Great Wei Overlord

Unexpected variable

Unexpected variable
Chapter 861 Unexpected Variable

"Haha!" Ran Ming said with a hearty smile: "You boy, you can make such a big battle! I am your second brother, and I am not an outsider. Even if I don't engage in this battle, can I still blame you?"

"Rites cannot be changed!" Ran Yu said solemnly: "Grand Yu, you are the Great General of the Zhu Kingdom of Wei, ranking above all the generals. You are also the commander in chief of the tens of thousands of troops of the Great Wei Expeditionary Army. Yu privately, you are the elder brother, the elder brother Like a father, how can Yu be negligent!"

"That's the identity." Ran Ming said: "I still like the fourth brother who wants to fight me when he sees me!"

Rao Ran Yu was too nervous, and now he couldn't help sweating profusely after listening to Ran Ming's words. "General Zhuguo, what you said is really embarrassing Yu! No matter how arrogant Yu is, he dare not fight with you. In the past, it was not because Yu was young and ignorant that he dared to offend the elder brother of the prince. Now Yu also knows the seriousness, and I hope the prince brother will not blame Yu for his recklessness and ignorance!"

After hearing this, Ran Ming shook his head and sighed seriously.Although he was calm on the surface, Ran Ming knew that the brother he used to be had already been lost.The emperor's family has no family, and Ran Yu is no longer the former Ran Yu.In this kind of face-to-face confrontation with ulterior motives behind the scenes, Ran Ming ended this formal welcoming activity.

In the evening, Ran Yu and Ji Polu prepared a special welcome banquet for Ran Ming in the big camp in Xinghai Port. More than 100 tribal leaders, large and small, performed dances for Ran Ming in front of more than [-] Wei soldiers.

Ji Polu said: "The rebellion in Fuyuan Town is now over. All the tribal leaders who participated in the rebellion have become prisoners. Among them, 11 people are from the Gupta Empire. They are also detained in the prison camp. Now we help Fuyuan Town rebuild As far as the current situation in Fuyuan is concerned, Fuyuan has been calmed down, and the troops of our two battalions are no longer needed. I wonder if the arrival of General Zhu Guo will transfer us to Jinzhou? "

Ran Yu also said: "At present, the morale of the whole army is high, and they are full of physical strength and energy. Although the counter-insurgency battle has just ended, they can definitely participate in the battle against the Gupta Empire immediately! Please assign the combat missions to General Zhu Guo!"

After hearing what Ji Polu and Ran Yu said, Ran Ming discovered a problem, that is, Ran Yu didn't know about Ran Min's assassination this time, and instead wanted to fight.For Ran Ming, this is definitely not a small matter.

There has never been pure useless merit in politics. It is certain that Ran Min sent Ran Yu to Nanyang to share part of the military merit.But Ran Ming did not expect that at such a critical moment, Ran Min would not let the fourth son, Ran Yu, return to Ye City.Since this is the case, then the throne has no chance with Ran Yu after all.

Ran Ming received the news that although Ran Min was attacked this time, although his life was not in danger, he injured his head.I don't know the reason, anyway, Ran Min can't move now, completely paralyzed on the bed.

Ran Ming is not stupid, so it is impossible to tell Ran Yu the news.Ran Ming thought for a while, then said lightly: "The battle between our Great Wei Dynasty and the Gupta Empire has come to an end for the time being. The Gupta Empire's naval fleet is almost wiped out, and it is temporarily unable to threaten Nanyang. If they devote all their strength to the whole country, It will take at least two to three years to build another fleet that can threaten our Wei State Navy. Although warships are easy to build, they are not so easy to train soldiers and generals who are familiar with water warfare."

After hearing what Ran Ming said, Ran Yu, who was only thinking about making contributions in the army, was very disappointed.

Ran Ming looked at the disappointed Ran Yu and said with a smile: "Brother Yu, it seems that you haven't had enough fun in Fuyuan this time. Don't say that I don't take care of you, Borneo, do you know?"

Ran Yu nodded.When Ran Yu came to Nanyang, he actually did some homework. He naturally knew Borneo.

Ran Mingdao: "Now the sea battle in Nanyang is over. For the time being, the navy will definitely not have a large-scale battle in two to three years. In fact, I also want to negotiate a temporary peace with the Gupta Empire. What we have to do now is to hold on to the current situation." With the Malay Peninsula and Jinzhou as the frontier, all the islands east of Jinzhou will be brought under the rule of our Great Wei. Now the four towns in Nanyang have formed an advantageous situation, but Borneo has not been won. The area of ​​Borneo is as large as Youzhou or Liangzhou, but the population there is much larger than that of Youzhou. Today there are three powerful ethnic groups in Borneo, among them the Dusun people are traditional cultivators. Rice makes a living, and the Bajau people are fishermen and hunters. Most of them rely on farming for their livelihood. The Murut group mainly lives on hunting and nomadic farming. These three ethnic groups have a population of approximately 70 million and are very brave. Due to the complex terrain of Borneo, it is not easy to conquer, so they still do not belong to our country at this time. Wei!"

