Chapter 862
Chapter 868

As a Japanese, Yinjiro actually desires success more than anyone else.Yinjiro does not have a surname, he only has a first name.Hiding is because he is the best at hiding. More than four years ago, he assassinated Huan Wen and was captured by mistake.In fact, it's not because Huan Wen's guards are so powerful, but because Yinjiro wants to join Huan Wen.

Minako Igawa is just a lowly maidservant of Queen Ichiyo, and Yinjiro was originally not a ninja, but a samurai.Although they are not nobles, Yinjiro, who was born as a samurai, is much more noble than Minako Igawa.But Minako Yichuan used her power to beat Yinjiro as a ninja.For Yinjiro, it was a great shame and humiliation.

However, Minako Igawa has the protection of Chu Suanzi, the Empress Dowager of the Jin Kingdom. It is very difficult for Yinjiro to wash away his shame, and it is simply an impossible task.After staying in Jiankang City for more than six years, Yinjiro gradually understood the seemingly incompatible relationship between Huan Wen and Chu Suanzi, so Yinjiro thought of joining Huan Wen.Soon the opportunity came, and the conflict between Chu Suanzi and Huan Wen intensified, and Chu Suanzi wanted to get rid of Huan Wen, so he asked the "shadow" to assassinate Huan Wen.

Yinjiro volunteered to carry out the assassination.Then he pretended to be captured by mistake, and then defected, using the heads of more than a dozen "shadow" killer members who acted at the same time to prove his loyalty to Huan Wen.Then Huan Wen secretly organized manpower, material and financial resources to train Erhun.

"You have all been honored by the king's kindness for many years. Today, you should fight the enemy bravely and don't retreat!" Yinjiro finally shouted in a low voice: "Everyone in Yuan Zhonglang's mansion can be killed except Yuan Zhen. If Yuan Zhen is captured, Now you can retreat. Use the knife in your hand, your blood, and serve the noble king. After today, let the king see the value of our existence. Once successful, you and your family will all If you are rewarded heavily, you will end your poor life, and you may even become aristocrats. Everyone, please follow me to attack, the opportunity is not to be missed, and it will not come again, and the meritorious deeds are now."

In an instant, there was a burst of suppressed shouting in the courtyard of Yuan Zhen's mansion.

In Bright Sword, there is a plot where Yamamoto's special attack team attacked the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, but they rushed into the independent regiment's garrison by mistake.The result was a score of two hundred to zero.Some people always think that this is the author's whitewashing of the Japanese army, and it is impossible for this to happen in battle.In my opinion, in fact, on the contrary, the plot created by the author is more reasonable.Ordinary soldiers who have not been exposed to special operations have no chance to react to the sneak attack of special forces.

Just like the guards on Yuan Zhen's mansion are all Yiyang soldiers. In the era of cold weapons, Yiyang soldiers were famous for their bravery.The famous battle of Yiyang soldiers should be at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the government collapsed, and the officers and soldiers were like robbers. In order to resist the looting of the officers and soldiers, the people of Yiyang spontaneously organized volunteers to defend the village. They fought against the officials and the Yellow Turban Army successively. , Many bloody battles made Yiyang soldiers almost synonymous with bravery, and thus became famous all over the world.Liu Biao entered Jingxiang. At that time, banditry was rampant in Jingzhou, there were many gentry, and the tyrants ruled all over the place. It was like a mess of scattered sand, so the Yiyang soldiers were formed. Using more than 560 volunteers, the entire Jingxiang gentry, tyrants and bandits were convinced. It can be seen that How powerful is the combat effectiveness of the Yiyang Army.

Even in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Hu people were very powerful, but the Hu people never occupied the prosperous Jingzhou because the Yiyang people stood in front of Jingxiang and acted as a barrier.Whether it is the ambitious Shi Hu, the mighty Liu Cong, or even Murong Jun, they have all gnawed at the tough bones of Yiyang soldiers.It's just a pity that although Yiyang's military soldiers are brave, they are also famous for their internal fighting, and no general will like an army that refuses to obey discipline.

Because Yuan Zhen was born in a wealthy family in Runan, he was a close neighbor to Yiyang. Yiyang soldiers had an innate liking for Yuan Zhen. In addition, Yuan Zhen deliberately favored Yiyang soldiers in terms of supplies. Yuan Zhen had absolutely nothing to say.The unsuspecting Yoshiyo samurai were defeated by Yinjiro's "Hunting", and countless brave and unparalleled Yoshiyo samurai were captured or beheaded by members of the "Hunting" in their sleep.

