Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 840 Surgical Naval Battle

Chapter 840 Surgical Naval Battle

Chapter 845 Surgical Naval Battle
"Jumping gangs to fight, isn't this the way the Gupta Empire's navy is best at?" A staff officer said: "Commander, the Gupta Empire did not develop weapons such as catapults or ballistas. The era of jump gang warfare."

"At this time, the distance between us and the opponent's forward is only seventy or eighty steps. Such a distance has already entered the range of the Gupta's long bow, but now they have not fired an arrow. Isn't this weird enough?" Hu Bin suddenly realized Said: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Notify the centipede ship, come close to investigate, and see what the hell the Gupta are doing!"

The staff officer asked, "What does the commander mean?"

Hu Bin said: "I doubt it. There are not many people in this Gupta fleet. They have the necessary helmsman. I'm afraid there is not a single soldier!"

The staff officer said: "Commander, in fact, we don't need to send centipede ships to conduct close reconnaissance. As long as we try, we can find out whether there are people on these warships, and whether they are cannon fodder troops."

Hu Bin thought for a while and said, "That's fine too!"

The staff officer immediately shouted: "Ballista No. [-] and No. [-] on the right armour, fire two stone bombs!"

At the same time, Hu Bin used semaphore to inform the ships of the first boarding class to attack the Gupta fleet by firing stone bullets from the bow ballista.

"Boom boom boom" there was a loud roar, because the distance was too short, the hit rate of Wei Guo's ballista was very high.Many ships of the Gupta Empire Fleet have been shot, and some of them have been penetrated through the bilge, and have obviously leaked and sunk, but they are still staggering towards them. A large warship similar to a battleship.

"That's the main force of the Gupta Empire's naval fleet." Hu Bin stared at the neatly formed Gupta main battleship that appeared in the distance, with a sense of guard in his eyes.

"Report to the chief of staff, General Severus, that the Gupta Empire Fleet has about [-] warships at the forefront, which are their cannon fodder troops. They seem to be planning to use these cannon fodder warships to attract the attention of our army. The purpose is probably to take the two wings outflanking !"

In fact, when Hu Bin discovered the anomaly of the Gupta vanguard fleet, Severus also discovered the anomaly of the Gupta Imperial Navy through the hot air balloon on the flagship.The forward cannon fodder warships of the Gupta Empire might be able to easily deceive the approaching Wei Guoxian-class warships, but the real situation of no one on their warships could not fool the observers on the hot air balloon.

You must know that the observers are not using the fifty-fold telescope used by the captain's first-level commander, but the Galileo-style binoculars, which generally have a magnification of about one thousand.People's normal eyesight can see a person's facial expression clearly from 20 meters away, and the facial expression of a person 500 kilometers away can be seen by using this kind of telescope with a power of [-] times.What's more, at a height of [-] meters in the air, a hot air balloon can observe any warship within a radius of [-] kilometers.

"The admiral of the Gupta Empire is so imaginative that he actually adopted such an offensive method." Severus laughed, "However, it is a pity that this method of warfare can only be won by surprise, and once it is discovered, it is worthless. But right now, they are doomed to fail."

Severus returned to Daochong's combat staff and said: "Prepare to record the order, first board the battleship fleet, speed up the advance, transform the current wild goose wing formation into a U-shaped line formation, and pay attention to the cooperation between the ships. Battleship F031 takes the lead."

Soon Hu Bin's First Class First Battleship Fleet received an order from Severus, and Hu Bin issued an urgent order.At this time, Hu Bin's first battleship was less than [-] steps away from the forward of the Gupta Empire, and there was a danger of collision immediately.At this moment, many vanguard warships of the Gupta Empire fleet began to burn into the sky.

"Sure enough, I plan to set fire to Chibi. It's a southeast wind now, but it's a pity, you are located in the downwind, and if you want to burn, you can only burn yourself!" Hu Bin said: "Take the knife's front line and quickly intersperse!"

The staff officer said: "Commander, I'm afraid their purpose is not just to attack with fire?"

"Huh?" Hu Bin was stunned for a moment and said, "Staff Hao, what do you mean?"

"The naval commander of the Gupta Empire should not be a fool. He must have thought that in the case of headwinds, the fire attack is doomed to fail. But why does he still do this? Although these warships are broken, if they are used at the right time, It’s also a big help!” Staff Officer Hao said: “I guess, the attention of the generals of the Gupta Empire Navy is actually to use smoke interference. The main purpose of their way is to prevent our ballistas and rockets from functioning It works."

Hu Bin also discovered at this time, perhaps as Staff Officer Hao said, the main purpose of the Gupta Empire was to interfere with the sight of the ballista and rocket observers in Wei.Not long after the fire started, the vanguard warships of the Gupta Empire Navy became billowing with smoke. More than 100 warships, nearly [-] large and small warships, formed a large amount of thick smoke, which blurred the vision of Wei Guoxiandeng class warships.

