Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 858 Ran Min's Popularity

Chapter 858 Ran Min's Popularity

Chapter 864 Ran Min's Popularity
In a hall of the East Palace, Xie Daoyun was sitting on the couch in the hall, and she also knew the severity.At this moment, during the national mourning period, although she was canonized as a queen, there was absolutely no joy on her face.On the contrary, Xie Daoyun was very calm.A person's temperament actually changes with the person's status.

At this time, Xie Daoyun was dressed in plain clothes without any makeup, but Xie Daoyun had an extra aura, which seemed full of aura.Xie An looked at his niece, who is now the queen of the emperor and the mother of a country. Even if Xie An is indifferent to fame and fortune, he can't help being happy that Xie Daoyun has the wealth he has today.

"Chen Xie An pays homage to the queen!"

In the feudal era, there was strict hierarchy, and Xie Daoyun was the queen and the lord at the moment, while Xie An was just a minister, arguing with each other.Let alone his niece, even if it was his own daughter, Xie An would not dare to take care of her.

"Exemption!" Xie Daoyun nodded slightly, and ordered the left and right: "Come here, give me a seat!"

"Thank you queen!" Xie An said cautiously.

Seeing Xie An being so restrained, Xie Daoyun was slightly displeased, she felt that Xie An had become estranged from her.However, some things still need to be said.Xie Daoyun said: "My lord uncle, you should do your best to attach yourself to His Majesty and die for Ran's country!"

Xie An is actually very clear that Wang Jian entrusted most of the real power to him, the head of the six ministries, in order to let him check good talents for Ran Ming, what kind of people can be used, what kind of people The ____ does not work.At least Xie An has to be watertight.

Xie An said: "Report to the queen, this matter will be saved!"

The gentry family is actually a point of view, that is, to strengthen the family.Looking at the Xie family, in fact, it is far from reaching the Battle of Feishui in the later generations. Xie An's nephew and nephew also made great contributions to helping the crisis and the poor, making the Xie family a first-class wealthy family in the world.But in this era, Xie's influence is only limited to Wujun and Jiankang.Although the hometown of the Xie family in Chenjun is in Chenjun, Yuzhou, but in Wei State, the Xie family is really not ranked.Of course, it's different now.Xie Daoyun became the Queen of the Wei Kingdom, and Xie's family, as a foreign relative, also rose with the tide.

Xie Daoyun became the queen, even if he didn't mention this matter to Xie An, Xie An would still hug Xie Daoyun's thick legs tightly.

With Xie Daoyun's relationship, Xie's grandson might even become the lord of the world. How can Xie An not care about this?

Ran Min Daxing, whether it was the guards guarding the palace gate or the garrison in Yecheng, all put on white shirts. Even the horizontal knives, scabbards, spears, spears, spears, shields and other weapons in their hands were pasted with white paper. Lived the original color.White paper paper lanterns are hung everywhere in the forbidden palace, and the whole palace is full of gloomy clouds and mist.

The mourning hall is located in the main hall of the Taiwu Hall. Inside the hall is plain and white curtains, surrounded by cigarettes, very solemn and solemn. In the middle is the tablet of Emperor Liewu, Emperor Gaozu of Wei Dynasty.The Ministry of Rituals had drawn up various etiquette procedures for the new Emperor Yuji for application as early as when the emperor was in critical condition. These procedures are simple to say, that is, to dress first, then issue the will, and then hold the enthronement ceremony, but there are all kinds of complicated and miscellaneous rituals There are all kinds of things, which make people dazzled when they listen to them.Ran Ming doesn't understand this set of rituals at all, but although he doesn't understand, there are still people in Wei who understand.The Ministry of Rites originally did this kind of thing.

Before the implementation of the imperial examination system, the Ministry of Rites was a Qingshui yamen, except for the emperor's wedding or the emperor's funeral, which can show their existence.So when this opportunity finally came across, the officials of the Ministry of Rituals immediately mustered up their energy and started to make arrangements.

The so-called new emperor's decree, which prince would dare to start studying the next leadership team before the emperor died?In the final analysis, it was the old emperor's idea in advance. From ancient times to the end, the crown prince's ascension to the throne has always been like this.In fact, Ran Min was no exception. Ran Min did not make any major personnel changes. He believed that no one would dare to disagree with Ran Ming when he had absolute military power.In fact, Ran Min also believes that people who play with their mouths are never opponents with guns.

