Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 872 Hard bones

Chapter 872 Hard bones
Chapter 878

The dead soldiers led by Xie Ai were actually only more than 800 people, and there was basically no hope of success in a surprise attack on a fortified city with more than [-] troops stationed there.However, Xie Ai succeeded.In addition to the warships of the Shu Army Navy that were plundered, Xie Ai has an additional transportation force that can transport [-] people at a time. With the rafts and bamboo rafts he built himself, Xie Ai can continuously send troops to On the battlefield of Watergate.

As they went deeper into Jiangyou City, the resistance of the Shu army gradually strengthened, and they fought together with the Wei army.This Shu army came from Deng Xia, one of the three tigers.The combat effectiveness is not bad, but the Wei army was prepared to attack and unprepared, and fought desperately to rescue each other. In the chaotic battle, they formed combat groups one by one, and they always had the upper hand.

The troops trained by Ran Ming all have a very distinctive feature, that is, they weaken the role of generals and advocate relying on the strength of teamwork.A triangular-based weapon tactical team is much better than soldiers showing off individual heroism and fighting alone.The three-member combat team adopts a rotation method, and each soldier will have the opportunity to act as the main attacker. This effect is very obvious, which can not only ensure the continuous combat effectiveness of the combat team, but also avoid casualties.

Just like the leading wild goose in the wild goose formation, it actually consumes the most energy, especially fighting with cold weapons, which requires very high physical fitness of the soldiers.The ability to rotate is to avoid that once the physical fitness of soldiers declines, the advancement speed will be affected.This kind of street fighting in the city pays more attention to teamwork. Due to the obstruction of houses and buildings on the street, there are too many people and it cannot be used.

At this time, those soldiers of the Qinzhou Army who had trained in street fighting, according to their training experience, quickly built ladders when the surplus troops could not fully advance, climbed up to the roofs of the houses on both sides of the street, occupied the commanding heights, and used crossbow arrows to attack the enemy. The enemy fires suppressively.

A group of Shu army soldiers who had just gathered together were shot into chaos by crossbowmen who climbed onto the roof before they had time to form an attack.These crossbowmen who climbed onto the roof gathered more and more. They used the roof to start to advance quickly. When encountering a formation that was more dangerous to Wei, they took long-range suppressive shooting. For the soldiers who had just assembled, either A burst of crossbow arrows, or just sneak past and throw a burst of grenades.

Under the almost three-dimensional offensive method, the soldiers of the Shu army had never encountered such a situation. They were in a hurry. When the Wei army advanced from the water gate to more than two miles, they encountered real resistance.

The chief general of Jiangyou City has put together a line of defense, and hundreds of armored personal soldiers lined up to guard the large banner of the Chinese army.The general of the Shu army knew very well that the Wei army had a large number of soldiers, and even if he escaped [-]%, he would not be able to escape. It is better to stick to the central army and gather troops to fight to the death with the Wei army.

Seeing his subordinates advancing slowly, Xie Ai was overjoyed.In fact, this attack on the water gate was just to attract the attention of the Jiangyou City defender. Xie Ai's real killer move was the main force of the Qinzhou army led by Jiang Xie.

Just when Xie Ai led the dead soldiers into the water gate of Jiangyou City, Jiang Xie also acted.The main force he led had already detoured through a village named Qingpu [-] miles upstream of the raft, and sneaked under the city of Jiangyou.The general of the Shu army's navy looked at the empty riverside pier, and was stunned when suddenly there were screams of killing in the dark.

The crossbow arrows hit their heads and faces as fast as a rainstorm. Countless Shu Army naval officers and soldiers holding torches were the best archery targets. Before he had time to react correctly, he suddenly found a fire burning in the direction of the camp.

Moyue's naval soldiers and auxiliary soldiers were captured directly without firing an arrow.

"You're done!" Jiang Xie's cheeks were full of blood. Of course, it wasn't that he was injured, but the blood spattered from killing the enemy during the charge.

"Victory or defeat depends on one action!" Jiang Xie gathered his troops and prepared to attack the south gate of Jiangcheng. At this time, he ordered his lieutenant to escort the prisoners of the Shu army navy, and took the posture of attacking the west gate from the west gate.

