Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 859 Title Reform

Chapter 859 Title Reform
Chapter 865 Title Reform

More than 100 Roman technicians, as well as three or four hundred entourages of Jin Chengyue and Helena, had already been surrounded.In fact, after Yicheng yelled out the rebellious words of the Hu people, whether they were passing merchants or ordinary people, they spontaneously approached Helena.

Because of the rebellion of the aborigines in Zhenyuan and Fuyuan, this made the Huaxia Business Alliance itch with anger. Because of the rebellion of the aborigines in the two towns, the losses caused by these aborigines were very large.The merchants hated these natives very much.Due to the relatively good law and order situation in Wei State, the caravans generally do not send armed guards in Wei State at this time.Even so, the guys in the caravan are all strong and strong young men. In a country that still favors martial arts, no matter who they are, they know more or less what fighting is all about.

In just one stick of incense, 600 people and nearly [-] carriages gathered.Thousands of carriages full of goods surrounded Helena and her party, making it impossible for them to fly.

Fortunately, this group of people has a guide sent by Li Ye, otherwise this matter would not be easy to explain.After figuring out Helena's true identity and knowing that it was a misunderstanding, the postman led the other people to withdraw from the carriages blocking the road and clear the traffic.However, Helena took the initiative to change into plain clothes, offered to pay compensation for the injured postmen, and punished the reckless guards, and the matter gradually subsided.

"Those who gain the Dao will help more, those who lose the Dao will help less, those who have little help will be surrounded by relatives and friends, those who will help more, and the world will obey!" Public opinion, so the world can follow it.Because of the oppression of the Hu people, the Han people were unwilling to be enslaved, so they followed Ran Min to fight against the Hu people. Especially after the war, Ran Min abolished corvee, abolished exorbitant taxes, and lightened the burden on the people. This made all the people remember Ran Min. the benefits of.

Before they knew it, the people of Wei State had put Ran Min in the same position as a god.After getting the whole story of Pingqiu, Ran Ming put down the file, feeling both envy and pressure.

Ever since Ran Min went on a grand tour, the entire Wei Kingdom seemed to have become a black and white world overnight.But at this time, God is also playing lively, huffing and snowing, and the snow is endless.

On the official road from Jinyang to Yecheng, a cavalry force of thousands of people, all dressed in white, except for the occasional neighing of the horses, the whole team was like a dumb, silently and slowly advancing.General Anbei and Dai Guo Gongji rode their horses to the front of the team.There were blood blisters on his mouth, obviously very angry.

Back then, he and Ran Min were both handsome young men.Once he was so hungry that he couldn't stand it, so he set a trap in Sifangnao and captured a fat wild boar.It was hard to open up the belly, and when the wild boar was about to be roasted, Ji Wei was discovered by the supervisory censor of Wanshouyuan. Zhang Jin, the supervisory censor, ordered soldiers patrolling the Wanshouyuan to capture Jizhen.Shihu likes hunting. In order to make it easier for him to hunt, he took a large area of ​​fertile land north of the Yellow River as a hunting area and sent a censor to supervise it.And the criminal law of "offending beasts" is used by various officials to oppress the people. If the people have beautiful women or good cattle and horses in their homes, and the officials ask not to give them, they will frame them as "criminal beasts". Therefore, many people have been sentenced to death. .

Ji Li still clearly remembers that just when he was about to be executed, a boy about twelve or thirteen years old appeared.He used a piece of priceless jade to bribe the inspector censor Zhang and bought his life.Ji Wei swore to Ran Min at that time that he would never disappoint Ran Min in his life.In ancient times, people regarded oaths as transcending life, which is not like farting like swearing now.Ji Wei did keep his promise. In the original historical time and space, Ma Gu, the captain of Changshui school stationed at the Ximing Gate of Yecheng, quietly opened the city and surrendered. A large number of Yan troops rushed into Yecheng, and rushed into the The imperial palace captured Ran Zhi, Empress Dong and others, and almost alone entered the Yan army, rescued Ran Min's son Ran Yu, and raised the young Ran Yu to adulthood, continuing Ran Min's incense.

