Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 870 Don't Get Lucky, This Is All-Out War

Chapter 870 Don't Get Lucky, This Is All-Out War
Chapter 876 Don't Get Lucky This Is All-Out War

Later, the three meals in more than a dozen refugee resettlement sites were changed to two meals, but the people of Jin who were used to hardships did not complain.Gradually, two meals of dry rice became porridge, and thick porridge became gruel.Two meals of porridge, at most one pissing will disappear, even if there is no work, there will be a stomach twitching from hunger.

Xiangcheng is the prefecture of Ruyin County. There is a big camp in Guowuli to the south of the city. This is the resettlement site for refugees from the Jin Kingdom.All the refugees who escaped from the state of Jin are here.Five thousand shi of grain is only 60 catties, which sounds like a lot.It can be that in the face of the influx of more than 30 old and weak women and children in Ruyin County alone, this amount of food is shared by everyone, but the average person is two catties.

At one time, the camp could accommodate tens of thousands of people, but now it is overcrowded.This is also a small society, although it may seem like it’s all bitterness, but these bitternesses are also of varying degrees.In the big camp, there is a group of Wei soldiers responsible for maintaining order, and a small official is responsible for management.

Now there are no small officials in Wei State, they are collectively referred to as civil servants, they hold state salaries, and they are also officials and family members who eat the royal rations, so they are naturally superior.The Han people are a group living in clans. Each clan varies in size, ranging from hundreds to thousands of people, and dozens of small ones.The last time was the kind of person who escaped alone.

The red sun is rising, and a day in the refugee resettlement camp begins.Gan Niu'er opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep. The white rice in the dream was still dangling in front of his eyes, but his stomach was throbbing with hunger, which brought him back to reality immediately. He touched Goudan's forehead.

Both he and Zhou Goudan were soldiers of the Imperial Guards of the Jin State, and Gan Niuer was still a senior.Goudan is his same soldier.Fortunately, Goudan's forehead was not so hot, and he survived the night again.

Gan Niu'er was very unlucky, a dozen of them were unintentionally scattered when they were performing this task.The five sailors who knew how to operate the boat were taken away by the newly built navy of Wei State. The Wei State Navy is currently serving as a soldier, with a salary of [-] yuan a month, four sets of uniforms in winter and summer each year, and [-] acres of military land. I am afraid that five people will not come back.Whether they will betray themselves, I am afraid only God knows.

There were also three carpenters who were recruited by the two companies. They promised to give them a house after five years of work, and a salary of [-] yuan per year. This temptation was also very strong.Lu Liulang and Liu Zhuzi were loyal to His Majesty the Emperor. They had just bewitched dozens of refugees and planned to seize the opportunity to seize the weapons guarding the soldiers of the Wei Army and start a riot. They were informed by the refugees, and before they could implement it, they were rushed in and arrested by the soldiers of the Wei Army. Gone, and since then his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown.

Now there is only Goudan by his side, but Goudan has typhoid fever.Typhoid fever is a fatal disease in this era, and it is not easy to cure it.

Goudan was still asleep at this time, Gan Niu'er looked at Goudan who was sleeping and let out a long sigh.He is a child of the Jiankang Liang family, so he was selected into the Imperial Guard.In this era, a good family is not only a person with a clean background, but also a person who has certain assets, follows the principles of ethics, and is a person who is engaged in a proper job.In this era, daughters from good families are the main source of drafts, and sons from good families are the imperial guards, and they are officials in the government, exempt from taxes and other privileges.In ancient times, in terms of political status, they were scholars, peasants, and businessmen, while Jiazi refers to self-cultivating farmers and small and medium-sized landlords.

Gan Niuer is also a member of this class. He is three brothers. His family owns more than 150 mu of land, and there is also a house covering an area of ​​about three mu. They are the backbone of the Jin Dynasty in this era.

At this moment, a refugee in charge of duty picked up the straw curtain hanging on the door with a wooden stick in his hand, held his breath and quickly retreated two steps, and then roared pretentiously: "Return the damn corpse! Come out quickly!" Points!"

Ran Min abolished the bureaucracy system, allowing scribes, yamen servants to catch the fast, clerks, jailers and other personnel to eat the state food and become official national civil servants. Of course, they will not have no fixed staff as before.Now there are only 32 yamen servants in the third class in Xiaxian County, 46 in Zhongxian County, and only 52 in Shangxian County.It is not even as large as a township's civil servant team, which can maintain the normal operation of the government at ordinary times, but in case of emergencies, the manpower is not enough.

