Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 864 No Winning or Losing, Only Life and Death

Chapter 864 No Winning or Losing, Only Life and Death
Chapter 870 No Winning or Losing, Only Life and Death

On the basis of the 30 battalions of the regular army of Wei State, Ran Ming decided to expand another [-] battalions after the calculation of the staff department, that is, [-] troops.Of course, the main way to mobilize this time is to test the effectiveness of the military system created by Ran Ming.First of all, the local security forces of the counties and states opened the inventory equipment and completely changed their equipment.In terms of training methods and equipment, it is unified with the front-line regular army. As for the defensive gaps left by the prefectures and states, they are filled by volunteers formed by counties, townships, pavilions, and ri.Although the county soldiers are poorly equipped and poorly trained, they must be the airs of the army and can form combat effectiveness in a short period of time. This is still somewhat different from the traditional method of directly recruiting new people to form an army.

The armed forces under the jurisdiction of the county captains and county captains of the Wei State government at all levels immediately started to operate. They took out the rosters of the people who had already been registered and compiled them, and sent the conscription orders to everyone.The lack of personnel in the troops of the counties and states was also quickly filled.During this period of time, Wei Guo, a usually idle department, was very busy. In fact, the postmen and temporary helpers from all over the country were even more busy.

Qingzhou is not its shipyard, and there is a man who looks like a foreman directing the hard work of the craftsmen.This foreman is a third-level management and earns [-] yuan a month. In this era, he definitely belongs to the middle-to-high income group.His name is Chen Xuefu, and he was formerly the corps leader of Wei Guochang's water battalion. He retired from the army three years ago because he was over [-] years old.Working in Buqi Shipyard, he was promoted from an apprentice to a third-level manager in just three years.

Although Chen Xuefu is just a manager, in fact he is still a minority shareholder of the shipyard.When Chen Xuefu retired from the army, he received a reward equivalent to 150 mu of land, and a retirement fee of 22 yuan. Chen Xuefu sold the retirement fee and the land, and invested in Buqi Shipyard.At this time, Chen Xuefu's annual salary was nearly 20 yuan, plus his shareholders' dividends, and his annual income easily reached more than 300 million yuan.

Just at this moment, Chen Xuefu came next to a capable man in a black solid suit.He took out a letter from the backpack on his back: "Manager Chen, here is your letter!"

"What letter, why would someone write to me!" Chen Xuefu, like most ordinary people, was illiterate.I don't even know all the words except my own name.Chen Xuefu said: "It's time to work, please read it for me!"

In front of Chen Xuefu, the postman gently opened the envelope.He cleared his throat and said, "The General Staff of the State of Wei ordered Chen Xuefu, the former retired captain of the Changshui Army, to report to Buqi's new naval recruit camp within ten days after receiving the order."

"It seems that my old Chen is leaving!" Chen Xuefu has been used to the current life for three years.I usually work with all the craftsmen, although it is tiring and clean, but the income is high.The income of each of their craftsmen is even more than that of the middle and lower landlords.In contrast, they have no hidden dangers of natural and man-made disasters.

Chen Xuefu quickly handed over the work. According to the laws formulated by the State of Wei, once the veterans are recruited, the workshop where they work must treat absentees according to the original benefits.

When he got home, Chen Xuefu found that his wife's eyes were red from crying. Not only did the postman deliver letters to him, but the local government had already sent a plaque of "Glory to Join the Army" to his home.Due to Chen Xuefu's late marriage, he currently has a son and a daughter, the eldest is under two years old, the youngest is only four months old, and his blind mother is over 60 years old.

"Husband, can you not go?" Chen Xuefu's wife choked with red eyes.

Before Chen Xuefu could conceive words to comfort his wife, Chen's mother knocked on her walking stick and scolded: "What kind of crazy words are you ignorant woman, this is a military order, if you don't want to go, don't go, what's the point of this?"

