Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 845 The Battle of Destiny

Chapter 845 The Battle of Destiny
Chapter 850 Battle of Destiny

Originally, Xiaohu, his own soldier, attacked the monk soldier from behind. Unfortunately, before Xiaohu had time to cheer, he saw a sharp head protruding from his back.Xiaohu wanted to say something to Jianping as if he was offering a treasure, but when he opened his mouth just now, what came out was not a sound, but a gust of blood.

Xiaohu and Jianping are not related by blood. Xiaohu was picked up by Jianping in Jingkou when he was nine years old.After Jianping surrendered with Tang Mao, Wei Jianping left his hometown in Jingkou and settled in Buqi.Xiaohu followed him and became a member of the navy.

Jianping looked around and found that there were less than 20 Wei navy soldiers still fighting, and most of the Gupta navy soldiers had stopped killing and turned to fighting the fire.Jianping suddenly thought of something. The Gupta Navy wanted their warships. They didn't have good intentions for people like themselves, but wanted to keep them and help them get acquainted with the first-class warships.

At this moment, Jianping turned to the captain's room without thinking about it.There is a colored wrench in the captain's room. As long as the wrench is pulled, the self-sinking device on the first-class battleship can be activated. This battleship must not be left to the Gupta.

At this moment, four or five Gupta monks with bare heads followed Jianping and rushed into the captain's room, chattering something, as if to persuade Jianping to surrender.

Jianping had no hands at this time, so he couldn't move the self-sinking device. He gritted his teeth, resisted the dizzy pain, and ran into the self-sinking wrench with all his strength.

The loud sound of "boom boom boom" came from the bottom of the battleship, and 48 water tanks were activated by the self-sinking device at the same time. A large amount of seawater poured into the water tanks, and it was obvious that the battleship was sinking. Jianping showed a pale smile on his face. , gradually lost consciousness.With the sinking of the X167 ship, X152 and X156 also chose to self-destruct after the battleship lost its resistance.

A quarter of an hour later, Wei's No. 19 warship, X221, also chose to scuttle in the Kolo Fusha naval battle.A quarter of an hour later, the angry Tang Mao rushed to the battlefield with his main force, and all the naval soldiers of the First Battle Fleet stormed the Gupta Navy's Krishnamurti Singh's troops at all costs. After more than an hour of fighting, 110 nine second-class ships Battleships, Tier [-] warships, and Tier [-] warships all sank.

Tang Mao looked at the thirteen first-class battleships that had been rescued with scars, but right in front of Tang Mao's eyes, the X241 ship also sank due to serious injuries.Fortunately, the [-] soldiers who survived were transferred to the surrounding battleships.

At this moment, the first battleship, the first-class battleship, lost a total of [-] ships, and the loss of personnel alone amounted to more than [-] people.This heavy price made Tang Mao very angry.He shouted: "I don't want any prisoners, since they want to see their Buddha, let them be fulfilled!"

The Gupta navy soldiers struggling in the sea suffered a disaster. They had no place to hide. At the same time, because of the quality of the navy, like Wei Haijun, they hardly wore armor.So in the face of shooting from the crossbow machine, you can only wait for death.

While Tang Mao was besieging and annihilating Krishnamurtis Singh's troops, the second battleship led by Zheng Wu was also engaged in a tragic naval battle.In order to prevent the Gupta Navy from rescuing Krishnamurti Singh's troops, Zheng Wu ordered more than 160 first-class warships to move sideways and break down, turning into a water fortress. The other [-] warships also lined up, advancing instead of retreating, blocking the warships of Emperor Gupta's navy in a fan shape.

Just when the last warship under Krishnamurtis Singh was about to sink, Severus took the Tianying Baodao given to him by Ran Ming and issued an order for the second battle fleet to cut and encircle in an arc.

Zheng Wu was overjoyed when he heard that, and ordered: "All the warships lift anchor, put on full sails, take the knife's edge, and fuck it!"

