Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 856 Enthroned as Emperor

Chapter 856 Enthroned as Emperor
Chapter 862 Ascension to the throne and proclaiming emperor

When it arrived, Ran Ming had lost a whole circle of weight in just two months.Arriving at the port of Buqi, Ran Ming immediately led the Qilin Guards with more than [-] cavalry, and rushed directly on the highway.The horses were constantly replaced along the way, and the horsemen did not stop, and they arrived in Yecheng in less than two days.As soon as he entered the city, Ran Ming went straight to the Taiwu Hall of the Imperial Palace.

Taiwu Hall not only has Ran Min's imperial study, but also the bedroom where Ran Min lives alone.Arriving in front of the Taiwu Hall, Zhongchang Shi Youyi personally led two eunuchs to lead Ran Ming into the Taiwu Hall.As soon as he entered the inner hall, Ran Ming found that the atmosphere in the entire hall was tense.

Empress Dong and Princess Tongtang stood in front of the Emperor Yutao, weeping secretly.More than a dozen medical officers, at the side of the emperor, took turns to rescue.By the side of the water tray, there is a white cloth that has been soaked in blood for many days.Ran Min, who used to weigh nearly two hundred catties, is now so thin that only skin and bones remain.

Looking at Ran Min, Ran Ming's tears flowed down unconsciously.Ran Ming realized that from now on, he might become a loner, and there would no longer be a big tree like Ran Min to shelter him from the wind and rain. "Boom!" With a muffled sound, Ran Ming's knees fell heavily on the ground.

Zhongchang attendant Youyi could see clearly that Ran Ming's face was distorted due to the pain.

Ran Ming moved forward on his knees, howled loudly, and shouted heart-piercingly: "Father, the unworthy son is back!"

Empress Dong looked at the bearded, black and thin Ran Ming, and at Ran Min who was lying on the bed, her tears seemed unstoppable.In fact, Ran Ming knew very well at this moment that Ran Ming's sadness, pain and fear far outweighed his joy.

After all, Ran Ming was not Ran Min. Ran Min was the founder of the Wei State. No matter whether he was a civil servant or a general, he was very afraid of Ran Min himself.Therefore, Ran Min was not afraid of any challenge at all.But Ran Ming is different, even though Ran Ming has a lot of contacts in the army, he also has his own troops.This is Ran Ming's strength, but in terms of internal affairs, although Ran Ming's influence is not blank, it is very weak.

Don't believe that the emperor is omnipotent. In history, there are basically no emperors who can keep their promises.Comrade Zhu is ruthless and fierce enough, but unfortunately, there are still ministers who are obedient and vicious.As for the emperor in the braided drama, you can regard it as a YY novel, as long as it feels good, it is not real history at all.In fact, the imperial power represented by the emperor and the ministerial power represented by the ministers are in themselves opposite relationships.Those eunuchs who were prominent in history were actually pawns launched during the struggle between the emperor and his ministers.

Although Wang Meng is a famous minister and virtuous minister in history.But in this era, Wang Meng was pushed by Ran Ming. Wang Meng has no political achievements and no prestige at the moment.Don't forget, although the state of Wei is different from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the difference from the Eastern Jin Dynasty is not too great. In terms of employing people, it is still necessary to see the background. Wang Meng, who came from a poor family, has no choice but to be a lone minister.If Wang Meng wants to stand alone, he should first ask the courtiers to agree or not.

Although Xie An needs seniority and connections, but Xie An will never die loyal to a dynasty. As a celebrity from a noble family background, he pays more attention to their Xie family.Xie An would definitely not be able to support him unreservedly like Wang Meng, even if Xie An was willing, the more than a thousand members of the Xie family would not do so.

As for force, Ran Ming has no pressure.If Ran Ming is not the crown prince or the legitimate heir of the Wei State, he is the largest vassal town of the Wei State.The generals of Ran Ming's family were basically students of Ran Ming's lecture hall. Although the system maintained by this relationship was not stable enough, it was untenable. Ran Ming had absolute power over finances, equipment, supplies and personnel.With the foundation of the army, Ran Ming can guarantee that his position will not be taken down by someone with a heart, but it does not mean that he can successfully control the court, let alone be as unambiguous as Ran Min.