No, they temporarily select some people from among the refugees to help with management, which is also equivalent to coordinators and temporary workers in later generations.People will have a mentality, the more they can't get something, the more they cherish it.The coordinator like this is just to behave well, so he has a very bad attitude towards those refugees who don't obey the discipline.

The cold and cool air suddenly rushed in, and there was a burst of intense coughing in the bamboo shed, like a majestic chorus.Goudan coughed the most, his chest trembling rapidly like a bellows.A face is red.It seemed as if he would die the next moment.Gan Niu'er thumped his back hard, managed to get over his breath, and helped him get up again.

After the people are assembled, the roll call begins, and after the roll call.A few Si Yang (note, Si, read as 'si'. Yang, go to the sound. The servants are also.) carried up a few large wooden barrels, and the porridge in the barrels was water but not rice, almost reflecting the silhouette of people. , The refugees took their own food guys and lined up to eat.

The porridge is so clear that it can be seen in people's shadows, so you don't feel hungry at all.No matter how much I drink, my stomach is like a big water bag, and I can hear the water sloshing when I walk.Goudan is Gan Niuer's only friend and his most loyal subordinate.At the beginning, their imperial guards were ordered to go to Lingnan to exterminate the Baiyue aborigines. If Goudan hadn't run for more than ten miles with the injured on his back, he must have died at that time.However, Goudan couldn't drink the porridge at the moment.

Gan Niu'er fed the dog eggs vigorously, but as much as the dog eggs were fed, he spit out as much.At this moment, a refugee on the other side said: "Hey, I said, don't waste your energy. This is a waste of food. He is no longer good. Hanging like this is also a pain for him. Why don't you let him have a good time?" go!"

Hearing this, Gan Niu'er's eyes turned red.He yelled frantically, "Don't worry about it!"

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and there will be struggles.Because of the lack of food in Wei State, the refugees were given less and less food. They couldn't eat enough at all. Now they had to hang their lives with this kind of gruel.

But Goudan still died. The refugees couldn't tell whether it was sickness or starvation. They subconsciously determined the cause of death as starvation, because they couldn't hold on anymore.

One of the stewards saw that someone was dead, so he rushed to a few helpers and said, "Go carry that corpse and bury it!"

A few helpers went to carry Goudan's body, but Gan Niu'er was unwilling, and yelled frantically, "He's not dead, he's not dead."

The helper said leisurely: "The body is cold, why are you still alive, let's take a closer look!"

But Gan Niu'er held the corpse tightly and didn't let go. The supervisor saw that the corpse would cause panic if it was placed in the refugee camp, so he shouted to the helpers: "Don't waste time!"

A helper stepped forward and cupped his fists and said, "I'm offended!"

As he said that, he pulled Gan Niu'er away without any explanation. Watching Goudan's body being carried away, Gan Niu'er unknowingly produced a brute force, pushed away the two helpers who were pulling him, and got up from the ground. He rushed towards the two helpers who were carrying the corpse of Goudan. The two helpers were caught off guard and were thrown down by him.

Especially the helper in front was the worst, falling down two meters away.In fact, Gan Niu'er really didn't want to stir up turmoil at the moment, it was just an accident.The helper put a cold steamed bun in his arms, and fell out because of a sudden fall.A very hungry man saw the steamed buns without saying anything, and a hungry dog ​​jumped on him and snatched the cold steamed buns in his hand.Regardless of the fact that it was covered with mud, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Helping the steward to do things in the refugee camp, the daily salary is actually two steamed buns. He is not willing to eat this one steamed bun because he wants to leave it to his children.Seeing that his steamed buns were taken away, he became anxious.Gao shouted: "Don't grab it, it's my steamed bun."

However, it's okay if he didn't shout this sentence. As soon as he heard the word "Mantou", the listless refugees around him suddenly cheered up.A strong man also went to grab it, and the refugee who had just eaten a mouthful of steamed buns before he could swallow it found that his steamed buns had been taken away, and did not show weakness, and immediately fought with him.

