Chapter 851
Chapter 857
Chen Yong's order, like a stimulant, inspired the troops of Wei State.After successive wars, the surviving 100 remnants of the Gupta Empire were divided into more than 400 pieces of large and small by [-] Wei troops and [-] servants, and surrounded in a narrow area with a radius of five or six miles. The largest one is the [-] members of the Gupta Empire Mandrap.

Although this war took place within the territory of the Chitu Kingdom, they acted as spectators from the beginning to the end of the war.This time the war made Chitu Kingdom realize the fact that the army of Wei State was stronger than the army of Gupta Empire, and the Gupta army, which had always been invincible in the South Asian subcontinent, could not even parry it.Under the attack of Wei Guo's long-range weapons and fearful firearms, no matter how brave and fearless he is, there is nothing he can do.

For the Chitu Kingdom, the war elephant troops of the Gupta Empire and their death squads of monk soldiers are very abnormal existences.But when they encountered Wei's army, it was like encountering a natural enemy, and they were completely restrained to death.When the sun was setting, Chen Yong had already poured out the Junshan Yinzhen that had been filled with water several times. Because of the bursts of cheers from the battlefield, this indicated that the remnants of the Gupta Empire had been completely wiped out.

Liu Laozhi and Liu Qi looked at Chen Yong respectfully and asked him to watch the final battle.Because whether it is Liu Laozhi or Liu Qi, they all understand that Chen Yong is Ran Ming's hand. In the future when Ran Ming ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, Chen Yong will replace Dong Run and become No. 1 in Wei's military. Taking this opportunity, it would be foolish not to have a good relationship with Chen Yong.

After getting out of the nest car, Chen Yong discovered that the final feast on the battlefield was actually specially prepared for him. The three or four hundred remnants of Mandrap were surrounded by thousands of soldiers from the state of Wei, and a three-dimensional plan was arranged around the periphery. line of defense.First of all, more than 60 ballista carts, more than 40 Greek firearms, more than 150 rocket launchers and [-] eight-ox ballista carts are at the forefront.

Because of Ran Ming, Wei Guo, no matter what kind of weapon, as long as it exceeds the limit of the human body, they will be equipped with wheels.Like a Greek fire that weighs a thousand catties, it was very difficult to move it, but with wheels, two soldiers can pull it and gallop on flat ground.Pulling two war horses can make the Greek fire follow the combat troops anytime and anywhere. This is definitely not like in history. The bulky trebuchets are assembled and used in time on the battlefield.In order to maximize the effect of field combat, and to prevent damage to these precision machinery during the vehicle's travel, all of these combat vehicles have adopted shock absorption measures.

However, due to the limitation of raw materials and technology, Ran Ming originally planned to get the rubber, although it would be difficult to manufacture air-filled tires, but like solid tires, it should not be difficult to manufacture.

Chen Yong is a little unbelievable, do we still have to wait?In front of these heavy soldiers, let alone more than 300 remnants of the Gupta Empire army, even if they faced thousands of elite cavalry, they would have no chance to move back to this round.

Perhaps aware of the arrival of the last moment, these Gupta troops did not break through, but used their bodies to arrange human body circles around Mandrap, and they were using their bodies to defend their commander.

Chen Yong said: "For the last time, ask Mandrap, if he surrenders, this general can give him a way out!"

Although Liu Laozhi knew that it was futile, he still did it seriously.Of course, Liu Laozhi got nothing but a curse in return.

Chen Yong said: "As an opponent, as an enemy, Mandrap is a qualified enemy. He has proved this with his actions. He is worthy of the glorious and great title of soldier. I hope you will remember that Gupta are not afraid of death. They are not afraid of sacrifice, because they all understand that behind them is the Gupta Empire. We Wei soldiers, as the expeditionary force created by the Zhu State General, our mission is the same as theirs, which is to protect this country. In fact, we have no retreat , as long as we retreat, our compatriots, brothers and sisters will be slaughtered by the enemy. Our homeland will be destroyed by the enemy, and our ancestral hall will also be destroyed by the enemy. The painful lessons from more than ten years ago tell us that people are not Save yourself, not others. Man is not self-improving, but man cannot be strong."

"Follow the general's instruction!" Liu Laozhi, Liu Qi and other generals cupped their hands and said.

Chen Yong said again: "I hope you will remember that to show mercy to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself. If you want your trilogy to be sacrificed in vain, then continue to adopt this stupid method. You can’t even remember the truth, what you have learned for so many years, have you learned it from dogs?”

