Chapter 849
Chapter 854

Since ancient times, it has not been an easy task to break through the siege. Countless heroes have been ruined by breaking through the siege. An unrivaled hero like Xiang Yu will end up committing suicide in Wujiang.Shi Dakai, a titan of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, also fell on the road to break through.

Mandrap also didn't end well.

Chen Yongdao: "General Zhu Guo said that it is better to cut off one finger than to injure the enemy's ten fingers. The Gupta Empire has fourteen Akshoshini in standing formation, and now we have three in front of us. We have already severely injured Hidam The Akshoshini of Er, now the two Akshoshinis, must not let them leave. We must wipe them from the military establishment of the Gupta Empire!"

At this time, Xie Xuan on the front line also roared with a ferocious face: "Be cruel and ruthless to the dog in the water. Otherwise, even if he doesn't bite you, he will splash you with mud and water. Now kill one more Gupta, and we will attack in the future." There will be one less enemy in the Gupta Empire. At this time they look pitiful, but how could they not have compassion when they slaughtered the people of our Wei State? Kill. Let Lao Tzu ruthlessly kill! No one will be left. Whoever is merciless , Immediately, I took off my clothes on this matter, and get out of here!"

Xie Xuan, who had always been personable, turned into such a frightening situation, which surprised the surrounding soldiers a little.

This is not to blame for Xie Xuan, his cousin Xie Yan was accidentally hit by a long arrow from the Gupta Empire. Although his life was not in danger, he was disfigured.This made Xie Yan very angry.

Although Xie Xuan was born as a Confucian scholar, don't forget.Confucian scholars before the Song Dynasty in Chinese history were almost all standard nationalists, and they had no compassion for foreigners at all.Rotten Confucianism is a product of the Song Dynasty.According to the records in the Han and Tang Dynasties, the barbarians hardly regard the Hu people, Liao people, Yue people, and Qiang people as human beings.As for the Gupta, they are not even qualified to be barbarians.

Hidamur's troops at the rear of the Gupta Empire's army were soon wiped out by Wei's heavy weapons.The arrogance of the servant army became even more arrogant at this time.

There are more than 40 countries on the Golden State (Sumatra) island, but the largest of them is the country of Gandyuri.After Wei's navy defeated the main force of the Gupta Empire's navy, it moved to Bolingang (now Palembang), the capital of the Gandhara Kingdom, for rest.

Gandhara (the earliest Sumatra tribute king in China, during the period of Emperor Wu of Liang.) led the prince of Gandhara, Pixie Bhamo, and welcomed Ran Ming and his party with hundreds of civil and military officials and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

When the F001 Flying Fish battleship slowly approached the Genglingbang harbor, the king, ministers, and subjects of the Gandyuri Kingdom burst into cheers.

When Ran Ming walked slowly onto the trestle bridge, he almost didn't fall down.Because he actually heard the words spoken by tens of thousands of subjects of the Gandhari Kingdom in Chinese, "Warmly welcome His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Wei to the Gandhari Kingdom."

Ran Ming enjoyed this atmosphere very much. The earliest history of Sumatra in his memory can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, when it was the kingdom of the Three Buddhas.Gao Shi, the Jinzhou front army, must have contributed a lot to making the Gandhari country so troublesome.

Ran Ming exchanged pleasantries with King Tuoli, and then went to the welcome banquet held by Tuoli in the palace.The most excited among the crowd was Severus.He is now a nobleman.You must know that titles in the Roman Empire are very precious. It is easy for the emperor to promote himself, but there is basically no hope for titles. Many famous ministers and brave generals will only be rewarded with the title of Marquis after they die. This is just a kind of Glory is not a real title, but the first honor is the last bit of honor bestowed by the emperor on those veterans who have made great achievements.

But he is different, this is not the first honorary title, but the hereditary earl.Have a city-state of your own, you can have your own servants and guards.If this was in the Roman Empire, it would be a big deal.Of the two hundred or so people who fled with Helena from the Roman Empire, almost all the survivors were elites. They might not be able to engage in scientific research and inventions like Cicero. That kind of thing requires the accumulation of talent and knowledge.