In the past more than an hour of fighting, Zheng Wu was extremely aggrieved.There is no way, his combat mission is to block the main support of the Gupta fleet, and he has to sacrifice the speed advantage of the first-class battleship to start a sea battle.Although Wei's naval warships are more powerful than Gupta warships, they have lost their speed advantage, and ascending the rank first is like being cut off an arm.

If it wasn't for the existence of the Greek fire, maybe with the advantage of nearly three times the number of warships and nearly ten times the advantage of the number of people, if the gang jumping operation is successfully carried out, maybe Zheng Wu's troops can be wiped out.They can even capture their warships and crossbows to make up for the early losses of the war.

However, Zheng Wu played very tricky.He first used the method of lowering half the sail to lower the anchor to stabilize the first-class warship on the sea surface, and at the same time, once the anchor was lifted, the warship could move quickly.In an hour-long battle, Zheng Wu's troops were not without losses. At least six first-class warships were successfully connected by the Gupta Emperor's naval warships. However, after a fierce battle, those six warships were all self-sinking. , ended his own life to avoid being captured by the Gupta Emperor's navy.Moreover, Zheng Wu's troops were forced to retreat more than three miles, which was very dangerous.If Tang Mao's troops could not achieve victory in the battle of encirclement and annihilation, Zheng Wu would have no way to retreat and would have to engage in a boarding battle.

It's just that the battle of encirclement and annihilation is over, and the third battle fleet, which has been waiting for a long time, has also rushed up.Seeing the appearance of Wei Haijun's reinforcements, Zheng Wu decisively ordered a change of formation to counterattack.All the members of the Second Battle Fleet, who had already suppressed their anger, immediately heard the order to set up their full sails, brave the wind and waves, and quickly surrounded half of Emperor Gupta's battleships as before.

This also includes Marshal Manid Singh, Deputy Admiral Devadagupta, and the flagship "King of Peacock". The sudden change made Manid Singhba open and unable to close, and his jaw was so surprised. fell down.Wei Jun once again exceeded his expectations. They didn't bother to join forces at all. Almost all the warships that were rushed away were hit by Wei Haijun's Greek fire. Let alone attacking, whether they can extinguish the fire and avoid sinking is considered a blessing from the Buddha.Seeing that the situation was not good, some warships set up their sails and fled for their lives.

The second battle fleet of the Wei Navy drew an irregular M-shaped center on the sea with the fleet of the Gupta Navy's "Kongque Mingwang", and the third battle fleet showed a V-shape after passing through the "Kongcock Mingwang" Convergence, blocking their retreat.

"Can they wipe us all out with their warships and firepower?" Although Manid Singh was full of doubts, a fleet was almost wiped out by Wei just now, so he didn't dare to be careless anymore.

Devadatta said: "The Seris people's ideas are beautiful, but the reality is too cruel. Just like that stupid fisherman, although their eyes are fixed on the float, they can't see it. The fish they catch may It's a crocodile."

At this time, the Wei naval warships on the two wings began to move rapidly. They adopted the same arc cutting tactics as they used against Krishnamurti. Very Devadatta did not have the same underwater chains as Krishnamurti , so their fate is tragic.

Although Devadatta ordered that the forces of all ships use Gupta longbows to suppress the oppression of Wei Xiandeng-class warships, it is a pity that although the power of this longbow is good, it has no damage ability against large warships.The soldiers of the Wei Navy also showed their tenacious combat power at this moment. Many soldiers were shot by Gupta's longbow. As long as they still have breath, they will not leave their combat posts.

The first step is like a galloping wild horse, bumping and running in the waves.Facing the rain of arrows from the Gupta longbow, Wei soldiers also used crossbows and rockets to fight back. The Gupta longbow is just a bow for individual soldiers, but crossbows and rockets are different.This kind of crossbow bomb is not small.Although they are not capable of directly sinking large warships above the third-tier battleship of the Gupta Navy, they can easily cause great damage to the canvas, masts, and soldiers on the deck of the Gupta battleship.

In order to avoid the Gupta longbow of the Gupta Navy, the soldiers on the first-class battleship used the long table for eating, the plank for sleeping, and even the solid elephant wood for deck maintenance as simple shields. , to reduce casualties.