Chen's mother said to Chen Xuefu: "Da Lang, you can go at ease, I have me at home. The people in the south are too despicable to sneak up on the late emperor when he is in funeral. What a good person the late emperor is, if there is no him , How can we have a good life like our family now. Good people just don’t live long, and the southerners are really assholes. The late emperor will not let Ansheng die. You go back to the army, don’t worry about your family, fight hard, and don’t be soft.”

Chen's wife looked at Chen Xuefu and the angry mother-in-law, choked up and said, "I know I'm wrong, Husband, you can go at ease. My slave will take good care of me!"

Chen Xuefu hugged his son who had just learned to walk, kissed his sleeping daughter, and then respectfully kowtowed three times to his mother, "My lord, since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be combined. Children have to be loyal first, and then be filial!"

Chen's mother said: "Of course, I have lived for sixty and four years. I have served as six dynasties and nine emperors. Only the first emperor and the present emperor are really good emperors to our people. We couldn't eat enough before. Your mother gave birth to you." There are seven of you brothers, but you are the only one who survived. If it wasn’t for the late emperor and the present, you would have starved to death long ago. I don’t understand the truth, but if you receive a drop of water, you should spring up to repay it. We owe it to the Ran family The emperor has too much money, so I have to pay it back with my life. If you dare to be timid on the battlefield, even if your majesty kills you, I will never recognize you as a son again as a mother!"

"The child understands!"

Yecheng Zhang's real estate company has now become the largest real estate developer in Yecheng.Ever since Ran Ming planned low-rent housing in Yecheng, the Zhang family in Yecheng has followed Ran Ming since he was a small foreman.Just taking advantage of the gap in the market, the Zhang family in Yecheng now has more than 1000 skilled craftsmen and has formed a large-scale real estate company.Although the Zhang family is not comparable to the wealth of the first-class wealthy families, they have accumulated a huge wealth of tens of thousands of gold over the years, and they are also respectable people in Yecheng.

Zhang Junjie is the sole heir of Zhang's real estate company, and is also the person in charge of Zhang's real estate company.Zhang Junjie was originally a soldier of the back cub army formed by Ran Ming. He had served in many battles and almost lost his life in Yongzhou.At that time, Zhang's real estate began to improve, and Zhang Junjie's father handled Zhang Junjie's discharge from the army.

"Young master! Here is your heart!" A beautiful maid handed a letter to Zhang Junjie.

Zhang Junjie could read, so he could tell at a glance that the letter was sent by the Armed Mobilization Department under the General Staff.As a native of Yecheng, he was very well-informed. He knew that when the late emperor was going to attend the funeral, the emperor received an emergency report from Nanyang, and knew that Jin had launched a surprise attack on Wei. More than ten thousand people were killed.The emperor was furious and had already ordered a mobilization order.He really didn't expect that the army would still miss him after leaving the army for so many years.

"I didn't expect that I would go to the battlefield again one day!" As the only seedling of the Zhang family, Zhang Junjie laughed.Although the current life is very rich, it is not what I want.He missed the bloody military life even more.Seeing the tragic death of those Duo Pao Ze with his own eyes, this was a hurdle that Zhang Junjie couldn't get over.

"Go back and tell the old man that I went to report to the new barracks!"

The maid said: "Master, don't you want to tell the master about this?"

"What are you talking about? When I go back and talk about it, those aunts at home will cry like a mess. I can't bear it. I'm afraid I won't be able to leave!" Zhang Junjie said, "I'll tell the old man in half an hour, and now help me pack a few change clothes clothing!"

In the Cui Mansion of Yecheng, Cui Da is now the censor of the Wei State, second only to the doctor of the censor, and the third in the censor.Although Yushi Zhongcheng is only a fourth-rank official position, but this is a low-ranking and powerful official position. Yushi Zhongcheng can supervise the department and assassinate the history, serve the censor internally, receive the minister's chapter, and picket the officials. .