However, Ran Min, as the founder of Wei State, got the attention of the common people first after news spread.In Wu'an County, Wei County, the red lanterns above the county government were quietly replaced at the beginning of the lanterns. After a while, under the tense arrangement of the county magistrate, all the county officials, Liu Cao and the fast-moving government officials were changed into white shirts.

Speaking of these ordinary officials, the person who is most grateful must be Ran Min.Since the first emperor established the system of prefectures and counties, all the small officials in prefectures and counties have been non-staff personnel who are not in the mainstream.Among the entire county-level government, only the county magistrate (chief) is the seventh rank, the county magistrate, and the county magistrate's assistant official, which is also equivalent to the deputy county magistrate, is the eighth rank.Zhu Bo is the second official of the county magistrate, also known as "Secretary".Its rank is Zhengjiupin, followed by the fourth person in the county government, which is Dianshi.Quite later, the director of the county government office and the big housekeeper of the government.In the ancient system, only these four were appointed by the Ministry of Officials, and they were also commonly known as court officials.But in a county, it is impossible to rely on these few people alone. Therefore, there are also six small officials and three classes of yamen servants.None of these people belong to the imperial establishment, and naturally they don't have salaries. These people also have to live, so they can only resort to means.Not only do most of the illegally obtained property have to be handed over, but if something happens, they are the ones who will take it out and take the blame.

However, Ran Min created a system that directly included the six-room officials, the three-class office servants, and even Wen Po, Wu Zuo, and jailers into the imperial establishment. Although they still had no rank, they had salaries and income to support their families. .These petty officials are grateful to Ran Min from the bottom of their hearts.

When the news of Ran Min's trip came, dozens of these six-room officials and the third class of yamen servants spontaneously dressed Ran Min in hemp and filial piety.The abnormal behavior of these small officials soon attracted the attention of ordinary people.Of course, when people asked about it, the little official would naturally tell the truth.They enthroned Ran Min Daxing, Ran Ming, and Ran Ming as Ran Min's survivors, and made an appointment with the people.

Those people in Wu'an County spontaneously dressed Ran Min in hemp and filial piety.

Several brothels in Wu'an County also put up signs saying they were closed.The Huaxia Business Alliance has become a behemoth, regardless of counties and counties, basically large-scale companies have joined.At this time, merchants from the Wu'an County branch of the Huaxia Business Alliance also gathered to discuss.

"Your Majesty, you have ascended the throne. According to your Majesty's deeds in the hidden mansion, the life of our merchants will definitely get better and better in the future!" Lao Huang, the manager of the Wu'an County Branch of the Huaxia Business Alliance, said: "However, there is one thing that Lao Huang is very Strange, the late emperor never built the imperial mausoleum during his lifetime, now that the late emperor is on a grand tour, why doesn't he conscript labor to build the imperial mausoleum?"

"Old Huang, have you lost money by your endless chatter? Why do you really have an idea about the materials used in the imperial mausoleum?" Cui Dafat joked: "Don't worry, this transaction will fail no matter what. Not in our hands!"

Old Huang said angrily: "Cui Danian, let your mother's shit go, in business talk, some money is still not earned. Think about us now, who gave all this, even earns His Majesty's money, so shameless !"

Fatty Cui said excitedly: "You must have seen the imperial edict promulgated by His Majesty. You will never add any gifts. What kind of mind and tolerance is this. It is our good fortune to meet such a virtuous king!"

Lao Huang's face changed immediately, and the pupils of his eyes were shrinking sharply, but he quickly returned to his natural state, cupped his hands and said: "The late emperor has already abolished corvee, and even lowly people like me have no apportionment. Although His Majesty owns the shares of the Business Alliance and has a lot of money in recent years, His Majesty needs too much money, and I am afraid that there is not much left. Your Majesty is also a filial person. I am afraid that Your Majesty will also It’s very embarrassing, building an imperial mausoleum is not a small number!”

Fatty Cui said: "Old Huang, don't keep playing charades, let go of farts as soon as possible!"