The advanced battleship approaching at high speed first fired Greek fire from the front, then quickly turned around, and circled from the side of the enemy ship. anger.

Devadatta was caught off guard, and a bayonet fight at sea at close range ended with the victory of the second battleship of the Wei Navy. In this short and fierce confrontation, the Gupta Navy lost more than [-] warships. It is its main battleship, including a fourth-class battleship of Emperor Gupta.

The number of fourth-tier battleships in the entire Gupta Navy is very small, but there are only 24 ships. When this unlucky fourth-tier battleship "Yasha" was three hundred steps away from battleship X311, the rocket launched by battleship **311 hit the main ship. At the top of the mast, the rocket exploded, breaking the mainsail hoisting rope of the "Yasha", and the mainsail, which was more than ten feet long, fell and hit the front deck.All of a sudden, more than 130 sailors and soldiers of the "Yasha" were crushed under the canvas.To make matters worse, the "Yasha" was successfully sprayed by the Greek fire within a distance of thirty steps.

In an instant, the front main deck of the Yasha was engulfed in flames.During the crossing process of the two ships, due to the huge hull of the Yaksha, the larger target is naturally vulnerable to attack. Nineteen gunpowder bombs, 27 rockets, and eleven incendiary bombs were fired. A round of volley, the best record with a hit rate of more than 311%.After persisting for less than half an hour, the Yaksha was buried on the bottom of the sea, and almost all the more than [-] Gupta soldiers on the battleship died.

Ran Ming was watching the battle from behind, and he was also very surprised when he saw this scene, "Which warship fought this, well done, I want to reward them heavily!"

Severus's cock was also so big that it almost cracked to the back of his ears. He said dumbfounded: "I suspect they are the illegitimate children of God!"

After a Roman joke.After a while, the staff found out the captain of the battleship X311.

"Wang Sanhe?" Ran Ming was a little incredulous after hearing the news.I still have a little impression of Wang Sanhe Ranming. He was originally a bandit active in Zhongshan County, and later became the prefect of Zhongshan appointed by Emperor Yan Murong Jun, the Marquis of Yan Zhongyi.In the winter of the fourth year of Yongxing, it was wiped out by Wei Pingbei General Su Lin led the army.Then Ran Min sent him to Wei's death row.When Ran Ming led the gentry to colonize, he felt that it was the principle of waste utilization. This group of vicious bandits was treated as ashes and let them go to the Luzon natives.Among them is Wang Sanhe.

Ran Ming didn't know that his nationalistic plot also affected other people.For the navy, the first thing to do is to look at the background. If they are not Han Chinese, they can only serve as low-level officers on the battleship.

Thinking that it was Wang Sanhe and Ran Ming, he just couldn't help but laugh, and then, as General Wei Zhu and Marshal of the Expeditionary Force, he issued the first commendation order in this naval battle and notified the whole army.Among them, Wang Sanhe was promoted from the rank of Sima of the other department (from the rank below the sixth rank) to the colonel of the fifth rank, which is regarded as the third rank of the legendary company. The battleship X311 was promoted to the first rank, and all of them were awarded the collective second-class merit once.

Now the Second Battleship Fleet of the Wei Navy has gone crazy.A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.Similarly, there are almost no generals who don’t want to be promoted. Almost all the captains of warships who boarded the first class are Sima, and some of them enjoy high ranks and become lieutenants. Even if they become lieutenants, they can’t be regarded as generals. listed.This is like the difference between a colonel and a major general in the military ranks of later generations. The difference between one rank and another is a world of difference. Many of them are stuck in this hurdle.

At this time, the battle became more intense.In order to get into Ran Ming's line of sight, the captains of the first-class battleships all tried their best, throwing off their arms and working hard.If the Greek fire does not come within thirty paces, it will never be fired.As for the crossbows and rockets, they were within two hundred steps, and the closest ones were astonishingly eighty steps away.This is almost the rhythm of the two ships colliding.Due to the combat distance, the hit rate of the Wei Xiandeng-class warships was very high, and the crossbow shells flew all over the sky, and some of them fell into the water by mistake, stirring up water columns.Even more, sawdust flew across the sides and decks of Gupta warships.