Liu Laozhi wanted to flatter Chen Yong, but he didn't expect to be photographed on the horse's hoof.Liu Laozhi's originally red face was like a black pot at this moment.

"Humble knowing!"

"Know your mistake! You want to know your mistake, but because you know your mistake, do you know how many sons and daughters will lose their lives on the battlefield? Because of your mistake, how many families and wives will be separated, and how many gray hairs will be lost. Send someone with black hair?" Chen Yong pointed at Liu Laozhi and shouted: "Don't think, I don't know what your idea is, I can tell you clearly that you are wrong, very wrong, you should put Use your ingenuity on the right path. Instead of racking your brains and sycophants. I will report this matter truthfully, and Master will make arrangements for your handling decision. For the time being, you hand over the command of the advance battalion and wait for Zhu The final decision of the National University General is that the current Sima Yang Quanqi of the advance battalion will take over as Lieutenant Quan, and the former Sima Xie Xuan will be promoted to Sima Quanxing!"

The generals did not understand Chen Yong's decision, especially Liu Laozhi's contribution in this war is obvious to all. Chen Yong watched the final battle, but the flattery was not shot well, instead it was shot on the horse's hoof, all the generals became careful now.

Yang Quanqi did not expect happiness to come so suddenly.As Liu Laozhi's partner, he is a tragedy in itself.Liu Laozhi was born as Ran Ming's book boy, he was considered as the direct descendant of the direct descendant, he was very aggrieved as the marching commander.The marching Sima will be the chief of staff in later generations.According to the duties, it is to grasp the military power and assist the military commander in combat command and various aspects of work.But when he met a captain with a strong or deep background, his marching Sima was just an empty shelf.In terms of battle command and personnel arrangements, he can't get in the way at all.In the advance battalion, Yang Quanqi was just a quartermaster.Fortunately, he has become a battalion leader.

Yang Quanqi took over the school captain's seal from Liu Laozhi, gave orders, and ordered the final attack.

In fact, as long as it starts, it will end, because these remnants of the Gupta Empire have no resistance. The firepower fired by more than 60 ballistas, more than 40 Greek firearms, more than 150 rocket launchers and [-] eight-ox ballistas is enough to cover these Gupta soldiers.

The noise on the battlefield finally stopped. Mandrap was pierced by an eight-ox crossbow arrow, and was directly inserted into the ground. He died without falling.Of course, if it weren't for the many soldiers in front who used their bodies as human shields, if this eight-ox crossbow directly hit Mandrap, he should be torn in two by the powerful giant crossbow.

With Mandrap's death, the battle was completely over.This time, Chen Yong ordered the Chitu Army and various servants to clean up the battlefield under the supervision of the Wei Army.The first ones to be cleaned up were actually soldiers of the State of Wei. The wounded were quickly carried away and the wounded were treated by the field medical staff.

Although it was a one-sided battle, in fact the Wei army was not without losses.Especially under the frantic counterattack of the fierce monks who don't know what death is, many Wei soldiers died at the hands of the monks.After statistics, the results of the battle have also come out. In this battle, a total of 23 people were killed in the Wei army. Among them, a school lieutenant was the highest rank. Zhao Mingcheng, the school lieutenant of the Fourth Temporary Infantry Battalion, was shot in the lung by a Gupta longbow. Ministry, died without treatment.8000 officers from Dubo to colonel and below were killed in battle. The corpses of these soldiers who died in battle were uniformly wrapped in white sackcloth, laid flat according to their native places, and then revitalized at the end.The number of wounded soldiers was as high as 2000.However, there were not many seriously injured, less than [-] people.

At this time, the cleanup of Gupta's corpses began.The soldiers of the servant army began to strip the iron armor, leather armor, and weapons from the Gupta people, and searched for gold and silver on them.These things belonged to the Nanyang Development Company of the Huaxia Business Alliance, and they had already made an agreement before the army came out. Those merchants who came to the army naturally began to sort out their goods by category.

This process was actually very bloody. Many greedy natives would have their heads beheaded by Wei soldiers if they wanted ink loot.

In Bolin Ranming's palace, Ran Ming's expression is very exciting.Because he had just received an urgent report from Yecheng, telling him to return to Yecheng in a hurry.

Later, Tianyan and "Heavenly Deaf and Dumb" both sent detailed information.It was only then that Ran Ming knew that something had happened to Ran Min.Speaking of which, Ran Ming is also somewhat responsible for this matter.Ran Ming told Ran Min many times that if he wanted to be a good emperor, he could not just stay in the palace. He had to go down to see more and go deep into the people, so that he could find out the problems in the country and correct them in time.