At this time, Devadatta, who was on the flagship "Kongque Mingwang", also issued an order to the Gupta Navy: "All ships are advancing at full speed. We have used huge casualties to win a precious opportunity. Don't disappoint those who are fighting for the war. The heart of the dedicated warriors of the empire. The most correct thing for you now is to immediately approach the warships of the Seres of Wei State, kill all their soldiers, and then take their advanced warships!"

The ideal is plump, but the reality is too skinny.

Devadatta's wish is beautiful, but the reality is too cruel.The Wei State Navy’s first-class warships took a U-shaped line. In fact, this is just an improved version of the army’s two-wing outflank. Way to go straight.

After completing the change in haste, Hu Bin ordered again: "Attention all ships, use side ballistas and rockets to send all the cannon fodder warships of the Gupta Empire to the bottom of the sea!"

In this era, whether it is a gang battle or a long-range strike like Wei Guo's navy, in fact, the role of the bow of the ship is very limited except for hedging and collision.Taking the Flying Fish and the Xiandeng-class warships as examples, more than three-quarters of their main firepower points are concentrated on the side strings on both sides.Even with the installation of Greek fire, the first-class battleship still has 44 ballistas and 28 rocket launchers. However, in the position of the ship lane, there are only two ballistas and two rocket launchers on the first floor. It only has eight ballistas and six rocket launchers.

Each first-class battleship has seventeen ballistas and ten rocket launchers on its side.

Following Hu Bin's order, the first-class battleships transformed into a straight line array entered the attacking positions one after another.

"Tom tom tom" a series of muffled cannons sounded, each and every ballista roared to their heart's content, and jets of water sprang up from the cannon fodder fleet of the forward Gupta Empire forward.The power of stone bullets against this kind of medium and low-sized warships is still good. Due to technical limitations, these gunpowder bullets can only kill deck personnel.But stone bullets are different. Stone bullets weighing fifty catties have the ability to directly sink small and medium-sized warships.

The dense ballista fire set off more waves, and many Gupta warships had been hit, and a small warship hit by many stone bullets was even smashed to pieces.Perhaps the personnel of these cannon fodder warships of the Gupta Empire had already evacuated, so the warships of the Gupta Empire did not make a counterattack gesture, and still rushed forward without hesitation.

More than 100 cannon fodder warships of the Gupta Empire Navy with less than [-] ships formed a line with a width of more than [-] miles and a depth of about seven or eight miles.When Hu Bin's first-class battleship sank the small and medium-sized dilapidated fireships of the Gupta Empire, they began to encounter the main battleship of the Gupta Empire.

These main battleships of the Gupta Empire sailed happily as if they had taken a stimulant.Suddenly through the thick smoke, they also discovered Hu Bin's first-class battleship.At this time, it was too late to turn around. In desperation, these main Gupta warships could only be beaten passively like cannon fodder warships.

Although the ballista is not artillery, nor does it have the fierce firepower of artillery, but there are advantages and disadvantages.What the ballista adopts is a mechanical launch method, not the thermal launch of gunpowder.Therefore, the ballista will not appear in the situation where the barrel of the artillery is hot and needs to be cooled urgently during the battle.The main battleships of the Gupta Empire Navy, more than a dozen second-class warships did not even respond, and were hit by the broadsides and rockets of the first-class warships like bright fireworks.

Taking advantage of this favorable opportunity, the Wei Guoxian boarded a battleship and threw stone bombs, incendiary bombs, and gunpowder bombs at the main battleship of the Gupta Empire.

As for the rocket, it flew towards the Gupta battleship for free like fireworks.

The Gupta Empire navy officers and men who wanted to cry without tears were completely enraged, they turned desperately and rushed towards the first step.It's just that those second-tier battleships are like clumsy tortoises, slowly twisting their huge bodies.

Hu Bin also ordered the first boarding-class battleship to start turning: "Attention all ships, use Greek fire, attack in an S-line formation, and don't get entangled with the Gupta battleship!"

The S-line formation is the naval warfare tactic invented by Severus, but Ran Ming prefers to call it naval warfare surgery.The core of its tactics is that it does not need to confront the enemy, but adopts a curved and detour method. As long as it reaches the attack range of the Greek fire, it will immediately attack the Greek fire. leave.This is very similar to the Mangujai tactical and tactical thinking invented by the Mongols. They have similarities and similarities, and they all win by cleverness.

When the battleship F031 was 45 steps away from a Gupta III battleship, it fired Greek fire on its side.

With a muffled sound of "bang", about 60 kilograms of mixed grease in the Greek fire oil tank was ejected from the fire pipe under the strong pressure of the air pump.Just like the flamethrowers of later generations, a [-]-meter-long fire dragon was formed on the sea.The huge fire dragon writhed its ugly body in the air, taking three short breaths of time, like a rain of fire falling from the sky like a goddess scattering flowers. This unlucky third-level battleship of the Gupta Empire has two masts in the middle and rear, and three floors in the upper, middle, and lower floors. The deck is full of flames.Countless Gupta Imperial Navy soldiers were also instantly engulfed by the fierce sea of ​​flames.