Ji Polu said: "General Zhu Guo means that he ordered us to attack Borneo?"

"It's not you!" Ran Ming shook his head and said, "Relying on you alone, I'm afraid I don't have the strength to take Borneo. You must know that the biggest difficulty in taking Borneo is not to defeat the Dushun, Bayao, and Maolu tribes, but to defeat the three tribes there. The climate and terrain. Borneo is a large island, but the middle is high and the surrounding is low. Except for the tropical swamp in the south, the other three directions are plains, which are also the main population settlements in Borneo. But once they encounter If they attack, they will retreat to the mountains and jungles in the middle, where the mountains and tropical rainforests will form their natural barriers. So what you are facing is not a short-term battle, but a long-term and arduous battle. You must not only To deal with those brave natives, we must also deal with the ubiquitous dangerous environment. It is not difficult for 1 people to defeat the Dushun, Bayao, and Maolu clans. All land exists, this is an old saying, and it is also very reasonable. If we want to attack Borneo, we must understand this sentence in reverse. People rush, who owns this Borneo? It’s hard to say in the future. Instead of dealing with indigenous attacks every three days, it’s better to fight the world. Choose to eliminate more than 30 young and strong from the three tribes, thus leaving an empty Borneo."

Ji Polu said: "Now we are short of people everywhere in Wei, is it necessary to take down Borneo?"

"Lack of people?" Ran Ming sneered and said, "You underestimate the reproductive ability of our Han people. According to the records of Hanshu Shihuozhi, the Han Dynasty only had a population of 500 million in the early Western Han Dynasty, but by the second year of Yuanshi it reached After the fall of the Western Han Dynasty and the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, decades of wars, the population of the common people dropped sharply. In the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the population was only 300 million. By the third year of Yongshou, the population had increased to 700. Ten thousand people, how many years did it take? There were only more than 500 million people in the Cao Wei period, but it reached 800 million people in the early years of Taishi. Our Wei State had only a small population at the beginning of the founding of the country. How many years have we used it now? The number increased to 200 million. But ten years later, after the twentieth generation, people will have short-term worries without long-term considerations. We don’t think about future generations now. Do we let them, like in history, live for themselves in order to survive? Cannibalism? Da Wei’s lack of people now does not mean that there will be shortage of people in the future. Remember, this is a piece of land that is almost the same size as Youzhou and Liangzhou. How many people?"

Ji Polu and Ran Yu thought about it, it seemed that Ran Ming didn't intend to use them to attack the Gupta Empire, instead of coming empty-handed, it would be better to attack Borneo, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat!
Ran Ming finally decided to appoint Su Jue as the commander of the Borneo Front, Ji Polu as the deputy commander, and Liu Jian as the marching commander, and immediately organized an attack on Borneo.After arranging these things, Ran Ming left Fuyuan without even seeing Su Jue.At the same time, Ran Ming is not worried that Ran Yu will control the expeditionary army in the future, because the main force of the expeditionary army is Ran Ming's direct descendant.Conglong's achievements are not as great as Conglong's, and they won't put the cart before the horse.

In the front hall of Xie Mansion in Ye City, Xie An looked at the dark clouds outside, feeling unspeakably depressed.Xie An has just passed 45 years old this year. He has a stalwart figure, a face like a crown jade, handsome and tall, and is the most mature and attractive age for a man. Now he ranks first among the six departments, and is the official secretary of the Ministry of Officials. , is even more brilliant and extraordinary.

Ran Min actually didn't want to see Xie An, because Xie An was too loose.In fact, Ran Min is not interested in the so-called celebrity demeanor.But it doesn't mean Xie An can't stand out.In any era, ability is actually far less important than background. If a person has a prominent status, coupled with ability, it will be easier to rise to the top.More than half a year has passed since Ran Min met the assassin, and Ran Min has become a paralyzed patient in bed.All the government affairs were sorted out by Wang Jian leading civil and military officials, and Ran Min was in charge of remote commanding. The situation in Wei State was fairly stable and everything was normal.

Jin Nu and Tie Nu completely took over the northern and southern battalions of the Yecheng garrison, with more than [-] elite troops in their hands, no one really dared to make any plans.The gold slave and the iron slave who are full of guilt now look like they have bad intentions.Whoever gets into trouble at this time will definitely have a long life.