The battlefield of the naval battle was in chaos at this time, and Devadatta also lost command of the fleet. He and Manid Singh were on the "Maacock King", surrounded by only four ships and third-class warships.Around them, 21 Wei warships appeared.Devadatta tried to break out of the siege, but it was a pity that when he failed to break through on the third day and lost more than a dozen warships, Devadatta was actually desperate.He even gave up breaking out,
After a hasty rest to replenish ammunition and quickly overhaul the crossbow, the First Battle Fleet also joined the battle.At this time, the Wei navy warships consisted of 78 flying fish warships, 290 seven first-board warships, and more than [-] centipede-type fast ships, surpassing the Gupta fleet in number.The Gupta Navy had less than [-] large and small warships.

At this time, Wei Haijun, who had a numerical advantage, began to change his tactics again.This is the naval battle tactic that Ran Ming is most familiar with, and that is the wolf pack tactic.

The Wei fleet turned again, and the small centipede warships of the Wei army that suddenly appeared at this time had already outflanked them one after another. The warships chased and the waves flew, and the wolf-like centipede warships quickly interspersed into the Gupta fleet with their flexibility and speed , The gloomy murderous aura permeated the entire sea area.

Manid Singh took a deep breath. Although he didn't understand naval warfare, he could see the problem.Emperor Gupta's navy was defeated in this battle. Although Emperor Gupta still had a fleet of more than 560 large and small warships, would Wei give them this chance to turn defeat into victory?

Obviously this is impossible, Devadatta and he have been surrounded, and the Gupta warships fighting on their own are desperately counterattacking, while preparing for close combat.It's just a pity that Wei didn't give them this chance at all. Although the centipede warship is small, and it has a smaller load, it only has about twenty soldiers, but its combat power is absolutely impressive.

The tiny centipede clippers don't actually have heavy crossbows, only rockets for long-range weapons.This kind of rocket, which neither takes up a lot of space nor is it heavy, is simply tailor-made for centipede ships.Severus was also amazed at the cleverness and imagination of the Serisians.But Severus didn't know that in Ran Ming's era, there was a warship called a missile speedboat. As long as it was used well, it was completely capable of killing warships ten times or dozens of times larger than him. It was simply the best weapon for the poor. .

Due to the low hull of this kind of centipede ship, the rockets are launched from the bottom up, so the attack position of the rockets will not be the deck of the Gupta battleship, but the side of the ship above the waterline. Gupta has a headache.Rockets can't chew on Gupta's ship's side, but one rocket doesn't work, but it doesn't mean that two rockets can't.In particular, the two centipedes almost fired one rocket at a time, hitting the Gupta Emperor's second-class warship consecutively within ten breaths.

The result was shocking. A big hole of about three feet was blown out at the waterline on the front side of the Gupta warship.A large amount of sea water rushed in from the hole, and soon the Gupta warship fell into a tilt.

After obtaining this result, the centipede ship's relay play quickly passed the semaphore and spread throughout the army.

This time the Gupta fleet suffered a complete disaster. In fact, the wooden sailing ships were also prepared for the fire attack. In particular, every warship had been treated for fire protection, but the position near the waterline was the easiest to attack.At the same time, it is also the most effective. Two to three rockets attack the same position at the same time, and it can be broken.

If the battleship is ignited by Greek fire, even if the fire is not put out, it will take about half an hour or even longer to sink.But the position of the waterline is different, he may even send a warship to the bottom of the sea in just one to two quarters of an hour.

In naval battles, generally speaking, the party that is inferior in the number of ships always tends to preserve its ships and prevent them from being easily damaged.Therefore, they tend to enter the battle on the leeward side of the enemy ship. In this way, if the battle is unfavorable, they can quickly leave the battle area with the wind.

It's just a pity that Emperor Gupta was too conceited about their naval strength, and he actually fought in the Mantinga Strait in a whimsical way. Although the narrow sea area limited the speed advantage of Wei's naval warships, it also cut off their own way of life.

