Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 844 Turning Bad Things into Good Things

Chapter 844 Turning Bad Things into Good Things

Chapter 849 Turn Bad Things into Good Things
Finally, a second-class Gupta battleship approached the X167 ship, and put the drawbridge on the side deck of the X167 ship.At this moment, Peng Jianping, the captain of the X167 ship, shouted: "Prepare the fire tank, let it go!"

The X167 ship was not equipped with incendiary bombs that individual soldiers could throw at this time, but this could not help those smart Wei naval soldiers. They used the canned food they had eaten to fill the mixed fire oil in the Greek fire oil tank.Then throw it hard towards the suspension bridge.With a crackling sound, more than [-] modified incendiary bombs were thrown onto the suspension bridge.

Soon the suspension bridge was ignited. Looking at the burning suspension bridge, this kind of wooden-clad iron suspension bridge, which was about three or four inches thick, burned directly within at least two quarters of an hour.However, an unexpected scene appeared. The Gupta soldiers were not stopped by the fire. A group of monk soldiers with bare heads appeared. They chanted the Buddha's name and rushed towards the suspension bridge like moths.

The monk soldier who ran at the front was soon burned by the kerosene on the suspension bridge. The severe pain caused his face to be violently twisted, and his face became extremely hideous.The sound of the Buddha's horn, which had been distorted, continued to sound, and he continued to charge.A crossbow bolt hit his cheek, and a long crossbow bolt passed through his cheek, but he was still charging.

"Damn, what a bunch of lunatics!" Peng Jianping said: "This sea of ​​fire can't stop them, now we can only rely on our horizontal knife!"


The fierce hand-to-hand combat began, and the screams sounded on the battlefield one after another.The sound of the clash of weapons, the angry roar of the soldiers on both sides, and the wailing of the wounded soldiers were all heard, interweaving into a tragic song of the dead on the battlefield.Arrows rain like locusts, including the Gupta longbow and the Magong crossbow of Wei State. In fact, at this time, whether it is a crossbow or a bow, the accuracy is not important. The important thing is how to increase the coverage.

"Attack!" Krishnamurti.Singer breathed a sigh of relief.But at this moment, the sailors on the Wangdou suddenly shouted wildly: "General Singer, a large number of warships of the Wei State Navy have been spotted, and they are getting closer and closer to us!"

Krishnamurti.Hearing this, Singer hurriedly boarded the bridge and looked into the distance, only to see the sails like clouds, and a large group of Wei warships swooping forward from the front and the upper left.

The warships of the State of Wei moved very fast, and the Flying Fish battleships at this time interpreted the word "Fei" vividly.Seeing the speed of the ship, he knew that it was too late to turn to the upper left. If the stern of the battleship was aimed at the enemy, it would be no different from suicide.Even the Flying Fish battleship, whose combat effectiveness can be called abnormal, only has a ballista and a rocket launcher at the stern position.

How to do it?Krishnamurti.Singer had a headache.

At this time, the Gupta battleship was mixed with more than 30 Wei State's first-class warships.The Gupta Imperial Navy fought very tenaciously. Even though they knew that the battleships were not as powerful as the enemy's and their speed was even worse, they still rushed towards the first-class battleship as always.

At this moment, a first-class battleship of the Gupta Empire, which had already been scarred and scarred, became a fire ship, and it was worthless for fighting fires. The soldiers on this first-class battleship, despite the fierce fire, struggled to control This fiery horse rammed towards Wei's X167 ship.

"Boom!" The burning first-class warship of the Gupta Empire slammed into the X167 ship, which was trapped by iron chains, and quickly docked. The relatively small first-class warship of the Gupta Empire was at a disadvantage. After the collision, it turned into pieces.However, the X167 ship did not take advantage of it. The burning Gupta first-class battleship splashed out burning debris, like a goddess scattering flowers, and many of them fell on the X167 ship deck or canvas. As a result, the X167 ship also caught fire. fire.

The fire is still relatively small, and there is still room for rescue.It's just that a large number of Gupta naval soldiers boarded the X167 ship at this time. Although Peng Jianping even sent slave oarsmen to participate in the battle, the huge gap in numbers still made the X167 ship very passive.As a first-class warship, the total number of soldiers on board (including ballistas, rocket soldiers, and sailors) is 380, and even if the medical soldiers and equipment maintenance soldiers are included, there are only [-] people.But the Gupta Empire doesn't care about the backwardness of its warships, but there are too many people who can't stand up to others.

