Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 863 Conquering the Jin Dynasty

Chapter 863 Winning the Jin Dynasty and Unifying the World

Chapter 869 Winning the Jin Dynasty and Unifying the World

Ran Min did not choose a cemetery for himself before he was alive, but Ran Ming still asked Ge Hong to choose a cemetery for Ran Min.In the vicinity of Yecheng, the best Fengshui is in the area of ​​Fengshui Mountain. Fengshui Mountain faces south in the north, with a drop of tens of meters between the north and the south. There is Xuanwu (water) in the back and hills in the east and west, with blue dragons on the left and white tigers on the right. This is a very good place for Fengshui. land.

Ran Min's coffin was carried by 72 strong men, and the royal family and the government of the Wei State came out in full force. According to the system of the Han family, 64 banner guides walked in the front, holding high the flag and umbrella of the people; There are as many as 620 people in the Lubo honor guard. They hold all kinds of weapons, flags and various "burning" made of paper or silk. They are mighty and majestic.The porters who carried the coffin were dressed in filial piety. There were 120 people in each shift, and they carried it in three shifts.Behind the coffin are the elite troops of the Wei State who are heavily armed, although it is impossible to dispatch all of them.But the infantry in Ran Min's lineage, Zhongba, Shesheng, Yueqi, Tunqi, and Huben each drew out a song to escort them.

Then came the ranks of civil and military officials, relatives of the emperor and the clan, all of which were continuous and intertwined.In the funeral procession, there are also a large number of monks, Taoist priests, nuns, and Taoist nuns. He is dressed in cassocks and holds a law enforcement instrument, playing and chanting sutras continuously.The entire funeral procession was more than ten miles long, from Yecheng to Fenghuang Mountain to the mausoleum, nearly a hundred miles along the way, and reed halls were set up every ten miles for the rest of the coffin and the funeral procession.This kind of reed hall also has jade steps and golden tiles, which are very gorgeous.

Although Ran Min was frugal all his life, Ran Ming was not stingy when it came to the specifications of Ran Min's funeral.In addition to the government and the royal family, there are more common people who come here spontaneously. These common people are all dressed in filial piety and silently see off Ran Min!

As Salus and Severus who had just arrived in Yecheng, seeing this scene was also very shocking.Severus said in Latin very sourly: "Sarrus, look at how much the emperor of Wei is loved by their subjects. There are only a few people in this see-off team, and there are only 30 to [-] people. The grief on their faces is astonishing." It’s not just pretending. If our emperor Julian was loved by the people like the emperor of Wei, we wouldn’t be here!”

Sarus was speechless and helpless.He could see that the troops who were seeing him off were all warriors who had fought many battles, and they were extravagantly equipped with armor and weapons made of fine steel, and those horses were also very handsome.A strange thought suddenly popped into Sarus' head, if the Emperor of Wei, like His Majesty Julian, died in battle.I am afraid that these armies will tear their enemies to pieces in anger!
Since the emperor's coffin needs seven layers, and the seven-layer coffin weighs ten thousand catties, although there are many people carrying the coffin, the progress of the team is very slow.After more than an hour, he left Nanyang Gate and arrived at the outskirts of the city.

The tragic atmosphere made the whole city of Ye feel oppressed like a mountain rain is about to come.However, at this time, no one noticed that a fast rider in the distance rushed towards the sending team at high speed.

"Who dares to be so presumptuous, he can't keep his horse!" A general came from far away, and Kuaiqi, who went straight to the team of Ran Min's coffin, was very dissatisfied, and shouted: "If you don't keep your horse, you will be shot!"

The ranger sentry who served as guard immediately raised the crossbow, ready to go.

"Don't shoot your arrows, your own!" the knight yelled, "Look clearly, this is a five-color warning sign, something went wrong, can you bear it?"

Only then did the ranger general realize that the opponent was carrying five red pennants on his back. This was the highest level of police fast riding, which was at the same level as the eight hundred li fast riding. This must be something that happened at the border.The ranger general thought of this, and said: "Even if the sky collapses and the earth collapses, don't disturb the late emperor. You stop quickly and wait for me to report to His Majesty before dealing with this matter!"


