Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 874 Difficult to choose

Chapter 874 Difficult to choose
Chapter 880 Difficult to choose

Although more than [-] lands is not a lot, if it is in a large county like Guide or Lu County, [-] lands is not worth mentioning, but there are few lands in Xinye, so the [-] lands The land accounts for nearly [-]% of Xinye County.If the land occupied by Zhu Teng and other generals and officials and gentry at all levels is added, the owner farmers and small landlords in Xinye only accounted for less than [-]%.Although this ratio is higher than that of Jiankang, it is still unimaginable.

Ran Ming went to Jiyang County under the escort of Lin Heishan.To say that Lin Heishan is in high spirits at this time is not only because he is Ran Ming's confidant, his status and identity are different from the past.Instead, when he received Wang Tan, a famous scholar from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he vomited blood from Wang Tanzhi's anger.

Wang Tanzhi is a well-known scholar with many talents in blog and writing. Although his mouth is not as powerful as Su Qin and Zhang Yi, it is not weak, especially his words are soft and firm, with both soft and hard, intending to force Wei and Jin to sign a non-aggression treaty.Lin Heishan knew his own details, and never answered Wang Tanzhi, but only persuaded him to drink.

Seeing Lin Heishan's vulgar appearance, Wang Tanzhi didn't talk to him about Xuanbian Jing, but only revealed the details of the state of Jin.Wang Tanzhi said: "The lord of the state of Jin has a benevolent heart. Since he succeeded to the throne, he has worked diligently and diligently, and has not lost much. Wise, the world is united, and Jin will not fall behind. For the sake of the common people, it is decided to cut down the title of the country and be reduced to the king. Do good things to Wei, stop the soldiers and show compassion to the people. From now on, Wei and Jin will be in harmony with each other , fortunately...

If an ordinary minister heard this, he would definitely be moved, but Lin Heishan was still just persuading him to drink.He didn't answer, Wang Tanzhi exhausted his tongue and found that he had to talk to Niu in the end, and he was so depressed that he died.

That's not to mention, from the beginning to the end, Lin Heishan only persuaded him to drink at the banquet, and didn't say anything else.After Lin Heishan left, Wang Tanzhi found out that he had been tricked by Ran Ming.Such a big mallet was sent out just to disgust him.Now Wang Tanzhi was so angry that blood rushed to his head, and he vomited blood.In the end, without mentioning anything, he left in despair.

In fact, when Ran Ming was busy observing the people's sentiments in Xinye, a large number of propaganda teams began to go deep into the state of Jin.

Jingkou is the later generation of Zhenjiang. An old beggar with gray hair and beard played with bamboo boards on the street and sang as he walked: "Shu Lai Bao, Dao Lai Bao, I came to the street. I was so hungry that I didn't bark or disturb. Good luck to the gentlemen of the past..."

Seeing this group of officers and soldiers passing by, the words in the old beggar's mouth changed immediately: "Shu Lai Bao, Dao Lai Bao, if you don't come to Wei State, you don't know Wei State is good, thirty tax one, less handyman, cover New house, new hat, life is getting better every year..."

Shulaibao is actually the prototype of the later Allegro. This form of interpretation is easy to understand and close to the lives of the people, so it is very easy to be accepted by the people.

Along with this Southern Expedition, more than [-] outstanding street performers and maids went south ahead of schedule. Most of the street performers made up new scriptures to promote Wei's New Deal and the happy life of the people.But there are also some people who interpret Bianwen. The script of Bianwen mainly uses Wei Guo to describe Wei Guo’s army, and uses a slightly exaggerated technique to highlight the prosperity of Wei Jun’s cavalry, the bravery of the soldiers, and their fighting spirit. Bloody story.

In fact, Bianwen is the predecessor of storytelling. It was formed in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The content was originally Buddhist scriptures and one of the means used by Buddhists to preach. Later, it gradually included historical stories and folklore.Wei's army began to rise again during the Ran Ming period. Anxi's bloody battle, blood-stained Yishui River, night raid on the [-] Xianbei camp, corpse oil burning Murongde, and the deeds of outwitting Qingzhou, moving thousands of miles to battle, and outwitting the Hulu. When Ran Ming was named the king of Jiaodong in the early days, it began to be popular in Buqi.In the beginning, there were only dozens of articulate boys, but now they have formed a set of twists and turns and exciting stories, among which "Corpse Oil Burns Murong De", "Serial Horse Night Battle", "Luoyang Attack and Defense", "Fire Burning" "Longtan Valley", "Taking Tongguan Out of Wisdom", and "Women's Style" are all very mature, and tea lovers from all over Wei State are familiar with them.

However, the culture in the south of the Yangtze River is very prosperous. Although talking about metaphysical classics is very popular, talking about it is an elegant thing, just like the operas of later generations. Without a good cultural accomplishment, there is no way to appreciate the mystery.When Bianwen spread to the south of the Yangtze River, it was quickly praised by the common people and gentry.

