Chapter 848
Chapter 853

The extremely slack Gupta army allowed a garrison in the front of the advance battalion under Liu Laozhi to sneak into the camp of war elephants smoothly. More than 500 war elephants were immediately attacked by 42 bullets weighing 22 catties, and the explosion department was as high as Covered with eight catties of black powder, more than 2000 grenade bombs were thrown into the war elephants within a stick of incense.

The shock generated by a large amount of gunpowder explosion made these war elephants who were in the explosion point but not prepared at all suffer a lot. Some war elephants were hit by the rocket and had been torn to pieces by the gunpowder, and some had been shocked to death. Yes, and some war elephants were torn off parts by the shock wave of the gunpowder explosion.

The remaining war elephants were also temporarily damaged by the terrifying shock wave. The brainstem nerves were temporarily damaged. Cowardly creatures are even more resistant to the sound waves produced by explosions.

The loud sound made the war elephants in the elephant herd become frenzied, and some war elephants had already gone mad.Suddenly, a war elephant screamed wildly, and even rolled up an elephant soldier who wanted to pass by with its trunk, and threw it high into the sky. When his body fell, a thick leg was already heavy. step on his chest.

The war elephants began to take the initiative to hurt people, so the battlefield became a mess. Wei Guo's advance battalion came out of the woods at this time, and stood on the periphery, constantly using crossbows, Greek fire, eight-ox crossbows or crossbows Cannons or rockets hit the enemy.

The military camp, which was originally laid out vertically and horizontally, was messed up by the war elephants of the Gupta Empire. Without the war elephants, the field combat capabilities of the Gupta Empire's army were greatly reduced.

Some Gupta generals who reacted quickly realized the crisis. They tried their best to restrain the troops, but when they managed to gather some subordinates and tried to rush up to control the berserk elephants, the galloping elephants knocked them all over the place. .Seeing that Liu Laozhi's night attack easily aroused the bombing camp of the Gupta Imperial Army, Chen Yong also acted decisively and ordered the troops to attack across the board.

Nine full-arranged Han infantry battalions and twelve servant battalions, a total of [-] troops, rushed towards the Gupta barracks like a tide.In fact, the most violent in Wei's army was not the nine Han infantry battalions, but the twelve servant battalions. The natives' favorite thing to do was to beat up dogs in the water.

Some of the Gupta Empire troops on the periphery that were not involved by the war elephants organized a defense line, but under the impact of the crazy servant army, they were quickly defeated.The nine Han Chinese infantry battalions in the Wei State used Greek fire, catapults, rockets and bombs to open the way for the entire army, and dense gunpowder bombs or arrow rain would fall. The Gupta Empire army was not a heavy infantry and could rely on armor to protect itself No threat, only a thin leather armor can't block the fragments produced by the explosion of gunpowder bombs or the sharp triangular piercing cone.

There is no chance to play their hysteresis role in the outer defense line. Countless servants entered the flock like tigers and began to harvest their heads frantically.Those who have sacks put the freshly chopped heads into sacks, those without sacks put them in baskets, and those without sacks and baskets string the bloody heads with hemp rope or rattan and hang them on their bodies.

Seeing that the servant army was so crazy, Wei Guohan's army was very surprised.Desperation continued to spread in the Gupta army. Even though the whole body was covered with bloodstains, the frenzied war elephants still raged in the crowd with red eyes, while the Wei army was slowly encircling them from three sides. Some smarter generals With his subordinates, he wanted to break out to the west.It's just a pity that the west seems to be the favorite location of the war elephants. As long as the Gupta soldiers who fled to the west, without exception, they were all trampled into meat by the crazy war elephants.

Mandrap Tagore was on the verge of crying at this moment.

Looking at the dead Gupta soldiers, Mandrap Tagore wanted to cry without tears.Fierce battles were going on in every corner of the battlefield, and the exhausted physical strength of the war elephants gradually became less and less a threat to the Gupta Empire's army.However, the situation of the Gupta army did not improve.

Mandrap Tagore managed to organize around him an army equivalent to that of an Anigini.

"Marshal Tagore, please allow the general to take these soldiers and fight a bloody way for the marshal. I don't seek glory and wealth for a humble position, but I just ask the general to take care of the general's family for the sake of the general's death." With a bloody face and a limping leg, Hidamur knelt down on one knee in front of Mandrap.

Mandrap Tagore murmured in desperation: "There is no chance, these damned Siris will not give us a chance to break through. They will not let any Gupta soldier leave, don't you see it? Abandon weapons The soldiers who surrendered were also brutally beheaded by them. This time they were going to drive us all to death. Although we are no longer threatened by war elephants, the morale of the Wei army has been beaten, while our army has no morale. !"

"If we give up at this time, we really have no chance at all. However, if we fight desperately, maybe we still have a chance!" Xidamur said excitedly: "Marshal Tagore, you are the pillar of the empire, the empire can be counted on to win! We can’t live without you. Even if we lose this game, it doesn’t mean that our Gupta Empire will fail next time. As a warrior, we should try to survive in the dead, how can we give up a chance of survival? The methods of the Seris are beyond our control It is expected that war elephants will not be able to play their due role in front of the weapons of the Seres that can breathe fire and make thunder. It is better to say that we lost in our own hands, and we are not wronged for losing."

Xidamul then shook Mandrap Tagore's thigh and said: "The last general is low-ranking and has no chance to meet the great majesty in this life, but you are different. As long as you can go back successfully, you can meet the great majesty." To Your Majesty. You can tell Your Majesty that the next time our Gupta Empire fights against the Seres, first, we must not send out the war elephant troops before inventing the firearms that can restrain the Seres. The ears of the elephant are pierced and deaf, and the eyes are blindfolded. Only in this way can the war elephant not be afraid of the firearms of the Seres. There are also horses. Our cavalry troops are also defeated in front of the firearms of the Seres. A showdown with the Sirisians."

