Chapter 850
Chapter 856

What Jin Chengyue said was actually that Ye Tiaoguo followed Wei Guo to participate in the two battlefields of the Malay Peninsula and Jinzhou. With the victory on the battlefield, those soldiers and soldiers of Ye Tiaoguo's servants who participated in the battle received rich reports.At this time, Ye Tiaoguo's whole body was boiling.What kind of loyalty, what kind of loyalty, is pale in the face of interests.The Ye Tiaoguo military who paid the benefits or the Yetiaoguo businessmen who followed the Nanyang Development Company to provide supplies for the Wei State Expeditionary Army made a lot of windfall.Now Ye Tiaoguo has made a voice, and these vested interest groups are agitating to ask Ye Tiaoguo to increase its input, especially the military generals. They have asked Ye Tiaoguo to participate in the attack on the mainland of the Gupta Empire.

The maid said: "It's bustling, isn't that talking about what the lady thinks? Why don't we just listen to the voices of the people, isn't it good?"

Jin Chengyue was stunned, and then remembered the trend of "a certain emperor traveling in micro-clothes in ancient times" that Ran Ming told himself, and said with a smile: "Do you want me to go out in micro-clothes? That's interesting, but it's not serious."

But after thinking about it, he said, "That's fine, but since we're traveling in micro-services, then don't put on any pomp. Well, you go ask Liao Yong to prepare, and we'll go out for a walk."

The maid asked in surprise, "What? Just the three of us?"

"That's right!" Jin Chengyue said: "There are many important people, and they will be recognized as soon as they go out." After settling his son down, he dressed himself up.

The maid hurriedly went to call Liao Yong, and Liao Yong knelt down and said, "My lady, you can't do it. If you want to go out, you need to bring at least a few guards. It's just me and Xiao Cui'er, in case something happens..."

"Liao Yong, I heard that you were an old man who followed your husband in Anxi for the first time. He participated in the bloody battle of Liantai, the battle of Luoyang, the Di people, and the Xianbei people. , have you softened your bones?" Jin Chengyue shouted: "I don't listen to you bragging, how, how, how, what, how, what, how, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, what, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, how, etc., are you? Are you just a fake trick that you just talk but don't practice?"

Liao Yong blushed and said: "In the past, of course I wouldn't have said it. But now that I have both legs broken, I can barely walk freely with the prosthetic limbs given by the Lord, but naturally I can't compare with normal people in fighting on the battlefield. Besides, two fists are no match for four hands, and a tiger can't hold back a wolf!"

"Stop talking!" Jin Chengyue said: "The matter is settled like this, tell Jin Maohu and order him to send thirty good men to follow behind, but they cannot come within thirty steps of me!"

Liao Yong didn't say anything after hearing this.

In fact, Ye Tiao's country and customs are different from those of Wei. In fact, the customs of the Southern and Northern Dynasties were more open than those of the Tang Dynasty.Relatively speaking, Ye Tiaoguo has nothing to do with men and women, no matter men or women, they can go out on the street casually.In this era, Christianity has not had time to be introduced to Luye Poti, and it is more open here.

Relatively speaking, Ye Tiaoguo's status as a woman is actually quite good.Men farming and women weaving are the basic way of life in Ye Tiaoguo. The cultivated land is basically used to meet domestic needs and is rarely sold.Because Ye Tiaoguo's food is worthless, most people seldom plant it on a large scale.Unless some big nobles used prisoners of war or slaves to adopt large-scale planting.There is a saying that economic income actually determines family status. A man who eats soft food, no matter what he is, will never be strong in front of women.The income of ordinary people in Ye Tiaoguo is mainly handicrafts or textiles, so women actually earn more money than men, and of course women's status is quite good.

It is impossible for Ye Tiaoguo to leave the door without opening the door.Coming to the bustling street, Jin Chengyue and his party were actually not conspicuous. Some upstart natives of Ye Tiao Country were much more high-profile than Jin Chengyue.But the four-wheeled luxury carriages produced by Wei State are all priced at more than [-] gold in Ye Tiao State, but the supply of such carriages, which are dozens of times higher than their own value, is still in short supply.

Jin Chengyue sat in a carriage, walked all the way and listened all the way.What I hear the most is that the people of Ye Tiaoguo talk about how much benefits they or their relatives have received in the Malay Peninsula or Jinzhou.

The maid Xiao Cui'er said: "My lady, you can hear that the people of Ye Tiao have recognized our Great Wei now. If things go on like this, there will be no difference between this place and the Central Plains!"

"Don't interrupt!" Jin Chengyue is actually very concerned about Lu Yepo. His son's future fiefdom will be in Ningyuan. Now Ningyuan only has a radius of more than 100 miles and a population of only 40 to [-] people. Jin Chengyue Yue is not satisfied.Overseas kings should at least be several times larger than the land and population of the Central Plains kings.