When Yinjiro successfully captured Yuan Zhen's front yard, middle yard, and most of the back yard, he sneaked into Yuan Zhen's bedroom with a few good men, and was about to capture Yuan Zhen alive. He didn't know which link went wrong. Woke up the soldiers of Yiyang.

With the sound of a gong, all the Yiyang guards who were sleeping in the left and right rooms of Yuan Zhen woke up. The windows and doors of the rooms on both sides shattered suddenly. The upper body Yiyang soldiers charged out with a murderous look.

Yinjiro was in a panic immediately. The members of "Ecstasy" are well-trained and brave, but they are only flesh and blood after all, they are not gods of war who can stand against hundreds with one.

"There is an enemy attack, and the soldiers will be the first!" A man who looked like the leader of Yiyang suddenly shouted.

"There is an enemy attacking, the soldiers are the first, the sword and the ax are in the front, there is no enemy but no one!" The murderous aura erupted by dozens of prostitutes made the whole courtyard look creepy.

Yinjiro, who was standing on the roof of Yuan Zhen's bedroom, was very shocked at this time. Yuan Zhen dared to wrestle with Huan Wen, and he was really helpless.There were only less than fifty Yangwu soldiers in the name, but they showed the tragic momentum of thousands of troops fighting in one place.The exposed upper body, protruding muscles, gleaming spears, knives and axes, and the screams that tore through the sky all made his heart shudder inexplicably. This soldier of Yiyang is a true warrior!

Yiyang soldiers are very strong, very strong. If they are given excellent equipment, perhaps they will not be weaker than the elite troops of Wei's army.Especially in small-scale battles, the Yiyang soldiers are absolutely amazing.

A Mingyang soldier swung his sword and ax with a big axe, and slashed at one of the frontmost soul-hunting members.The soul ecstasy member saw it so badly that he hurriedly avoided it, but it was a pity.Yiyang's swordsman had very black hands, the upper part chopped off his head with a battle axe, and the lower part cut off the legs of his children and grandchildren.Although the soul ecstasy member avoided the battle ax, he didn't avoid the severed leg.

"Crack!" Yinjiro seemed to hear the sound of the ball breaking.

"Ah!" The shrill scream resounded throughout the night sky, which made people feel shuddering.It's just that the scream lasted only half a breath, and it stopped after the scream.His head was cut off by the tomahawk, so naturally he could no longer make a sound.

As this Yiyang soldier killed a soul-hunting member, all the other Yiyang soldiers leaned forward slightly, raised their guns and other weapons, and shouted violently: "Kill...kill...kill..."

With three roars, the Yiyang soldiers formed a semi-circular encirclement, and the Yiyang soldiers advanced and retreated in an orderly manner.Yinjiro also saw that these people were definitely battle-tested and battle-hardened warriors.

The hands of more than a dozen soul ecstasy members in the field were shining with cold stars. As a ninja, hidden weapons are a compulsory course.As the hidden weapon was shot, Liu Qi's nominal Yang soldier was hit by the hidden weapon.

"Throw the spear!" Seeing that his teammate had hit the opponent's hidden weapon, the leader of the Yiyang soldiers hurriedly ordered to throw the spear.Dozens of spears flew towards the dozen or so Hook Soul members.

"Puff..." The sound of spear blades entering the body sounded several times, and the four souls were hit by the spears, and one of them was actually nailed to the ground, dying with regret.

If it's just assassination, one soul-hunting member can assassinate at least one team of Yiyang soldiers.If it's just a simple fight alone, the soul-hunting members can also take care of at least one half-righteous soldier.But once they formed an formation to fight, the fighting power of the soul-hunting members would not be able to be brought into play.No matter how high the martial arts are, they are also afraid of gang fights.

The battle only lasted for half a stick of incense, and Yiyang killed more than a dozen souls in the field.It's just that this time the Yiyang soldiers didn't take advantage of it. Nearly half of them were killed or injured, more than 20 people were killed, and there were seven or eight wounded.

