Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 871 Breakthrough of Zhenxi Army

Chapter 871 Breakthrough of Zhenxi Army

Chapter 877 Breakthrough of Zhenxi Army
"However, Lieutenant Lin Du is clumsy and clumsy, so he might not be Wang Wendu's opponent!" Wang Jian said, "I'm afraid I will lose my dignity!"

Ran Ming looked up and said, "Lin Heishan, do you know what to do?"

Lin Heishan said loudly: "I have definitely weakened Wei's prestige!"

"That's right, that's right!" Ran Ming laughed loudly and said, "If we can't say anything about him, let's do it. I want to see if Wang Tanzhi's mouth is stronger, or you Lin Heishan's fist is stronger."

As soon as Wang Jian heard this, he secretly thought that Ran Ming was brilliant.Wang Tanzhi's sharp mouth, looking at Wei Guo, it may be difficult to find someone who can compare with him, but Ran Ming did not take the usual path, and found Lin Heishan to negotiate with him.Lin Heishan doesn't know a lot of characters, this is a well-known fact in the whole country, even if he did something out of the ordinary, it is not a shame.If Lin Heishan was lucky enough to win the debate against Wang Tanzhi, I am afraid that this arrogant Wang Tanzhi would not have the face to stay in Ye City any longer.

Lin Heishan is a typical person who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Although he is illiterate, he is definitely not stupid.Otherwise, he wouldn't be alive now.Ran Ming likes Lin Heishan very much, because Lin Heishan is like Cheng Yaojin of Li Er in the Tang Dynasty, with a vulgar appearance but cunning in reality.He's actually smart, of course he knows that Ran Ming's idea is to take down the next horse and use my dead pig to pour boiling water, but as Ran Ming's confidant, Lin Heishan is naturally willing to help Ran Ming with this matter .

Later, Wang Jian handed over the memorial jointly signed by Wen Hui and Shi Yue to Ran Ming Yulan.

Ran Ming looked at the memorial, his brain was running fast.Ruyin County launched a refugee rebellion because of the food crisis.But before the rebellion of the refugees in Ruyin County, Ran Ming had already received nineteen rebellions of various sizes.Some were because of too little food, some were insulting the refugees because of helping others, and some women were defiled. What was even more outrageous was a rebellion by the refugees in Chen County. Their cause was that when the food was distributed, a refugee missed the meal because of diarrhea. point.As a result, there was no food to eat, so more than [-] villagers were encouraged to start a rebellion.Although these rebellions were all suppressed, they caused tens of thousands of casualties in total.

If one or two rebellions happened by accident, Ran Ming knew that there must be some hidden secret in it, even if he thought about it with his knees.

Ran Ming gently put down the memorial, and asked Wang Jian: "What does Wang Shangshuling think about this matter?"

"Sir, sir!" Wang Jianlue thought for a while and replied, "I think this must be a conspiracy of the Jin State, and these refugees must have been mixed with the secret work of the Jin State. In order to avoid wasting food, the Wei State should close the border gates and prevent the refugees from crossing the border." .”

"This is inappropriate!" Ran Ming shook his head and said, "Once we adopt this method, we will disappoint the people in the world who yearn for a peaceful life. If the hearts of the people are lost, it will be difficult to restore them."

"However, a large number of people from the state of Jin flooded into the state of Wei, and now the population is close to one million, including a large number of Baiyue and barbarian natives. The food consumed by this million people is not a small amount." Wang Jian said loudly: " Now that the Southern Expedition is just around the corner, there is a need to consume supplies everywhere, and these Jin people flooding into the Wei State, if they are careful, it will cause civil disasters. Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

"I've already thought twice, sugar-coat the cannonballs, sugar-coat them with me, and then shoot their cannonballs back!" Ran Ming said with a playful smile, "Play tricks with me, Sima Dan is a little too tender!"

Then Ran Ming summoned Zhang Ping, the captain of the Royal Internal Guard. Zhang Ping naturally knew why Ran Ming was looking for him. Because of his dereliction of duty, he didn't know how many secret operations of the Jin State were involved in the Wei State. Although all the rebellions in the country have been suppressed, the losses caused by these refugee rebels are not small.