After going out quietly with Ran Ming last time, Ran Min was also very bored dealing with government affairs in the palace. No, he and Jinnu Tienu went out quietly again.This time Ran Min didn't go far, he just went to Nei Huang's hometown.As the hometown of the emperor, the governance here is actually good, and various policies are tilted towards the inner yellow. The people here pay less taxes, and the business is also very prosperous.

Ran Min saw a street vendor selling some dried fruits on a cart by the side of the road. Those onyx-like hawthorns looked very appetizing, so he hurriedly bought a pack and ate them while walking.

At this moment, Ran Min suddenly heard a commotion in front of him, some passers-by were running into an alley, Ran Min couldn't help but cast a suspicious look, and asked, "What happened?"

Jin Nu shook his head, turned his head to signal his subordinates to follow Ran Min, and then said, "I will go and have a look."

But a peddler sighed, shook his head and said, "Oh, these ruffians are here to make trouble again, they have no conscience."

Ran Min wondered, "Shopkeeper, do you know what happened?"

Seeing that Ran Min was disabled and had an extraordinary temperament, the peddler guessed that Ran Min might be a retired general from the Wei army.He spoke kindly, and said: "My lord, you don't know something. Our Neihuang is the hometown of the emperor, and there are many relatives of the emperor. In fact, they are not relatives of the emperor, they are just unrelated national surnames. People. Some time ago, a widow moved in Huangcheng. It is said that she is the widow of a general. The relatives of the royal family saw that the woman was beautiful, and the husband left a lot of money because of his military exploits, so they came to pester her. This is the third time. time."

Ran Min said angrily, "Don't the government care?"

The peddler said: "The county magistrate is only a few rank officials, how dare they control the emperor's relatives? Even if they are not afraid of losing their heads, they are also afraid of losing their black hats!"

Ran Min was furious at this moment, and said to Tienu: "Go and have a look!"

Ran Min walked first, and when he walked into the alley, he saw many people watching the excitement around the entrance of a courtyard house. Several royal relatives in fresh clothes and angry horses were shouting and cursing at the entrance, and there was a pretty little girl standing at the entrance The girl, with her hands on her hips, her face was flushed with anger, her eyes seemed to burst into flames, facing the foul language of several people, she was obviously trying her best to hold back her anger.

Ran Min was about to step forward to send a few unscrupulous rogues to the officials, when a pretty woman in a red dress and a red cloak stepped out from inside, glanced at those rogues with her big charming eyes, and clasped fists at the people around her Shi Li said: "Fathers and elders, although the little girl is from Yanmen, her husband's family is from Neihuang. Although it is the first time for my family to come to Neihuang, my family is also considered to be from Neihuang. I am very disappointed with Neihuang's family. Is it the etiquette of fellow countrymen for the uncles to make things difficult for you?"

Jin Nu said: "My lord, I have found out that this house belongs to the Sun family. It is the widow of Sun Wei, the former Northern Zhonglang general. Sun Wei died for the country in the battle of Lian Zhan. My lord is in Yecheng." He was also given a mansion. It’s just that Sun Wei’s eldest son, the second son, is not a thing anymore. Sun Wei's house filling was totally incapable of controlling Sun Wei's two unworthy sons. It was so outrageous that Sun Yang's family separated and brought his youngest son and daughter to Neihuang's hometown, and took Yecheng All the family business was given to those two sons."

Ran Min nodded, and began to carefully look at the red-clothed Sun Yang.The woman in red looks to be 26 or [-] years old, with a slim willow waist, a handsome face, big eyes, a pretty straight nose, and although the mouth is not a cherry mouth, it is plump and touching.

A few hooligans yelled: "Your Majesty promulgated the fertility law, and it is illegal for a woman of the right age to have no children. Brother, I am not married, and you are also a widow. In order to implement your majesty's fertility law, we two should get married."

Several rogues also booed.

Sun Yang was so angry that he was about to cry.Ran Min was about to make a move, when Jin Nu said: "My lord, it's not good, this woman in red has murderous intentions!"

Sun Yang's eyebrows were raised up, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, but for some reason, he still endured it and did not explode.She held back her anger and said with a faint smile: "Although my family background is lowly, it is the wife of Su Wei Mingmei, the dignified and upright fourth-rank Beizhong Lang of the Great Wei Dynasty. Besides, His Majesty has a clear order that military martyrs are not punished by the birth law." object."

(End of this chapter)

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