Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 854 Little 4, You Are Inflated

Chapter 854 Little Four, You Are Inflated
Chapter 860 Little Four, You Are Inflated
Helena said: "No, child, you have to remember, so that we can go back to our home in Rome faster and easier. We can go and see the Seres, a civilized country with a history longer than our Rome, Does it exist like a myth!"

On the vast sea, a huge fleet is sailing fast with full sails.The waves beat against the side of the ship, and the long wind blew by, carrying the strong salty smell of the ocean.In this autumn season, Ran Ming's heart seemed to be on fire.He wished he could fly back with wings on his back.Unfortunately, Ran Ming knew that it was too difficult to achieve this goal.

From the perspective of others, Ran Ming was standing at the bow of the boat, watching the sea water lapping against the side of the boat, quietly lost in thought.In fact, no one knew that Ran Ming had already returned to Yecheng after wandering out of his body.To become the master of the Great Wei Empire, and then bring this empire to spread Chinese civilization to the world, this has been Ran Ming's long-cherished wish since his rebirth.However, when the unattainable dream in the past was about to come true, Ran Ming was as excited as he wanted in his heart.

Ran Ming's gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the clouds and mist on the sea. In fact, this time he set off on an expedition, it was more like taking a fleet to Yingzhou.Those painful memories in his bones made Ran Ming deeply hate this nation that lived on four small islands.It's just that the two harms are the lesser of the two, and the two benefits are the more important. After much deliberation, Ran Ming decided to suppress India's opponent first.Facing the vast sea in the northeast, Ran Ming murmured: "Little devils, just wait, I will definitely come to Yingzhou in person." Ran Ming turned to Lin Heishan and said, "I didn't let you enjoy myself this time. It is a matter of solution. I assure you that I will let you lead the army to land in Yingzhou in the future, where you can never seal the sword!"

These calm words made Lin Heishan feel a cold war.Once this day comes, it is definitely destined to be bloody.Severus could barely understand Ran Ming's words, but of course he still didn't understand the complicated sentences.But when he heard the word Yingzhou, he searched habitually on the chart, and finally he found the location of Yingzhou.

"His Royal Highness, the area of ​​Yingzhou is about the same as that of Jinzhou, and the population must be about the same. With our current twelve flying fish, 66 first-class battleships, and one marine battalion, we should be able to easily win this place!" Severus excitedly said: "I just don't know if their navy is strong or not, and if they have the power to fight us."

Ran Ming waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about landing in Yingzhou for the time being. This day will come soon. Once I gain control of the empire, I will definitely vigorously develop the navy. Cicero has produced three kinds of artillery, respectively It can hit [-] yards, [-] yards, and [-] yards. This kind of artillery can completely replace our current eight-ox crossbows, catapults, rockets, and Greek fire, so our future flying fish warships will be fully Replace the artillery, and build bigger warships and cast bigger artillery, anyone who underestimates the God of War will be rewarded with this hard-to-swallow bitter pill!"

Severus said: "Oh my god, you can hit so far. Since you have this kind of weapon, what are you waiting for, change your outfit quickly!"

Cicero said: "Count Severus, you don't know that once this artillery is fired, it will produce a very strong reaction force. I have done experiments, and a three-inch thick wooden gun carriage will be affected by this reaction force." It was shaken to pieces, and the deck of the Flying Fish Battleship naturally couldn't withstand this powerful reaction."

Severus said: "So it takes a long way for this artillery to be put into actual combat?"

Cicero said: "This doesn't need to be too difficult. As long as I can solve the reaction force generated by the artillery when it is fired, this problem can be solved."

Ran Ming said: "The invention of the cannon is definitely a remarkable achievement. In the future battles, the cannon will play an irreplaceable role. When the technology of the cannon matures in the future, any city will be in front of this weapon again. It doesn't work as a defense either!"

As a Chinese soldier who had always advocated artilleryism, Ran Ming had great confidence in artillery.At the same time, he also believes that most of human technology comes from war, and it is the monster of war that pushes human technology to the peak step by step.Once the germ of technological war emerges, it won't take long for this guy to grow into a towering tree, and its roots will even drill a hundred feet into the soil. The machine of war has already rumbled to the distance.

After Huan Wen obtained the gunpowder technology, he quickly produced rockets fired from bed crossbows. The power of this weapon is very good.At the same time, Ran Ming also got the news that Huan Wen had increased his investment in his general camp, which was located near the camp in Chengdu, and Tianyan paid the price of dozens of people killed in battle, so he didn't get involved.It is conceivable how much Huan Wen attaches importance to technological innovation.But this can't help the eyes of the sky.