This Bianwen artists talk about "real people and real things", especially after "The Charm of Women", Bianwen released a new famous article, this one is called "Mulan", but this real story happened during the Northern Wei Dynasty, according to In the course of history, this needs to happen more than 80 years later.However, this Hua Mulan is not a story of going to war on behalf of her father, but a story of Hua Mulan joining the army in makeup to avenge blood.Hua Mulan in the Bianwen was originally from a family of doctors, and her father was Hua Shenyi, a well-known local doctor in Julu.

It is said that in the first year of Zhao Taining, Houyue Shihu died, and the country was in turmoil.The generals of the Jie tribe are like herding sheep, killing people and robbing wealth everywhere.More than [-] people in Hua Mulan's hometown of Shiba Village in Julu County were slaughtered.Hua Mulan has been good at medicine since she was a child. Because her father accidentally injured her leg while going to the mountains to collect medicine, Hua Mulan went to the mountain to collect medicine for her father.As a result, she got lost in the mountains, and was delayed for seven or eight days on the road. When Hua Mulan arrived home, she was suddenly frightened.There are corpses everywhere in the village, which have begun to rot, and maggots are crawling all over the ground.Attracted countless eagles and wild dogs, devouring the corpses, the eyes of the wild dogs turned green, grinning at Hua Mulan and the others, showing signs of returning to their ancestors.

Hua Mulan didn't care about the nausea either, she and a few juniors rushed home.As a result, when he saw the old father's body lying at the door, his head was gone, and the loess on the ground was soaked in blood.When I ran inside, I happened to see my mother's body hanging on the beam in the main hall.The clothes all over his body were torn off, and there were scars everywhere, including knife wounds and torn ones, especially on his face, where an eyeball had been dug out, and maggots were still crawling in the dark eye socket.What made Hua Mulan most angry was that there was a knife stuck in her mother's lower body, and there was a pool of dark red blood under her body.There was also the body of the younger brother in the corner. The four-year-old brother obviously hit the wall and his head was crushed.The body of the six-year-old sister was in another room, chopped into three pieces.

The father, mother, younger brother and younger relatives all died, and Hua Mulan could almost imagine the misery of their deaths.These beast soldiers killed the father, and then forcibly insulted the mother, killing her alive, while the younger brothers and sisters were crying and shouting.Someone actually grabbed my younger brother, threw him to the corner of the wall, and smashed his head.The younger sister was also brutally dismembered. Hua Mulan's whole world collapsed in an instant, and she even had the urge to die.

Hua Mulan wanted to take revenge. At this time, Emperor Wei Guoliewu raised his troops against Zhao and called on the Han people to resist Jiehu's brutal rule.Several of Hua Mulan's senior brothers successfully enlisted in the army, but the 14-year-old Hua Mulan was rejected because she was a daughter.Hua Bulan was not reconciled, so she wrapped her chest with a cloth, made up as a man and successfully enlisted in the army.

In the Battle of Yecheng, Hua Mulan fought bravely and killed countless enemies, not weaker than men.Later, she slowly made contributions and gradually grew into a general in the army. In the fourth year of Yongxing, Hua Mulan's unit was reorganized into the Fifth Battalion of the Central Infantry Army, and Hua Mulan was also promoted to Sima of the other division.

Ran Min rewarded the meritorious officials, and Hua Mulan was granted the title of Marquis of Guan Nei for her meritorious service.And married Hua Mulan, only to find that Hua Mulan is actually a daughter.The Bianwen artist is a veteran of Jiaodong Kingdom, and he speaks with eloquence and emotion. When it comes to Hua Mulan's family and the whole village, men, women, old and children being killed, the people are all very angry and gnash their teeth.When it comes to the battle of Yecheng, the main force of the Wei army was outside, with only more than 1000 people, but was attacked by Shi Kun's [-] Hu army, and the surrounding people were all very nervous.When it was said that Hua Mulan's troops had lost all casualties and decided to live and die with the city, the surrounding people all shed tears.When it was mentioned that the people of Yecheng voluntarily walked up the city wall to fight against Jiehu, those people were sweating nervously in their hands. , the audience all applauded.

The adapted story of "Mulan" was even more twists and turns from the original text, which fascinated the audience. When it came to the victory of the Wei army at the end, the entire Moon Tower erupted in applause.