Ji Wei clearly remembered that when he was going out to fight, Ran Min held his hand and told Ji Wei.

"If the city is lost, we still have a chance to take it back. If the life is lost, it is really lost. We must come back alive!"

The son of heaven in his prime.Who knew that when he returned from victory, it would be like this?Thinking of the first emperor, Ji Wei couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

A scholar dies for his confidant!In Jilu's view, the first emperor, Ran Min, was a perfect king.He was kind to the people, and he would rather the soldiers of the Wei army go hungry and kill their precious war horses to satisfy their hunger, and he would never forcefully expropriate food from the poor people.Looking at all dynasties in history, which emperor would rather bear the risk of army mutiny than force and oppress the people like Ran Min.Ran Min never treats the enemy with the benevolence of a woman like other monarchs. He would rather bear the notoriety of a butcher and a murderer, but also eliminate the danger in the bud, and never leave a curse for future generations.Ran Min is tolerant and magnanimous, the most elite troops of tens of thousands of frontier troops in Wei State, and the military forces of the four states are all handed over to him, and he fully supports all his reforms and decisions, and he never hesitates to take money from the Shaofu to dress up the army .

The State of Wei raised troops from Ran Min's 60 Ding soldiers of Ran's family, and now it has expanded its army to [-] million horses (including the county soldiers). Ran Min definitely contributed to the empire.

It's a pity, it's a pity that such an emperor who understands the military, loves the military, and has a temper with the military soldiers, will be gone if he says nothing.Suddenly Ji Li thought of Ran Ming again. Although Ran Ming was good at fighting like Ran Min and had always been very supportive of the military, Ran Ming was different from Ran Min. Ran Ming had his own direct army and countless direct disciples. Ji Li was a little apprehensive, a little uneasy, and thought silently from time to time: "I don't know how the emperor will treat us veterans who fought the world with the late emperor. Will we let us go south immediately, disarm and return to the fields?"

Ran Ming has hundreds of direct disciples and thousands of named disciples.There are seven or eight people who have mixed into the position of the chief general of the first army, especially the great apprentice Chen Yong, who is now in charge of tens of thousands of elites in the expeditionary force, and is the second only to himself as a senior military general.Among the armies of the Wei State, Ran Ming had many disciples.Xiong Jian is the chief general of the Modao Army, who was named the fourth-rank General Modao, commanding more than 1 Modao sergeants, as well as more than 4000 cavalrymen and more than 3000 crossbowmen under him.The second is Hu Guang, the captain of Jishe, who has the faint air of a general no matter his combat methods or style of conduct.Even if he is from Ran Ming, Ji Wei has to agree that Hu Guang is also a military genius.

In the Anbei Army, in fact, the governor of Youzhou, General Xu Yuan of Beiping, had flirted with Ran Ming for a long time. As for the governor of Yingzhou, Ran Feng, he almost wore the same trousers with Ran Ming. , Ran Zhi is not interested in Ran Zhi at all, no matter how good or bad Ran Ming is, Ran Feng will never leave him.Ran Ming only needs to mention Ran Feng and Xu Yuan a little bit. The two of them, together with Ran Ming's retainer Jing Zhan, want to hold him apart, but it's not impossible!

Thinking of this, Ji Lu became even more depressed.

"General Anbei" Just when Ji Li was out of his mind, a familiar voice suddenly came.Ji Wei looked up and found that it was Dong Run, an old acquaintance.

As a member of the same branch of the military, Ji Wei did not dare to underestimate Dong Run.Although Dong Run's military achievements were not too great, or even notable, Ji Li knew that Dong Run was just hiding his clumsiness.If Dong Run is really allowed to let go, his means may not be worse than his own.