The general of the Shu army saw that the front line was crumbling, and also heard that there was a large enemy force attacking outside the west gate. At this time, he not only nodded his head.Youdao is what kind of master there is and what kind of apprentice it teaches.As Deng Xia's old army, Jiangyou's main general Fan Meng is a fierce general like an enemy of ten thousand people. According to historical records, he is young, suave, and has a strategy.Since he is strong, he bows his horse and is very courageous.In history, Fan Meng’s famous battle was in the Battle of Lantian, when Huan Wen and Fu Chang met in Lantian, Fu Chang was a fierce man, and Fu Chang killed and wounded many Jin soldiers on his own, just when Huan Wen’s army loosened At that time, Fan Meng came out with a gun, and the captives received short soldiers, killing and injuring many people.

This is a fierce general who is good at fighting fierce battles. Although Xie Ai's offensive was fierce, Fan Meng gradually calmed down after the initial panic.

A large number of Wei soldiers were found at the water gate and west gate of the north city of Jiangyou City. The south gate is connected to Fuling County, and the enemy has not been found yet. The east gate is connected to Zitong, and there is also no enemy. , The purpose is to force him away, so as to occupy the strategic point of Jiangyou City, and cut off the connection between Fuling and Jianmenguan.

While asking for help from Zitong and Fuling, Fan Meng dispatched reinforcements from the two city gates. He was not stupid, but pretended to make a big fanfare and dispatched troops from the south and east cities, but quietly gathered troops under the city. To seize the city, they are giving Wei Jun a head-on blow.

Even though the soldiers and horses of the south and east cities were mobilized, the Wei army still remained silent, but accelerated the filling of the moat at the west gate. Jiang is connected, so it is not so easy to fill it up.

In this way, after another hour, Fan Meng couldn't hold on anymore, so he transferred the soldiers from the South Gate and the East City into the city to block the advance of the Wei army.

Fan Meng actually didn't know that Wei Jun had a thing called a telescope, and he didn't know that although Jiangyou City didn't mix Wei Guo's secret works, there were merchants from the middle of Shu. These merchants from the middle of Shu were very active. It was what they valued most, and the Huaxia Business Alliance tempted him to join the Huaxia Business Alliance as a condition, and more than a dozen large companies secretly defected to Wei Guo.Let these businessmen in central Shu help Wei Jun open the city gate, they dare not, and they have no strength, but they are very competent if they can be asked to pass on some news.

Fan Meng didn't know his every move. In fact, he had already fallen into the eyes of Shu merchants, and Xie Ai was quickly informed of the movement of troops in the city.When Xie Ai successfully attracted the main force of Jiangyou City, Xie Ai gave Jiang Xie the order of "general attack".

At this time, in the direction of the south city gate, Jiang Xie led two troops to touch the city gate quietly, but an accident happened, and several broken gongs were thrown indiscriminately outside the city, and a Qinzhou army soldier accidentally bumped into it. The gong, the sound of the gong in the dark is very abrupt.

At this time, a large number of torches suddenly lit up on the city wall. About five or six hundred soldiers drew their bows and fired, and a dozen soldiers of the Qinzhou Army were shot to the ground.

Now that he is prepared, even if there are only five or six hundred people, Jiang Xie has no possibility of a successful sneak attack. If he wants to attack by force, he must have the strength to attack. Jiang Xie has only four simple ladders, and he wants to rely on these four It was an impossible task for Yunti to attack Nancheng.

"Let's take it when you see it, even if all the brothers are still here, it may not be possible to capture the south gate!" Jiang Xie hesitated: "Should we retreat!"

At this moment, there was a commotion on the city wall.

"Kill the rebels and welcome the master!"

There are about a thousand people in Jiangyou City. Some of them hold their own hoes, some of them hold kitchen knives, and most of them hold a sharpened wooden stick as a spear.These are ordinary people in Jiangyou City. It is said that after Huan Wen became the king of Shu, he treated the people in the middle of Shu pretty well. The tax was only [-]%, which was lower than the [-]-[-]% of Jin.

Confucius said: "Don't worry about being few, but about unevenness!" Relatively speaking, the people of Jin State are more miserable than the people of Shuzhong, and the people of Shuzhong are more miserable than the people of Wei State.As merchants from Wei State brought Wei State’s goods into Bashu, the merchants would talk about Wei State’s various policies before and after tea and dinner. The real tax is [-]/[-], and there is no miscellaneous labor, except for military service. Other income is their own.The people of Wei State seem to be living in heaven.

Not only do they not have to be hungry or cold, but they can also eat enough and wear warm clothes.Now fewer and fewer people in Wei state wear patched clothes, and even beggars are almost extinct.Unlike some people in the later generations who are too lazy to work, the people in this era are still very simple. They would rather work harder and sweat more than to be looked down upon by others.