The composition of gunpowder is actually not a secret to the high-level Sky Eye.Huan Wen can manage his General Palace in an impenetrable manner, but the General Commander's Camp cannot conjure gunpowder out of thin air, it needs raw materials.In the sixth year of Kaiyuan, Huan Wen bought a total of three thousand catties of mirabilite, seven hundred catties of willow charcoal, and two thousand catties of sulfur from various places.Considering the loss of gunpowder during purification, at this time, Huanwen's annual output of gunpowder is actually only three to four thousand catties.

But in the seventh year of Kaiyuan, the purchase volume of Glauber's salt reached [-] jin, willow charcoal reached [-] jin, and sulfur was [-] jin.However, in the eighth year of Kaiyuan, this figure reached [-] catties of thenardite, which almost sold out all the thenardite that could be purchased in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Sulfur also weighed [-] jin, and willow charcoal also reached [-] jin.

Tianyan calculated that the gunpowder stock in Huan Wen's hands could reach at least 3000 catties.Although the general supervisor can't get involved in detailed work, but through the purchase of vegetables, non-staple food, and clothing, Tianyan and the intelligence office of the Huaxia Business Alliance have come to a conclusion that Huanwen's general supervisor has at least [-] people.

When Ran Ming returned to China this time, he not only wanted to obtain his own throne, but also wanted to end the split situation of the confrontation between the North and the South.Whether it's Huan Wen or Sima Dan, if they understand the situation and follow the general trend, I can give them a fortune, but if they choose to fight, Ran Ming will not relent.

Ran Ming felt that in front of him, no matter whether it was Severus or Sarus, they were all restrained.Ran Ming returned to the cabin without disturbing their chatting together.Ran Ming just stayed in the cabin for a while, when he heard someone talking outside the cabin, Ran Ming pushed open the cabin door and walked out.

Ran Ming saw a green chest-length ru skirt. The so-called ru means a short jacket.The chest-length skirt is just a style of women's daily clothing. The chest-length skirt is the kind of dress with cross-collared breasts.The ancient Chinese costumes in TV dramas are actually neither fish nor fowl.

Ran Ming looked at Helena's blushing face, and couldn't help joking: "Honey, it's been a long time since we've been apart, do you miss me?"

At this moment, Lin Heishan wisely left, leaving enough space for the two of them.Lin Heishan knew Ran Ming too well, this master didn't care about anyone who was dressed in black during the day, the so-called prostitution in the daytime was a common occurrence in front of Ran Ming. "

Helena said seriously: "I have already talked with Jin, and she told me that the wife of your Wei Guoren has the highest power in the family, except for the outside world, everyone in the inner court, including myself, must accept her. If she is not happy, she will beat me wantonly with a whip, and if she is really tired, she can sell me to the red wall of the brothel."

Speaking of this, Helena burst into tears.She choked up and said: "Honey, please, don't take me to Yecheng. A person like me will not end well in your country of Wei. I heard that you Seres people have invented a cruel and inhuman The punishment method is to put a woman in a bamboo cage, then sink into the bottom of the water, strip me naked, and make me parade in the streets. Don't accept this kind of treatment. I am Helena Constantine. Humiliation, I would rather die!..."

Looking at the terrified Helena, Ran Ming would be an idiot if he didn't understand what happened at this moment.Ran Ming reached out and gently hugged Helena in his arms, and gently wiped away the tears on her face.He said softly: "What are you thinking about with your little head? Although our country of Wei has this system, do you know what kind of women are punished for soaking in pig cages and parading naked in the streets?"

Helena stopped crying, shook her head blankly and said, "I don't know!"

"You little fool, you don't even know you were cheated!" Ran Ming said, "Actually, although Jin Cheng is a Han Chinese, her ancestors moved to Rinan County. She grew up in Rinan County since she was a child, and she has never been there. Central Plains. For her, Central Plains is not only her hometown, but also a familiar and unfamiliar place. Our Wei State is actually the same as your Roman Empire. We are very particular about family background. Jin Chengyue was born in poverty, married and had children. So she yearned for Yecheng, but also worried about her origin, so she was very inferior and entangled. But you are different, you are the youngest daughter of Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire, the princess of the Roman Empire, although you cannot become a queen , but one of the four concubines can still be a noble concubine. As for the penalties you mentioned, they are actually punishing cheating women."