After turning around for a whole morning, at noon Jin Chengyue, Cui'er, and Liao Yong went to a restaurant to eat and rest.At this time, Wei Guo-style food became popular in Ye Tiao, and almost all local catering industries were squeezed out.If it weren't for a few dark-skinned, short-sighted indigenous waiters, no matter the dishes or the decoration style, they would all have a strong Chinese style.

There is a long table in the main hall of the hotel, and behind the long table is a person who is telling the story of Bianwen.The so-called Bianwen is actually a way of singing that appeared in the Tang Dynasty, a way of common speaking, that is, "speaking and singing scriptures" that mainly tells and sings stories from Buddhist scriptures, and its written script is called "Bianwen". "Bianwen" is also referred to as "change", that is, variation; "wen" means to transform the formal meaning of the scriptures into a text.The so-called "Bianwen" is actually a singing art work that mutates the formal meaning of the scriptures into a narrative of Buddhist scriptures that focuses on narration, narration, and narration, rather than narration, narration, and reasoning.

Of course, Ran Ming brought out the deductive method that evolved only in the Tang Dynasty, and naturally he didn't want to promote Buddhist scriptures.But in order to promote Chinese culture, the original script of Bianwen was actually "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" plagiarized by Ran Ming. The characters appearing in these Romance of the Three Kingdoms, such as Zhang Fei with a black face, Dangyang bridge drinking, white horse, silver gun and white robe The god general, Changbanpo, enters seven times and exits seven times. He is a brave Zhao Zilong, and Guan Gong is red-faced.What about Hulaoguan Lu Bu fighting Sanying and so on.

Heroic and heroic deeds are objects of worship.Later, Bianwen Opera added the story of the rise of the Wei Kingdom. After Ran Min, Jin Nu, and Tie Nu fought alone, General Zhao Longxiang, Sun Fudu had three thousand soldiers, and Ran Ming's blood stained the river of water, rejecting Ma Xianbei. Famous stories such as [-] cavalry, burning Tanlong Valley and so on.

At this time, the play was about the story of Ran Ming's corpse burning Murongde with oil, and Jin Chengyue was very happy watching it.In fact, she had heard about these things from Ran Ming a long time ago, but they were not as exaggerated as Bianwen.In particular, the Bianwen actually highlighted Ran Ming's martial arts, Jin Chengyue almost jumped off without laughing, Murong De's martial arts were almost on par with Ran Min, if Ran Min wanted to beat Murong De, he had to be at least out of a hundred moves.At that time, Ran Ming was lucky if he could walk three rounds under Murong De's hands, but he still fought for more than 30 rounds and beheaded Murong De's head with one knife.

Jin Chengyue was very happy, so he asked Xiao Cui'er to reward him with a handful of copper coins.

On the battlefield of the Chitu Kingdom in the Malay Peninsula, more than a dozen tall Arabian warhorses struggled to pull the tall nest cart forward slowly.Mandrap Tagore stabbed a Wei soldier in the abdomen with a spear. He yelled and wanted to pick up the Wei soldier and throw him out. However, what he didn't expect was that the wounded soldier , unexpectedly rushed forward, any spear passed through the body, and then stretched out his hand to pinch Mandrap Tagore's neck.

Mandrap Tagore had no choice but to throw away the spear and leave.The soldier who was almost dead couldn't catch Mandrap Tagore, but he grabbed Mandrap Tagore's spear tightly, and then vomited blood and died.

In the past, the enemies faced by the Gupta Empire were almost defeated at the first touch. How could they be as crazy as the soldiers of Wei State? Their madness made even the monks and soldiers who were most fearless of death feel terrified.

It’s okay that the soldiers of the State of Wei are not afraid of death, brave and unparalleled, but their team battle formation, especially a group of three and five people, cooperate with each other, they are like a spinning wheel, and different teams are always taking turns. Once the exhausted Guptas showed an opening.They would seize the loopholes at the first time and swarm up and use their weapons to chop Gupul people into a pulp.

Organized two consecutive rear army with the size of [-] people. Without exception, they were all attacked by Wei people's long-range weapons. At this time, Mandrap Tagore also lost his mind about organizing the rear army. , can only deliver food to the Wei State's long-range weapon strike troops, but does not organize the rear army, their army is like cutting meat, reducing the burden on the Gupta Empire army layer by layer.

In order to speed up the breakout speed of the troops, Mandrap Tagore ordered to give up food, armor, and other supplies except weapons and drinking water.The most tragic thing is the 1 Rajpu cavalry of the Gupta Empire. This is a cavalry unit composed of young and strong nomads in the northwest of the Gupta Empire. There were Macedonian cavalry and White Huns, however, the terrain here is not suitable for cavalry combat at all.