At this time Cui Da also had a very headache, his favorite concubine Yanxue was crying in front of him.Originally, this Yanxue had a younger brother named Yan Ronghua, who was a governor of Shangdang County. Cui Da once received evidence that Sun Hao, the prefect of Shangdang, was greedy for ink. When he was about to write a letter to impeach Sun Hao, Sun Hao sent someone to send him a Qianjin, and promoted Yanxue's younger brother to be Sima of the other department.It can be regarded as a direct promotion from the company level to the regiment level.

Cui Da reciprocated and let Sun Hao go.Originally, this was a good choice for Yan Ronghua. The county army is not a regular army. Although it is one level lower than the regular army in terms of rank, this job is safe. I usually arrest a bandit to maintain law and order.But now with the official mobilization of the Wei State, the Shangdang County Army has compiled an independent department, and Yan Ronghua has become the governor of this department.

Yan Xue was very anxious when she heard the news, she cried to Cui Da: "Yan, Yan Ronghua is the only seedling in the Yan family. Why do you still let him go to the battlefield! What if something goes wrong! "

"The war mobilization order has already been issued, is this still fake?" Cui Da's face was gloomy. He liked this little concubine very much, and he also liked that glib Yan Ronghua very much.

"Husband, can you think of other ways! Let go of the relationship and don't let Ronghua go." Yanxue burst into tears.

"What are you talking about? This is a major event that His Majesty has achieved since he became the throne. Whoever dares to touch this bad luck will die." Cui Da said: "There are many people with money, power and background in Wei State. Even Shang Shuling Wang The son-in-law of King Jian's envoy is also on the expedition this time, and he has nothing to do with it, but sent his son-in-law to the first-line troops of the Southern Conquest Army."

Then, Cui Da's evidence softened. "Don't worry about it. Don't worry, this time we will win the Great Wei. If we go to the Ronghua Institute, we may be able to earn some military merits. In the future, it is not impossible to seal our wife and son."

The same scene happened all over the Wei country.Numerous farmers, herdsmen, businessmen, workers, and government officials have received conscription orders.Their reactions were almost the same. They all put down their work, said goodbye to their families, and went to the conscription point to report.

No matter which one of the new barracks is outside, there are crowds of people.The gray-haired parents bid farewell to their sons, the wives holding their children bid farewell to their husbands, and the sons bid farewell to their fathers.Countless people re-entered the barracks with the expectations of their families and the country.They will go to the battlefield and fight for the future of the empire.Even though many people will shed blood on the battlefield, no one is afraid or regretful.

Everyone knows that Ran Min brought them such a good life now.Now the state of Jin launched an attack, which disturbed Ran Min's funeral ceremony and insulted the state of Wei.The Lord worries about the humiliation of his ministers, and the Lord humiliates his ministers to death.Then what will happen in the future, everyone is very clear.In this large-scale war, the empire must win the final victory.

The last sentence in Ran Ming's mobilization order was "Soldiers, I want you to capture Sima Dan, the emperor of Jin, and Huan Wen, the king of Shu, to the mausoleum of the first emperor, and let them atone for their stupidity with their own blood!"

This became the battle cry, capture Sima Dan alive and Huan Wen alive.

When the Wei State was mobilizing the whole country, Chang Wei, the first minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Wei State and the first diplomat of the Wei State, also arrived in Jiankang.After submitting the letter of credence to Sima Dan of Jiankang, the state of Wei officially declared war on the state of Jin. There is no victory or defeat in the national war, only life and death, and there is no end to death.

"Your Majesty, all the conscription points are already full. In just three days, the Armed Mobilization Department has completed the refitting of sixty counties and national war barracks. The intensive training has been fully launched, and it is estimated that they will be able to form combat effectiveness in three months. Shen Zhong, the former Taiwei, and the chief of the general staff of the Wei State Staff Department at the moment, said with a smile on his face: "In addition to the personnel on the armed mobilization list, there are also many people who are actively joining the army. Because the conscription work has been completed, I dare not do it privately." Lord, I refused these people to join the army. However, these people have great resentment towards the ministers and others, claiming to organize representatives, and go to the Ye Palace to sue the imperial court!"