"Cheating?" Helena asked puzzledly, "What does cheating mean?"

Ran Ming patiently explained: "Actually, cheating means that Hong Xing cheated."

Now Helena was even more confused, and Ran Ming had to use a word that Helena could understand.Ran Ming said: "Cheating means that the wife is having an affair!"

Helena exaggerated: "Honey, you have to believe me, I am definitely not that kind of romantic woman, I, Helena, am a noble nobleman, definitely not a courtesan at noble banquets!"

Ran Ming said: "I believe in you!"

Helena said: "What kind of country is Wei State?"

Ran Ming said: "I really can't explain this, you need to see it yourself!"

"Is Yecheng the largest city in the world?" Helena asked again: "Jin told me that Yecheng is the largest city in the world, bigger than Constantinople."

"I haven't been to Constantinople, so I don't know how big it is!" Ran Ming said, "But it is certain that Yecheng is not the largest city. We also have two accompanying capitals in Wei State, like Luoyang, which is nine miles long and seven miles long. Ten steps, six miles and ten steps wide, with an area of ​​nearly 34 square kilometers. There is also Chang'an, which is even bigger, and the main city of Chang'an City covers an area of ​​100 square kilometers (Han Dynasty). At its peak, more than [-] million people lived In this city, can Constantinople be compared? Yecheng is slightly smaller than Luoyang. The city wall of Yecheng is eight miles and eighteen steps long from north to south, and six miles wide from east to west, covering an area of ​​twelve square kilometers. Of course, I'm only talking about the area of ​​the inner city, not counting the city walls."

"It's so big?" Of course Helena knows how big Constantinople is. Constantinople has already been calculated, and its area is [-] square kilometers. Although it is larger than Yecheng and Luoyang, it is smaller than Chang'an. Much smaller.

Of course, Helena didn't know that Chang'an at this time was far from being as big as Chang'an in the later Tang Dynasty.

After seven days of sailing, Ran Ming arrived at Fuyuan's Xinghai Port. At this time, Ji Polu and Ran Yu had put out the riot of Fu's natives.Jipolu, who was disturbed by these natives, was very angry.Light up the butcher's knife and kill the Quartet.When Ran Ming and the fleet arrived at Xinghai Port, there was still a chill atmosphere here, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

When Ran Ming came down from the trestle of the warship, Ji Polu, who was dressed in the refined bright armor of a general, and Ran Yu, who was dressed in the armor of an ordinary lieutenant, led tens of thousands of Wei soldiers to welcome Ran Ming at the port.

Tens of thousands of Wei soldiers were divided into more than [-] phalanxes, and all the soldiers showed their weapons. When Ran Ming took the first step on the trestle bridge, tens of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison: "See General Zhu!"

There was a roar like a tsunami, and a thick murderous aura rushed towards his face.The Wei Guoan Northern Army is the only army that has been fighting in recent years. Their morale is high, they are well-trained, and they have suppressed the Fuyuan indigenous riots. Almost every soldier has several degrees of credit for beheading. It is obviously impossible for the Chinese army to be free from murderous intent.

Ran Ming indifferently looked at the bright blades, and murmured to himself: "Brother Yu, is this your blow to your elder brother? Then you underestimate your second elder brother too much, I am not Ran Zhi, I have seen this kind of scene a lot. I just wonder if you have the courage to go further!"

Lin Heishan said: "Master, something is wrong!"

"Did you feel it?" Ran Ming smiled.

Lin Heishan said solemnly: "The murderous intent is very strong, and the army on the opposite side may have bad intentions."

Ran Ming smiled and said: "You have already thought of it, can Ran Yu not? It is the one who really falls into his tricks and will make people laugh and be generous."

As the commander of the personal guards, Qilin Guard stepped off the battleship first without hesitation, forming a barrier between Ran Ming and Fu Yuanwei's army.Ran Ming took three steps and made two steps, and quickly walked down the trestle bridge.

Ji Polu and Ran Yu clenched their fists with their right hands, lightly slapped their chests, and said loudly: "See General Zhu Guo, please redeem the last general with his armor on his body, he cannot perform the full salute!"

Ran Ming shouted loudly: "All officers and men are exempt!"

Ran Ming came in front of Ran Yu and lightly punched Ran Yu. "I haven't seen you for two years, you and your second brother are both born!"

(End of this chapter)

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