However, Severus's title was obtained by relying on military exploits, which is fundamentally different from Cicero. The Roman Empire was an empire that started with military exploits, and almost all officials had experience in the army.The phrase "going out and coming into the picture" has been best interpreted in the Roman Empire.

In addition to Earl Severus, there is also Sarus who has made contributions to the Golden State and successfully entered the earl.The title of Sarus is very famous, that is, the Count of Monte Cristo.This title is the result of Ran Ming's spoof, anyway, the Count of Monte Cristo is just a fictional character.

In addition to being awarded the title of Earl, Severus and Sarus were also rewarded by Ran Ming with fifty slaves and allowed them to set up guards with swords.

The Romans were basically going crazy at this time, and Helena found out depressingly that these loyal Romans actually had a lower and lower sense of identity with the Roman Empire.

If it wasn't because she still had the identity of Ran Ming's lover, they probably wouldn't even have the heart to look at her squarely.

Helena was furious.

Selfishness and greed are human nature, even in western countries, there is no exception.As the youngest daughter of Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire, wife of Roman Emperor Julian, and queen of the Roman Empire, Helena has seen too much bloodshed and deception.For the betrayal of Sarus, Cicero, Severus and others, Helena was very angry.

Although very angry, Helena knew clearly that at present, she could not change anything.Europe, known as freedom and democracy, did not actually have women's rights before the Middle Ages.In Greek law, women did not have citizenship rights.In the legal code of the Roman Empire, women's rights were also pitifully weak.Especially in terms of inheritance, Roman law clearly stipulates that the husband’s property does not belong to the wife. If the husband does not leave a son, the child born to the wife’s remarriage after a specified time can own any property and power left by her ex-husband.In Roman law, a woman could only act as a steward of property.

With the interaction between Helena and Ran Ming, she also has a very deep understanding of Wei Guo.At this time, she learned that Wei Guo seemed to be the same as the Roman Empire, where women had no status.Especially Wang's women, once they are contaminated with power, they must succeed or fail, and the end of failure will be very miserable.

Helena is a smart woman. He knew that Ran Ming mainly used his talents to target Sarus, Cicero, Severus and others. would change anything.On the contrary, it may cause Ran Ming's displeasure and resentment.

The heat of the scorching sun becomes cool at night, and it rains all night until the morning.At this time, the bright sunshine shines on the trees and flowers that are still dripping with raindrops and dewdrops, and it is so bright.

Ran Ming lay comfortably on the rattan chair, and said to Earl Severus: "The navy should take a rest and complete the naval blockade of the Malay Peninsula and Jinzhou as soon as possible. , accounted for one-third of the Gupta Empire's standing force, since they have come, I will never let them go. No one is allowed to flee to the Gupta Empire, can the navy do it?"

Severus said: "His Royal Highness, the Navy has enough strength to accomplish this goal."

In fact, Severus is more eager to fight. Although the Jinzhou Front Army of the Wei Army has taken the initiative on the battlefield in Jinzhou, the Gupta Empire still has superior forces in some parts, especially some loyal tribes of the Gupta Empire, or those who have touched their hands. It was full of the blood of the people of Wei, and they were afraid that they would be liquidated by the people of Wei, so they could only bite the bullet and fight against Wei to the end.

In the Jambi area, part of the area is still in the hands of the Gupta people. The original Masuralai Mountain in the Balisan Mountains, the highest mountain in the Balisan Mountains, with a radius of a hundred miles, was renamed Monte Cristo by Ran Ming and became The fiefdom of Sarus, and the delta area downstream of the Harry River mouth into the sea, was renamed Harry Island by Ran Ming and became the fiefdom of Severus.However, the area of ​​this delta is less than 30 square kilometers, far less than the fiefdom of Monte Cristo in Sarus, but Severus likes it very much.

