Chapter 852

Chapter 858

Because no one wants his wife to remarry after his death, and his children to take other people's surnames.Therefore, whether it is a general or a soldier, as long as he is killed in battle or loses his fertility, even if he is barren for life, he still does not have to bear a heavy fine.

"Hey, the fourth-rank general's wife, it turns out that the little lady has such a great background!" The leader Poppi suddenly turned cold, and shouted sharply: "Is the general's wife amazing? Do you know who I am? I am the emperor."

There was an uproar among the crowd upon hearing this.Just listen to that Poppi continued: "Today' brother. My surname is Ran, and my name is Ran Chu."

Sun Yang said with a faint smile: "It turns out that you are the prince of the Great Wei clan, so please forgive me!"

Although Sun Yang said disrespect in his mouth, there was no trace of respect on his face.

That Ran Chu laughed arrogantly and said: "Why are you afraid? As long as I enter the palace, please return an imperial decree. It is a trivial matter to punish my son and the nine clans. Just sell you to the brothel. Even your two bastards, sell them to the brothel and raise them first."

Ran Chu's words became more and more unbearable, but his identity made the people around him dare not stand out.It's nothing to offend a ruffian, but once they offend a royal family, there will be no place for them in this world.

Ran Min was furious, and was about to make a move, when Sun Yang saw Ran Chu reaching out to touch her face, she didn't dodge or dodge, unexpectedly reached out and grabbed Ran Chu's body with her backhand As soon as the wrist was handed off, Ran Chu couldn't help but stumbled and fell out.A few hooligans next to him immediately swarmed up when they saw it.

Jin Nu said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this Sun Yang's skill is very good, don't worry, these rascals will definitely not take advantage of it."

Ran Min is actually a kung fu master himself, but if he cares about it, he will be chaotic.At this time, he calmed down and took a look, only to find that this Sun Yang's kung fu has gone the same way as a man's, with wide opening and closing fists, and he only greets non-critical parts.Although these hooligans often participate in fights, their kung fu is really bad.It's just that when bullying others, others dare not resist.In less than half a stick of incense, five or six rogues, without exception, all fell to the ground.

In fact, this Sun Yang is also very measured in his actions. Although these rogues look miserable, they are actually just flesh wounds, and they will be fine after a few days of recuperation.But just when Ran Min thought the matter was over, something happened.Ran Chu yelled, "You son of a bitch, how dare you hit me on the nose, my nose is broken."

Sun Yang was just a woman, and she was really frightened when she heard that she had hurt the royal family.It's just that Ran Chu offended her by threatening to sell her son to someone else and her daughter to a brothel. Any mother would not be able to bear this matter.

Sun Yang was about to go up to check on Ran Chu's injury, when he saw Ran Chu's left hand suddenly raised, and a white object flew towards Sun Yang's face. Sun Yang thought it was a hidden weapon, so he stretched out his hand and opened it.It's okay if you don't fight, but just as your fist touched the white package, the white package exploded all of a sudden.

"Damn it, it's actually a lime bag!" Ran Min was so angry that he even pulled out his horizontal knife, "It's so despicable and shameless!"

How could Sun Yang have thought that Ran Chu would carry this kind of thing with him, so naturally, she was tricked.A lot of lime powder got into her eyes, and quicklime getting into her eyes is a very serious matter.Fortunately, Sun Yang saw the opportunity quickly and closed his eyes quickly.Now she was so frightened that she quickly backed away. At this time, those rogues who were lying on the ground did not pretend to be injured, and rushed forward, trying to capture Sun Yangshi.

Although Sun Yang could not see with her eyes, her kung fu was not lost.If she had been a little scruples before, now she is truly murderous.

"Green Sword, take my gun!" A murderous scolding, like a tiger descending the mountain, spinning and kicking on the spot, a few hooligans just approached her body, and she kicked them backwards.This time Sun Yang made a move with hatred, and the result was definitely not the same as before.Several rogues fell to the ground, vomited blood, and never got up again.

Ran Min could clearly see that two of them had sunken chests, obviously due to broken sternums.Sun Yang couldn't stop crying, and his eyes were burning badly, so he asked the green sword to fetch water to wash his eyes.

Ran Min heard from Ran Ming that lime burns the eyes and should not be washed with water, otherwise it will only aggravate the burn. The correct way is to wash with vegetable oil.Ran Min was worried that Mrs. Sun would be blinded with water, so she stepped forward and scolded: "Don't use water, cut off a bowl of vegetable oil, and I will heal Mrs. Sun's eyes!"