Soon Ran Ming, who was in grief, received a border police call.It seems to be a rule formed since the Zhou Dynasty that there is no conscript during the national mourning period, but this rule is not uncommon. The prerequisite is that you are strong enough to destroy the opponent in one fell swoop, so that the last dignity of the opponent can be torn off.

But is Wei Guo a small country?Obviously not, even if counting all the princes in the world, if Huan Wen, Fu Jian, and Sima Dan were tied together, it might not be possible to destroy Wei.However, the Jin Dynasty moved at this time.

Ran Ming read the emergency report for a while, but there was no expression on his face.Slowly Ran Ming handed the urgent report in his hand to Zhongchang servant You Yi beside him, and then asked You Yi to deliver the urgent report to Wang Jian, Xie An, Dong Run, Ji Wei, Zhang Wenwen, Xie Ai, Shi Yue and other civil and military ministers circulated.

Wang Jian's expression when he saw the urgent report was also very exciting, first he was in disbelief, and then he was furious.He almost gnashed his teeth and shouted: "Scumbag!"

Taiwei Dong Run suddenly yelled at Zhang Wen: "Nanyang was defeated by the Jin army for three consecutive cities, Wancheng is in a hurry, what's going on, how can there be such a big leak!"

Zhang Wen is also a monk Zhang Er, so he can't figure it out.It is said that the various fortifications in the cities of Nanyang County have already been completed, so there should be no mistakes.In fact, Zhang Wen missed the hearts of the people, and the national funeral was not collected, which was almost a rut.The soldiers of Zhang Wen's troops were all in the station to mourn for Ran Min, especially to show their respect for Ran Min. Those soldiers also gave up meat and light food every day, and many of them didn't think about eating and drinking. , almost all the soldiers made themselves weak.

People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.If for a month, even the iron fighters couldn't bear it, just like that, the garrisons in various places in Nanyang County were almost so weak that the wind blew on both sides, and there was no defense, so the Jin army would naturally take advantage of it.

After reading it, Ji Li said, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Ran Ming said flatly: "If you don't die, you won't die. Once you die, you will definitely die."

"Xiandi's funeral continues!" Ran Ming slowly shook his head again, and rushed to the audience, saying: "I can't think of it, the first emperor has only been on the road for a month, and he loses the city and land. If you leave the first emperor, you will not be able to fight anymore. ?"

Although the voice of Ran Ming's words was very soft, the meaning hit the hearts of all the generals like a heavy hammer.Zhang Wen had no way to evade it. After all, Nanyang County was his defense area, so this kind of thing happened.

"Do you know what this is called? It's called face-slapping!" Ran Ming patted himself on the face and said, "This is slapping Zhen's face, this is the face-slapping of Wei Guo, and this is the face-slapping of all your officials in Great Wei! "

The master worries about the humiliation of his ministers, and the master humiliates his ministers to death, this is a theorem.

"Master, ten thousand deaths!" Zhang Wencheng said in fear.

As Zhang Wen rushed to Ran Ming and knelt down, other civil and military ministers also shouted, "I will die!"

Ran Ming suddenly shouted: "Don't tell me the nonsense about death, you only have one life, and you have to die. The most correct thing now is to go back to Nanyang immediately to stabilize the situation. If Wancheng is lost again If the situation continues to deteriorate, you don't have to come back!"

"The final general obeys the order!" Zhang Wen said with a full face.

Ran Ming said: "Where is the Minister's Order Wang Jian?"

"Chen is here!"

"Get ready now and draft an imperial decree. I want to announce to the world that during the funeral of the Great Wei State, the State of Jin launched a shameless sneak attack on the State of Wei and disturbed the first emperor. This is a great shame to the State of Wei. The contract is voided immediately, and the State of Wei officially declares war on the State of Jin, and the whole country will conquer the State of Jin!" Ran Ming said: "Generals, return immediately and prepare for the battle. I will be in Yecheng and see you take Sima Dan Xiao'er and Huan Wen, the old man who is not ashamed, have been captured in Yecheng, and I will make them both kneel in front of the royal father's tomb to apologize!"

Although Ran Ming had no evidence to prove Huan Wen's role in this, Ran Ming believed that if Sima Dan's head hadn't been flooded, he definitely wouldn't have launched the attack at this time.Because it is suicidal.Although Ran Ming had no evidence, in fact he didn't need evidence at all.

