Chapter 857
Chapter 863

Like a puppet surrounded by a group of eunuchs, Ran Ming put on the dragon robe and the emperor's crown.Then the two little eunuchs each held up two trays.

Ran Ming didn't need to look at it to know that one of the two trays was the Jade Seal of the First Emperor carved on Heshibi, also known as the Seal of the Son of Heaven, and the other was the Tiger Talisman to mobilize the world's soldiers and horses.

Ran Ming gently pushed away the two eunuchs who were supporting him, and respectfully kowtowed three times and nine times to Ran Min's body.Seeing Ran Ming's actions, all the officials in the Taiwu Hall showed their approval. They also imitated Ran Ming's example and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to Ran Min's body.At this time, Ran Ming reached out to receive the Jade Seal and Tiger Talisman, which symbolized the emperor's power and authority.

Empress Dong said: "The first emperor made a great trip, and the country was the most important thing. The princes immediately guarded the crown prince, went to the Xuanzheng Hall, passed the edict to the Xuanzheng Hall, and bowed to the new emperor, and the status of the emperor and ministers!"

Fame is the real big issue, which is very important.As early as the Zhou Dynasty, the ancestors of the Chinese people said-names and utensils are the only things, not fake people!Righteousness is justice and truth.

Lin Heishan was originally Ran Ming's captain of guards, so naturally, he also rose with the tide.At this time, Lin Heishan handed over the power of guarding the palace with Jin Nu and Tie Nu.Ran Ming wore the emperor's twelve hoods on his head and the emperor's crimson robe. Step by step, under the gaze of civil and military officials, he climbed up the imperial steps of the Xuanshi Hall and walked towards the supreme dragon seat.

According to the system of the Han family, the new monarch officially ascended the throne, usually at least 27 days after the emperor's death. However, ascension to the throne is just a ceremony, a declaration to the world that the country has changed masters.In fact, before he ascended the throne, the new monarch was supported by his ministers as the co-lord of the world.

Ran Ming walked to the dragon seat, turned around, waved his sleeves, sat on the dragon seat, looked at all civil and military officials through the twelve beaded beads in front of his eyes, and sat gently on the table that made countless people feel uncomfortable. The crazy dragon chair is actually done, and Ran Ming's buttocks just touched the edge a little bit.Ran Ming muttered to himself, "Who is the minister who is really loyal to him?"

You Yi watched Ran Ming sit down, and shouted loudly: "The new king ascends the throne, and all officials bow down!"

Shangshu ordered Wang Jian to be the head, Zhongshangshu served Zhong Liu Qi, Yushi Dafu Wang Ning, Taiwei Dong Run, Taifu Shenzhong and other ministers, and other civil and military officials shouted: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty is in peace!"

In fact, everyone, don’t be fooled by costume dramas. The classic line, long live my emperor, long live, long live, is not actually the title used by the emperor in ancient times. In the Sui Dynasty, there was a general named Shi Wansui.In fact, the earliest meaning of the word long live refers to the time of death, after Qianqiu long live, refers to after death.So in this era, there must be no one who specifically calls the emperor, or else it is a vain attempt to curse the emperor to die early.

Gradually, Ran Ming calmed down and sat on the dragon chair.Being in a high position, looking down at all the ministers, Ran Ming felt a sense of giving up to me.At this moment, Ran Ming suddenly understood.Why have countless people in history committed the act of exterminating the nine clans for the sake of the throne of the emperor.Ran Ming felt like a god walking in the world, holding the power of the world, and the life and death of tens of thousands of people, this feeling is really wonderful!
Imperial power has never been restricted in history.Especially the founding emperor, it is simply that what the law says, no matter what it says, it is the law, and it is something that people must abide by.Ran Ming said indifferently: "All ministers, please be free from courtesy!"

The country in the feudal era of China is actually like a company of later generations. The emperor is the chairman and has ownership of the company, and all the ministers are the management of the company, and they have actual management rights.If it is a chairman with supreme authority, he can naturally lead the company to develop rapidly. On the contrary, a chairman without prestige can also be resisted by all members and become a puppet.

In fact, Ran Min also has a lot of regrets. Although Ran Min has been the emperor for three years in history, although the three years are short, in the special career of the emperor, it is actually not short.People as perverted as Kang Mazi are actually very rare.The ministers of the State of Wei neither wrote any legends about Ran Min, nor did they give Ran Min the title of God.The first thing Ran Ming has to do is to give Ran Min an emperor title.