After a while, Lvjian brought a bowl of vegetable oil, and Ran Min picked up a white fine linen handkerchief, dipped it in a little vegetable oil, and gently wiped away the lime that got into Sun Yang's eyes.Before Ran Min healed Sun Yang's eyes, he heard a team of yamen servants approaching at the entrance of the alley.These seven or eight yamen servants came in swaggeringly holding chains, water and fire sticks and waist knives.The leader with a bearded face was full of ferocity, and he said in a long voice, "Who has eaten the heart of a bear and dared to make trouble here? Do you know where this is? Let me arrest them all!"

Ran Min followed the voice, and saw that Ran Chu was overjoyed when he saw the bearded servant, "Fourth, this stinky bitch beat up my brothers badly, we must arrest her and put her in prison for the rest of my life." !"

The yamen servant known as the fourth child gave Ran Chu a hard look.Then he looked at Sun Yang carefully.Although Sun Yang was the widow of Bei Zhonglang General Gaoling Marquis Sun Wei, his family was left behind.Sun Wei's eldest son and second son are not fuel-efficient lamps, and the cost of living in Yecheng is already high. As a result, in just a few years, almost all the property rewarded by Ran Min was wiped out.If it wasn't for Ran Ming pulling the nobles to colonize, the Nanyang Development Company would give them a dividend every year. I'm afraid this family can't get in and out, and even their livelihood will be a problem.

The quality of Sun Yang's clothes is not good, but average.It's just that Jin Nu and Tie Nu looked like veterans in the army, so the fourth child had to be cautious.The low-level yamen servants like the fourth child are the policemen of later generations.What they are good at is observing words and deeds. Once they lose their sight and offend someone who shouldn't be offended, they will lose their jobs at least, or lose their heads at worst.

The fourth child cautiously sang a promise: "This little lady is so polite. The Great Wei ruled the country by law, murdered people to pay for their lives, and owed debts to pay back the money. Now you have hurt someone, and the crime is not light. Who is right and who is wrong here? No, it's not up to me to decide. You just have to go with Xiaodi now, and the Elder will definitely make a clear decision."

Ran Min shook his head and gave a wry smile. The scene looked familiar, but it was true when he thought about it. It's no wonder that those rascals dared to bully people so unscrupulously at the emperor's feet. It didn't matter in the yamen. Patting Jin Nu on the shoulder, his chin moved forward, Jin Nu agreed, and strode up.

Sun Yang still wanted to argue, but Jin Nu raised the token in his hand and said, "Isn't it an official post, that's how you do it."

Seeing Jin Nu's token clearly, the fourth child's face turned pale with fear.Jin Nu said: "I have seen this incident from beginning to end. This is not just an ordinary ruffian causing trouble, but also involves impersonating the royal family and bluffing here under the banner of the royal family. Do you know how to do it?" !"

The fourth child nodded repeatedly, his attitude was as humble as he wanted, and he almost knelt down to Jin Nu. "Xiaodi understands, Xiaodi understands!"

"Now that you understand, why don't you hurry up and do something?" Jin Nu shouted coldly.

The fourth child took a chain from a yamen servant and put it on Ran Chu's head.

"Fourth, did you make a mistake, how did you arrest me? You should arrest that bitch!" Ran Chu shouted sharply.

"Brother Chu, offended!" The fourth child whispered: "Now you have offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and things have exploded. Hurry up, if you are really a royal family, hurry up and write a letter to the emperor, otherwise you will be killed if it is too late. I can't keep my head!"

The eldest four shouted: "They will all be taken away too."

When the matter came to this point, the fool also knew that Ran Min's identity was extraordinary.Although Sun Yang couldn't see with her eyes, she could feel that Ran Min's gaze was like a big hand. Could it be that this noble person with extraordinary status also took a fancy to her own beauty?
Sun Yang's heart was in turmoil, who was Ran Min?He comforted him and said, "Don't worry, Mrs. Sun, that Ran Chu and I are not in the same way. I am also in the army, and I had a life-threatening friendship with my husband. Speaking of which, if my husband, General Sun, hadn't saved my life, I'm afraid I'm going to die now." It was me who died, not him. To be honest, I feel sorry for you too much. I am currently serving in the Imperial Guard, and I have a bit of status. If there is any trouble in the future, if there is any difficulty in life, I can go to the Imperial Guard Find someone named Yang Jun."