Ran Ming was thinking about something, when suddenly Ran Min's weak voice said: "Prince, don't cry. Stand up, the man of the Ran family will never cry at any time, even if he is cut by a knife or burned, he will never cry. Can't cry!"

"It's Emperor Father!" Ran Ming stopped crying and stretched out his sleeves to wipe away his tears.

"That's right!" Ran Min showed a smile uglier than crying, and said: "When Emperor Yuan went, Emperor Liezu Gao was only 12 years old, and he didn't cry at that time. When Emperor Liezu Gao went, I'm only 12 years old, and I didn't cry. Now I'm going too, and you are 23 years old, so you can't cry anymore!"

Ran Ming choked with sobs and said, "My son, don't cry!"

At this time, Ran Min shouted: "Prince, my son!" Ran Min, who was seriously injured, seemed to be struggling to get up, but Zhongchang Attendant You Yi understood what Ran Min meant, so he stepped forward to support Ran Min to sit.And took a pillow and put it on Ran Min's back to make Ran Min more comfortable.Ran Min walked to the edge, knelt down in front of his own Ran Min, and said with tears, "Father, how are you feeling? Don't scare Erchen!"

At this time, Ran Min's face was radiant, as if he was a normal person.full of energy.But everyone knew that such an emperor represented that the situation was extremely bad.

This is the so-called flashback!

Ran Min stretched out his hand, held Ran Ming's hand firmly and said, "I just had a dream. I dreamed of the Emperor Yuan. I dreamed of the emperor's father, Lie Zu, Emperor Gao. They all said that I shouldn't have gone to see him now. They, after all, met them... Emperor Gao gave me a sword, and the emperor gave me a set of armor. They all said, the emperor, I did a good job..."

While talking, Ran Min's eyes became blurred.

Ran Ming kowtowed and said: "Royal father, punish the Xiongnu, destroy Jiehu, pacify the Xianbei, and help the world. Now our Great Wei, the country is strong and the people are rich, even if the three emperors and five emperors are nothing more than that!"

In the original history, Ran Min was belittled and there was nothing he could do.In fact, Ran Min did not do enough, because Ran Min only expelled millions of Hu people, not killing them all.The second is that Ran Min should not have the benevolence of women. If he goes to the weaker Yanzhou, Bingzhou, or Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Luozhou, even if he advances to Guanzhong, the ending will be better than his death against the soldiers of Xianbei Yan State.But there are no ifs in history, but Ran Min's achievements cannot be denied.

Ran Min forced millions of Hu people to leave the Central Plains, which caused a serious imbalance in the proportion of Han and Hu, and the Han people regained an important population position.Even if Xianbei Tuoba Wei or other Hu regimes entered the Central Plains and established a dynasty later, because they saw the blood and bravery of the Han people represented by Ran Min, and the blood and fear that forced the Han people to retaliate, these Hu people The regimes all chose to cooperate with the Han people instead of massacring them like the Xianbei Yan State, Jie Zhao, and Xiongnu Han State did in the early days.Since the Hu people were almost all soldiers, the number of Hu people decreased even more during the Northern and Southern Dynasties War. At this time, the role of the Han people became more important.If it weren't for Ran Min's resistance, even if the Han people would not be destroyed, they would only be reduced to a small nation.It is even more impossible to have the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

In this time and space, Ran Min has been the emperor for 11 years longer than before. Although Ran Ming deserves credit for flattening Zhao, destroying Yan, and sweeping away the Qiangs of Di and Qin, the greatest achievement is naturally on Ran Min's head.What's more, Ran Min also launched the birth incentive policy for the first time, which provided a good environment and material foundation for the restorative reproduction of Han people in Wei State.Compared with his previous life, Ran Min's achievements are much stronger!
After hearing what Ran Ming said, Ran Min laughed out loud.However, Ran Min's face became paler and paler.Ran Min's injury was actually far from fatal, but after he became paralyzed, he no longer had the will to live.If he hadn't wanted to look at the country he had conquered and hand it over to his son, he would have died long ago.

