Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 865 Strategic Feint

Chapter 865 Strategic Feint
Chapter 871

In the Xianyang Hall of the Imperial Palace of the Jin Dynasty, the Shangshu worried Wang Shu: "Your Majesty, according to our information, the Wei Kingdom has mobilized for war. They will recruit 60 million troops. This will be a very huge challenge for the Great Jin Dynasty. threat!"

The Eastern Jin Dynasty can stay in the southeast for a long time, mainly because it has a population of more than 600 million and can easily maintain the size of an army of 60 to [-]. Although the military power of these armies is not in the hands of the emperor, the Hu regime in the north will not see it that way , They all understand that once life and death are faced, external threats will force them to temporarily reconcile their internal conflicts and agree to the outside world.Although the Hu people's iron cavalry were fierce and powerful, they were not used to the warm climate in the south of the Yangtze River, and it was impossible for them to fly on the water.The criss-crossing water networks and lakes in the south of the Yangtze River will be their biggest threat.

Wang Tanzhi, who was then the supervisor of Zhongshu, said enviously: "Wei State has a population of 500 million. If they are ruthless, they can form an army of 150 million at most. Wei State still has the financial resources to supply such a huge army! "

"Yuan Zhen misunderstood me!" Sima Dan sighed, "I treat him well, why would he do this?"

Wang Shudao: "Your Majesty, this matter is obvious. Attacking Wei State is of no benefit to Yuan Zhen at all. The only result is to provoke a war between the two countries."

Wang Tanzhi said: "I'm afraid Yuan Zhen may have taken refuge in Huan Wen!"

Sima Dan thought about it, it was true.Huan Wen heard that the governance was good in Bashu, and he took over the foundation left by Cheng Han in Bashu. Huan Wen was quite popular in Bashu. With Jingxiang added, the population under Huanwen's rule was more than 200 million, although it was not as good as the central court. , but the strength is already very close.Bashu is easy to conquer and difficult to attack. Once there is a war between Wei and Jin, he can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Whether it is the failure of Jin or Wei, he will make money without losing money.

"Huan Wen has a good plan!" Sima Dan said, "It's just like this, I, I."

After waiting for a long time, Sima Dan didn't say a reason.

Wang Tanzhi said: "Your Majesty, it's not that I deliberately boosted the ambitions of others and destroyed my own prestige. In fact, our Jin country must not be able to defeat the tiger and wolf army of Wei State. The tiger and wolf army of Wei State defeated the Huns. The entire Xiongnu The tribe was almost wiped out, and there are still not many Jie people who are afraid of even the Xianbei people. Once this tiger and wolf army goes south, we Nanren may not be opponents. No matter how we prepare for the battle, the ending will be the same .!"

Sima Dan said: "Wendu listened to you, you seem to have an idea?"

"Of course!" Wang Tanzhi said: "Your Majesty, the only solution now is to explain clearly to the Wei State, and the disaster is diverted to the east! Your Majesty can send an eloquent envoy to explain clearly to the Emperor Wei that this is Huan Wen's work." The purpose of the strategy is to use the sword of the Wei State to weaken the Jin State, so as to achieve his ulterior purpose! Moreover, the new emperor of the Wei State and His Majesty still have a relationship of incense and fire, which can be moved with emotion and reason. Tell Lord Wei, don't fall for the tricks, and do things that hurt your loved ones and make your enemies happy."

When Sima Dan heard this, he said excitedly: "Wendu is willing to share my worries!"

"Don't dare to follow suit!" Wang Tanzhi volunteered to accept the job.Because he also understands that once he accomplishes this, his contribution will be certain, and at the same time, he can look down on Jiankang and even the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty as a savior.

In response to that sentence, the ideal is full.But the reality is cruel.Sima Dan, a naive and pitiful child, naively thought that Ran Ming was just avenging the humiliation, and as long as Ran Ming's anger was appeased, the Jin and Wei countries could live in peace.In fact, politicians are people without integrity. They never do impulsive and unwise things because of their own preferences.

This chaotic world has been chaotic for too long, and Ran Ming wanted to end it a long time ago.The only way to end the troubled times is to unify.Now the common people think about peace, Wei's economic development and improvement of people's livelihood have achieved preliminary results, especially when Ran Ming has sacrificed the trump card that will never be paid, so that the hearts of the Jin Dynasty will transfer to Wei.For ordinary people, it doesn't matter who becomes the emperor, anyway, it won't be their turn anyway, but whichever emperor can make them live a good life, they will think of their good.