Seeing Ran Ming, Zhang Ping admitted his mistake very well, and directly handed over the commander seal to Ran Ming, asking Ran Ming to punish him severely.

Of course, Ran Ming would not punish Zhang Ping. After all, there are too many refugees. The royal guards have just completed reorganization, and everything has not gone on the right track. Played its due role.

Ran Ming said: "General Zhang, what's your opinion on this matter?"

Zhang Ping gestured and said: "What I mean is to identify the ministries of the state of Jin and cut them all off!"

"Not right!" Ran Ming shook his head. If these millions of people were aliens, Ran Ming would feel no pressure even if they killed them all, but most of them were Han Chinese, so Ran Ming felt disgusted with the slaughter.

Zhang Ping is a person of this era, and the viewpoint he believes in is the law of the jungle.There is no pressure to kill, but Ran Ming is different. Ran Ming is a person of later generations, and he does not want to kill meaninglessly.

"Screening is still necessary." Ran Ming said while thinking, speaking very slowly, "There is no need to kill even those who can be confirmed, even the natives, we can exempt from killing, as long as we can confirm their detailed work As for their identities, we will organize them and build roads under the supervision of the army. The most important part of the southern expedition is the transportation of materials. The roads between our Wei State and Jin State have been in disrepair for a long time, and the road conditions are very poor. I plan to take this opportunity to travel from north to south , build a highway.”

Zhang Ping objected to Ran Ming's approach, and hurriedly said in sign language: "But your majesty, once the fine work is not screened out, the secret work hidden among the refugees is still a huge hidden danger. If these small work get a chance, I'm afraid it will create more Big mess!"

"Killing people is not the purpose, let alone the solution to the problem." Ran Ming said: "It is very possible that the people we kill are the talents we need. You also know that our Wei country has a great demand for talents. Even the Romans, or those natives, and Hu people from various tribes can tolerate it, so how can they not tolerate some people from Jin?"

Zhang Ping thought hard, but still couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

At this moment, Ran Ming suddenly had an idea.He said loudly: "First detain the refugees separately, and then incite those refugees to report the details of the refugees. If the review is true, the whistleblowers will be rewarded."

Zhang Ping received Ran Ming's instruction, and quickly organized elite forces to carry out inspection and screening activities with the cooperation of the garrisons in various places.Most of the refugees who fled to the Wei State fled to the Wei State with clans as the unit, and there were very few single persons.Even if there are individuals, it is a very small part.After registering and registering, the scope is much smaller.

As Zhang Ping, who was originally engaged in espionage intelligence, he was very familiar with the basic abnormal behavior of espionage, so under the stimulation of profit, it was easy to catch some espionage.

Although the imperial guards are Sima Dan's loyal guards, they are not real elaborators after all, and they have no relevant training for elaboration. It is easy to be interrogated out of his accomplices, even if he has a strong bone, he cannot withstand Zhang Ping's interrogation methods.

In just half a month, Zhang Ping uncovered a total of more than [-] secret works. Some of them may have slipped through the net, but most of them were not wronged.Anyway, these secret workers were not directly killed, but served as coolies. Except for no wages, they were treated similarly to civilian husbands, and they did not cause any trouble.

As dozens of newly formed propaganda teams went south, Ran Ming began to move.Ran Ming's imperial conquest, heralded the outbreak of an all-out war between Jin and Wei!
The royal inner guard established on the basis of "heavenly deaf and dumb" and "heavenly eyes" actually still upholds his tradition.Neither discriminates against persons with disabilities.People with disabilities actually crave recognition more than people without disabilities. They want someone to hire them so they can support themselves and their families.