Hearing the scene of Wei State described by the merchants of Wei State, these people in Shuzhong couldn't sit still.As far as fighting by nature is concerned, Sichuan people are not weaker than Yanzhao men at all. As for the filling of Sichuan from Huguang in the early Qing Dynasty, it is an obvious example.When the Qing army entered the pass, the most intense resistance was still in Sichuan. Of course, the Manchu massacre of Sichuan was also very ruthless.Some people who don't know the truth say that Zhang Xianzhong did the massacre. This is another group of brainless fans.

Any general in a peasant uprising has always been a target for ordinary people, and he will not massacre the people.Otherwise, they would lose their mass base. Zhang Xianzhong only targeted the gentry class, but the gentry class was less than one in a hundred. Even if they were all killed, they would not be able to kill many people.The most hateful are those traitorous literati who control public opinion and mouthpieces. They try their best to smear the Ming Dynasty, not only the Han people, but also the history of the Han people.

Although these brave people were not the opponents of the Shu army, they caused great trouble to the defenders on the city wall. Naturally, Jiang Xie would not miss this opportunity and ordered the troops to attack.After more than a quarter of an hour of fierce fighting, the Shu army guarding the city wall finally couldn't hold on. Under the attack of the peasant rebels and the Wei army, the Shu army quickly collapsed.

After winning the south gate, a large number of Wei troops entered Jiangyou City from the south gate, so there was no suspense about the outcome.

Xie Ai quickly occupied Jiangyou City, so that more than [-] stones of grain and a large amount of equipment fell into Xie Ai's hands before they could be burned. This allowed Xie Ai to solve his most difficult food problem in one fell swoop.According to the ration of three catties each during the war, [-] shi of grain was enough to feed more than [-] soldiers for more than four months.

Xie Ai is not only a general, but also has experience as a local official. When he was the prefect of Jiuquan, he also managed Jiuquan County very well.Xie Ai took the lord of Jiangyou City by himself, issued a notice to calm the people, and soon stabilized Jiangyou City.Xie Ai used the food in his hands and used the method of work in Jiangyou to benefit the people of Jiangyou and repair Jiangyou City.At the same time, Xie Ai also recruited a thousand soldiers from Jiangyou to defend Jiangyou.

Huan Wen, who was in Chengdu at this time, didn't know that Jiangyou had changed hands, and Fuling was also in danger.Now Huanwen attaches the most importance to the battle in Xiangfan. Because he was beaten in the face in Nanyang County, all the generals of the Zhennan Army felt that they had lost in front of the new king, so they were very dissatisfied with taking Xinye lightly. With less than [-] troops, Zhu Teng's main force successfully retreated to Fancheng.

At this time, Fancheng is not a district of Xiangyang, but a city with complete fortifications. As the frontier of Xiangyang, Fancheng's geographical location is also very important. There is more than a foot, and there is a city gate on each of the east, west, south, and north sides.The moat outside the city is twenty-six feet wide and more than two feet deep.

For such an important town, Huan Wen also attaches great importance to it. Once Fancheng falls, Xiangyang's city defense will be missing a hole, so the guard sent is Huan Chong. Huan Chong is the most talented one among Huan Wen's brothers, and he is the most respected by Huan Wen. .

Huan Chong guarded Xiangyang with the governor of Jingzhou and the general of the town army, and the general of Fancheng was Huan Wen's rookie general Guo Quan.

Guo Quan is a Han family who traveled south and is famous for his ability to attack and defend.Guo Quan, who was less than 20 years old, left the town of Fancheng, and Fancheng made Guo Quan's reputation.

Compared with the tall city walls of Luoyang and Nanyang Wancheng, the city walls of Fancheng are a bit small.However, the city wall, which is three feet six feet high, is about seven or eight feet thick. Because there are a large number of crossbows and rockets on the city wall, the difficulty of attacking the city has doubled.

The Zhennan Army adopted a tentative attack. After seven or eight trials, although the situation of Fancheng's defense was found to be seven or eight, but more than [-] people were killed in battle. Bulls and crossbows shoot at each other, so there are very few wounded. As long as they are hit by crossbow arrows, there is basically no possibility of survival.

Knowing that the Zhennan Army was unfavorable in the first battle, Zhang Wen personally moved the commander-in-chief flag and took command in front of the battle.The goose cart built by Wei Jun slowly moved towards the city wall.The so-called goose cart is actually a cave cart, like a hut, with a layer of iron on the outside and four wheels underneath, which can effectively protect soldiers from attacking the city.Later, the cave house was integrated with the ladder, shaped like a goose, that is, a goose cart, taking into account both defense and attack.The goose cart, which only appeared in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, was brought to this era by Ran Ming.