Weizong of the Northern Song Dynasty was a well-known bastard emperor, but the Jin army went south, and the whole Northern Song Dynasty was still full of rebels. Countless people took hoes and went to fight the fierce Jurchens desperately.This is because during the Northern Song Dynasty, the people really benefited.The benevolence of Emperor Zhao's family was not exaggerated like Kangxi and Qianlong.As for how Man Yi whitewashed the Qing Dynasty, it cannot change a fact.The Southern Song Dynasty fell, and hundreds of thousands of people committed suicide by jumping into the sea to die for their country. However, when the Qing Dynasty was completely destroyed, the whole world celebrated.

Ran Ming's preparations are sufficient and his determination is firm, and he will never change his original intention just because of Sima Dan's soft words.Even if Sima Dan knelt in front of Ran Ming and called him his father, Ran Ming would never waver.

In this way, Wang Tanzhi, who brought a large amount of gold and silver treasures, has just set off. I am afraid that he has not yet reached the Huaihe River, and Chang Wei here has issued a letter of war to Jin!
Facing the arrogant Chang Wei, Wang Shu, Minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, lowered his body and said patiently: "Mr. Chang Wei, the situation between the Wei and Jin countries is already very tense. Mobilization is like adding fuel to the fire, making the situation even more tense. Wei and Jin are of the same origin, and both are of the blood of our Han family. Once a war breaks out, then it will be tantamount to fighting each other and fighting each other. , will inevitably arouse the ridicule of the barbarians at home and abroad. At that time, the blood of our descendants of the Yellow Emperor will still be shed, and the vitality of our Han nation will be lost. My Majesty hopes that the State of Wei can seriously consider it, stop mobilization, and use the method of peaceful negotiations way to solve this problem.”

At this time, Chang Wei was no longer the Da Sima Englang who was sent to Yan by the order of Ran Min.With the strengthening of Wei State's strength, Chang Wei, who is in charge of diplomatic work, has become more and more confident.Hearing Wang Shu's words, Chang Wei's face became colder and colder. He frowned and replied coldly, "Is Wang Shangshuling accusing Wei Guo?"

"No, no, Chang Shilang misunderstood, Shu didn't mean that!" Wang Shu quickly explained.The State of Wei at this time is not the State of Wei 11 years ago. At that time, the State of Jin could kill them without even sending troops.With the growing power of the Wei State, the Wei State has surpassed the Jin State both economically and militarily.As far as the current situation is concerned, the population of Wei State is more than three times that of Jin State, and the territory is more than six or seven times larger.The balance of Jin being strong and Wei being weak had already been broken, and Jin had to treat Wei with caution.How could Wang Shu dare to ask Chang Wei to seize the loophole in words.

"You guys are very clear about the cause of this incident!" Chang Wei said, "The late emperor went on a grand tour, and the state of Wei held a national funeral. Civil and military officials stopped the court, stopped all activities, and the whole country mourned. But you shamelessly launched a sneak attack, not only captured captured the three cities of Nanyang County, and killed more than [-] people of our Wei State, causing casualties of more than [-] Wei State soldiers. You are an insult to the late emperor and an insult to our Wei State. Since you have chosen war, you must do it Well prepared to bear the wrath of Wei."

Wang Shudao: "You don't know, Minister Chang, that the military action to attack Nanyang County was not authorized by His Majesty the Emperor, and it can be said to be illegal. His Majesty has ordered that Yuan Zhen, the prefect of Xinye, and his generals be rebellious. The army of Xinye County is a rebel army, and all soldiers and horses in the world can discuss it. When Yuan Zhen is captured, the state of Jin will definitely give an explanation to the state of Wei. We will definitely hand over the occupied cities. full compensation."

"I really admire Wang Shangshuling's ability to tell nonsense with his eyes open! However, this excuse is not bad." Chang Wei said: "Our army of Wei State is also spontaneously assembled. If we occupy Jiankang in the future, we will definitely hand it over. , we will also compensate for the losses caused to Jin!"

"Chang Shilang!" The soil is still three-dimensional. No matter what, Wang Shu is also the head of all the officials of the Wei State. Usually, only others look up to him, and he has never been so humble.Seeing that Chang Wei's attitude was still tough, Wang Shu's voice rose an octave unconsciously.

Chang Wei said: "Wang Shangshu has something to say, but it's okay to say it!"