People's hearts, being supported by the people, this is what Ran Ming and Ran Min and his son are most proud of.Although Ran Ming didn't make any big moves against the Wei officials, he adjusted the authority of some positions.Like the Taiwei, since the Han Dynasty, the Taiwei has been known as the Sangong along with the prime minister and the imperial doctor.Among them, the Taiwei is in charge of the military, including the renewal and repair of military equipment in peacetime, as well as the training of the army, and commanding the world's soldiers and horses in wartime.The official position of Taiwei is roughly the post of the commander in chief and the chief of the general staff, the minister of armed forces, and the minister of defense in later generations.

After Ran Ming ascended the throne, the former Ministry of War was officially abolished, and the General Staff Department, Armed Mobilization Department, Logistics Department, and Ministry of National Defense were added.Although the Taiwei is still one of the three men, he has become an empty shelf.Ran Ming is clinging to the military power, whether it is a captain or chief of staff, he does not have the power to directly mobilize troops above the battalion level.It must be authorized by the emperor Ran Ming, so that their actions of mobilizing the army can be legal.

The power of the commanding generals has been further weakened, and the military pay is directly distributed from the bank to each soldier, so that the generals have no chance to drink the blood of the soldiers.As for reselling military assets like before, the punishment was even stricter.Ran Ming had already issued an order to the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce that all transactions with the military must be recorded at the General Chamber of Commerce and sent to the emperor for review. Once the private transaction is found out, the family property will be confiscated, the mastermind will be beheaded, and his family members will be exiled to Nanyang.As for the non-Huaxia Business Alliance, the result is the same.Whether it is weapons or armor, all are directly numbered during the production process, and the flow of equipment distributed to each step can be checked in detail. Even the food bags and cans belonging to the military are also numbered. If something goes wrong, it is easy. The person responsible can be found.

In order to prevent the generals from abusing their power, a soldier organization called the "Holy Warriors Association" was established among the soldiers. Soldiers who can join the Holy Warriors Association are, in today's words, people who are politically strong, hard thinking and extremely loyal to the country. They are responsible for the safety of all soldiers. Ideological work, and monitoring the behavior of generals.Although they do not directly dispose of power, they can provide feedback.This is equivalent to placing countless censors among the generals.

Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "This time, only [-] battalions will be recruited for the conscription work, mainly those who have received the conscription order. Other farmers, craftsmen, students, and young and strong from all walks of life will not be considered for the time being. Notify all conscription points, don't Crack down on the patriotic enthusiasm of the people, and encourage and support their active participation in the army. At the same time, we must patiently do their ideological work and tell them that being loyal to the emperor and patriotism is not the only way to join the army and fight. As craftsmen, they work hard. Building one more qualified weapon for the empire can allow soldiers to exert more combat effectiveness on the battlefield. Farmers cultivate the land with heart and produce one catty more grain, so that soldiers on the front line can be freed from worries. Young students study hard, Learning culture and all kinds of knowledge will have a big enough stage for them to develop in Wei State in the future, and everyone will perform their duties and do their best, which is also loyal to the king and patriotic."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Shen Zhong nodded.

Ran Ming said again: "The climate in Jin is different from that in the north, so we must do a good job in the prevention and treatment of qi disease. In fact, qi disease sounds very scary, but in fact it is nothing. To prevent qi disease, it is good to do three things. No.1 Personal hygiene, bathing frequently, changing clothes. The second point is personal diet. Do not drink unboiled water without permission. Do not defecate anywhere. The third is to find a disease and treat it immediately. Timely isolation and different treatment. 20. Medicinal materials must be fully prepared. Soldiers are raised by their fathers and mothers. It takes at least [-] years for each baby to grow into a soldier. The life of every soldier is precious. We must cherish the life of every soldier. Problems that can be prevented, even if No matter how much money is spent, we must ensure the safety of every soldier!"