A first-class warship has more than 500 people on it, a second-class warship has more than 700 people, a third-class warship has 167 to 167 people, a fourth-class warship has thousands of people, and a fifth-class warship has reached an astonishing 600 people. Yu people.At this time, the X167 ship was successfully docked by two second-class Gupta warships, and a third-class warship was preparing to be boarded.In other words, the X[-] ship will face an attack of at least [-] people, and each of them will face five times as many enemies as they already have.To make matters worse, they were hit by a Tier [-] battleship. The violent vibration caused the entire crew of Ship [-] to fall on the deck or in the cabin. When they reacted, the crossbow array lost its neutral position and was caught Opportunity's Gupta Navy played even more passively.

If it is said that Wei's army still has an advantage in long-range weapon attacks, it is much worse in close combat.The range of the Gupta Longbow is no closer than that of the Magong Crossbow of Wei State, and its power is not small.Especially the Gupta long sword equipped by the monks and soldiers in the Gupta army. This kind of Gupta long sword is similar to the simple sword invented in the Song Dynasty in appearance, and it can also be said to be a shrunken version of the Mo knife.This kind of Gupta long knife is more than four feet longer than the horizontal knife in the Wei State Navy soldiers. In the case of an inch long and an inch strong, the Wei State Navy soldiers are very disadvantaged.

Resisting with all its strength, this barely withstood the attack of the Gupta Navy. How could the X167 ship have the energy to control the burning warship.Fortunately, Tang Mao did not play cards according to common sense. According to Severus' order, Tang Mao's troops should disregard the more than [-] ships that were besieged and board the warships first, but do everything possible to quickly implement the arc cutting tactics go down.

Seeing that Tang Mao did not obey the order, Severus angrily went to Ran Ming to complain: "His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of the Great Wei Empire, General Tang of your country actually ignored the orders of the General Staff. This person is so contemptuous of military discipline. Be severely punished!"

This time, Ran Ming did not listen to Severu's opinion, but said indifferently: "The mistake has already occurred, why such a passive situation has been caused, the staff department also has a certain responsibility!"

Severus has no temper for the responsibilities required by the staff.The staff did not consider that the Gupta Empire Navy would connect iron chains at the bottom of the ship to create a trap.In any case, Severus should pay leadership responsibility.

"Severus didn't think carefully and caused the Wei State Navy to suffer losses. I am willing to accept the punishment!" Severus handed over the sword in his hand to Ran Ming.The saber is like the tiger charm in China, which is equivalent to the command power of a general.

Ran Ming took a step forward and pulled out Severus' sword. At this time, the metallurgical technology of the Roman Empire was not considered advanced. This sword was actually just an early wrought iron sword, which was the same as the ring sword in the Western Han Dynasty. The toughness of the knife requires the thickness of the blade to be thickened. At this time, the sword, which is only less than two feet and three inches long, actually weighs more than ten catties.It is even heavier than the horizontal knife with a length of 1.3 meters.

Ran Ming suddenly pulled out his horizontal saber, and then quickly cut Severu's saber and horizontal saber at each other. With a sound of "clang", sparks shot out, and Severus' sword snapped.

Ran Ming threw Severu's saber on the ground again, and then unsheathed the horizontal knife on his body.Putting the knife back into its sheath, he handed the horizontal knife to Severu.

"The precious sword is a gift for a hero. This saber is of poor quality and is not worthy of your status as Severus." Ran Ming said: "This horizontal sword in my palace is called Tianying, and it is the ninth of the 36 swords in Tiangang. It was taken by the Great Wei. It took a year to make the flying iron from the sky. This knife is one inch wide, two feet thick, two feet three inches long, two feet five inches long, and weighs 970 grams. This knife is forged by thousands of refining techniques , can cut hundreds of sticks without rolling the blade."