Wang Shu was anxious, pointed at Chang Wei and said, "Chang Shilang is not sincere in negotiating?"

"Our country of Wei is peace-loving, and we are very sincere about this incident." Chang Wei said with a smirk: "As long as Jin meets Wei's conditions, Wei's war mobilization can be stopped immediately. Otherwise, war may be inevitable!"

As he spoke, Chang Wei handed over a volume of credentials to Wang Shu.Wang Shu glanced at it, and his heart sank.When he read the first article, he knew that war was inevitable.Because the first requirement of the State of Wei is to let Sima Dan and Huan Wen go to Yecheng to plead guilty, and secondly, the entourage covers [-]% of the officials in the center of the Jiankang court, almost all the officials above the fourth rank are listed, especially Wang Shu is actually ranked No. Two, second only to Sima Yu.

If the state of Jin agrees to the request of the state of Wei, it is almost tantamount to announcing to the world that the state of Jin will surrender without a fight.

In the Xianyang Hall of the Imperial Palace of the Jin Dynasty, Sima Dan's expression was a little gloomy. He never expected that at this time, Ran Ming, Sima Dan's most respected teacher, would not give him any face.When Nanyang was attacked, Sima Dan could find out that Huan Wen was contributing to the flames. Sima Dan could imagine that with Ran Ming's ability, he would definitely know the inside story.Otherwise, Huan Wenwen would not be allowed to enter Ye to plead guilty.

Sima Dan said: "If I don't agree, will Wei Guo go to war?"

Wang Shu burst into tears and said, "Your Majesty, the worry of Wei Guo destroying us and the Great Jin is clearly revealed!"

"Emperor, don't hold on to any hope. Even if there is no battle of Nanyang, the whole country of Wei will go south!" Chu Suanzi said: "Emperor, have you forgotten that the emperor of Wei told you back then? There was a story about a wolf eating a sheep. Do you remember?"

Sima Dan nodded.At this time, he suddenly realized.If the wolf wants to eat the sheep, as long as the wolf is willing, there will be no excuses.

Immediately, Sima Dan took the lead and ordered Wang Shu to declare to Chang Wei, "Since Wei State has no sincerity for peaceful negotiations, this negotiation has broken down. Wei State wants war, and Jin State will never let others slaughter it." Sima Dan also issued a The strong slogan of "If you want to fight, then fight".

Anyone can say hard words, and it is very refreshing to say them.In fact, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to be able to do tough things.But at this time, Xiao Lezi from the Lanling Xiao Clan appeared on the stage.Xiao Lezi Sima Dan's commoner friend.In fact, Sima Dan didn't know that although he was influenced by Ran Ming and liked to travel in low clothes, it was just that he was a child who grew up in a deep palace after all.With too little experience in life and society, Xiao Lezi, who was a big kid, tried to find out the truth, and he still didn't know it.In this way, Xiao Lezi, who wanted to get close to Sima Dan, took advantage of the loophole.

Therefore, Xiao Lezi became Sima Dan's new confidant, and was appointed as a regular servant of Sanqi.The rank of this official is not high, but it is a low-weight position. If he is trusted by the emperor, he can influence national policies or major administrative policies.With Xiao Lezi's encouragement, Sima Dan had the confidence to fight Wei.

On February [-]th of the first year of Hongshi, Chang Wei, the Minister of Rites who returned from Jiankang, delivered an order to Ran Ming.On February [-]th, Ran Ming held a temporary court meeting, and all officials from the fifth rank and above in Yecheng participated in the court meeting.

When all the ministers arrived, they kowtowed to Ran Ming to see the emperor and ministers.Ran Ming even skipped the routine of "playing with a book, but retreating without a book".He said directly, "Dear dear friends, as we all know, during the mourning period of our country Wei, Jin country shamelessly attacked Nanyang of our Wei country, causing tens of thousands of innocent people to die in vain. As a son of man, I should avenge this. I am willing to bear the name of being unfilial, reduce the casualties of our Wei soldiers and common people, and resolve the issue of the Nanyang War through peaceful negotiations. But my good intentions were in vain. The Jin State accused I Wei deliberately provoked a war, and declared that I would fight to the death with my country Wei.

I have decided to promulgate the emperor's imperial edict. From now on, in the state of Wei, any border disputes and peaceful negotiations should be avoided. Faced with the enemy's provocation and attack, it is an insult to our great Wei empire, and it is to use war to defend the interests of the empire. ! "

"Fight, fight, fight!"

