Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 847 War Elephant War Elephant As Long As Your Nose

Chapter 847 War Elephant War Elephant As Long As Your Nose

Chapter 852
After the war, Ran Ming was rewarded for his meritorious service, and all officers and men in the navy were promoted to one rank and their salaries were increased for three months.Among them, Severus bestowed the fourth-rank Henghai General, and was promoted to Weiwu Bo.And renamed Jambi to the fief of Severus.Zheng Wu, Tang Mao, Cui Cheng, Zhang Yong, and Hu Bin were all named the founding Earl of Jinghai.

As the commander of the expeditionary army, Ran Ming has the right to appoint generals, but he has no right to confer titles on generals. Ran Ming only has the right to make suggestions for these titles. He only needs to send the news back to Ye City in Wei State and wait for Ran Min's approval before it can be formally implemented. .

At the same time, Jin Chengyue successfully gave birth to a six-jin baby boy, who was also Ran Ming's sixth son.After Ran Ming got the news, he named him Ran Sheng.And regardless of Jin Chengyue's annex, he insisted on recording it in the Zong Die.

Half a month later, the other half of the Gupta Empire's fleet encountered the original sea mine buried in the narrow strait by Wei State in the Sunda Strait.The Gupta Empire fleet also suffered heavy losses. When retreating, it was ambushed by the main fleet of the Wei State Navy and almost wiped out.

The four naval fleets of the Gupta Empire probably had more than a thousand main battleships, almost all of which were wiped out, and less than two hundred battleships retreated, so they had to hide in the harbor and dare not fight.

Upon receiving the news of this great victory, the army immediately launched an action. The advance battalion led by Liu Laozhi, with [-] soldiers, took the lead in launching a night attack. Battalion, the two Akshoshini of the Gupta Imperial Army were unprepared, and there was a sudden chaos.What was originally a tentative night attack turned into a full-scale counterattack in an instant. The Gupta army was defeated. More than [-] people were killed that night, and they withdrew for [-] miles from the west bank of the Jidan River. situation.

To borrow someone's famous quote, any iron army is a war monster fed on victory.After the fall of the Mauryan Dynasty in ancient India, it entered the period of the Nanda Dynasty.

In name, the Nanda Dynasty unified the middle and upper reaches of the Ganges River, but Nanda, like his name, suffered from many disasters. In the early days of the dynasty’s expansion, they encountered the invasion of the Macedonian Empire, and the expansion momentum of the Nanda Dynasty was forced to stop.

After the central army of the Nanda Dynasty was defeated by the Macedonian Empire's Eastern Expeditionary Army, the Nanda Dynasty fell into a turbulent warlord melee.At this time, Chandragupta, the original king of the Principality of Gupta, took advantage of the army of the Nanda Dynasty to resist the Macedonian Empire's eastern expedition army in northwest India. Chandragupta led the Gupta army to take advantage of the air and took Nanda. The capital of the dynasty, Fahrenheit City (now Patna), especially later succeeded in capturing the fortress established by the Macedonian Empire in Punjab, and drove the Macedonian Empire's eastern expeditionary troops away from India, which opened up the situation for the Gupta Empire. (Note, in the history of the Greeks, Seleucus fought all the way to Fahrenheit, and the Indians were no longer able to support them. Later, the two sides reached a peace treaty. Seleucus recognized Chandragupta’s rule over Punjab and married a daughter to Chandragupta, in exchange for the Indians giving him [-] elephants and elephant hands, to support his expansion of Egypt. The signing of the peace treaty established the status of the Gupta Empire as a great power. Both the Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt and the Seleucid Empire A permanent envoy was sent to Fahrenheit City)

After the establishment of the Gupta Empire, it fought from the Bay of Bengal to the Arabian Sea, and then hit the Indian countries. This made the Gupta Empire army drink the blood of one enemy after another, and grew into a strong army of iron and blood.

Like the Wei army that defeated the Huns, Jie people, Xianbei people, Di people, Dingling people, and Tiefo people, these two armies are known for their iron and blood, and both sides are iron armies that can fight tough battles.