Yinjiro was very sorry that he did not order the other lurking ecstasy members to do it, because he knew that even if there were twice as many ecstasy members, it would be very difficult for them to complete the task today.These Yiyang soldiers are basically no different from dead soldiers. Even if they are seriously injured, they will never retreat. Three or four members of the soul-hunters were killed by the dying Yiyang soldiers.

Just when Yinjiro was about to retreat, a big fat man came out of the room cursing.

"Zhu Teng, do you only know such despicable methods?" Yuan Zhen was dressed in armor, holding a big ring knife.He said arrogantly: "Since you are not benevolent, don't blame it for being unrighteous. Send a signal, notify the army outside the city, and immediately surround Zhu Teng's camp. If Zhu Teng and his son dare to resist, they will be killed!"

At this moment, Yinjiro secretly thought that the opportunity came.Although the guards around Yuan Zhen surrounded Yuan Zhen, but he was on the roof, so he could condescend and give him a fatal blow.

Although it is possible to be surrounded, Yinjiro decided to gamble.

"General be careful!"

A Yoyo Takeshi found Yin Jiro and warned the police in time.It's a pity that it was still too late, Yinjiro held the horizontal knife in his hand, and swept away towards Yuan Zhen's head.A figure suddenly sprang out from the shadows, which really startled Yuan Zhen and exceeded his expectations.However, as a general, Yuan Zhen still has basic skills.

Yuan Zhen Da Huan really turned his backhand and raised the knife horizontally to block.

Yinjiro's attack this time was originally a false move, and the order he received was to catch Yuan Zhen alive.Yuan Zhen couldn't help but turn pale with fright when he slashed through the air with a knife, and quickly retreated, trying to dodge.

It's a pity that Yinjiro won't give him this chance.Yinjiro suddenly accelerated, and at the same time stepped out, the horizontal knife that was originally held tightly with both hands was suddenly held with one hand.The body leaned forward, one foot landed, and the other kicked up, and the length of the horizontal knife increased suddenly.After a slight pause, Hengdao rested on Yuan Zhen's neck.

Yinjiro didn't even need to look at the cold wind on the back of his head, he knew Yuan Zhen would definitely stop it.

Sure enough, Yinjiro successfully brought Yuan Zhen to Xi Chao because Yuan Zhen, who regretted his life, stopped him.Xi Chao's plan succeeded, because of Zhu Teng's cooperation, Yuan Zhen was captured, and Xi Chao forced Yuan Zhen to hand over military power to Zhu Teng.

Xi Chao has also seen Zhu Teng's methods. Zhu Teng used Yuan Zhen's order to discuss the reasons for dealing with him, and summoned all the generals and schools of the Xinye Army. In the city, so the garrisons outside the city and the garrisons in the counties didn't know what was going on at all.

All the generals were wiped out by Zhu Teng. As for Yuan Zhen's loyal generals Zuo Yiyang Camp Lieutenant Chen Jiu, Deputy Lieutenant Huang Shao, Zhu Teng didn't bother to talk nonsense. He knew that there were some people he couldn't win over. Wei pulled the two of them up with a knife and cut off their heads. The two bloody heads were placed in the hall, and the other generals knew how to choose.

Although the Yiyang army obeyed Yuan Zhen's orders, they were definitely not Yuan Zhen's loyal retainers.Huan Chong went out to promise to the soldiers of the Yiyang Army that as long as they obey the order of the King of Shu, their salaries will be doubled, their provisions will be increased by [-]%, and all armor and weapons will be replaced with new ones.

Driven by major interests, the Yiyang Army also obeyed Zhu Teng's command.

Zhu Teng summoned more than [-] soldiers of Yuan Zhen's Xinye Army. Yuan Zhen, as a puppet, told all the generals and schools according to what Xi Chao told him: "Soldiers and soldiers, the emperor of Wei State is dead. General, all return to Yecheng for the funeral. It can also be said that at this time, Wei Guo’s garrison in Nanyang has no leader. Now is the best time for us to attack Wei Guo and recover the old capital Luoyang. I will definitely reward you generously, if you want to make contributions, if you want to seal your wives and sons, join me in the Northern Expedition!"

According to the system of the Han family, one month after the death of the emperor, the new emperor officially ascended the throne.On the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month of the eighth year of Kaiyuan, Ran Min made a grand trip with him. On the 22nd day of the first month of the ninth year of Kaiyuan, Ran Ming officially proclaimed himself emperor.