Although the nature of the work of the Royal Internal Guard is even more dangerous than that of the regular army, those disabled people who are lucky enough to become the Royal Internal Guard have exploded their potential.The Royal Guards gradually got on the right track, and their efficiency gradually improved a lot.In just over half a day, Jin's infiltration operation was disintegrated.At this time, Zhang Ping and Du Cong shifted the focus of the work of the royal guards to the intelligence and reconnaissance of Jin.Sometimes people with disabilities are more suitable for underground work than normal people. In just a few days, Ran Ming's desk has detailed information on all parts of Jin.

Xie Ai is a different kind of army in the East, Middle, and West South Expeditions.As a general, Xie Ai couldn't ride a horse, and he couldn't even draw a crossbow, let alone aim.Although Xie Ai is the general of Zhenxi, since he became a general, he has never personally killed an enemy. The sword on his body is just a decoration, and he has never eaten the blood of an enemy at all.

As a general who went from civil to military, and also a Confucian general, Xie Ai's most powerful thing is that he knows people well and uses them well, and he is very responsible.Knowing people and making good use of these four words is the interpretation of the charm of a leader. Anyone who is willing to make progress hopes to make contributions and make full use of his talents under the leadership of such a leader.

At this time, more than 320 forwards of the Zhenxi Army had arrived in Jiangyou City.Jiangyou City is located in the northwest of the Sichuan Basin, the upper reaches of the Fujiang River, the southeast of the Longmen Mountains, east of Zitong County and Jianmenguan, south of Fuling, west of Lian'an County and Beichuan County, and north of Pingwu County and Qingchuan County of Guangyuan City.It is [-] miles away from Fuling and [-] miles away from Chengdu.

As a necessary place on the Jinniu Ancient Road, Jiangyou's position is very important. It is also the transfer base for logistics supplies at Jianmen Pass and the outer barrier of Chengdu.In history, Deng Ai went to Yinping to destroy Shu. If he could not conquer Jiangyou, Deng Ai would definitely lose. Unfortunately, Ma Miao, the general of Shu, surrendered without a fight, and Deng Ai became famous all over the world.

There is a saying that there is one soldier, and one general.The talent of a true good general can turn decay into magic and raise the combat effectiveness of the troops to a higher level. Xie Ai happens to have this quality.

The main force of the forward troops of the Zhenxi Army is mainly the Jiang Xie Division of the Qinzhou Army. This is an elite unit trained by Ran Ming.Although it is an elite army, the morale of the troops has dropped rapidly after walking on the [-]-mile mountain road. In order to avoid being discovered by the Shu army, Xie Ai strictly ordered the troops not to cook with open fire. It is dry food.Wei Guo’s main dry food for the march is definitely not delicious canned food, but fried noodles, the kind of fried noodles mixed with salt and butter, when mixed with water, the yellow bar is like a stool.As for the taste, it is definitely not delicious.

If it's just a little tired, a little hard, and a little bit of food, the Qinzhou army that can fight well will not lose the chain.However, the Yinping ancient road is too difficult to walk. In history, Deng Ai "wrapped himself in felt and pushed down. The soldiers all climbed the wooden edge and filed in." At this time, Deng Ai was still called "hanging army" in the art of war, without Root's army has no retreat, and no possibility of reinforcements.On the way out, you can roll down the mountain from the cliff, but you can’t roll up the mountain from the foot of the mountain on the way back; if there is no one to stop you on the way out, it is certainly possible, but if you escape from the hunt on the way back, climbing the cliff will just become an arrow target.After more than 100 years, the Yinping Ancient Road is no longer untouched, but it is just as steep. Over 700 miles of mountain roads, there are more than [-] people who fell off the cliff without bones. As for more than [-] people who were injured by bruises and bruises, there are as many as [-] people who have lost their combat effectiveness before contact with the enemy.

This loss of more than [-] Qinzhou Army can still afford it, but the morale has dropped drastically.Besides, Jiangyou was not a county seat in Sichuan in later generations, but it was a county-level city in this dynasty.It has an urn city in the north and south, complete with city towers, parapet walls, horse face walls, sheep and horse walls, etc., enemy towers (regiment towers), battle sheds, crossbow platforms, bed crossbows, eight ox crossbows, throwing rocks, and rolling wooden rings. Stone and other heavy destroy weapons and equipment, forming a key defense.