After this day, everyone in Jiankang will know the story of "Hua Mulan", and Ran Min's order to kill Hu Yi "Today's Hu Yi people are ambitious wolves, taking pleasure in plundering and slaughtering, and taking pride in robbing Han land. Now in the Central Plains, the north is cold, the clothes are moved to the south, the barbarians are everywhere, and the children of the Han family are almost slaughtered. In the world, the situation is changing, and the grass and trees are sad! People have the regret of revenge. The Central Plains is in peril! The Great Han is in peril! China is in peril! Bucai Min, a reckless man, has the hatred of the country and the family, and puts it all in one body, so he endures humiliation and steals his life. The blue sky is above, and Shunchang is rebellious. , Min Fengtian raises his teacher, slaughters the barbarians. Swears to slaughter all the barbarians in the world, kills all the barbarians in the world, restores the land of our Han people, and avenges our Chinese hatred. Let us go to kill the barbarians together with righteousness. In order to save our Han people Fall, help the generals of China fall" spread throughout the city!

After telling "Mulan", everyone's enthusiasm remained undiminished, and everyone's wishes were hard to disobey. Then they told a Bianwen story of "The Lonely King Takes You to Die", which is different from the twists and turns of the story of "Mulan". The Bianwen story is even more tragic.In the era of supremacy of imperial power, in the minds of ordinary people, the emperor is the son of heaven who upholds the will of heaven and exists like a god, but the prince is the son of the dragon and the grandson of the dragon, existing like a demigod.Now he is willing to take the risk to lead a group of untouchables to fight the enemy, and face the fierce enemy side by side with them. Not only the listeners are moved, but all the blood is boiling.

But more people fell into deep thinking.There were not many princes in Wei State. At that time, there were only three princes, which was less than one-tenth of the Jin Dynasty.Taiyuan Wang Ranyin has already sacrificed his life for the country, and now Ran Ming is going to die generously with his trilogy and go to the national calamity together.But what did the princes of Jin do?If it wasn't for the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, if they weren't the first to beat the country to such a bad state, would those barbarians dare to rebel?Can it be reversed?Will these people leave their hometowns and move their clothes to the south?

The focus of this story is to deify Ran Ming, and to perfect artistic processing of Ran Ming's temperament, especially the image of Ran Ming's heroic and martial arts has been further strengthened.

After finishing this Bianwen, most of the people in Jiankang remembered Ran Ming, the generals around Ran Ming, Su Jue, Jing Zhan and others, especially the one who went to help Ran Ming defend against arrows. The dead dumb girl, the listeners all praised the Han family for such a hero, no wonder the Ran family can rise from the humble beginnings, the courage of Ran Min, the wisdom of Ran Ming, the strength of the Ran family, and the moving face of the country.

Even Meng Yuan, a doctor of You Guanglu in the Jin Dynasty, was full of praise for Ran Ming when he heard it.

The Meng family in Pingchang is also a prominent family. Meng Yuan's father, Meng Heng, used to be the governor of Henan.Just after the Bianwen of the State of Wei invaded the State of Jin aggressively, Meng Chuo, the son of Meng Yuan, asked Meng Yuan, "Father, the Bianwen said that the soldiers of the Wei State can fight one against three, or even one against five. Xianbei can block ten with one, do you think they are so strong?"

Meng Yuan laughed and said, "Although Wei Guo's soldiers are strong, they are definitely not as strong as the Bianwen said!"

Meng Chuo said: "In the Bianwen, it is said that in the first battle Wei's army used [-] Han cavalry to destroy the slave camp, killed several enemy generals, chased them for hundreds of miles, and beheaded [-] of the murderous slaves; in the second battle, [-] Han cavalry defeated the Hu [-] riders; in the third battle, [-] Han troops plus [-] begging rebels defeated the Hu allied army with more than [-] troops; Annihilating the Qiang and Di allied forces of more than [-]; the [-] Hu Jun who came from far away with [-] Han cavalry in Yecheng in the sixth battle were defeated. After several battles, the prestige of the Han cavalry was played, and Han people from all over the country rose up in response. "

Meng Yuan said: "Ran Min's first battle was mainly a night attack. The army's 20% of its combat strength can be used at night to achieve good results, and it is very easy to cause camp noise. Under such circumstances, the record is very low. Perhaps The Huns killed each other even more than the Wei army. Moreover, the current Huns are no longer the Huns of the time of Maodun Shanyu. The Huns are stronger than the Jin army, but if they face the Shangjie people, they can only run away. In the second battle, Ran Min used [-] Han cavalry to defeat Wang Lang's [-] Hu cavalry. It was Ran Min who took the lead. Marching thousands of miles, the soldiers and horses are all exhausted, and Ran Min is also waiting for work. Under such circumstances, there are too many issues to consider in the victory or defeat, and it may not be directly determined by the combat strength of the two armies. Three battles and four battles, that is Ran Min. With the prestige of a great victory, as long as the sheep get angry, they can kill a few people. But one thing is certain, that is, the fighting power of the Wei army is indeed not weak, at least the strongest Xifu army in Jin is not an opponent. Fighting is fighting for national strength, and national strength lies in two aspects: manpower and money and food—and the Wei army is insufficient in these two aspects. The northern land was too damaged by the Hulu. It is impossible for them to recover their vitality without [-] years. Money and food The state of Jin defeated the state of Wei, so what is there to be afraid of them? As for the wise generals, they just became famous because of things, and there is too much bragging in it, so don't pay too much attention to it."