Both of them were fighting, but they didn't realize that the steamed buns had been snatched away by others.Now the turmoil began, just like a football field, where the ball is, there is a fierce battlefield, and the scale of the turmoil is getting bigger and bigger.When the food was sufficient, the refugees were actually very honest. In a large camp with thousands of people, only a team of soldiers was left to guard it.There are a few Wei soldiers in this field, and these are not elites, just the soldiers of Ruyin County. Niu Er remembered his responsibility.

Although he was a soldier of the imperial guards, he was very hungry, but he had rich combat experience in suppressing the aborigines in Lingnan.It is especially suitable for this kind of chaotic battle. He got up quietly, threw a Wei soldier down, grabbed the stick, and shouted to the people around him: "The sky is big and the earth is big, and the food is the biggest. We will starve to death here anyway, why don't we grab his mother?" !"

Thousands of refugees swarmed forward with their heads turned hot. A group of Wei soldiers without armor and weapons were no match at all, and were quickly overwhelmed by the rioting crowd.

The refugee rebels quickly rushed to the kitchen. Although the food was being reduced, it did not mean that they really had no food, but that there was too little food and they needed to be distributed rationed.Gan Niuer led the refugee rebels to grab more than 200 shi of grain, and almost a catty of grain per capita. Now the refugees seem to see hope of survival.Regardless of raw or cooked, many refugees grabbed the food and stuffed it directly into their mouths.

Stimulated by the food, these refugees became crazy as if they saw a bloody shark.

The turmoil broke out in the refugee camp, which surprised Wen Taishou when he heard the news, but he had too few soldiers and horses to suppress it, so he went to ask Shi Yue for help.Shi Yue dared to compete against Wen Hui with the military as the main sugar and refused to give him military rations, but he dared not ignore the rebel army.

Of course, under the encirclement and suppression of Shi Yue's troops, this group of thousands of refugees and rebels was quickly suppressed, but it caused 600 casualties. Neither Wen Hui nor Shi Yue dared to make decisions without authorization, so they had to report the matter To Ran Ming.

When Wen Hui and Shi Yue's memorial arrived in Ye City, it was already four days later.Of course, the memorial adopts the normal procedure, so it must go through the preliminary review of the Shangshuling before it can be sent to the Holy Spirit.Wang Jian also attached great importance to this matter and did not dare to be careless, so he personally took this jointly signed memorial and entered the palace to meet him.

Although Wei's Southern Expedition campaign is about to start in full swing, there is no tension in the palace where the war is approaching.At this time, the Royal Palace Guards were not as strict as Wang Jian imagined, but a bit messy.However, every soldier of the Imperial Guard is full of energy, and there is an indomitable momentum in every gesture.An eunuch led Wang Jian through the hall and pavilion, and finally came to the front of Taiwu Hall. At this time, it was located in the main entrance square of Taiwu Hall, and Ran Ming seemed to be lecturing some people.

From a long distance, I heard the clear and clear sound of bamboo boards coming from inside. It seemed that someone was talking about Shulaibao, and it was in the form of three and a half sentences.

In fact, this Shulaibao is the same as joining the army drama. It is a traditional art interpretation method of the northern Han people. Later, joining the army drama evolved into today's cross talk, while Shulaibao is an allegro.Wang Jian could tell that some of these people were Gong'e, and some of them had no identity. Ran Ming was standing on the stage, holding two bamboo boards in his hand, and the three-and-a-half witty words in his mouth attracted a lot of attention. There was a burst of laughter.

Seeing Wang Jian coming, Ran Ming stopped the bamboo board and said to everyone: "Shu Lai Bao is the most convenient to perform. As long as you have a pair of bamboo boards, you can say a paragraph at any time. I am just throwing bricks to attract jade today. You all think about it again. Make up a few more good words with your heart, compare them later, and use whoever makes up the best ones, our 50 troops are all crossing the south of the Yangtze River with bamboo boards."

At this time, Wang Jian finally saw the true colors of these people. Except for some palace maids, most of them were low-level actors who walked through the streets.For those in the field of interpretation, in ancient times, there were titles such as actors, comedians, advocates, advocates, actors, etc. It is not difficult to see that these titles all carry a strong color of discrimination.In that era, close contact with these people often meant that they were not doing their jobs properly.