He intended to inform his family, who had fled in the castles of their relatives in Western Rome, to move here as soon as possible.Operating here, Severus even plans to build a naval military academy in the Harry area to train naval talents for Wei.

Ran Ming smiled and said: "Severus, I want you to remember that our Great Wei is not the same as your original Roman Empire. We will not suppress or cap your achievements. As long as you work hard, yes The Great Wei Empire is loyal, and you may be crowned king because of meritorious service. In the history of our Wei State, there was once a Qi king, and his fief was equivalent to 15 square kilometers. It was a pity, but he was still not satisfied, and tried to start a regime in vain , won the ruling power of the empire. This coup was not successful. In the end, because most people in Wei State turned to my father, it finally failed. Of course, he was also executed by the empire. Today, I will tell you this This matter, I want you to understand that the greater your contribution, the greater your own gains. Severus told Ben Gong, are you satisfied with the fiefdom of more than 30 square kilometers in front of you? Are you only satisfied with being a Earl? In our country of Wei, above earls are third-class marquises, county marquises, township marquises, and pavilion marquises. Above marquises, there are third-class dukes, namely state dukes, county dukes, and county dukes. Unless the country is destroyed, no marquis can be appointed. Non-military merit is not allowed to be a land. This is the title system of the Great Wei."

Hearing this, Severu's eyes glowed like a wolf's green light, and he felt his heart beat faster when he looked at Ran Ming.

"In fact, 15 square kilometers is not too big compared to the territory of ancient China. But for Europe, this is not a big deal. Many countries even have less than 15 square kilometers. If Gupta is destroyed The empire should seal a duke no matter what.

Ran Ming's words were gradually spread by Severus. At this time, whether it was the generals of the native servant army or the Romans, they were all excited, ready to fight.

Seeing Severus obviously distracted, Ran Ming waved his hands and said, "I will delegate all the affairs of the navy to you, and the Golden State Front Army will also be handed over to Sarus. How far you can go depends on whether you work hard. .Personally, I feel that Sarus should at least include all the Sanshan Mountains in Bali. At least [-] castles can be built in that place. You should know how big the Gupta Empire is, and perhaps the Ganges River Basin may also become Your fief!"

Many people have heard such a story: A donkey is stuck on the street and refuses to go forward. The traffic is jammed. In desperation, someone thinks of hanging a radish in front of the donkey. When the donkey sees the radish, it will want to eat it. will move forward.This is incentives. A good team leader is very good at using carrots to attract donkeys to move forward.Ran Ming took advantage of the harsh title system of the Romans, making it extremely difficult to become a real noble.So Ran Ming's radish came out, and the result was natural, countless donkeys struggled forward.

History is a strange circle, with a benign promotion system, any dynasty is not bad.Even the Song Dynasty, which was known for its cowardice, was actually very powerful in combat.It's just that with the implementation of the policy of using text to control military force, the Song Dynasty army lost room for improvement.Di Qing, a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, died in sorrow and anger. It has to be said that this is a model of self-destruction of the Great Wall.

After Severus left Ran Ming's Bolingbang Palace, Ran Ming received the envoy sent by Tuo Li to invite Ran Ming to a banquet. Ran Ming didn't want to participate in such a nutritious banquet, so he declined on the pretext of feeling unwell.

Originally, Tuoli planned to give up Ran Ming's palace, the best palace in Bolin City, but Ran Ming naturally refused.This involves the issue of imperial power. If Ran Ming does not restrain himself, it will give the domestic political opponents an opportunity to take advantage of it. Don't think that Ran Ming's position is as stable as Mount Tai. Behind him is a coveted Ran Yu.

The palace at this time was outside the city of Bollinger, and it was originally a mansion of a wealthy businessman.It covers an area of ​​about [-] acres, especially there is a pond in the courtyard.The lotus leaves on the water are clear and round, and each branch and vine are full and upright. The pink and tender lotus that has just bloomed is standing beautifully in the green leaves and clear water.On the wide and thick lotus leaves, the water drops roll and fly down with the wind, and the ripples are rippling on the water.

(End of this chapter)

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