Old Huang said: "My old Huang has been supported by His Majesty for these years, and this has accumulated these family fortunes. People can't forget their roots, so my old Huang knows that His Majesty is struggling, but still remains indifferent. Is that still a person?"

Fatty Cui nodded and said: "Old Huang's words are reasonable, and this is the reason. Come on, Wu'an branch is still headed by you. What do you want to do, everyone will follow!"

Old Huang said: "My old Huang is going to donate three thousand square stones and eight thousand gold to His Majesty."

Fatty Cui said: "The Cui family will lose five thousand shi of rice and grain, or five thousand gold. Anyway, the construction of the imperial mausoleum still requires labor. As long as you are a person, you have to eat."

The Guo's shop that runs the cloth shop is willing to take out [-] bolts of white cloth in stock to make filial piety clothes for the people in the city who are willing to wear filial piety for the late emperor.

According to the results of the meeting, the Huaxia Business Alliance quickly took out various donated materials, materials and gold and silver.When the news spread outside, countless people were moved.The corvee and taxes of the ancient people were actually very heavy, especially the corvee. Not only did they have to work hard, but they also had to prepare their own food, which was a very heavy burden for the people.However, since the abolition of corvee, coupled with very low taxation, this has greatly reduced the burden on the people.

Thinking of Ran Min's kindness, the common people also appealed to Wu'an Ling to donate supplies and money to His Majesty. Many people even brought their own food and tools and were willing to pay nothing to build the imperial mausoleum for Ran Min.

Faced with this kind of matter, Wu Anling did not dare to be careless, so he had to report Wanmin's request truthfully.

The memorial of Wu'an County Magistrate was delivered to Ran Ming in an expedited manner.The memorial arrived at Shang Shuling Wang Jian, and Wang Jian hurriedly sent it to Ran Ming for review.

Ran Ming is actually very rich, but there are too many places where he needs to spend his money.I just issued an edict that no tax will be added, but since the imperial mausoleum is to be built for Ran Min, the scale of Ran Min's imperial mausoleum cannot be small.Otherwise, it is regarded as unfilial, and at the same time, lieutenants, civil and military officials, and meritorious nobles should be rewarded.At the same time, the research and development of the navy's new warships and artillery all required Ran Ming's own pocket. Even a golden mountain could not afford Ran Ming's extravagant spending.

Seeing this memorial, Ran Ming instructed, "The imperial mausoleum will be built without corvée, and a labor recruitment system will be adopted. Each worker will pay ten dollars a day, and three meals and lodging will be included." It is to encourage them to participate in the construction of the imperial mausoleum.For the Wu'an Order, a special decree was issued to raise its rank.Let Wu'an Ling, like Yecheng Ling, be a county magistrate of the sixth rank.

But Ran Ming didn't know that he almost got into a catastrophe.

Because Wu An Ling was promoted by Ran Ming, the news spread quickly.Countless counties and counties saw that this was an excellent opportunity to show their sincerity to the new king, how could they let go of such an opportunity to show their faces in front of the new king.So countless counties and counties began to mobilize the people to donate money and materials to Ran Min, and to contribute their work.

In just one day, as many as [-] people applied to the recruitment office for the construction of the Imperial Mausoleum of the Ministry of Industry.This number is also rapidly expanding like a snowball.

When Helena Constantine arrived in Buqicheng, she felt a little sick, so she didn't enter Yecheng quickly with Ran Ming.Originally, it was only because her body was too tired, so even Helena herself didn't take it seriously.However, at the beginning it was just tired and soundly asleep.Later, it turned into what to eat and what to spit.This frightened the entourage.

When Jin Chengyue saw Helena, his face flushed with excitement.Excitedly said: "Congratulations, Helena!"

"Helena is dying, Jin, you are making fun of me again!" Helena was so weak that she didn't even have any interest in joking with Jin Chengyue.

"What frustrating words are you talking about?" Jin Chengyue said with a straight face: "You are not sick at all, how could you die. If you say you died, you must have died of happiness!"

Helena said: "I'm already like this, you're still joking!"

Seeing Helena's ignorant look, Jin Chengyue had no choice but to say quietly: "I have already asked the imperial physician just now, and the imperial physician said that you have slippery veins!"