If the main force of the Wei State is fully armed, it will not be difficult to deal with such a city.However, Xie Ai's Zhenxi Army's forward was only a lightly armed infantry, without heavy oppressive eight-ox crossbows, ballista carts and rockets.Now that Xie Ai's troops have come to the city, they have no hope of conquering Jiangyou City.

You must know that Jiangyou City is very close to Beichuan, Wenxian, and Zitong. It is only [-] miles away from the nearest Fuling. It takes half a day at most.Not to mention other soldiers, even Jiang Xie had no idea.

Seeing Jiang Xie's lack of confidence, Xie Ai smiled and said: "General Jiang, don't be depressed, our army will win this battle."

Jiang Xie is naturally not a person to be fooled. He clasped his fists at Xie Ai in a humble tone and said: "The general is stupid, please ask General Zhenxi to solve the confusion for the general!"

"Our army has three victories in this battle!" Xie Ai explained disapprovingly: "Jiangyou City guards the natural dangers of the Fujiang River. To defend Jiangyou City, you must first defend the Fujiang River. However, this general sees that there are not enough guard ships on the periphery of the navy's port. It did not act as a timely warning, so that our army could take advantage of the vacancy and enter. This is the first victory, while the officers and soldiers of the Shu army easily disembarked and landed. If they fail to react in time, it will be the second victory. These are all for the navy to march. Common sense, the naval generals of the Shu army cannot understand, he is so arrogant and careless, it is nothing more than because he believes that Jiangyou is the hinterland of Shu, and our army dare not attack him."

Jiang Xie is also a well-known general in history. During Yao Chang's period, he joined the army for him and contributed to the establishment of Yao Chang.As an excellent general, his strategic vision is very keen.He obviously discovered Xie Ai's intentions.

"The general wants to attack the water gate?"

"Of course!" Xie Ai said with a smile: "Our army is exhausted from a long distance and lacks siege equipment. If the sneak attack fails and becomes a strong attack, it will fall short. We only have one chance. This is our only chance to win. The general has already built rafts with soldiers. We will sneak attack on Jiangyou City via Fujiang River in the middle of the night. The troops will be divided into two groups, and one will be responsible for attacking the river with fire. The water gate of the water village in Yucheng is responsible for snatching its water volume boats along the way. Once its water gate is breached, the captured navy warships will be used to transport soldiers from the water gate into Jiangyou City."

After a little thought, Jiang Xie felt Xie Ai's boldness.It's not that there is no chance of success, on the contrary, the probability is very high, but it is very risky. Whether it is the soldiers attacking the water gate or the personnel who rob the enemy ship, they must grasp the absolute timing.Otherwise, it will fall short.

Jiang Xie asked: "The general said the first two victories, what is the third victory?"

"The third victory is actually very simple. That is, the generals of the Shu Army did not pay attention to Ai!" Xie Ai said: "In this world, no matter who is, as long as Ai's fate is underestimated, his fate will definitely be miserable."

Faced with Xie Ai's words, Jiang Xie was a little speechless.In Ran Ming's words, this Xie Ai is a very narcissistic person.

But there is no choice, otherwise the 40 army will have no way to hide once the sun rises.After intense building by the soldiers, more than [-] large rafts and bamboo rafts were finally built in the second watch.Xie Ai planted his banner of the town army general on one of the big bamboo rafts.

The bamboo raft is specially made. This bamboo raft is five feet long and two feet wide. It is made of hundreds of moso bamboos tied together, and a sail can be set up to shuttle back and forth on the Fujiang River. The carrying capacity is no less than that of a warship, which fully reflects the A simple and pragmatic style.Of course, the applicable bamboo is not so easy to cut, and most of them are still wet wood rafts.The buoyancy of wet wood is far less than that of a bamboo raft, but Xie Ai had someone convert a sheepskin sleeping bag into a sheepskin airbag to increase the buoyancy of the raft.

