran Ming said angrily: "Send an order to the general, ordering the intelligence department to spare no effort to find out the whereabouts of these more than 600 warships!"

Severus thought for a while and said, "Your Excellency, General, I can guess where they went without checking!"

"Where did you go?" Ran Ming asked eagerly.

Severus said: "The commander of the Gupta Empire Navy must use their huge fleet to encircle us in the Mantinga Strait. They have more than 600 large and small warships. If there is no accident, they will definitely come from the Golden State. south of the sea, bypassing the Sunda Strait, and blocking us in the Manjara Strait."

"Oh!" Ran Ming asked, "If that's the case, wouldn't we be very dangerous?"

"No!" Severus shook his head and said, "On the contrary, this is our chance. If they really divide their forces and attack our rear, the Gupta Empire will definitely pay a heavy price for their own cleverness. I can swear to God, I, Severus, have never seen such a stupid enemy like them. If they don't divide their troops and spare no casualties, and forcefully break through, it may be their only chance of victory. However, no one can blame them for seeking their own death in this way! "

Ran Ming asked, "Should we also divide up our troops to prevent them from encircling us from the Sunda Strait?"

Severus said: "There is no need to do this at all. It is their business to divide their troops. We will never divide our troops. Instead, we should abandon our original plan to block the Gupta Empire's navy near Kerofusa."

"That's it?" Ran Ming asked.

"We should take the initiative to attack and resolutely and quickly destroy the Gupta fleet entering the Manjaka Strait!" Severus said: "Since the Gupta Imperial Navy wants me to join us in melee combat, then we should fulfill them even more!"

Ran Ming said: "I don't understand sea battles. How to fight is up to you. Anyway, as long as the result is the result, the great Wei will surely win!"

"It's Your Excellency the Great General!" Severus took a deep breath and said loudly: "Passing through the three ships, pay attention to the connection and coordination, and move forward at the same speed."

The Wei State Navy and the Gupta Empire Navy were like two angry bulls, slamming into each other fiercely.

On August 25, the two sides finally met off the coast of Medan.

A lot of ships, really a lot, more ships anchored in the port with the most prosperous trade that Severus had seen all the way east from Constantine, but these ships were large and small, uneven, some You can even see that its sails are tattered, and the formation of the ships is jagged and irregular.

Is this the Gupta fleet that made His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Wei restless?
"Their tactics are stupid, but there is no doubt that they are brave. Why are stupid people always braver?" Severus muttered in a superior and pitiful aristocratic tone, watching The Gupta Empire navy fleet rushed over from the Wei State Navy fleet, and Severus habitually stroked the family emblem and knight medal on his chest.

Ran Ming promised him that as long as he can win this battle.He can not only obtain Wei nationality, but at least a marquis.The title system of the Roman Empire is the duke, and the marquis is a noble existence second only to the duke.Once he becomes a marquis, he can become an upstart in Wei.

Ran Ming would definitely not tell Severus that the marquises of the Wei Kingdom had long been rotten. There were more than 4000 marquises, almost seven times the number of marquises in the entire Roman Empire, but the Roman Empire had a population of nearly 5000 million.The Wei State is only less than one-third of the Roman Empire.

"Gentlemen, war is the best opportunity to test your training results. Use your usual training enthusiasm to send these stupid Guppets to the bottom of the sea and put them into the arms of their Buddha!" ​​Severus said coldly. Road command order.

After receiving the signal, the advanced warships of the first array began to accelerate and charge rapidly. As long as the Gupta Empire fleet reached the attack range of the Greek fire, the Gupta Empire would encounter hundreds of advanced warships and more than a hundred crazy Greek fire ships. baptism

"The air pump is ready!"

"The oil tank is ready!"

"Nozzle adjustment completed!"

"Get ready!" Just as the signal soldier was about to order the launch, Hu Bin suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

"Commander, what happened? Why did you abort the launch!"

"It's not right, it's very wrong!" Hu Bin said, "It's just such a fleet of dilapidated ships. They have almost no combat effectiveness. Could it be that they want to sink us? Or are they going to fight with huge casualties?"

(End of this chapter)

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