"Hua Mai?" Helena asked puzzledly, "What does Hua Mai mean?"

Jin Chengyue said: "The Hua pulse is the joy pulse, which means you already have joy. That is to say, you are pregnant with a baby."

"Really?" The gloom in Helena's body was swept away, she seemed to be full of strength, after repeated inquiries, and after receiving a positive answer from Jin Chengyue, Helena jumped off the bed, Like a child who got candy, he ran out excitedly, "Valens, Valens!"

Valens, who was playing in the courtyard, heard Helena's call, and ran towards Helena quickly. "Dear mother, what do you want with Valens?"

Helena said: "Oh, dear child, do you know? In the future, you won't feel lonely, and mother will give you another brother or sister, okay?"

"Is this true?" Valens still didn't understand what this little life that was about to be born meant to him.However, Valens also entered the excitement of the child's heart.In order to tell Ran Ming the good news, Helena didn't delay in Buqicheng, and immediately organized people to go on the road.

Apart from Jin Chengyue and Helena, there were actually a large number of Romans in Ran Ming's entourage this time.It also brought a large amount of technology and equipment, and almost completely moved the Ningyuan Shipyard.All these personnel and equipment went to Yecheng in a four-wheeled heavy-duty carriage.

However, the expressway to Yecheng is the first expressway in Wei State, and the operation of this expressway in Wei State has gradually matured.There will be a post station every fifty miles. There are many strong horses in the post station, which can be used for the exchange of horses.When Helena looked at the expressway where the cars were flowing like water and the horse was like a dragon, she was so stunned that she couldn't speak.

Helena just felt it was a novelty, but in the eyes of Roman generals like Sarrus and Severus, from the mature operating system of the expressway, he saw the height of the country's strategic intentions.

Sarus said: "My God, this carriage can pull an object weighing [-] kilograms, and it can also run fifty miles in an hour. If their highways can have this kind of physical strength everywhere Changing horses, the strategic materials of Wei State and the moving speed of the army will be a very scary number!"

Severus said: "You guessed right. I have already asked the entourage. They have a post station every fifty miles on this kind of expressway, and each post station has a range of one hundred to three hundred horses. Horses, if necessary, they can send an army and equipment to a distance of at least six hundred miles in one day and night!"

"This is unbelievable!" Sarus said, "Even if it is a Persian army with all cavalry, their movement speed is only three or four hundred miles per day. Compared with the speed, Persia is already far behind the State of Wei. No wonder the Persian Empire Don’t dare to provoke the State of Wei. Severus, do you know? The Wei State’s army, the expeditionary force we saw, was just a new army that had never participated in actual combat after its establishment. It has rich combat experience, well-trained, and well-equipped equipment Wei Guo has as many as 30 elite troops. These troops are only the first-line troops of Wei Guo, which is equivalent to having forty or fifty Roman legions, but the combat effectiveness of Wei Guo's army can at least be equal to at least a hundred Romans. Legion!"

"It's horrible!" Severus said: "The Persians are right. It is the most sensible behavior for them not to dare to provoke Wei. If their Persia is hostile to Wei or initiates a war, the Persian Empire has no chance of winning!"

"Severus, you are right!" Sarus nodded and said, "I have calculated that under the combined attack of the eight-ox crossbows, rockets and ballistas of the Wei army, a 5000-man Wei The Chinese army can at least withstand the charge of at least [-] cavalry. Unless they can attack continuously regardless of casualties, it is possible to come within the range of the horse crossbow of the Wei army. Once the cavalry breaks into this range, Wei's medium and short-range strike power will increase by more than three times in an instant. The [-] Persian cavalry army will have a chance to fight Wei's shirtless after paying nearly half of the necessary casualties. As for whether they can defeat Wei's army , this answer, I am afraid only God will know!"