In the Han family system, the emperor's enthronement ceremony was cumbersome and varied from dynasty to dynasty.For example, when Ran Min changed the Yuan system in the first year of Qinglong, the 48 civil and military ministers of the original Zhao Dynasty supported Ran Min and proclaimed him emperor. He was not even prepared for the dragon robe, so Ran Min was pressed on the dragon chair by Liu Qun, Lu Chen, etc., and then The other civil and military ministers lined up and said to Ran Min, "Bow, worship Xing, worship Xing, flat body, wat, bow, dance three times, kneel on the left knee, kowtow three times, shout long live the mountain, shout three times, kneel on the right knee, and go out." "Wat" and so on, Baiguan followed the steps sung by Tongzanguan.This is the simplest enthronement ceremony.

Ran Ming was the second emperor of Wei State, and Wei State was no longer a grassroots team at this time, so various systems were gradually perfected.On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Ran Ming first went to the Taimiao Temple to offer sacrifices.Then go to the altar built in the southern suburbs of Yecheng to worship heaven.After completing this ceremony, Ran Ming will be regarded as the real emperor of the real dragon, and he will be entrusted to heaven.

This ceremony is solemn and grand.First, the Shangshu ordered Wang Jian to read out Ran Min's imperial edict to prove that Ran Ming was the legal heir.At this time, Ran Ming was crowned. According to Ran Ming's tradition, at this time, Ran Ming announced his program for governing the country.Ran Ming made a national policy that emphasized agriculture and agriculture, rewarded agriculture and mulberry, established education, lightened corvee and reduced taxes, and promised never to increase taxes.At this time, Ran Ming's imperial decree, which will never be endowed, can be regarded as the real legal basis of national law.

In Ran Ming's governance program, it mainly embodies internal benevolence, which is different from the false benevolence and righteousness of previous dynasties. This is the real benevolent government.Although the Qing Dynasty put forward the political slogan of never adding taxes, this was just empty talk.Although no taxes were added, taxes were raised.It's just a left-handed right-handed switch of a sneaky concept.Otherwise, do you really think that the more than 200 million Manchus in the Manchu Qing who ate iron crops and the millions of officers and soldiers of the Green Army of the Qing Army were drinking the northwest wind?After all, isn't it the people's blood and the people's ointment that they drink?
But Ran Ming is different, Ran Ming has the confidence not to add gifts.Almost the whole of Nanyang has become a colony of the Wei State. Is it possible that such a large area will not be able to support the royal family and millions of troops of the Wei State?If there is still a financial crisis, Ran Ming can hit the wall and commit suicide.Well, even if such a situation might arise, Ran Ming would definitely dispatch an army to rob him. "Benevolence, righteousness, integrity and shame" is nothing to a former mafia boss. What kind of reputation is far less beneficial than real benefits.

The common people may not know what is right and wrong, but at the most basic level, they know who is good to them and who is bad to them.When I heard that Ran Ming officially announced that he would never increase the tax, the land tax in all parts of the country will be thirty one, and there will be no miscellaneous donations.Once the local government deceives the upper and lower, it will increase taxes casually.People from all over the country can organize people to go to Ye to appeal.The emperor upholds justice for them.

Hearing this, the people who participated in the ceremony could no longer bear the excitement in their hearts. The cheers of Long Live His Majesty came like a tsunami, and the shock was so deafening.

Looking at these happy and contented people, Ran Ming secretly heaved a sigh of relief.At this time, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came, don't try to pull him off the throne, because the hundreds of thousands of people who watched the ceremony, even the people all over the world, would organize a new Great Wall of flesh and blood for him.

Ran Ming will also promulgate the imperial decree of amnesty to the world to show his kindness.

At the same time, all civil and military officials were added to the ranks, and all of this went very smoothly.In the next link, whether it was the people watching the ceremony, or the military officers and officials, they were all very excited.Soldiers in the army are also ordinary people, and most of the generals at the middle and lower levels are self-cultivated farmers or small and medium landlords. It is these people who have really benefited from these policies.In the future, if someone wants to launch a coup, first ask these people with vested interests whether they will agree.

After completing the enthronement ceremony, Ran Ming changed into filial piety.Escort Ran Min's coffin to the imperial mausoleum.

(End of this chapter)

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