However, there is no need to pay too much attention to it, but Meng Yuan secretly remembered it in his heart.

However, with the entry of the Wei State Propaganda Team into the Jin State, the impact on the hearts of the Jin State was not small.But for Wei's pawns, it's not that the ministers of Jin can't see the harm. But when the two countries are at war, they know that these pawns don't have important roles, and it's no big deal to kill them, but it will give Wei a lot Forging a death feud, in case the Wei State unifies the world in the future, these officials from the gentry will consciously pretend to be deaf and dumb for the benefit of the family.

The officialdom of the state of Jin collectively lost their voices, leaving Sima Dan in the dark.As for the "Shadow", although they heard these Bianwen, they searched and checked, and found that there was no member of Wei Guo's old opponent "Deaf and Mute", and the plan to catch big fish with a long line naturally fell through.When the "shadow" reported these problems, Sima Dan did not realize the harm involved.

Celebrities in this period are best at empty talk.It sounds logical, but in fact, letting them govern the country is too idealistic.The gentry has no concept of country in their minds, only family.Once faced with an irreversible situation, they will turn to a new master.

Even without these Bianwen, those well-informed gentry began to hedge their bets.What's more, what the propaganda team shakes is actually the hearts of the people of Jin.The gentry of the Jin Dynasty had too much power, and the emperor of the royal family was a puppet in their hands, because they didn't need to pay or pay for food, and their lives were very nourishing.They have already made plans, Wei Guo came, and they went to seek refuge in Wei Guo.Anyway, if the state of Wei wants to govern the south of the Yangtze River, it must rely on scholars. Maybe some people will be unlucky, but it is impossible for the state of Wei to kill them all.

Some sacrifices were necessary in order to preserve the family.The gentry who migrated to the south all had their northern branches, and their nephews and nephews from faraway places stayed in the north. Now it’s all right, and the big deal is to let them join the direct branch. The family is still the same family, just change the head of the family.

Depending on the changes of the gentry, the people are mainly concerned about their interests, the size of the land, the size of the tax, especially the imperial decree that no tax will be added, which made Ran Ming win a lot of hearts.

The Shu Palace in Chengdu and Huanwen's Shu Palace are actually the palace of the Li family in Chenghan. According to the system, Huanwen is an overreach, but the Jin court has no good way to deal with Huanwen, a powerful minister.

Now Huan Wen finally got the news that Jiangyou City has changed hands. According to the intelligence, Xie Ai led more than [-] elite troops from the town west into Jiangyou, and is currently attacking Zitong and Fuling.

It was Huan Wen's habit to ask advice from the soldiers, even if he had already made up his mind, he still had to pretend to be a virtuous corporal.

Sun Sheng, who joined the army, suggested to Huan Wen that he should abandon Jianmen Pass. At this time, Huan Wen's face was livid, and he hesitated for a while.

It is a wise move for a strong man to cut off his wrist, but giving up Jianmenguan is not a matter of cutting off a hand, but losing an arm and removing a thigh, which can even be regarded as a high-level paraplegia... Jianmenguan is the first barrier of Bashu, and Huan Wen operates here After more than two years, all kinds of defense designs are complete. Once you give up Jianmen Pass and flee south, all your hard work will be in vain. Not to mention, fleeing without fighting will be too big a blow to the troops. It affected his control over various counties and became a figure of Shu king.

But if you don't give up Jianmen Pass, more than [-] soldiers are in a desperate situation because of the loss of Jiangyou. Jianmen Pass is very dependent on Jiangyou City's logistics supplies. The usual food and grass at Jianmen Pass are only reserved for one month. Without Jiangyou's food and grass support, Jianmen Pass can last for a month and a half even if the food is rationed.It would take only two months at most, and it would be very difficult to regain Jiangyou City within two months.

Fu Tao joined Huan Wen's army, and received him with great courtesy. Whenever there is a banquet, Fu Tao must be ordered to travel with him.Because Huan Wen named him the fourth-rank guerrilla general, he often regarded himself as a Confucian general, and he said: "An Guo's words are wrong. Jianmenguan is the head of Bashu. How can he easily fight the enemy? He should guard the key areas and fight Wei Guo to the death. ..."

Sun Sheng sneered and interrupted his high-spirited talk: "Secondly defend the important areas? Okay, where do you want to guard? Beichuan, Qingchuan, or Minshan? Or live and die with Jianmen Pass?"

(End of this chapter)

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