The 1 cavalry of Mandrap Tagore are like stranded dragons, and the ubiquitous hills make the cavalry lose the space to charge and move.If these 1 cavalry were in the plains, they might really be able to cause a lot of trouble for Wei.However, it's just a pity that this is a hilly and jungle area, which is a deathbed for cavalry.

Teams of servants were all jealous. Whether their sacks or baskets were full of heads, the heavy heads had already been left behind by the servants, and there were people left to guard them. loot.Wei Guo's gold coins are too tempting, and these servants are not willing to lose any chance to harvest their heads.

Teams of servant soldiers with heads hung on their waists, shoulders, and even backs appeared. This group of people is like evil spirits who rushed out of hell. In fact, they don’t need to be beaten. It can scare people half to death.Seeing groups of servants covered with the heads of Gupen people and surrounded him beamingly, the sadness in Mandrap Tagore's heart became uncontrollable.

When did the Gupta Empire become a lamb slaughtered by others?
"The Gupta Empire, His Majesty the Great Sea Guardian!" Mandrap Tagore roared up to the sky and rushed towards the nearest battle group. He no longer had any hope of leaving alive, since they were all dead. , it is better to fight to death happily with your subordinates.

Facing the Gup people who were fighting the trapped beasts, the Wei soldiers unexpectedly chose to give way. Seeing the retreat of the Wei people, Mandrap Tagore was very excited, but his excitement did not stay on his face for half a minute. His expression turned into surprise and inexplicable grief.

"Shameless, shameless, so despicable and shameless!"

The army of Wei State will not fight Gupen people desperately, and they are not even willing to leave them with the last honor of being soldiers.The infantry soldiers got out of the way, and the equipment troops stepped up.Greek fire, rockets, catapults, and eight-ox crossbows, like hungry gluttons, devoured all living people in front of them.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The rocket fired first, followed by the ballista, eight-ox crossbow, and Greece.The powerful and ferocious firepower completely shattered the last courage of Gupren.

Finally, the deafening explosions on the battlefield disappeared, and Mandrap Tagore's nose was sour, and tears almost flowed out.Miserable, it is too miserable.

Thousands of soldiers did not even persist for a quarter of an hour.What Wei Guo paid for this was more than 400 ballista shells, more than 200 rockets, more than 150 incendiary bombs, 68 crossbow arrows, and [-] catties of fierce fire oil.

Chen Yong gracefully put down the Junshan silver needle in his hand like a Confucian, and said lightly: "It's almost over, General Liu, are you interested in sending Mandrap Tagore for the last time? Now he looks like a soldier. Since he If you want to die with all your heart, let them be fulfilled."

Liu Qi nodded sadly and said, "We don't have that much food, so we can't accept the surrender of tens of thousands of people, but we can squeeze out the food that feeds Mandrap Tagore, as long as he surrenders?"

Chen Yong said: "Tell him, as long as he surrenders, Dawei will protect his personal safety!"

Liu Qi said excitedly: "I understand!"

Like a sensitive monkey, Liu Qi quickly jumped off the rope ladder and stepped onto a white war horse.Liu Qi quickly crossed the battlefield, came [-] steps away from Mandrap Tagore, and then let hundreds of soldiers shout: "Listen to the soldiers of the Gupta Empire on the opposite side, this commander is the Malay Front Army of the Great Wei Expeditionary Army!" Deputy Marshal Liu Qi, now I order you to put down your weapons and surrender unconditionally, otherwise our army will resolutely and completely wipe you out!"

A Gupta soldier bandaged the bleeding Mandrap Tagore's head, and he looked more like Ah San now.Mandrap Tagore said: "Which of you can understand what the Seris people say?"

The surrounding soldiers shook their heads in a daze.

At this moment, the words translated in Sanskrit came over again.Mandrap Tagore understood, but he looked at the less than [-] soldiers around him, and the other battlefields were divided into dozens of small battlefields. In fact, there were not many soldiers left.

Mandrap Tagore yelled: "Now, do you still surrender?"

A general with a bandage on his left shoulder shouted: "Surrender, surrender, my two younger brothers were killed by the Serisians, and now I'm the only one left. What's the point of me being alive?"

"What about you!" Mandrap Tagore's heart was bleeding, 13 elite troops, two and a half Gupta Akshoshini, but now there are only more than [-] people left

"I would rather die than surrender!"

"Very good!" Mandrap Tagore said: "Then let's continue to fight, His Majesty the Great Emperor will bless us, let us enter the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss after we die in battle, and enjoy eternal wealth forever!"

Chen Yong said: "It seems that our food can be saved. Since they ask for benevolence, we will let them get benevolence!" "

(End of this chapter)

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