Chapter 846

Chapter 851 From now on I am the master of the ocean
"It's over, it's over!"

Manid Singh's depression was beyond words.

"I didn't expect the Seris people to be so cunning, we failed, irreversible! Your Excellency Devadatta, if you want to keep some seeds for the Gupta Imperial Navy, immediately organize personnel and negotiate with the Seris people. This war is too bastard, The Gupta Empire doesn’t even know what the Seres people think. If they want Luyevati, we will give it to them. If they want the Harodan Kingdom, Balasa, and Brasa, we can give it to them, even the Golden State There is no need for the Gupta Empire to fight to the death with the Serisians for these wild lands!"

Devadatta said: "As long as the Seris people have too much appetite, they don't just want these places, if they want ours"

"These places can still be negotiated, but there is no need to consider the mainland of the empire. Unless all the soldiers of our Gupta Empire are dead, we will not negotiate with the territories that the soldiers exchanged for their lives!" Manid Singh said: "Now Our defeat in the naval battle is doomed, and there is no way to recover. I hope the Buddha blesses that bastard Mandelapu is not in vain, and he can teach the Seris people a lesson in Chitu Kingdom."

Devadatta murmured, "I'm afraid it's hard to explain to Your Majesty."

"I should be able to confess the past with my life!" Manid Singh said: "Now this damn war can end, we surrender to the Seres, on the premise that they don't kill prisoners, otherwise the Gupta Empire will issue the highest mobilization order , vowing to carry on the war to the end. Our Gupta Empire has a population of more than 3000 million, and the people of Seris should know how many troops we can arm!"

It's not that Devadatta didn't want to surrender, but he was afraid of taking responsibility for defeat.But with Manid Singh taking the blame, Devadatta would not have any pressure.

The chaotic battlefield gradually calmed down.The Gupta Imperial Navy fleet lowered its flag, which meant that it was willing to surrender.But what flying the white flag means surrender.The white flag actually represented the battle flag in the early days of the navy, which meant fighting to the end.

Severus received the news immediately, happiness came too suddenly.He was a little overwhelmed.

"His Royal Highness, we have won, and the Gupta Imperial Navy has surrendered!"

"What?" Ran Ming said puzzledly: "The Gupta Empire's navy is tough. You have seen their ruthlessness. Would they surrender so easily? Besides, although the Gupta Empire has fallen, they still have more than There are more than 200 main battleships, and they still have the strength to fight a war."

"It's true, but they expressed their surrender!" Severus said: "They lowered the commander's flag, which means they admit defeat, and they also sent envoys. According to the report of the steam ball observer, they have at most It takes two quarters of an hour to reach our flagship."

Ran Ming still couldn't believe that the Gupta people would surrender so easily. There are countless examples of false surrenders in Chinese history.Ran Ming said again: "Order all the ships to increase their alertness in an all-round way, and beware of the Gupta Imperial Navy playing tricks and carelessly losing Jingzhou. It must not be done!"

In fact, Ran Ming still miscalculated, Devadatta sent four envoys, the highest rank of which was an Ajijini-level (division-level) general of the navy, and handed over to Ran Ming the letter written by Devadatta himself. The letter of surrender stated that if the state of Wei did not slaughter the prisoners, they would all surrender.

Ran Ming sent his personal guard, Lin Heishan, to take the No. 068 ship of the first boarding class, and headed for Devadatuo's flagship "King of the Peacock". Three quarters of an hour later, Lin Heishan arrived at the position a hundred steps ahead of the "King of the Peacock". , Lin Heishan stood on the bow deck of the first battleship 068, and shouted loudly: "Marshal Manid Singh, Deputy Marshal Devadagupta, Crown Prince of the Great Wei, General Zhu Guo, Nanyang Expedition Commander-in-Chief, His Highness Ran Ming, demands that you and other generals above the rank of ten thousand commanders all board the flag ship F001 of the Great Wei Navy and surrender to the Great Wei Navy!"

Naturally, Devadatta couldn't understand Lin Heishan's words, but with an interpreter, Devadatta understood it naturally.

Marshal Manid Singh's face was a little pale, and he said a little listlessly: "I would like to admit defeat, and don't weaken the prestige of the Gupta Empire."

Devadatta cursed secretly in his heart, if he loses, he loses, how can he weaken the prestige of the Gupta Empire, is it necessary to cut down the big man Seris?Isn't this actively giving Siris a reason to slaughter them?

However, the matter of surrender did not go particularly smoothly.Especially when the Wei army accepted their surrender.

"Surrender? Why surrender?" The Gupta Imperial Navy is still not afraid of death, especially the captain of the fourth-tier battleship "Giant" roared dissatisfied: "My battleship can still fight, why should I surrender? , Devadatta is a traitor of the Gupta Empire, a scum of the Gupta Empire, his behavior is not worthy of being the commander of the Gupta Empire's navy, and I myself refuse to carry out the order of this traitor!"