Hearing this, Sun Yang felt relieved.Sun Yang invited Ran Min to enter the mansion.Neihuangsun's Mansion was originally Sun Wei's unprosperous hometown. The yard was not big, but there were only three yards, and there were only about twenty houses in total, covering an area of ​​just over two mu.Ran Min hadn't been to such a small mansion for a long time, and he was a little curious when he entered Sun's mansion.

After a lot of effort, Sun Yang's eyes were finally alright, but they were very red, like overripe peaches.Because Sun Yang's son has a weak constitution and is very afraid of the cold.So Sun Yang also installed an earth dragon in the hall, and put three braziers in the room.

Sun Yang has practiced martial arts all year round, but his physique is good.Entering the house, I am not used to the warmth.Sun Yang's fair and tender face was flushed like a ripe apple, and Ran Min was instantly fascinated by it.

Gradually, Sun Yang also noticed something strange, and suddenly felt that Ran Min seemed to be looking at something.Looking down, he realized that during the fight just now, Sun Yang was too busy to fasten his buttons.Ordinarily, Ran Min should be over by now, it was a very special encounter.

However, the story did not end as expected.

In fact, Ran Min also admires women who don't like red makeup and prefer to be armed, just like Ran Ming's concubine Wang Zhi, Ran Min appreciates it more.However, although Ran Min admired Wang Zhi, he didn't have any extravagant ideas.Ran Min is a Han with a traditional concept, and he will never do such bloody things as Li Erna's sister-in-law, Li Zhina's stepmother, and Li Longji robbing his own daughter-in-law.But Ran Min happened to meet Sun Yang, a widowed woman, and had an association.

If Ran Min directly summoned Sun Yang into the palace, there would be absolutely no surprises.However, Ran Min is very naive and wants to get a perfect love.So, things went awry.

Sun Yang's youngest son, Sun Nan, was very weak, and he found out later that he actually had tuberculosis.This disease is a very headache in later generations. In this era, it is naturally more difficult to cure.In desperation, Sun Yang thought of Ran Min again, and asked Lvjian to go to Yecheng to look for Yang Jun in the Imperial Guard.Although Yang Jun is Ran Min's pseudonym, in fact there is a real person, and this person is the Biebu Sima of the Fourth Step Battalion in the Imperial Guard.The first time Green Sword looked for Yang Jun, Yang Jun told Ran Min about it.

Ran Min quickly put on makeup and met with Lvjian. Ran Min learned that Sun Nan was seriously ill, so he specially asked the imperial doctor to treat him.But the imperial doctor couldn't cure this tuberculosis, so he had to prescribe some medicinal materials and let Sun Yang cook the medicine by himself to recuperate slowly.The medicine for treating tuberculosis is very expensive, and Sun Yang has no money at this time, so he has no choice but to borrow money from Ran Min.As for Ran Min, it was also a request to Sun Yang, and he always responded to every request.

Ran Min often went out of the palace to meet with Mrs. Sun Yang under the guise of visiting Sun Nan. At first, this matter did not attract the attention of interested people.But after a long time, it attracted the attention of caring people.Ran Min has many enemies, especially Buddhist monks and nuns, who basically want to eat Ran Min's flesh and drink his blood.Ran Min stayed in the palace, so they naturally had nothing to do.But once they leave the palace, especially with only Jin Nu and Tie Nu, this matter will be much easier.

In the end, Ran Min was assassinated in Neihuangsun Mansion, and the assassin was Sun Yang himself, because she got a message from a caring person that she could exchange Ran Min's life for his son's life, and as long as Sun Yang killed Ran Min, he would treat him Sun Nan.In the choice between a son and a lover, Sun Yang chose his son.

Sun Yang didn't prescribe any medicine, but just advised Ran Min to be drunk, and Ran Min, who had no defenses, was hit on the head by Sun Yang with a jade pillow more than a dozen times.Jin Nu and Tie Nu, who heard the movement, broke into the door, and the result has already happened. Ran Min was seriously injured and is still in a coma.

Seeing this information, Ran Ming was a little speechless.He hated Ran Min a little bit, "What's wrong with you, you're playing with feelings!"

Ran Min was in a coma, and the crown prince was hanging out alone. At this time, Empress Dong and the Minister of State Supervision, Wang Jian, unanimously agreed to order Ran Ming to return to the State of Ye Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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