When all the courtiers heard the news, they all blushed, waved their fists, and shouted.The voice is as loud as that of a majestic soldier.Ran Ming was a little surprised. The average age of ministers in the state of Wei is about 50 to [-] years old. It is really surprising that they can make such a voice at such an age.

At the same time, the major newspapers and periodicals of Wei State also spread overwhelming propaganda that Jin State not only did not want to repent, but clamored to fight Wei State to the end.Naturally, the people of Wei State didn't know what was going on inside, and they didn't know that Jin State actually wanted peace. No matter how high the price was, they didn't want to fight.In fact, the bottom line in Jin Emperor Sima Dan's heart was to cede to the north of the Huaihe River, not even an important town like Xiangyang.

But Ran Ming's appetite was so big that Sima Dan couldn't satisfy it at all.Even if the whole state of Jin is conquered, it will not satisfy Ran Ming.

Since Ran Min appointed the surrendered general Xie Ai as the general of Zhenxi, Murong Chui and Murong Ke have also become important ministers in Guanzhong.As Chang'an Yin, Murong Ke's power at this time was almost equivalent to that of senior city officials in Shanghai and Tianjin in later generations, ranking above the governors of various states.And Murong Chui became the cavalry supervisor under Xie Ai's command.

The official position of supervisor was established by the Jin Dynasty and has many names.There are vanguard supervisors, rebel supervisors, great supervisors, etc. Military officials and administrative officials have supervisors under their subordinates. For example, state governors also have supervisors, who have military command power and command troops, similar to political commissars in the modern army, and supervisors. The army is different and has the power to directly command operations.Ran Min's appointment like this was actually the result of the emperor's tricks.

Ran Min didn't want the former general of Xiliang Kingdom to dominate his family in the northwest and eventually become the king of the northwest.Although the scale of the Zhenxi Army is not as large as that of the Anbei Army, as the military commander of Shuo, Yong, Qin, Liang, and the four prefectures, Xie Ai has [-] battalions of elite infantry and cavalry in his hands, although the number is not as large as that of the Anbei Army More, but because of the old foundation of the Qin army left by Ran Ming, the overall level of equipment of the Zhenxi army is not weak, and it can even be said to be stronger.

In particular, there are many Hu people in the various tribes in the northwest, and the tribes who surrendered are the main cannon fodder for this attack.There are only 28 new battalions, the Zhengnan Army has 28 battalions, the Zhennan Army has only 25 battalions, but the Zhenxi Army has 12 battalions.Of the [-] new battalions, nineteen of them were cavalry battalions.Including the [-] cavalry originally belonging to the Zhenxi Army, the Zhenxi Army has [-] battalions, a total of [-] cavalry.

Although Huan Wen led the battle of Nanyang, in fact Huan Wen also knew that Ran Ming was likely to hug grass and beat rabbits, so he stationed [-] troops at Jianmen Pass.Poor Jiange County has only more than ten thousand people, but it has to bear the supplies of forty thousand troops, and it will definitely not be completed.

As the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army attacking Bashu, Xie Ai immediately secretly moved the troops assembled in Shangyu and Chang'an to Jianmen Pass after receiving the order from the General Staff Headquarters.In order to avoid the surveillance of Huan Wen's subordinates, these troops adopted the method of hiding during the day and going out at night, and all of them arrived at the front line.The war materials in the rear are also being transported to the front in large quantities.However, Xie Ai also played tricks on Huan Wen. He moved about 6000 troops to Jianmen Pass with great fanfare, and even used some civilians to wear armor and hold banners. People are also a way of mixing foot and horse.Xie Ai claimed that the [-]-day army of the Great Wei Zhenxi would attack Jianmen Pass.

From Pingwu to Jianmenguan, which is a narrow valley more than 100 miles away, there are places where ambush can be set up on almost both sides.Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible to hide from the secret agents and scouts of the Bashu army.It turned out that the scouts told Huan Wen what they saw.

Huan Wen thought for a while, Jianmen Pass is a famous dangerous pass in the world, one man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it.Huan Wen placed 4 horses there, and it was obviously impossible to break through Jianmen Pass.When Huan Wen got Xie Ai again, he pretended to be an army of [-] with [-] old, weak, sick, and disabled. Obviously, the purpose was not to storm Jianmen Pass.It is very possible that the main attack direction is not at Jianmen Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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