When Luoyang was assassinated, Ran Min lost his arm in pain, and at that time he was in great pain.Now that he is paralyzed in bed, that is harder for him to accept than killing him.People don't have the idea of ​​life, even a healthy person will die.

Ran Min was very happy at the moment, he knew that his time was running out.Ran Min stretched out his hand to grab Ran Ming's hand, and motioned for Empress Dong to bend down.

Ran Min said softly at this moment: "Jingjing, for so many years, you have not lived a good life with me for a few days, and you have been worried all day long. Now you can finally live with peace of mind, and I... let the prince take care of you in the future. "

When Empress Dong heard the words, she couldn't make a sound.

Ran Min said again: "Tongtang, I owe your mother too much, and I owe you too much! I wanted to make up for you, but unfortunately I can't do it, or I will do it well. I will entrust you to your prince brother Although the prince is not as old as you, among you brothers and sisters, the prince is the most stable. Prince, I want you to promise me one thing!"

Ran Ming said: "Father please show me!"

"I owe Tongtang too much. In the future, the south will be pacified, and the land of Bashu will be entrusted to the eldest princess. Make sure that she has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life!"

"My son obeys the order!" Ran Ming said.In fact, how could Ran Ming dare not agree? Ran Min could have thrown off Ran Ming and made Tongtang the princess of Shu by himself, but he didn't do that. Instead, he gave Ran Ming the opportunity to be kind.If Ran Ming didn't understand Ran Min's painstaking efforts, he would have lived as a dog in his two lifetimes as a human being.

"Also, I know that Ran Zhi is not dead, and now he has established himself as the king of martial arts in Yizhou! In the future, you can seal that place to him!" Ran Min panted, "After the south is settled, the Ran Rui and Ran Cao will be kings in the south!"

"In addition, at the beginning of the Wei Kingdom, everything is based on stability!" Ran Min said: "After my great journey, the prince will amnesty the world, engrave a stone and erect a monument on Zhuque Street, and write a book. As long as my descendants of the Ran family, no matter who is in charge of the country, must Obey the three rules, never give rewards to the people, never appease the chaos, and show grace to the inside!"

"Yes!" Ran Ming was sobbing at this moment.Ran Min remembered Song Taizu's inscribed stone monument in his heart. Song Santiao did guarantee the absolute status of the Zhao family in the Song Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, whoever rebelled would die, and there was no other way.


"Slave here!"

"Go and invite Shang Shu Ling Wang Jian, Wei General Zhang Ai, Right Attendant Liu Qi, Yu Shi Wang Ning, four ministers, please come here, I want to record the will!" After Ran Min finished speaking, there was a loud cry in the Taiwu Hall, and Empress Dong fainted from crying. past.

Not long after, the four ministers who had been waiting outside the Hall of Taiwu came together.In addition, like Xie An and other six ministers, the three princes and nine ministers all come here.

With You Yi's support, Ran Ming reluctantly got up.In fact, Ran Min couldn't stand anymore, and his whole body was supported by You Yi.All the ministers said, "I will see you, Your Majesty!"

Ran Min said weakly: "Since Qinglong changed the Yuan system, I have been sleeping all night long, and I dare not forget it. Today, I am going to make a big trip. Shang Shu Ling Wang Jian, Zhong Shu You Shi Zhong Liu Qi, Yu Shi Doctor Wang Ning, And all the ministers, obey my will."

All the ministers fell to the ground and cried loudly.

Ran Min said: "Where is General Wei Zhang Ai!"

"The end is here!"

Ran Min said: "The Sixth Battalion of the Yecheng Army will go to Yecheng immediately, and the nine gates will be enforced. Anyone who is young and has ulterior motives will be arrested on the spot. If you dare to resist, you will be shot!"

"The minister leads the order!"