When Mandrap Tagore led more than 13 Gupta Empire reinforcements to the west bank of the Jidan River in the Chitu Kingdom to join Hidamur's troops, the Serisians were so powerful that the Gupta Empire army, which had an absolute advantage in strength, suffered a big loss.Mandrap Tagore, who was famous for his arrogance in the past, was unusually calm at this time.

A general who can become the commander-in-chief of one side is given a free head.Don't look at Mandrap Tagore's arrogance whenever and wherever, in fact, this is just Mandrap Tagore's self-protection, in order to prevent Samadragupta from fearing him. Samadragupta found that Mandrap Tagore was extremely unpopular and not good at handling the relationship with other generals, but he trusted him very much.Manid Singh, who has always been humble, has been under suspicion.

After many trials, Mandrap Tagore was under increasing pressure. This Wei army was very difficult to deal with, even more difficult than he imagined.Wei State's fortifications are very tricky, with crossbows and rockets forming cross-strike firepower, and the Gupta Empire's army will pay a heavy price for every attack.Facing this perfect fortification, it is actually no easier to fight than a strong fortress.

Mandrap Tagore also thought of many methods. The most skilled elephant soldiers in the Gupta Empire used all kinds of methods, such as attacking, digging tunnels, flooding with water, night raids, fire attacks, and even bribery and alienation.But in the face of Wei State's Jidan River defense line, he still has a feeling that the dog is biting the hedgehog and has nowhere to bite.

This phase has been going on for more than half a month, and Mandrap Tagore is also tired of this kind of suicide attack that has no practical meaning.From the first three battles a day, to one battle a day, and finally one battle in two days, one battle in three days, there was no movement even for seven or eight days.This strange calm also paralyzed the soldiers of the Gupta Empire at all levels. They believed that although Wei's army was tenacious and powerful, they lacked the spirit of attack and would only hide in the fortifications.

But at this time, news of Ran Ming's victory over the Gupta Empire's navy reached the camp of the Malay Peninsula Front Army of the Wei State Expeditionary Army on the Jidan River defense line.Chen Yong reported the good news of the victory to the generals of the Malay Front.Liu Laozhi suggested to Chen Yong that he should attack at night.

Liu Laozhi also stated the reason why he had to fight. "First of all, it was a continuous defensive battle for more than a month. Although our army repelled all the enemy's attacks, the morale of the passive defense dropped rapidly. After a long battle, the morale will inevitably be out of control, especially the servant army has already fainted. Second, we have never taken the initiative to attack during the defensive war for more than a month. Mandrap Tagore, the commander of the Gupta Empire, never thought that we would take the initiative to attack at this time. In the end, the reinforcements of the Gupta Empire had more than [-] war elephants. War elephants are not good at fighting at night, and our army has Greek fire, catapults, rockets, and eight-ox crossbows that can restrain war elephants. , The final general is going to bypass his front battalion, go directly to the camp of the elephant soldiers in the middle battalion, attack his elephant herd, and let his elephant herd collapse, which will quickly cause the enemy's entire army to roar."

When Chen Yong received the navy's victory over the Gupta navy, he actually also received news that the artillery secretly developed by Ran Ming had succeeded. Ran Ming did not let these artillery be tested in the Ningyuan craftsman camp, and was going to directly test their power on the battlefield. .Chen Yong said: "However, General Zhu Guo means that we will wait for our secret weapon to arrive here before launching a general attack!"

Liu Qi said, "I don't know how long it will take for this secret weapon to arrive here!"

"It will take at least half a month!" Chen Yong said, "No more than 20 days at most!"

"20 days, there are too many variables!" Liu Qi, deputy commander of the Malay Front Army, said: "Now the Gupta Empire navy is almost completely wiped out. If there is no accident, General Zhu Guo will definitely lead the navy fleet to cut off the sea transportation of the Gupta Empire army. As one of the three confidant commanders of the Gupta Empire Emperor Samadragupta, Mandrap Tagore would naturally think of what it would mean to them if the retreat was cut off. If he received news of the defeat of the Gupta Empire’s navy, I’m afraid It would make me want to quit, and if at that time, I want to keep them in the Malay Peninsula, it would be absurd!"