In comparison, Wang Jian valued two people more, one was Ran Ming's confidant Wang Meng, and the other was Xie An.Wang Jian has absolute reasons to value Xie An. First of all, he is the uncle of the Crown Princess Xie Concubine, and he is also a celebrity in the world. No matter his name, ability, or status, he is the same for a while.The crown prince and three concubines, Concubine Tiao was originally Xie Daoyun's strongest contender and a powerful opponent for the harem.However, when Ran Zhi launched a coup, Tiao You died of hunger strike.The three sons of Tiao's family were all unsuccessful, and with the collapse of this pillar, they quickly declined.Liu Wei was born in a merchant family, if Liu Yuan and Liu Qun were alive, she might have a chance, but because of the coup, Liu Wei finally missed the successor.

Now Xie Daoyun is Ran Ming's best candidate for empress. Not only did Wang Jian promote Xie An, who was in charge of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Officials, to the Ministry of Officials, but he also trusted Xie An very much.Like ordinary scholar-bureaucrats, Xie An enjoys life very much. The beautiful maids of Xie Mansion are the most famous in Ye City.

Wang Jian was lying on the low step, and there were two cute little girls behind him, giving him loose shoulders and hands.Wang Jian had already removed her crown and was wearing a casual light robe for home use, reclining on the seat with an extremely relaxed and comfortable expression.

Xie An came in and cupped his hands and said, "I don't know what kind of wind brought the prince here today. The prince came to the humble house, and the humble house is full of brilliance!"

Seeing Xie An's arrival, Wang Jian immediately got up to return the salute.Then waved away the maids on the left and right, and said solemnly: "Tomorrow the officials will have an agenda, An Shi, come and have a look!"

"The queen supervises the country?" Although Xie An was calm on the surface, there was a huge wave in his heart.He said with a faint smile: "Your Majesty is seriously injured and comatose, the crown prince is alone overseas, and the other princes are young, as it should be!"

Wang Jian fiddled with the teacup with a bowl lid with a smile, pouted on the table and said, "Someone is unwilling to be lonely, this is trying to muddy the pool of water in Yecheng!"

Xie An laughed and said, "Some people are just too naive, do they think they have the ability to turn the world upside down?"

"It's not impossible to turn the sky around, but their real purpose is to cover up the truth!" Wang Jian said coldly: "In the case of His Majesty's assassination, many people played disgraceful roles. Many people will be caught. Once His Highness returns, will they still have a chance to escape?"

Xie An asked, "What does the prince mean?"

Wang Jian said: "Anshi needs to prevent changes. At present, the most important thing is to maintain the stability of Yecheng. All unfavorable factors may make the general situation unexpected!" Of course, Xie An understood what Wang Jian meant, and gradually Suddenly, he showed a thoughtful look, and gradually Xie An's brows became a Sichuan character.

At this time, Ran Ming was truly returning home.Although Ran Min didn't let anyone inform Ran Yu to return, but this does not mean that Ran Ming's status is as solid as Mount Tai.Salted fish can turn over, and the fat in the mouth can also fly away, as long as Ran Ming returns to Yecheng, and takes over the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, which symbolizes great power, and other seals and tiger charms that symbolize power.

Otherwise, if it drags on for a long time, accidents will inevitably happen—God knows if Ran Min will get dizzy and help Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu to the top.This kind of thing can be said to be very possible.You must know that as a father, you usually prefer the youngest son. Although Xiaowu and Xiaoliu are not adults, they can live in the palace and hang around in front of Ran Min every day. If Ran Min has no close relationship with them, Even though Ran Ming was killed, Ran Ming didn't believe it either.

Because he was worried that things might change, Ran Ming decided to leave the supply fleet and only lead the warships back.In order to hurry, Ran Ming even ordered the warship to sail around the clock.This is not the future, with fully automated warships, without radar and satellite navigation, sailing at night is very dangerous, but Ran Ming doesn't care about that much.

From Fuyuan Town to Jiaodong Country, the straight-line distance is almost 1 miles.It is almost impossible to sail in a straight line at sea. The actual voyage distance must reach at least 63 or even [-] miles. Ran Ming left from October [-]th in the eighth year of Kaiyuan and arrived in Buqicheng in the eighth year of Kaiyuan The twenty of the twelfth lunar month.This long-distance voyage was completed in just [-] days.Of course, this speed is nothing in later generations. Even a civil airliner only needs eight or nine hours of sailing time, and a passenger ship only needs ten days.

(End of this chapter)

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