After thinking about it carefully, Ran Ming cleared his throat and said loudly: "My dear friends, since Qinglong changed the Yuan system, the late emperor has ruled against barbarians and ditches, swept away all rebels, and restored our Han family. Internally, he caressed Li Shu, built water conservancy, encouraged farming, mulberry, and fields. Take one out of [-] taxes, and spread grace. God sent treasures and tripods to Jia, and the merits are great."

Ran Ming looked at the courtiers without changing his face, and said word by word: "I have heard that the ancestors of the ancients have made meritorious deeds and the ancestors have virtues, so the sages have their own reasons for making rituals and music. Hearing the songs, they are also virtuous. Dancers, So Minggong also! He ordered Taichang, Shaofu, Zongzheng, Taipu, Youshizhong, and Yushi doctor to set up the music and dance in the temple of the first emperor to clarify and cultivate virtue. Then, he wrote it in a book and gave it to all generations. !"

In the posthumous posthumous system, only the emperor with a temple name can enjoy the music and dance specially formulated for him!However, since the Shang and Zhou dynasties and even the Han Dynasty, the posthumous posthumous legal system was extremely strict.But after the Eastern Han Dynasty, the posthumous posthumous system completely collapsed.Fortunately, it is this era.If it was the Ming Dynasty, this kind of thing would be enough for Ran Ming to have a headache.Don't think that the ministers dare not resist the emperor, just like Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, he had a dispute with Yang Tinghe and other courtiers on the issue of offering the title of king.And Emperor Zhengde, why did the ministers give Zhengde a year name of Zhengde?In the Chinese tradition, what is lacking should be made up for. The unspoken meaning of Zhengde is that Zhu Houzhao lacks virtue and must make up for it.Civil servants became shameless, but there was no bottom line.

In fact, Ran Min's posthumous title in history was given by the former Yan Murong Jun, named Wu Mourning Heavenly King.The posthumous name comes from posthumous method.The Posthumous Posthumous Law stipulates a number of words with fixed meanings, which can be roughly divided into three categories: those belonging to praise: Wen, Wu, Jing, Lie, Zhao, Mu, etc.; those belonging to criticism: Yang, Li, Ling, etc.; those belonging to sympathy There are: mourning, cherishing, mincing, mourning, etc.Judging from Ran Min's posthumous title, Wu praised his achievements, mourning and sympathizing with Ran Min's experience, at least Murong Jun still respected Ran Min.Unlike the Manchu Qing Dynasty, all the emperors of the Zhu family were blackmailed to his grandma's house.

However, Ran Ming is also very fortunate that in this era, civil servants even obeyed Emperor Yidi, so naturally there is no moral integrity to speak of.Everyone understands that Ran Ming has just ascended the throne, and this is a chance for everyone to get promoted and make a fortune.What etiquette, what system, before the temptation of absolute interests, are all imaginary.

Just then, Wang Jian appeared.He said loudly: "When the first emperor came to the throne, barbarians and di ravages were raging, and the lives of the people of our Han family were in ruins. The first emperor raised an army of three thousand soldiers to rebel against the tyranny of Shi Zhao, and created the current Wei state. No one has achieved more than Emperor Gao, Your Majesty We should follow the example of the former Wei Wen emperor and build a temple for the first emperor."

Royal historian Wang Ningdao said: "The achievements of the late emperor can be seen by all the world. In terms of merit, the late emperor created the country of Wei, the land, and the world. He deserved the word "Wu". To live in peace with the people, and to do things in peace with the people, deserves the word "virtue". I believe that the posthumous title of the first emperor is the great ancestor, the great sage, and the emperor De Liewu!"

"Gaozu Dasheng Zhide Liewu Emperor!" Ran Ming was shocked when he heard these words.However, Ran Ming also understood the meaning of this posthumous name, and the meaning was okay.At least in the category of praise.

In this way, Ran Min's temple name is Emperor Gaozu Liewu, and his posthumous title is Emperor Dasheng Zhide Liewu.In fact, when the emperor's posthumous title came to the Qing Dynasty, Nima became a stage for boasting.

The second thing Ran Ming did was not to make personnel adjustments, but to honor Empress Dong as the Empress Dowager.Xie Daoyun was the empress of the main palace, and concubine Liu Mo was concubine Shu.The other daughters of Ran Ming also have their own titles.