Dong Run said: "Your Majesty is guarding the spirit of the late emperor, so it is inconvenient to come to welcome General Anbei. Your Majesty asked Run to convey his oral order to General Anbei. Here, on behalf of Run, accept General Anbei to return to Beijing!"

After making the handover, Dong Run and Ji Wei didn't talk to each other. Seeing that there seemed to be vague hints in his eyes, Ji Wei suddenly muttered, did he let himself guess correctly, His Majesty is going to adjust the military power?
Finally Dong Run followed up with Ji Wei.He whispered: "After meeting His Majesty, don't forget to gather in the East Pavilion at night!"

Ji Ling nodded.Suddenly he asked again, "Your Majesty gave God a temple name, and respected the late emperor as Emperor Gaozu, the great sage, and Emperor De Liewu?"

"Of course!" Dong Run nodded and said: "In addition, Run also heard that His Majesty is going to order the Hongwen Museum to write a biography, and I heard that you and I are also among the 48 founding fathers. In the future, 48 of us All will be worthy to enjoy the Taimiao, and defend the late emperor with life and death!"

As a military general, Ji Li was relieved when he heard this.Ran Ming intends to follow the example of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty and leave a letter for the founding fathers to report his achievements.Ji Li sighed, Ran Ming played it beautifully.As long as, as Dong Run said, the 48 people who founded the country and persuaded Ran Min to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor were all carved into stone statues and moved into the Taimiao to be incensed forever, I am afraid that the military will accept Ran Ming.And even if he was not reconciled, he had no choice but to disarm and return to the fields.

When he came to the north gate of Yecheng, Ji Wei handed over all the cavalry troops of the personal guard to Zhang Ai, the general of the guard, and Zhang Ai arranged for the board and lodging of the more than a thousand cavalry.Ji Wei followed Dong Run into the palace.Ji Li first went to see Ran Min in the mourning hall of the Taiwu Hall, and cried for half an hour before going to formally face the new ruler Ran Ming.

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wanan!"

Ran Ming nodded, "General Anbei, save yourself from the ceremony!"

At this moment, Zhongchang Attendant You Yi held Minghuang's imperial decree and said, "General Anbei, accept the decree on behalf of the country's public official!"

Hearing this, Ji Li who had just got up hurriedly knelt on the ground and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times to Ran Ming, "The last general will respectfully obey your orders!"

"The emperor's edict said: My emperor's father, Emperor Liewu, ordered General Anbei to take charge of the troops and horses of the four states of Bing, You, Ping, and Ying, and go north to defend against the enemy. General Anbei lived up to the great trust of the late emperor, and managed the northern defense line. It is as stable as Mount Tai and will not let go. Riding across the Yin Mountains with a horse, punishing the rebels, eradicating the Hu disaster, and clearing the northern kingdom, you have done a great job! I am very grateful! Now I have inherited the Datong, and I specially named Erzhen the king of the county, and allowed him to establish a government system. Use the Xigui coupons to reach the children and grandchildren, and bring mountains and rivers, and the glory will last forever! This is my favor! My life is only Maozai!"

After hearing the edict, Ji Li felt his head was buzzing.He is actually a king, and he is allowed to establish a government system. From now on, he can be called a widow.It’s not that there are no kings with different surnames in Wei State. At the beginning of the founding of the country, Ran Min named Saiwuhou Li Nong as the king of Qi, but he was loyal to the Shi family and conspired to rebel. He was killed by Ran Min, and his three sons were also killed. .

Although being a king is the highest dream of a minister, since ancient times, this king with a different surname has never come to a good end.Han Xin, the king of Chu, made great contributions to the Han Dynasty, but he was also falsely accused and demoted to Huaiyin Marquis, and finally he was beheaded in the inner palace and the Yi tribe.Thinking about this matter, Ji Wei couldn't help being afraid.