Severu's mood changed in an instant. When Ran Ming cut off his sword just now, he felt very painful.You must know that this saber was still a gift from Constantine the Great when he was promoted to a knight, and it was also a symbol of the noble status of the Roman Empire.Severus even guessed that Ran Ming would deprive him of his noble rights.This made Severu very uncomfortable, but after all, he was responsible for making mistakes and caused heavy losses to Wei Guo.But in the blink of an eye, his spring came.Ran Ming actually gave him a precious sword of his own, even in the Roman Empire, this knife is a precious sword that is unique in thousands.At this time, the meaning is naturally different, representing Ran Ming's trust in him.

Severus' eyes were red, "Severus will live up to the trust of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"People are not sages, and they are good at it!" Ran Ming said: "It doesn't matter if you make mistakes, as long as you correct them in time, you are a good comrade. I don't agree with your punishment of General Tang Mao, because our Great Wei did not have the habit of abandoning our comrades-in-arms. If the friendly army is in heavy siege, as a general of the Great Wei, it would be a big mistake not to save you. If Tang Mao really carries out your order, even if he wins the battle, he will be dismissed from the army by the palace and ordered to demobilize. "

"This, if this is the case, it is very likely that you have fallen into the enemy's trick!" Severus said: "I have seen the art of war written by His Royal Highness, one of which is called encirclement and reinforcements. If the enemy adopts this trick, then Wouldn't the loss be great!"

"Siege and aid?" Ran Ming said with a smile: "You have to think about it the other way around. If the enemy's reinforcements are weak, the reinforcements will fail and you will be flanked by front and rear. In fact, even if it is a trick, there is no way Do not abandon, do not give up. This is the belief that our Wei army will win."

Severus looked a little unnatural.

"Perhaps, in your opinion, this seems a bit stupid!" Ran Ming shouted loudly: "However, it was our stupid belief that allowed us to defeat the Huns, Xianbei people, and Jie people. Oh yes Now, you are a Roman, you should remember the whip of God. Did you know? The ones you describe as the whip of God are the Huns, and they are also the defeated generals of our Han nation. As early as 270 years ago, the Huns and the Han nation had a long history During the millennium war, they admitted defeat. And the tribe began to split, divided into two parts, the north and the south. The southern Huns surrendered to us Han people, while the northern Huns began to migrate with their clan. They arrived at the Yili River from Wusun, and then to Kang Ju, go further west, and enter the eastern part of the upper reaches of the Syr Darya, and you will understand the following things. They destroyed Alanya first, then the Goths, and then they also faced your Roman Empire, even your Roman Empire. Emperor Farence and their 200 Roman Praetorian troops were all killed in battle. You may not know that the Huns are a wolf-like nation. They surrendered to the Han for more than 200 years. After more than 50 years of recuperation, they They also showed their fangs to the Han people. They attacked the capital of our Jin State, occupied more than 300 million square kilometers of land, occupied the vast area in the north, and enslaved millions of Han people. However, until my father, the emperor Appeared, their doomsday came. At that time, the father took [-] Han cavalry, attacked the Huns camp at night, beheaded dozens of enemy generals, and beheaded more than [-] ranks. In the second battle, with [-] Han cavalry, they defeated the Huns by more than [-] People. In the third battle, the Wei army was [-] plus [-] volunteers, and they fought against the Huns, Xianbei, Jie and other Huns with more than [-] people."

The more Ran Ming spoke, the more excited he became. He shouted loudly: "Because of not abandoning, not giving up, the invincible Huns have been completely wiped out. The more than [-] Huns in the south have already become history. Even those who survived The Huns, they dare not use the Xiongnu as their family name, or Tiefo, or Helan, or their residence as their family name!"

Just as Ran Ming was giving a high-spirited speech, something happened in the siege. "Boom!" There was an explosion on the side deck of the X167 ship, and the burning side of the ship split open.It was because the fire was burning so intensely that the gunpowder bombs placed next to a ballista on the fire were not taken away in time, causing an explosion.

"What should we do?" Peng Jianping clutched the wound on his abdomen and looked at the soldiers who were hacked to death by the Gupta monks with their knives.Peng Jianping subconsciously raised the horizontal knife in his hand, only to hear a click, and Peng Jianping's arms twisted backwards in a strange posture.Peng Jianping even looked at the broken pink bone marrow in his arms.

Peng Jianping thought he was going to die, and he was waiting to die with his eyes closed.However, after waiting for a long time, the long knife of the fierce monk soldier did not come down.Peng Jianping opened his eyes and saw the monk soldier's brains splattered everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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