Liu Laozhi said: "Actually, there is another advantage to attacking us now. As long as we clean up Mandrap Tagore's more than [-] Gupta troops, we will definitely have unexpected gains, even in the Malay Peninsula. Down without a fight."

In the end, after a heated discussion by the staff department, a precise calculation was made on the night attack plan of Liu Lao, and a result was finally reached, that is, to go around to the elephant group station without anyone noticing, the number of people is not too large, it is best to Control it below the scale of [-] people.The second is that the firepower must be fierce, and the night attack troops do not need to engage in frontal combat. Once they enter the frontal battle, it will indicate the failure of the night attack operation.

Later, Chen Yong ordered to agree to Liu Laozhi's plan.The [-] elite troops of the advance battalion gave up all their equipment except for the crossbow, and only wore thin summer military uniforms. Each soldier carried [-] grenades, and manpower could not transport the heavy Greek firearms, catapults, and eight-ox crossbows. Rocket attack elephant herd.The other ministries are on standby at the highest level, ready to respond to the night attack troops of the advance battalion at any time.

Mandrap Tagore seemed to have aged a lot overnight, and his superior demeanor had completely disappeared. In many cases, only pain can promote the growth of a man.The Gupta Empire Navy actually failed. The Gupta Empire Navy with more than 1000 main battleships, from the Bay of Bengal to the Ala Sea, was almost wiped out by the invincible Gupta Empire Navy.this news, let

Mandrap Tagore was hard to accept.

It's been smooth sailing for many years.The successful young man Mandrap Tagore was under the control of others from the day he met the Wei army. He attacked dozens of times and with three or four times the superior force, he couldn't take down a small Jidan River. His self-esteem was deeply hurt, and he had been holding back his anger for a long time and wanted to teach the Seresians of Wei a lesson that he would never forget.However, this bad news shattered his dream.

Originally, his expectation was that the Gupta Navy would defeat the Wei State Navy and cut off the sea supply line of the Wei State Army. The powerful and sharp weapons of the Wei State are definitely not easy to build. The only source is the sea. If they lose the supply at sea, they will eventually lose When the weapons in his hands are exhausted, at that time, it will be the best time for him to defeat the Wei army and avenge his shame.

Unfortunately, things backfired.The Gupta Empire's navy failed, and it failed so miserably.Now Wei's navy will definitely not let go of the opportunity to cut off his supply line at sea. Once the supply is lost, he and his army will also be in crisis.The output of the Malay Peninsula is limited, especially when the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms and the Gupta Empire attacked the Chitu Kingdom. Now the grain production of the Malay Peninsula has almost come to a standstill. Without the grain of the Gupta Empire, the Malay Peninsula would not be able to feed more than 20 troops.

No matter how angry Mandrap Tagore was, he could not change the actual difficulties.Now, like Xidamur at the time, he has no hope of conquering Wei's defense line and taking Chitu Kingdom. If he can successfully bring these troops back to the Gupta Empire, it will be his greatest success.

It's just that the Gupta navy is defeated now, and the news will soon be known to Wei Guo.Even if he wanted to bring this army back in its entirety, it would not be that easy.Although Wei's army defended like a tortoise on the Jidan River defense line, it seemed that they did not dare to fight the Gupta army head-on, but Mandrap Tagore believed that an army that was good at defense and fought such a beautiful defensive battle would definitely Not an army that can only defend, and their field combat is not bad.

There were endless thoughts in his head, unknowingly, Mandrap Tagore's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he gradually fell asleep.However, not long after he had just fallen asleep, he suddenly heard a violent tremor from the ground.Mandrap Tagore thought it was an earthquake, but as soon as he got up, he realized that it was not an earthquake at all, but the movement of a war elephant running.

(End of this chapter)

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