In future generations, the United States does not need evidence at all if it wants to attack any country.Let's talk about it after fighting. If you win, you can naturally find evidence. Even if you can't find evidence, then no one can say anything.No matter how you say it, it can't change the existing facts.

The so-called evidence is actually very unnecessary.Jurisprudential justice, don't worry about it.Both Ran Ming and Ran Min are pragmatic people, one doubt is enough, no evidence is needed at all.In fact, Ran Ming has long wanted to end the current split situation. China really needs to unify, concentrate all the manpower and resources in the country, and develop rapidly.

Now that he had this excuse, Ran Ming planned to officially launch the Southern Expedition Campaign, preparing to eliminate Jin and other dissident forces in the first battle to form a unified situation.Only with a unified and complete country can Ran Ming get to know Samadragupta well, and what is the real ability of this Napoleon in Indian history.

The generals left in a hurry, and the people who saw Ran Min off also felt something was wrong, and then a message spread from the crowd that the Jin State took advantage of Wei State's funeral and launched a surprise attack on Nanyang, and successfully captured the three cities of Nanyang County , Now the soldiers are besieging Wancheng, and the battle is in full swing.

The common people and the civil and military ministers were so angry that their teeth were itchy, but they understood that this was Ran Min's funeral, and the most important thing was to let Ran Min rest in peace, and the next step was to settle accounts with Jin!

On the 23rd of the first lunar month of the first year of Hongshi, the second day after Ran Ming, the new king of Wei State, officially ascended the throne, that is, in 360 AD, the emperor issued an imperial edict, ordering the whole country of Wei State You, Ping, Ying, Ji, Bing, Yan, Qing, Armed mobilization was carried out in [-] counties and [-] counties in the thirteen prefectures of Yu, Luo, Shuo, Yong, Qin, and Liang.

"Heaven has the virtue of good life, and I also have benevolence in my heart, fulfill my duties, and seek the long-term peaceful development of the Wei State. However, the Jin State deceived others too much. When the first emperor passed away, during the national mourning period, sent troops to attack Nanyang County, Yuzhou, the Great Wei Dynasty, and killed me. Soldiers, slaughtering my people is tolerable, and it is unbearable to be familiar with it. Although I can't bear to lighten my sword, I am afraid that the world will be destroyed. However, the state of Jin regards my patience as weakness. Today, I don't intend to endure it anymore. General Wei Respond to all challenges with the toughest posture. All the subjects of our Great Wei, men of the right age, once they receive the imperial conscription order, must immediately report for enlistment, join the imperial army, and fight for the future of the empire!  …”

Ran Ming's war mobilization order passed through the associates of the affiliated companies of the Huaxia Business Alliance, the Ming Pao that has been renamed "Imperial Current Affairs Highlights", "Huaxia Business Daily", and the mansion newspapers of various government offices, as well as bulletin boards and restaurants in various places. Make a public announcement.Through various means, let the people everywhere hear the emperor's oracle at the first time.

The regular army of the Wei State Army, including the Frontier Army and the Central Forbidden Army, has a total of 35 battalions, with more than 20 soldiers and horses alone.In fact, there is no need for war mobilization to attack Jin. Just mobilizing most of the Anbei Army and the Central Forbidden Army, together with the Zhenxi Army, Zhengnan Army, and Zhennan Army, can gather at least [-] troops, which is enough to defeat Jiankang.However, Ran Ming's intention is not to achieve a nominal unity for Jiankang, what he needs is more.

Historically, Fu Jian's southern expedition did not need to mobilize the whole country at all. He only needed to send a few generals, and tens of thousands of troops could be defeated in one battle.However, Fu Jian mobilized the whole country and organized an army of 95, with the purpose of invincible victory.When the number of troops on the attacking side is equal to the number of defenders, as long as the defenders are not too useless, they will have the confidence to stick to it.However, when the number of the attacking side exceeds twice that of the defending army, or even ten times, dozens of times, I am afraid that even the famous generals in the world will have to avoid their edge, or have the will to die.

Ran Ming's war mobilization order is actually for the sake of truly not fighting and subduing others' soldiers. He dispatched 20 troops to the south. This war may last for a long time, and both sides will suffer heavy casualties. Development is very bad.Therefore, Ran Ming wanted to do it once and for all, and also wanted to win the Jin Kingdom at the least cost and complete the unification of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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