Severus said: "What's even more frightening is the military system of Wei State. I just learned that Wei State's army is divided into three types. Ten Roman legions. The next level is the county soldiers, which can also be called reserves. Wei's county soldiers are also poorly equipped and have little training, but they are very large in number. Wei has more than 300 There are more than 100 counties, and there are more than 10 counties. Although the number of soldiers in the counties varies, there are dozens of small counties and hundreds of large counties. A county has at least tens of thousands of soldiers. Roughly estimated, there are at least a few soldiers in Wei's counties. 300 people. The last one is Wei’s militia Xiangyong, which can only be regarded as a paramilitary organization. According to each household, one person is drawn out, and each year is set aside for one month for training, which has a certain combat effectiveness. Even the last The paramilitary organization militia Xiangyong, once the state of Wei needs national strategic mobilization, they can pull out an army of one million people within three months at most. If it takes more than half a year, this number will reach a terrifying [-] million! "

"This is really a country like a lunatic!" Sarus said in a dismayed way: "However, Wei's economy is very prosperous. You can see how well-developed their business is just by looking at this highway!"

The pregnant Helena was very excited along the way, and often opened the curtains to watch the scene on both sides of the highway.Gradually, Helena also noticed something strange.

Helena was puzzled and said: "Jin, why do you Seris people only wear white or black clothes? Look at the people you meet on the road, as well as the service staff at the post stations, all of them are dressed in white!"

Jin Chengyue bowed her head and said nothing. Suddenly, Helena noticed Jin Chengyue's gloomy expression, and she couldn't help but wondered: "My new love, Jin, you look so preoccupied, what's on your mind?"

Jin Chengyue forced a smile and said: "Oh, it's nothing, by the way, Helena, why don't you change your clothes? Wouldn't it be nice to wear this white skirt like me?"

"I like this dress. Ran personally chose it for me. Ran said, Helena, in this world, only this dress can match your peerless beauty!" Helena said happily: " Jin, do you know? For this style of clothes, I chose four colors."

"It's really not modest enough!" Jin Chengyue thought secretly.Arriving in Yecheng like that, it might become a big joke.But both she and Helena belonged to Ran Ming's outer room, and they could only help each other.

Jin Chengyue said: "Helena, don't you know what happened?"

"What happened!" Helena asked in confusion, "Isn't everything normal?"

Jin Chengyue sighed, and was about to tell Helena that the car stopped slowly.

The days in winter are short and the sun is so red that it seems to be setting.The group of them arrived at the Pingqiu Station in Lu County.Helena got off the carriage excitedly without any fatigue from the long journey.Unlike the postmen who were full of smiles before, when the postmen at Pingqiu Station saw Helena wearing a bright skirt, their expression changed drastically.

"Oh, there is a woman here!" The postman said nonchalantly, "The horses for today's transfer have already been rotated, and now there are no strong horses for the passenger officers to transfer."

The postman spoke with a thick Ludi accent, so Helena didn't understand it at all.But Jin Chengyue understood after all.It's just that it's not convenient for Jin Chengyue to have the same knowledge as a postman.

Without horses to transfer, Helena and her party had to stay at the post station, but when it was time to eat, Helena realized that the treatment she received was also strange.There is only a plate of vegetarian fried kelp shreds, a plate of salted soybeans, and a bowl of millet porridge.Not to mention the meat, even the oil and water are pitifully small.At this time Helena was very disgusted with greasy food, and this kind of food was just to her taste.

"Jin, why are you Serese people wearing such ugly clothes!" Before Jin Chengyue could answer, he heard a loud "bang" from outside the door, and a guy rushed in angrily, pointing at Helena and yelling: "What are you talking about, you old lady?"

Helena was also taken aback when she saw this guy looking like he was going to eat people.Before Helena could speak, those Helena's attendants and guard members were unwilling to do it. Although most of them were not Han Chinese, Helena's attendants were either Romans or natives of Ye Tiaoguo. As for the guards, except for the commander and general, they were Roman People, the others are all natives of Ye Tiao Country, they are used to walking sideways in Ye Tiao Country, because of Ran Ming's relationship, they have not suffered any disadvantages.

One of the native female guards was very tough, she pulled out her sword, put it on the guy's neck, and shouted in half-baked Chinese: "Apologize to the respected lady, must, immediately!"

There is a classic line in Bright Sword, any army has its own tradition, and tradition is temperament, which is determined by the character and temperament of the first military officer.He injected soul into this army. From then on, no matter how time goes by or personnel changes, the soul of this army will always exist.