Seeing that Ran Ming had fallen in love with Shulaibao at this time, Wang Jian was a little displeased.As one of the few surviving veterans of Ran Min's 48 feats in the founding of the country, Wang Jian has a deep affection for Wei, and he doesn't want Wei to perish in the second generation like the pre-Qin.Wang Jian was a little stiff even when she was presenting the ceremony.

With a heavy questioning tone, Wang Jian asked, "What are you doing, Your Majesty?"

"I am preparing to form a propaganda team to inspire the army and win the hearts of the people." Ran Ming seemed not to see Wang Jian's face that was about to wring out, and said with a smile: "It's not just about counting treasures. Singing, storytelling, and acting We have to do it, what everyone likes to listen to and watch, we will do whatever, and use these methods of entertaining and educating to promote, and the effect is the best.”

Hearing this, Wang Jian's expression softened instantly.As long as Ran Ming is not obsessed with these things that are not on the stage, and worries about state affairs, it will be fine.As a secretary in the Ran Min period (similar to a confidential secretary), Wang Jian is also a knowledgeable person.Soon he realized the benefits of such publicity.

"Your Majesty, this is really a good idea!" Wang Jian praised: "Ordinary people can't read newspapers, and they can't understand His Majesty's edicts and proclamations. They are more acceptable to these things and win the hearts of the people. Rectify your name and cross the south of the Yangtze River with a dignified teacher , will surely be a great success.”

After talking with Ran Ming about his views on propaganda work, the two of them slowly came to the side hall of Taiwu Hall.Ran Ming rewarded Wang Jian to sit down.

"Your Majesty, the envoy of Jin Dynasty Wang Tanzhi is still staying in Yecheng. I don't know what His Majesty thinks to do with it?" Wang Jian felt a little helpless towards Wang Tanzhi.

"Wang Tanzhi is a well-known talent in Jiangdong. He was able to write poems at the age of seven and Wen at the age of ten. He became a minister of the Jin State at the age of 16. He was good at calligraphy and good at running script. He was as famous as Huanwen's chief counselor Xi Chao, and he was known as "Shengde Jue Lun Xi guest, the unique name of Wang Wendu in Jiangdong, the shadow of a tree, Wang Tanzhi is especially good at talking, and the reputation of being quick like a knife has spread all over the world. In short, when the time comes, I will lose face to the court and damage my own reputation, so I will try every means to shirk it, and no one is willing to take on this responsibility. Xie An is not afraid of Wang Tanzhi, but this is a thankless task, and Xie An also He is unwilling to compete with Wang Tanzhi for the advantage of words.

Ran Ming also has no intention of peace talks, he only wants to solve the Eastern Jin Dynasty and unify the world, so naturally he will not have peace talks with him openly.But Wang Tanzhi was not discouraged by the cold reception. He stayed in Yecheng and went to various restaurants and places where literati gathered every day to quote scriptures, talk eloquently, and attract attention.

Wang Jian was very annoyed by the reactions of many people.For Wang Tanzhi, a well-known celebrity in the world, he can't beat him, he can't kill him, he just needs to kick the ball to Ran Ming.

Didn't Ran Ming not understand that Wang Jian cherishes feathers, so Ran Ming didn't care about it and said, "Since all the ministers are unwilling to meet Wang Tanzhi, I will appoint Lin Heishan as the member of the Ministry of Rites, Wailang."

Yuanwai Langxiang is just a middle-level official in the Ministry of Rites, equivalent to a department-level cadre.Seeing that Ran Ming was so casual, Wang Jian also felt a little inappropriate.It's just that none of the important officials in the court is willing to take on this dirty work, so they have to hold their noses and admit it.

Lin Heishan is now the commander of Ran Ming's imperial guards, and he is the captain of the car. It is said that the transfer of a member of the Ministry of Rites, Wailang, is not a promotion, but a flat demotion. How could Wang Jian not know that Lin Heishan is a foodie, and said a little worried: "It goes without saying that Captain Lin is loyal, but is he up to this important task?"

Ran Ming smiled and said: "Why can't it be done? Anyway, the general situation of the world has been determined now, and the unification of the Wei Kingdom is hard to stop. It can be clearly stated that even if the Jin Kingdom does not attack Nanyang, I will attack the Jin Kingdom to unify the world. No matter Wang Tan What can I say, there is only one request I have, that Jin Emperor Sima Dan resigns from the throne and leads the people to surrender, there is no other way."

(End of this chapter)

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