Hearing Ran Ming's words, Chief of Staff Shen Zhong was almost moved to tears.This is the benevolent monarch who truly sympathizes with the soldiers and cherishes them.Working for such a monarch is their eight lifetimes of virtue.

Shen Zhongdao: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the late Emperor started preparations for the Southern Expedition three years ago. All kinds of armor, weapons, arrows, ballistas, tents, medicines, and food have been stored."

"What? You started preparing three years ago?" Ran Ming said, "It's okay to say that things like armor and weapons can be stored for more than ten years as long as they are properly maintained, but food, food, and medicine are all there. Timeliness, it can no longer be used after the expiration date. Isn’t this creating waste?”

Shen Zhongdao: "Your Majesty doesn't know something. I have told the late emperor about these issues. Like grain, old grain will be cleared out every year and new grain will be replaced. The same is true for medicine and food."

Hearing this, Ran Mingxuan felt relieved.Once the expired food supply is used, causing a large number of soldiers to be poisoned by food, it will be a lot of fun.Fortunately, the ancients had their own methods.

Ran Ming nodded and said again: "This time, I want to end the division of the North and the South once and for all. I will not destroy the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and I will not give up until the unification is completed. The Southern Expedition Army stationed in Qingyu is responsible for attacking the lower reaches of Xuyang, Jianghuai, and Luoyang. The Zhennan Army is responsible for attacking Jingxiang, and the Zhenxi Army and Anxi Army are mainly attacking Bashu. The Anbei Army only needs to mobilize some cavalry and equipment battalions to participate in the battle, so once the Southern Expedition Campaign starts, it will depend on Shi Yue, Zhang Wen and Xie Ai. show!"

"Your Majesty, the Shiyue Division of the Southern Expedition Army, the Zhang Wen Division of the Zhennan Army, and the Xie Ai Division of the Zhenxi Army have begun to gather when His Majesty's call-up order was issued. Now they have secretly moved and arrived at the designated location. Whether it is Sima Dan or Huan Wen didn't seem to notice their change!" Shen Zhong continued: "Once the battle starts, General Shi Yue, who is good at running raids, will lead the elite light troops of the Southern Army to penetrate south quickly, while the seven battalions in Qingzhou The Beifu army will be responsible for quick response. The newly formed [-] horse infantry battalions will dispatch [-] battalions to be responsible for maintaining public security and peace in the newly occupied area. The same is true for Zhang Wen's troops. The plan of the staff department Yes, once we encounter a city that the enemy is holding on to, our army will adopt barrier tactics, build ditches and camps around the city, trap them in the city, surround them without fighting, and the main force will go around and enter a quick detour. Once the enemy troops leave the city , our army can use a small number of troops and superior equipment to wipe out the enemy's vital forces."

In order to wipe out the state of Jin in one fell swoop, the state of Wei did its best. In addition to the three front armies of Zhengnan, Zhennan, and Zhenxi, almost all the elite central guards in Yecheng participated in the battle. Elite cavalry and light infantry from Youzhou and Liangzhou will also join the battle. 45 veteran battalions, 52 new battalions, a total of 95 combat battalions, a total of 45 troops participated in the battle.Although this is not as good as Fu Jian's [-] troops marching south, it is actually not counted as a new infantry battalion. Just [-] veteran battalions can completely torture Fu Jian's million-strong army.

There is a saying that before the soldiers and horses are moved, the food and grass go first.In order to transport all kinds of combat materials, Ran Ming will also mobilize more than 40 young and strong civilians and hundreds of thousands of slaves from the Huaxia Business Alliance.

This Southern Expedition will definitely affect Wei's grain production in the coming year.Ran Ming gave the Wei State Expeditionary Army an order to negotiate a temporary peace with the Gupta Empire, but the Gupta Empire must provide Wei State with no less than 600 million shi of grain.Once the Gupta Empire disagreed, the expeditionary navy, land warfare, and various indigenous servants in Southeast Asia would carry out armed plundering of its coastal areas.