The raft was not equipped with sails, but the lights were not lit, and it went down the river in the dark.As more than [-] large rafts of more than [-] people from the West Army Death Squad in Wei Junzhen approached, they were quickly discovered by the soldiers on duty at the water gate of Jiangyou, and the Shu soldiers on the water gate suddenly became a mess.

The warning gong resounded through the night sky, and the officers and soldiers of the Shu Army Navy who lived in the barracks on the shore hurried out of the tents, but it was a pity that the members of the death squads of the Western Army in Wei Guozhen were one step faster than them, and put the soldiers in the water village. The boat is gone.Looking at the empty small pier, these navy officers and soldiers were at a loss.Xie Ai could see clearly through the binoculars that a general of the Shu army navy arrived late with a dozen of his own soldiers and staff, and it took him half a stick of incense before he ran to the shore panting. When all the boats had left the shore, they were so angry that they cursed.

The rafts and bamboo rafts responsible for attacking the water gate finally approached the water gate.The water gate of Jiangyou City is made of iron core wood as thick as the mouth of a bowl. After being immersed in water, it is neither easy to ignite nor to be chopped.But Xie Ai concentrated his hand bombs and used hundreds of hand bombs to blow up the water gate, obviously planning to blow it up in one fell swoop.

More than 100 hand bombs were bundled together, and the black powder alone weighed nearly a hundred catties. It may be impossible to blow up the city wall of Jiangyou City with a hundred catties of black powder.Or if it is just a water gate in the bombing zone, it is obviously very easy.

At this moment, a bed crossbow as thick as a child's arm flew towards Xie Ai. The huge crossbow bolt made a sharp whistling sound. Several soldiers wanted to hold up their shields to defend Xie Ai from the arrows, but Xie Ai pushed away the shield bearer.Like a pillar standing under the handsome flag, motionless.

The bolts of the Bed Crossbow and Ba Niu Crossbow are so powerful that they can penetrate three feet into a solid city wall, let alone a shield.As long as it is within [-] steps, the bed crossbow can ignore any shields, even heavy shields.

Xie Ai is gambling, but also fighting, why hide?I took the risk to charge myself, just to boost morale. Even if I was hit by the crossbow arrows of the Shu army, I couldn't hide and escape in embarrassment. Besides, there is no safe zone on this bamboo raft. It is the same wherever I hide. It's up to God to die.

There is a saying that generals are not afraid of death, why should soldiers be afraid of death.Seeing that Xie Ai was so bold and decisive, the members of the death squad around him didn't care about the crossbow arrows and various bows and arrows flying one after another.

"Ten steps, five steps, three steps, two steps,"

Finally, the raft loaded with more than 100 hand bombs crashed into the water gate, and the last member of the death squad who operated the raft pulled the string and jumped into the icy river.

With a loud "boom", more than 100 hand bombs exploded, and the flames shone. The Shu army in the tens of meters around the water gate disappeared. The water gate and the bed crossbow on the gate tower above the water gate were all destroyed.

The ground seemed to be trembling, and the ears were filled with buzzing sounds for a moment, and nothing could be heard, and some people's ears were even bleeding.

Xie Ai was also blown to pieces, but he knew that this was not a moment of hesitation, an opportunity that members of the death squads risked their lives to fight for, and they must not miss it.

With the long sword out of its sheath, Xie Ai swung forward vigorously: "All soldiers, attack with this general!"

While the soldiers of the Shu army were blown up by bombs, they didn't come back to their senses.The members of the Death Squad rushed into Jiangyou City from Shuimen on rafts.Melee combat is the strength of the Qinzhou Army. Even the fierce Xianbei, Tuyuhun, Qiang, and Tubo people are vulnerable to the soldiers of the Qinzhou Army.

The members of the death squad who rushed in instantly rushed towards Jiangyou City like a flood that burst a bank.The guard of Jiangyou City of the Shu army hurriedly dispatched soldiers to try to recapture the water gate and expel the Wei army. It was a pity that the soldiers of the Shu army had never seen such a fierce and fearless enemy. The soldiers retreated steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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