The miserable and shrill screams resounded throughout the space.

Even Hu Bin was the first time to observe the actual combat of Greek fire at such a close distance. Although the Greek fire gave him a strong shock during the exercise, no matter how shocked he was, he could not expect more than a hundred firemen writhing in the sea of ​​fire , The screams are real.

"Oh my God, this weapon of the Romans is so perverted!"

After half an hour of U-shaped line array attack, first boarded the ranks and obtained the sinking of 22 Gupta Empire cannon fodder fireships, 100 second-tier warships, seven third-tier warships, and damaged more than [-] warships of various types .Actual combat shows that the Xiandeng-class warship, which is slightly smaller in size, equipped with Greek fire, and more maneuverable, is a good warship.

Krishnamurti was the chief of the Andhra Pradesh Navy of the Gupta Empire Navy, which is equivalent to the general of the brigade level in later generations.At the same time, he was also from the Singh family of the Gupta Empire.Originally, Krishnamurti was supposed to become Akshoshini, and at the last time he should be an officer of the Anigini level, but it was a pity because Manid Singh was suspected by Samadhara Gupta, and he also secretly suppressed by the military.

Although his official career was not going well, Krishnamurti remained extremely loyal to the Gupta Empire.The 45-year-old Alahad man is as enthusiastic as a young man.

A sailor, avoiding the part of the ship where the flames were most burning and blazing, threw away his bucket, and found that water poured on the fire, instead of extinguishing the damned flames, accelerated them like oil.The sailor came to Krishnamurti's side in despair and said, "Singjemu, the fire on our warship is out of control. Abandoning the ship is the only way!"

"Abandon ship?" Krishnamurti said with a cold smile, "In our Singer family, running away is the most shameful act. You actually called me a deserter?"

The sailor said: "But Singjemu, we have no choice now, either to be swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, or to abandon the ship and escape, there is no other way to go!"

"As the great marines of the Gupta Empire, as soldiers of our great Sea Guardian, we cannot be deserters, nor should we be cowards!" Krishnamurti sternly shouted: "If you want to escape, just run away!" Well, I won't blame you, you are not afraid of death, true Gupta warriors, follow me, we control this dying warship, and crash into the Serisians!"

As a general of the Gupta Empire, in fact Krishnamurti was not born in the naval system, he was also an army commander at first.As a commander of the Gupta Empire, he has dealt with all kinds of enemies, including Arabs wielding machetes and riding horses, and indigenous savages of the Deccan state hiding in the grass with blow darts and painted faces. .As for the naval battles with the Malay Peninsula, as well as Jinzhou and large and small island countries including Ye Tiao, he has also experienced many, but this is the first time he has encountered such a confrontation.This gave him a long-lost sense of powerlessness.

Krishnamurti was very calm in the face of death.Under the infection of Krishnamurti, countless battleships that had been ignited by Greek fire or incendiary bombs all rushed towards the first-class battleship.

"Boom!" A second-tier warship of the Gupta Empire was hit by a gunpowder bullet. The side deck that was originally engulfed by raging flames was easily torn apart by the gunpowder bullet like paper.It was like a huge monster appeared in the sea, biting half of this second-tier warship in one bite.

Losing the sideboard, a large amount of sea water quickly poured into the cabin, and after a while, the battleship tilted severely.

"What should I do?" The first mate cried out in panic, "The Passy is dead, and it will sink soon."

"Raise the side sails and order the Sikh Warrior to rescue the soldiers who fell into the water. Other warships, continue to charge to the death!"

At this time, the danger of first boarding really came. Since the battlefield was in the narrow Mantrika Strait, four to five hundred warships of both sides rushed into this place at once, and the narrow sea appeared extremely crowded.At the same time, the speed and flexibility of the first-class warships lost their vertical and horizontal space.

Wei's long-range attack power, whether it is ballista, stone bombs, incendiary bombs, or even Greek fire, can severely damage the warships of the Gupta Empire, but it seems powerless for that kind of huge third-tier warships.Especially the Gupta fleet that attacked at any cost regardless of casualties.

Finally, with a bang, a third-tier Gupta warship slammed into battleship X289 fiercely. The hull of the ship shook violently. The crew of battleship X289 did not receive warning, and the collision was immediately overwhelmed. ' One after another, they came into intimate contact with the deck, ship's side, mast, bollards, etc.

The three-tier Gupta battleship with incendiary bombs was already burned weakly, and the gap was cracked with a "squeak" sound after the collision. This time, the collision completely shattered the hull of the Gupta battleship. Part sunk in the sea.However, there are still parts of the hull sticking tightly to the side of the battleship X289 and burning, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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