The closer the Wei army was to the city wall, the more intense the Jingzhou army's counterattack was, especially the rockets equipped by the Jingzhou army, which had a range of more than [-] steps. Although the accuracy was slightly poor, they were not small.The goose carts that could not be gnawed even by light catapults were hit one after another. In the sound of rocket explosions, the hit goose carts were all torn apart. After losing six goose carts, Wei Guozhen's Southern Army near the moat.However, under the cover of the goose cart, the equipment battalion of the Southern Army of Wei Guozhen hurriedly pushed the pontoon cart forward, preparing to build a pontoon bridge on the moat.

Just when forty or fifty pontoon vehicles approached the moat, an accident happened.Dozens of goose carts and forty or fifty pontoon carts filled the sea of ​​flames with a bang.It turned out that the Jingzhou army buried fierce kerosene and gunpowder bombs on the side of the moat, dug several caves for hiding soldiers, ignited the gunpowder with dead soldiers, and the gunpowder exploded. The pontoon vehicle was shrouded in flames.

Fortunately, those Wei soldiers ran faster, but no matter how fast they were, the losses would not be small.This ambush alone caused nearly a thousand casualties to the soldiers of the Wei army.If the number of casualties in the previous tentative attack is counted, the Wei army did not even touch the edge of Fancheng, and lost more than [-] people.

This result made it difficult for Zhang Wen to accept. Although the Zhennan Army was a strong army, it had lived too comfortably in the past few years, so it was a little less bloody, and it was worse than the Wei State Frontier Army and the Central Army.Seeing the unfavorable situation of the battle, Zhang Wen blamed Miao Rulin, who was in charge of commanding the battle. Miao Rulin was a member of the Shangdang Party in Bingzhou and came from a powerful local family.When Miao Rulin was a child, for the sake of medical treatment, he burned with wormwood, leaving a light purple scar under each eye, which looked like four eyes from a distance.Miao Rulin is good at riding and shooting, and is quite powerful. He built a fort in Shangdang and resisted himself. He has thousands of healthy soldiers, and his strength is not weak.When Ran Min raised his troops against Zhao, Miao Rulin led the crowd to respond, and Ran Min named him Ping Ling, the head of Shangdang County.In the second year of Yongxing, all the prefectures and states rebelled against the Wei Dynasty and returned to the Jin Dynasty, but Miao Rulin refused to join the fortress.Later, Ran Min named him General Polu and returned to Zhennan Army.

Miao Rulin is also considered a battle-tested warrior, and he was naturally very annoyed by Zhang Wen's criticism.Miao Rulin invested one and a half battalions at one time and stormed the north gate. This time, the Wei army adjusted its tactics, no longer aiming at filling the moat, but fighting for supplies with the Jingzhou army.

Mobilize 48 ballistas, 62 stone cannons, and 24 rocket launchers to cover the northern city of Fancheng with firepower.

Wei Jun's adjustments were not small. When 48 ballistas, 62 stone cannons, and 24 rocket launchers were deployed, they encountered a retaliatory attack from the Jingzhou army on the city wall.

However, Guo Quan, the defender of Fancheng, was doomed to miscalculate this time. The trebuchets and eight-ox crossbows sent by Miao Rulin were nothing like that. They were all models made of wood. The purpose was to attract heavy weapons from the Jingzhou army. , thereby exposing their positions.As early as the beginning of the deployment of the model, Miao Rulin ordered the hot air balloon to take off to observe the direction. Just after the Jingzhou army's eight-ox crossbow, rockets, and trebuchets were exposed, he was hit by the Wei army's crossbows and rockets.

Although the accuracy of the rockets is poor at this time, they can't stand the large quantity. 24 rockets in twelve packs can shoot two rounds in each stick of incense, and they can be launched in just one stick of incense. 570 six rockets and more than 400 bombs, throwing 570 six rockets and more than 400 bombs in a narrow area about [-] steps long and more than [-] steps wide, even if only one-third of them hit The target can basically kill all life in this space.

Sure enough, after the time of one stick of incense passed, there was almost no sound on the city wall.Taking advantage of this gap, Wei Jun hurriedly pushed the pontoon cart on the moat.

Four pontoon bridges with a width of 24 steps were set up. Wei Jun's goose cart swayed towards the city wall like a drunk drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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