Wang Sanhe, who had just been promoted to captain, became the person in charge of accepting the surrender of more than a dozen Gupta class III and IV battleships including the Giant.After knowing the meaning of Kukesino through a translator, Wang Sanhe was also unambiguous.

Then a battle order was issued.

Since both sides are at a standstill at this time, this allows the ballista of the Wei State Navy to almost achieve the results on land. The X311 ship fired 26 ballista gunpowder shells, 24 incendiary bombs, and [-] rockets within a distance of one hundred steps.

"Boom!" There was an explosion, and the nine masts of the four-pole battleship "Giant" were hit at the same time, and a rumbling sound passed by. The superstructure was cut off with a single knife, and a fire broke out.

At the same time, more than a dozen centipede speedboats also launched more than [-] rockets in six directions around the Giant, and almost simultaneously launched more than [-] rockets. The Giant was like a target. Six large holes were blasted out, all of which were more than three feet in diameter, allowing seawater to quickly pour into the giant's cabin.

In just one stick of incense, the Giant sank at a speed visible to the naked eye. If there were no accidents, the life of the Giant would only be a few minutes.

Seeing this scene, Gupta's admirals were too surprised to speak. Is this the end of such a tall Tier [-] warship?

Even Tier [-] battleships are so useless in front of the Serisians, what a fart!Devadatta felt even more bitter at this time. In the first fight, the flying fish warships of the Wei State Navy were still very unfamiliar, and the ballistas were extremely inaccurate. If one of ten shots hit the target, it was considered a stroke of luck. .But now they can actually hit every shot. It has to be said that this is the Gupta Empire Navy growing up with the Wei State Navy.

In particular, the centipede-type speedboat is simply the best nemesis of Gupta's large warships. Since the appearance of that small speedboat, at least more than 100 warships have sunk due to their credit.

Devadatta also lamented: "The navy of the Seres is growing too fast."

In the past, the cooperation of the Wei State Navy was very rusty, and they made mistakes again and again, but now their mistakes are almost gone.

No one in this world is willing to be a sparring partner, but Devadatta feels that he is the sparring partner of the Wei State Navy. The two battles were less than a year apart, and the growth rate of the Wei State Navy is simply too fast.

Although his heart was full of bitterness, Devadatta still ordered: "Soldiers and soldiers of the Gupta Empire Navy, the war is over. Now we, the admirals of the Gupta Empire Navy, command you to stop fighting and do not make unnecessary resistance. Now I will fight with Singh Together, marshals, surrender to the commander of Wei's navy!"

At this time, seeing the sharp attack power of the Wei State Navy, the generals of the Gupta Empire Navy could not help but break out in a cold sweat.After the crazy expansion of the Gupta Empire, almost all the generals have accumulated a lot of military exploits. Like the Wei State, the King of the Sea Guard, Samadhara Gupta, also likes to motivate the soldiers with heavy rewards.Therefore, almost all the generals of the Gupta Empire are rich and powerful, so they all cherish their lives very much.

Although ancient China also had a strict feudal hierarchy, almost the same as the four caste systems in ancient India, each class has an insurmountable gap.However, there is still an obvious difference between China's feudal era and the Gupta Empire, and that is military merit.Among the Chinese gentry groups, the most famous of the Hedong Wei family, the ancestor Wei Qing was just a man slave, and he was appointed as a nobleman.The Deng family in Nanyang was just an ordinary family at first, because Deng Yu followed Liu Xiu to make meritorious deeds and became a prominent family in the Eastern Han and Jin Dynasties.Although during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, when the family politics was the most prosperous, the poor family did not have any way out. The rise of the Xunyang Tao family was also because Tao Kan first quelled the Chen Min, Du Tao, and Zhang Chang uprisings, and then as the commander of the coalition army, he quelled the Su Jun rebellion, in order to stabilize the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The regime has made great military exploits.In fact, the real rise of the Xie family was also due to military exploits. First, Xie Shangzhi Yu, and then Xie An and Xie Xuan defeated Fu Jian in the Battle of Feishui.

In comparison, castes in ancient India were dead, with no room for change.The rule maintained by blood is actually very fragile.Those generals have rich net worth, so they are naturally greedy for life and afraid of death.Even though the Gupta Dynasty was powerful for a while, in fact, it was only a few decades ago, that is, the two generations of emperors, King Haihu and King Chaori.

These generals of the Gupta Empire are different from those of the Wei State. Although the Wei State also has generals who are greedy for life and fear of death, they can't stand the countless generals below who want to rely on military merits to rise to the top.Hearing Devadatta's order to surrender, the Gupta generals also breathed a sigh of relief.Although those monks, soldiers and dead soldiers who were bewitched by religion were very unwilling, there was nothing they could do.