At this time, Ji Wei also understood.Ran Ming is going up and down secretly, and he is going to seize his military power.Is it just that he dares to refuse?Can you refuse?At this time, Ji Wei also admired Ran Ming's generosity, and actually gave him a county prince.But don't think that Ran Ming is really kind, Ji Li also understands that Ran Ming is setting him up on the fire.In terms of credit, Dong Run is not as good as him, and Zhang Wen is not as good as him, but he is named king. Isn't this arousing hatred?
Fortunately, Ji Lu is not Huan Wen, he does not have such big ambitions, and his head is not dizzy yet.He immediately reacted, kowtowed heavily and said: "How can I be so kind, I am so loved by Your Majesty, even if I am so heartbroken, I will not be able to repay Your Majesty!"

In this regard, Ji Li didn't have much thought.Ran Ming is the heir to the throne appointed by Ran Min, and Ran Ming is the legitimate emperor of the Wei Kingdom, so he has no reason to refute.

There is a saying that every man is not guilty, but he is guilty.As long as Ji Li loses his prestige and prestige in the army, and he loses his status as a threat to Ran Ming, why can't he live a rich life?
Ran Ming is not a roundworm in Ji Ruan's stomach, he is also stingy with a prince.The king of Daijun does not necessarily mean that Daijun will be conferred on Jizhen. Ran Ming's plan is to eliminate the Northern Han Kingdom that is now shrunk near Lake Baikal, and Ran Ming will change it to Dai Kingdom.Ji Wei and his descendants, go there to guard the frontier for Wei Guo.

Secondly, Ran Ming has another intention.As a person of later generations, Ran Ming naturally knows what the so-called meritorious service is. The army is an interest group. Everyone in this group is eager to make progress. They all want to be high officials and gain more power .What credit can compare with Conglong?Therefore, countless vassals and towns have either reversed or reversed.Just like Song Taizu in the yellow robe, if he does not turn against Hou Zhou, will his soldiers agree?The answer is yes, absolutely not.

Like Anlushan in the Tang Dynasty, if it wasn't for Li Longji, a fool who kept conferring power on Anlushan, would he have turned against it?

Ran Ming is exchanging fame and real interests for real power. Ji Li controls too many troops. Once Ji Li really has a dissent, hundreds of thousands of elite frontier troops can reach Ye in almost ten days. Under the city, regardless of victory or defeat, it will consume the national power of the Wei state and lose the vitality of the Han nation.

In this regard, the later Taizu did a very good job.Lin Shuai's Northeast Department is as many as one million giants, and the generals even exceed nearly half. At this time, no one is worried that he will take the opportunity to rebel.The Taizu came to give him the seat of inheritance.Lin's heart was moved, he relieved himself of military power, and cleaned up Gao.

Although it is impossible for Ran Ming to give the throne to Ji Li, he can give other people the high honor of being a minister. At this time, if Ji Li rebels again, it will not be him who was forced to rebel by Ran Ming, but he has a heart of disobedience.This is morally untenable, and it will not win the sympathy of the people.What's more, the one move of never adding a gift allowed Ran's family to obtain the greatest protection talisman.No matter who it is, rebellion in Wei State will lose the foundation of the common people.

Just like the Song Dynasty, although it was weak, people's livelihood issues were done very well.The people suffered disasters, and the state provided money and food to support them. These people who benefited will always remember the benefits of Emperor Zhao. Any rebellion has no popular support, and even if it can be rampant for a while, it will be difficult to reverse the general trend.If Song Weizong, a prodigal son, hadn't gone too far, the Song Dynasty would not have died, at least it would not have been so short-lived.

Although Ran Ming has certain strength in the military, he also needs the support of Ji Ruan. The army of Ran Min's direct lineage represented by Ji Ruan is also an indispensable armed force of Wei State. To clear away obstacles in governance and deter other generals with floating minds for him, Ji Li is also needed to escort him.

It's too worthwhile to exchange for a mere title of county king.

(End of this chapter)

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