Ran Min said: "I have been very strong since I was young, but now I may be able to do well, so I invite you to tell me in person. I have been strong since I was young, and my muscles are quite good. I can draw a fifteen-strength bow and shoot a thirteen-strength arrow. The use of soldiers to fight against the army is all done by the best. There are tens of thousands of people killed under my hands, but I have never killed a single person in my life. Ping Jie Zhao, sweeping away all the Hus, all out of public interest. The state treasury funds, not using teachers to help Hunger, I dare not waste it recklessly, saying that it is all because of the fat of the common people. All hunting palaces do not use plucking, and the cost of each place is no more than a thousand gold, which is less than one thousandth of the annual fee of more than one million yuan for river workers. Reading at an early age, you know that drinking and sex can be avoided, and villains should be guarded against, so you will be safe until old age. As Sima Linggong said, people are inherently mortal, and it may be heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. Since I am a great person, there is no need for a big burial. ……… Shangshu Ling Wang Jian, Zhongshu Youshizhong Liu Qi, Yushi Dafu Wang Ning assisted Crown Prince Ming to ascend the throne!"

After saying these words, Ran Min felt as if his whole body had been exhausted, his head slowly drooped, and his eyes gradually lost their color!
Ran Ming listened to Ran Min's final confirmation that he wanted to be emperor, but at this moment Ran Ming was not at all happy.Ran Ming kowtowed heavily to Ran Min's body.


There was a dull sound between the forehead and the floor, and blood flowed from Ran Ming's forehead just once.But Ran Ming didn't seem to feel the pain, he continued to kowtow, thanking Ran Min, a hero of the Chinese nation, with sincerity from the heart.There are many people who slander Ran Min, but most of them are Hu people, or Han and Hu bastards.Because they are afraid, they are afraid.

There are quite a few people who cast aside Ran Min because they are ignorant or their consciences have been eaten by dogs.

As long as it is a real Han Chinese, no one can forget it.If there is no such a great hero, the Han people will be eaten up if they are not killed by Jie people and Xianbei people.Maybe there is also the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but don't forget that a remnant of the Jie people, but the size of [-] people, can destroy dozens of cities in the south of the Yangtze River and slaughter millions of people.A court that even won the battle of Feishui, but dared not cross the river to the north, could it become a representative of the nation?

Ran Min did not prepare the imperial mausoleum for himself before his death, and in this time and space, Ran Min also did not do this.If in the original time and space, Ran Min was worried that the national treasury would be empty, he had no money, and he was unwilling to waste people's power. In this time and space, Ran Min was fully capable of having opportunities, but he still didn't do it.

Ran Ming seemed to be stunned, he still kowtowed non-stop.Ran Ming kowtows to Lao Tzu for himself as his son, and at the same time kowtows to Ran Min's savior on behalf of those ignorant and ignorant clansmen, atonement!Ran Min has no shame in his heart, and he does not feel guilty about this nation. It is the Han nation that owes him too much.For thousands of years, no one really dared to take the risk of offending his master, even to say a fair word for Ran Min.


The Huns died because of him, the madmen of the Jie tribe disappeared, and the mighty Murong tribe of Xianbei was also seriously injured.Ran Min slaughtered countless aliens. If in the war against aggression, massacring enemies is a butcher, as a Han, I would rather our nation’s butchers get better and better, maybe even all of them!


Ran Min really didn't dare to take this title. Wei Tong, the governor of Yanzhou in the Great Jin Dynasty, was three thousand old, weak and disabled. When he saw Yan's national flag, he directly surrendered the state. and Yan.Not to mention Xu, Qing, Yan, and Luo who raised their troops to step into the empty forces.Did not take the initiative to attack any state in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.If such a person is still a warlord, will the Anti-Japanese War still be fought like that?Thirty-five million innocent souls are moaning and crying.If such people are warlords, we need, need countless.

While Ran Ming was still thinking about it, Zhongchang Shi Youyi commanded a dozen or so little eunuchs to rush forward, took off Ran Ming's prince's python robe, changed Ran Ming into the emperor's dragon robe, and put on ten clothes for him. The crown of the second son of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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