In fact, this principle applies not only to the army, but also to the country.The first emperor unified the world, so the Qin people had the arrogance to look down on the world.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty defeated the Xiongnu twice, so he injected the Han army with the mighty and invincible arrogance of the Han army, so Ban Dingyuan was able to ride 36 times to conquer the Western Regions.Li Shimin infused the Tang army with an invincible soul. Even in the late Tang Dynasty, a Tang army with five thousand Modao troops almost killed the Khitan.Men's Han and Tang Dynasties, women's Song Dynasty, both Di Qing and Yue Fei are famous historical generals, but they are powerless to change the fate of women Song.

Because of the incompetence of the Qing Dynasty, even if Feng Zicai's army won the battle and defeated the French, they still had to sign an unequal treaty with France that humiliated the country.Because of Taizu, we defeated MD and India, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union.In the Taizu era, absolutely no one worshiped foreigners.During Taizong's period, because of the need for advanced foreign technology, the whole country paid special attention to attracting foreign capital and technology, sending money to women, and doing all kinds of nonsense. (Note, a deputy mayor of our city who was in charge of investment promotion met a foreign scammer, lost his own sister, lost money, lost face and lost his seat)
Because Ran Min was tough on the outside world, the morale of the people in Wei was very high at this time. Not only were officials unable to do things that worship foreigners, but even beggars spit water on the Hu merchants who gave them alms.Not to mention being blackmailed at this time.The guy shouted at the top of his voice, "Mother Fan killed someone! Mrs. Fan killed someone!"

"No, listen to my explanation, this..." Jin Chengyue wanted to say that it was a misunderstanding, but before she could say anything, the sturdy female guard kicked the guy's lifeblood, and the guy immediately let out a cry like killing a pig screams.

At this time, the post station sounded a hasty assembly horn, and after a while, more than a dozen postmen arrived at the scene with water sticks in their hands.Seeing so many postmen rushing towards her, Helena's guards quickly surrounded Helena, drew their swords, and confronted each other nervously.

A chubby postman leader shouted: "Dare to attack me with a knife, mother, this is his mother's attempt to rebel. Come and light the beacon and inform the guards that someone will rebel!"

The postman who received the order immediately ran to light the wolf smoke.

"What? The barbarians are rebelling, and Mrs. Fan dares to use weapons to hurt people!" A business manager in filial piety shouted with wide eyes: "The first emperor has just left, and they dare to rebel. Rebelled against them, my little brother!" Five, Xiaoliu, hurry up and copy guys, there are only a few people in the station, and they will definitely suffer a loss if they have few people!"

Wei Guo can't help the sword, but only the bow and crossbow.Therefore, even if there is no weapon in the general caravan, there are still swords and sabers.Guys with weapons rushed up with weapons, and even those without weapons surrounded them with sticks or bricks.

The more the news spread, the more people were alarmed.Whether it's merchants or ordinary people, when they hear the news of the four words Hu Ren rebellion, they are immediately angry.

Now Hai Conna panicked, looking around, there were people wearing white or black filial piety everywhere.These people showed a cannibalistic look.Valens almost cried out in fright.

The predecessor of the road protection team was the rebel army formed by Ran Ming.The rebel army, which originally had 3 soldiers, has now expanded to more than [-] horses. It is a full cavalry, quick-reaction and light-armed force.The main duty is to maintain the smooth circulation of the expressway, fight against road bandits and road tyrants, etc. If there is a war, the duty of the road guard team will automatically be transferred to a regular field force.

When the wolf smoke just rose, a small team of fifty cavalry from the escort army who was cruising five kilometers away in Pingqiu quickly approached the Pingqiu station.In just one stick of incense, fifty guard soldiers arrived in Pingqiu.At this time, a postman said to the army guarding the road: "It's them, they are all in the same group!"

Postmen refer to Severus, Sarus, Cicero and others.There is a difference between men and women. Helena, Sarus and the others did not live together. When Sarus heard the movement and realized it, they had already discovered that the doors of the courtyards where they lived were locked by the staff. Yes, as long as they dare to rush out, they will set the yard on fire.

It was only then that Sarus realized that the air was filled with a strong smell of kerosene.

(End of this chapter)

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