The southern coastal areas of the Gupta Empire belonged to the newly occupied areas of the Gupta Empire, and the tribal leaders and local kings in those areas had not yet formed absolute loyalty to the Gupta Empire.Once the battle starts, Ran Ming believes that there will be many Indian traitors in the Gupta Empire.Anyway, the navy of the Gupta Empire was disabled at this time, and the Gupta Empire without a navy had no chance to resist.

In addition to the Gupta Empire, Ran Ming also ordered Jinzhou (Sumatra) to prepare at least 300 million shi of grain, Malay Peninsula 160 million shi, and Borneo (Kalimantan) at least 200 million shi.Lu Yepoti of Ye Tiao Kingdom has 1000 million shi, Zhenyuan, Fuyuan and Weiyuan each have 180 million shi, Ningyuan has no less than 200 million shi, and Indochina Peninsula has at least 200 million shi.In this way, the grain obtained from Nanyang will reach 200 million shi.In terms of quantity, it is quite a lot, but in fact it is not much, just over 280 million tons.

Once the Southern Campaign starts, I am afraid that the entire Jin country will fall into war, and the grain production in the entire Jianghuai region will be greatly damaged. Historically, the population of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has a population of more than 600 million (including shady households and hermit households), but Liu Yu When the Southern Song Dynasty was established, there were only 4609 million people left.By the time of the fall of the Chen Dynasty, there were only about 200 million people left, and the population loss was astonishing.

Of course, in wars, especially in the era of cold weapons, no matter how tragic the battle is, it is very frightening that tens of thousands of people will die.The number of people who died directly in the war was actually not too many, and more people died after the war, because of the destruction, so the food was greatly reduced, and the people who died of starvation, freezing, and disease were the most.During the war, the army consumes a lot of food.With an army of [-] people, assuming that there are only [-]% of the cavalry, the daily food consumption will be between [-] and [-] shi, and the horses will need at least ten catties of forage and three catties of soybeans.

Ran Ming's 52 soldiers ate more than 3000 shi of grain every day, plus the consumption of cavalry war horses and poor horses, this figure was 600 shi of grain.If it is assumed that the war will be fought for half a year, plus the food of the peasants, it will require as much as [-] million shi of grain.In the Battle of Feishui, Fu Jian dispatched millions of troops, but he didn't have that much food, so even if the Eastern Jin Dynasty didn't fight at that time, Fu Jian could be exhausted to death with the simple move of strengthening the wall and clearing the wilderness.

Wei Guo prepared military rations plus canned food, biscuits, milk powder and other food, which was equivalent to 800 million shi.This is Wei's largest grain reserve. With the deployment of more than 50 troops and civilian husbands, more than 100 million laborers will be lost. This is equivalent to pulling out one-third of Wei's labor force. The reduction in grain production will definitely cause a famine.Therefore, Ran Ming borrowed food from Nanyang. As for whether all parts of Nanyang can complete Ran Ming's mission, it is not a question that Ran Ming considers.

Military law is ruthless, and those generals will definitely do everything they can to complete the task that Ran Ming assigned.As for the life and death of the natives, Ran Ming didn't care.I can't even take care of my Han compatriots, so how can I care about the aborigines?Anyway, 200 million shi is just Ran Ming's goal. If his generals can't complete the task, at least 3000% to 500% will reach 600 million shi.Evenly shared among the heads of every common people ([-] million people in Wei State, [-] million people in Jin State), it is only a little more than one stone.The per capita is only [-] to [-] catties of grain.

With these grains, Ran Ming also has the confidence to buy the hearts of the people of Jin.

Wei State launched a war mobilization, which immediately plunged Jin State into an extremely tense situation.No matter how stupid Sima Dan was, he knew what was wrong, not to mention that Chu Suanzi handed over the shadow to Sima Dan and used the shadow. Although the shadow caused a lot of personnel losses because of Yinjiro's rebellion, it was almost blank in Bashu and Jingxiang. .However, using official and secret methods, Sima Dan still got the whole story.

(End of this chapter)

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