Devadatta was actually not afraid of fighting a war of attrition with the Wei warship, because Emperor Gupta's power far surpassed that of Wei, and he was not afraid of attrition.But this kind of one-sided battle is not willing to see.If the navy fails, Wei can arrive at the land of Emperor Gupta and carry out landing operations. This is an unforgivable mistake of Samadragupta. Value, his fate is definitely not good.

This naval battle between Wei and Emperor Gupta was not only a battle of fate for Devadatta alone, but also a battle of fate for Severus.Not all of the Roman emperors who fled with Helena were Julian's loyalists, but most of them were branded with Julian's brand. If they didn't flee and Jovian came to power, they would inevitably be killed. liquidation.

In the face of death, there is no so-called fearlessness.Severus actually didn't want to die even more. As a soldier, he was at the golden age of a general.In order to survive, Severus responded to Sarus' call and fled to Luyapati with Helena.They are like solitary birds, unable to find their own habitat.

Originally, they had no hope, and were even on the verge of despair.But until they met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Serris.After meeting Ran Ming, their fates changed.Sarus became the chief of staff of the Army Department of the Golden State Front Army, and he entered the navy and became the chief of staff of the Wei Navy.

Wei's military merit system is already very complete, and if he wants to rise, he must show his own merits.Cicero, who was a pedantic scholar, was the most inconspicuous person in the escape, but met Ran Ming who appreciated him.Cicero proved his worth with his ingenuity by improving the crossbow, the catapult, the trebuchet, and the Greek fire.

Now he is the Viscount of Wei, and he also owns a fief of about 140 million square feet.Although this fiefdom was not big in the eyes of the Seres people, it was a symbol of a prominent family in the Roman Empire.In particular, Cicero's ongoing fire research and development, once successful.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Wei promised to Cicerotulius that he would be born as Marquis of Wei, and that he would grant him thousands of households and allow him to establish a marquis.According to the wind heard by Severus, Cicero has made a breakthrough. If it goes well, within the year, Cicero may become the new marquis of the Great Wei, and become a marquis with a thousand households. This is already equivalent to Xiao Wang's treatment.

This made all the Romans crazy. Even if they dedicated their lives to the Roman Emperor, what they got most was the title of a knight.But Wei's titles are different, and they are all real benefits.Military merit in Wei is the best way to obtain a title. As long as one can reach the general level, almost everyone will have a title.

If this battle is won, Severus will also be due to military merits. Although he dare not expect to become a marquis all at once, it should not be difficult to be a viscount or earl like Cicero.Although he has not been acknowledged by Ran Ming, as long as Sarus pacifies the Golden State, any place in the Golden State can set aside a hundred miles of land and establish the seal of Sarus.

The screen returns to the battlefield.

"Full left rudder, full left rudder, set sail, drop anchor, hurry up!" After Yaksha, another fourth-tier battleship "Lion" was less than two feet above the waterline on the right side of the bow. , was hit by four rockets, and a large hole with a diameter of more than five feet was blown out.When the battleship Lion was sailing at high speed, a large amount of seawater poured into the cave. If this problem was not solved, the Lion would inevitably sink over time.

"Boom", the sea water aroused by the sharp turn rolled out like a huge wave, and when it rushed to the feet of the giant ship, it had become gentle waves.Although the Lion stopped, sixteen centipede speedboats rushed up fiercely like wolves seeing blood.The centipede speedboat gained confidence, and its attack power became more rapid. They even gave up the attack of crossbow arrows. Each soldier held a shield and stepped on the pedals with both hands to quickly drive the wheels forward.

As nearly [-] centipede speedboats joined the battle, the space for Gupta warships on the battlefield became smaller and smaller. One ship collided with the stern of another ship that had stopped, and the other ship collided with other warships. The sides of the ship shattered, and the two ships rubbed against each other tightly.The scattered Gupta warships were like the scene of a traffic accident. The huge ship "Maacock Mingwang" was still moored quietly in the sea, and Devada did not move. Regardless, that is to say, the final general attack of the Serisians is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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