In a short time, Devadatta and Manid Singh took the drawbridge from the fifth-class battleship "Kongque Mingwang" to the battleship X068. The X068 first-class battleship has a combat force of 50 people, and this battleship dispatched one-third of its troops to stand on the deck.Looking at those Wei State naval soldiers who were as motionless as a mountain and as straight as a javelin, Manid Singh couldn't help showing a smile uglier than crying.

As Devadatta and Manid Singh boarded the X068 ship, an unusually burly man in black steel armor greeted him: "Which of you is Devadatta!" This person is none other than Ran Ming's guard commanded Lin Heishan.

Devadatta smiled and said, "I am!"

"You must be Marshal Singh, one of the three marshals of the Gupta Empire!" Lin Heishan said again.

Manid Singh nodded bluntly and said, "I am!"

"Nice to meet you two!" Lin Heishan said, "My Highness has been waiting for a long time!"

Manid Singh shook his head, and followed Lin Heishan to the cabin with heavy steps.

Not far from the naval battle area, on the main deck of a lonely battleship with the Roman imperial banner, two red clouds appeared on Helena's beautiful face.But the bright eyes were clearly filled with a kind of satisfaction, happiness and sweetness.

"Valence, my child, did you see that? The navy of the Gupta Empire has surrendered, and we have won!"

On the contrary, Valens understood a little bit. To him, both parties in this battle are outsiders. No matter who wins and who loses, what does it have to do with him? The smart Helena quickly discovered Valens' doubts, and Explain to him: "My child, have you forgotten? The Gupta Empire is a group of Satan, devils, and they robbed us of [-] gold coins from Constantinople."

Valens remembered now that the piggy General Gupta wanted to moleste his mother, but Sarus chopped off his dirty hands with a Roman long sword.In order to break through the blockade of the Gupta Navy, they also lost four warships and thousands of Roman soldiers.Thinking of this, Valens seemed to understand that his mother's excitement was actually justified.

Although Helena was wearing an exquisite female armor, she danced happily on the deck.Valens was a little puzzled why his mother was so happy.But Helena knew that there was a chart in Ran Ming's study, and there was a shortcut to Rome.Helena didn't know this route. When they escaped from Constantinople, they actually took the land route instead of the sea route.Had it been by sea, perhaps they would have had more Romans following them.

Helena went crazy for a while, and suddenly said seriously: "Valens, you have to remember, if you want to go back to Constantinople, our original home, the Gupta Empire is our biggest enemy at present, as long as this Only when the enemy is defeated can we go home."

Valens nodded blankly.

At this time, the flagship of Wei State Navy Flying Fish 001 also welcomed Devadatta and Manid Singh.The one who was most excited at this time was actually not Ran Ming, but Severu.At this time, for this credit, his command should be indispensable, at least an earl.He is also a nobleman.

Ran Ming was dressed in black Mingguang armor and a scarlet cloak. He was sitting on a handsome white tiger leather chair with a big horse and a golden knife. The two guards on the left and right were holding the seal of the great general of Zhu Kingdom and the tiger amulet respectively. There were two rows of guards standing proudly pressing the handles of the horizontal knives.

What surprised Devadatta most was Ran Ming's age. He thought his opponent would be a veteran who was over fifty years old, but he didn't expect it to be a young man.However, Devadatta completely gave up the fight and was ready to admit defeat.Manid Singh suddenly choked out the sword hanging on his body.

At this moment, dozens of crossbowmen suddenly appeared all around, but Ran Ming didn't seem to see Manid Singh pulling out his sword, and swung back the guards as if they were facing an enemy.

Manid Singh walked slowly towards Ran Ming step by step until he stopped three steps in front of Ran Ming.He bent his proud waist, held the commanding sword in both hands, raised it high above his head, and said in a heavy tone: "I, Marshal Manid Singh of the Royal Eastern Legion of the Gupta Empire, on behalf of all officers and soldiers of the Eastern Legion of the Gupta Empire, Surrender to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Great Wei, His Excellency Ran Ming, the Great General of the Zhu Kingdom. And on my honor and the lives of all the soldiers in the army, we will hand over our weapons and give up all resistance. Please accept your surrender!"

Ran Ming was not so solemn. He stood up gently, walked slowly to Manid Singer, picked up Manid Singer's saber without hesitation, and said loudly: "On behalf of the Great Wei Empire, I accept your request." surrender!"

Ran Ming took Manid Singh to the deck and shouted loudly: "We made a profit!"

"Big Wei Wansheng!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

The cheers from all around came one after another, getting louder and louder, and finally converged into a huge wave like a mountain roaring and tsunami, which lasted for a long time over the bay.

There were 760 large and small warships in the Gupta Empire Navy, including 180 two small and medium-sized fireships, the other 580 five main battleships, and the remaining 210 three large and small warships, totaling more than 27 soldiers, all surrendered to the Wei State Navy.In this battle, the Wei State Navy was actually not without losses. A total of 41 first-class warships sank successively, with more than [-] casualties. Among them, [-] centipede speedboats were also smashed into pieces by the tall Gupta warships.

(End of this chapter)

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