Tears flowed down Mandrap Tagore's gray beard. He untied the saber from his body and handed it to Hidamur himself. "This is the treasured sword given to me by Your Majesty. It can cut gold and iron without breaking it. It is extremely sharp. With this sword, I can freely enter and leave the palace during the period before the palace ban. This sword has been with me for 21 years. , I don’t know how many enemy generals have been beheaded with him. Now I will give it to you. I hope you can break through safely.”

Countless soldiers gathered around Hidamur. The Gupta who were the most injured and could barely walk stood at the front with their shields. The most numerous monks in the crowd were bareheaded and barefoot monks. They had no weapons, and there was no need to Holding weapons, they are the team that feigned an attack, and they are going to die...

Hidamur shouted: "For Marshal Tagore, for the Gupta Empire, charge!"

The tens of thousands of Gupta Empire troops gathered together surrounded each other, leaning on each other, arm in arm, and heavy shields were tied around their necks with ropes. This was their only protection. They walked very slowly. , facing east and very resolute, Wei Jun clearly knew that such a group of people would not pose much threat to them, but they still couldn't help but focus most of their attention on this group of people, because the behavior of this group of people made people incomprehensible.

In any era, falling behind means being beaten. In 1860, the Eight-Power Allied Forces attacked Beijing. Nearly 3 Manchu and Mongolian cavalry under Seng Gelinqin launched an attack on the Eight-Power Allied Forces at Baliqiao.Although the last cavalry of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were very brave. Frightened and rushing forward, it is almost impossible to form an army.More than 29 cavalry were killed and more than [-] were injured.However, the results of the battle only resulted in the death of two people from the Eight-Power Allied Forces and [-] people were injured.The death rate was as high as one to six hundred.

Although the enemy in front of Xidamur is not a pure firearms force.But it is an advanced army with the concept of melee combat.In front of Wei's crossbow formation, even if the cavalry charged, unless they had a huge advantage in numbers, they would never want to break through the Wei army's crossbow formation.What's more, Wei State, which has ballistas, eight-ox crossbows, rockets, Greek fire, and hand bombs, their intensive attack method is almost no different from suicide.

The tragic battle began. The eight-ox crossbow was originally the best long-range attack method of the Wei army. In terms of single strike power, the power of an eight-ox crossbow even surpassed the power of a 22mm heavy machine gun.The crossbow arrows of the eight-ox crossbow directly hit the human body, completely ignoring any shields and armors, and tearing the human body in two.As for the power of the ballista, it is even more frightening. A live ammunition weighing fifty catties can bounce nearly ten times.If gunpowder bombs are fired, the black gunpowder alone will be an explosive bomb weighing [-] catties, which is even more powerful than the early artillery.

As the eight-ox ballista was on the move, it immediately turned into a combat state.The operator began to correct the firing angle, and the operator of the Wei State Baoxu crossbow slammed the wooden hammer on the launcher, regardless of whether the arrow hit the target or not, and quickly released a heavy crossbow gun that was more than eight feet long. Put it into the arrow slot, and then insert a steel rod that is as thick as a child's arm and more than two feet long into the copper sleeve. Using the principle of leverage, the two soldiers work together to push down the steel rod and wind the crossbow string again.

As for the rockets, it is even simpler. Wei Guo has a little advantage, no matter how bulky the weapons are, as long as conditions permit, they will all be installed on the car.Ballistas, rockets, and eight-ox crossbows are all equipped in the form of vehicles. Except for the fixed ballista fixed on the city wall or the fixed ballista on the battleship, the others are vehicles.

The rocket launcher adjusts the front of the vehicle, points the buttocks at the enemy, then corrects the launch angle, ignites and launches, and reloads after the same launch.

The shields in the hands of Sergeant Gupta ranged from light to heavy, but whether they were heavy shields or light shields, when they came into contact with the crossbow bolts of the eight-ox crossbow, they instantly became fragments, and the thick crossbow shot through the shield in an instant, piercing through the shield. The body of the soldier holding the shield, then pierced out of the soldier's body, and then inserted into the second soldier's body, then the third, and the fourth, until the kinetic energy of the crossbow bolt was exhausted.

As for the rocket, it was even more shocking. With its long orange tail, the rocket exploded suddenly when it hit the shield of a Gupta Empire soldier. The power of the black powder refined by Ran Ming is definitely not too bad. It even reached the level of the nineteenth century.Whether those shield players or the soldiers behind them, they were like dolls trampled by an invisible big hand. The shock wave of the gunpowder explosion shredded their bodies like shredded paper.

Those soldiers who crawled on the ground in fright were actually the luckiest. Hearing the strangely screaming crossbow guns passing over their heads, and seeing their comrades turn from a living person into a pile of shredded meat, They could only scream wildly, wishing they could dig a hole in the ground and bury themselves in it.

The Greek guns and catapults, which took longer to prepare, also began to speak at this time, especially the Greek guns, which were more convenient and quicker after using the thrust generated by the explosion of gunpowder to push the piston.Fire dragons with a length of more than [-] feet were moving and dancing in the air, and at the same time, they were also raging in the Gupta Imperial Army.

Xidamur was very pitiful. He avoided the eight-ox crossbow and the rocket attack, and the even more incredible ballista shell was thirty steps away from his nearest position.Xidamur, who was charging at the front, bumped into a Greek fire, a fire dragon as thick as a bucket boat, and directly burned Xidamur into a fire man. After only a few breaths, Xidamur was no longer alive.

(End of this chapter)

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