Ran Ming got up and said: "I heard that the ancient sage kings ruled the world, the people did not add gifts, but the sea was full of abundance. Although I am not sensitive, I still yearn for it. It is his order. All the officials and yamen in the world have divisions. From now on, Li and common people in the prefectures and states of the world will never add taxes."

This blockbuster stunned all the courtiers.In fact, Ran Ming didn't understand the difference between taxes and taxes in ancient China at first. In fact, taxes do.It refers to national defense, official salaries, river repairs, disaster relief, and various national expenses.Fu is dedicated to the royal family, for the emperor and the clan's vassals, princesses, weddings and funerals, as well as eating, drinking and having fun.

The Qing Dynasty was the first Chinese feudal dynasty to propose never adding taxes, but did the people under the Qing Dynasty really live in heaven?In fact, on the contrary, the tax of the Qing Dynasty was the highest in all dynasties.Because the Qing Dynasty not only needed to support tens of thousands of royal families, but also more than 200 million Manchus.In this way, these taxes will naturally be added to the people.Don’t believe in Qing history. In fact, if it weren’t for the introduction of high-yield corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes, the Manchu Qing would not have lasted that long.

Ran Ming's private property is actually a variant of the Qing Dynasty's Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Ran Ming has extended these ways of accumulating money abroad.Therefore, although this is the same as the Manchu theory, there is an obvious difference in essence.In fact, Fu is the last straw that crushes the dynasty.

Throughout the dynasties, at the beginning of the founding of the country, there were very few members of the royal family.But with the passage of time, those vassal kings who did not dare to taint power lived like pigs, and they had nothing else to do except create humans crazily.The feudal kings of the Western Han Dynasty became more and more feudal, and finally accounted for more than half of the counties and counties in the country. These taxes went into the pockets of the feudal kings and members of the royal family.Naturally, the treasury income is getting more and more difficult, especially the Ming Dynasty, which directly wiped out the dynasty due to the financial crisis.

These ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were all flushed with excitement, what a benevolent government it is to never add gifts, whoever mentioned the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and whoever called the emperors of the previous dynasties, are truly benevolent monarchs.

Your Majesty will benefit the world more and benefit the common people, which is beyond the reach of ministers and others! Regardless of the faction, all the officials immediately kowtowed and said: "Please submit the imperial edict to announce to the world, so that the world can know His Majesty's benevolent love for the people!" "

Ran Ming let out a long breath and said, "Yes!"

He knew that as soon as this never added gift came out, he had really pretended to be a saint for a while.

With this edict as a basis, at the very least, self-cultivating farmers and small and medium-sized landlords will regard him as the emperor as their own father.As for the people at the bottom, I'm afraid they would like to set up a tablet for him, and worship him day and night.As long as this decree is promulgated, even the emperor and Laozi will never want to pull Ran Ming from the throne, even if he can defeat Ran Ming, or even kill him, as long as Ran Ming's descendants continue, someone will always support them.

If it violates public opinion, I am afraid that the whole world will be against it.In fact, Ran Ming's imperial decree of never adding a gift not only had a great influence on Wei Guo.In fact, it also had a fatal impact on the Jin Dynasty and the already independent Bashu.People don't suffer from widowhood, but from inequality.Ran Ming is in the first grade of junior high school, who has Ran Ming's confidence to be in the fifteenth grade?

In fact, benevolence and righteousness all require a price. When the Tang Dynasty was founded, unlike other anti-kings who extorted violently from the people, Li Tang, who wore the cloak of benevolence and righteousness, finally won the world.That's because Li Tang had the financial support of Longyou's Li family and Cui family.According to historical records, the Cui family donated 170 million worth of money and food to Li Yuan.In the future, as long as Ran Ming nationalizes the entire army, he can transfer all the saved funds to the royal family. It is not impossible for Ran Ming to do all such crazy tax-free things.

The status of Zhuque Avenue in Yecheng is probably equivalent to Chang'an Avenue in Beijing in later generations.At this time, Suzaku Avenue has become a comprehensive construction site.Ran Ming allocated a special fund of 50 gold from the Huaxia Business Alliance to build the imperial mausoleum for Ran Min, and at the same time, there are three national laws that meet the people.

At this time, the East Palace was also very busy, Xie Daoyun was directing the maids and eunuchs, busy moving.Xie Daoyun looked at Donggong with nostalgia, she knew she would bid farewell to this place forever!
(End of this chapter)

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