Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 875 There will be 5 troubles

Chapter 875 There Will Be Five Troubles
Chapter 881 There will be five troubles

Fu Tao was at a loss for words for a while, at this time Deng Xia, one of the three tigers in the Western Mansion, said: "Jianmen Pass must not be abandoned lightly, Your Majesty, I will swear to live and die with Jianmen Pass at the end."

Hearing that Deng Xia voluntarily guarded Jianmen Pass, Huan Wen's mood did not get better, but became more irritable.It would be an international joke if Huan Wen was able to grow from a humble beginning to his current position if he didn't understand military affairs.Now that the Shu army has lost its opportunity, Huan Wenwen and Xi Chao originally thought that Jingzhou was the main direction of Wei State's attack, and a large number of Shu troops had already been transferred to Jingzhou.

In fact, there are not many troops in the whole Bashu. Jiangyou City was originally stationed with more than [-] troops. These troops were not only stationed in Jiangyou, but also the reserve force for Jianmen Pass.Apart from the [-] troops at Jianmen Pass in Yizhou, there were only [-] in Fuling, [-] in Zitong, and [-] in Chengdu.

Now General Xie Ai of Wei Guo Zhenxi attacked Jiang You and directly threatened Fuling and Chengdu, which made Huan Wen very embarrassed.To recapture Jiangyou City, which was garrisoned by more than [-] troops, at least [-] to [-] troops were needed. Huan Wen could piece together such troops, but since then, Huan Wen's hinterland has been completely emptied.Not to mention defending against the sneak attack of the Wei army, I am afraid that even the forces of the natives who died in battle would not be able to do it.

Most people don't necessarily hate their enemies when they face failure, but they hate their partners.Thinking that they were the culprits of the failure, Huan Wen thought that he had worked so hard for so many years, but raised a group of white-eyed wolves who refused to repay their favor. These familiar faces are so hateful, why have they never noticed before?

Huan Wen was not willing to give up on Deng Xia, a titan.While ordering the guards at Jianmenguan to withdraw from Jianmenguan to Bajun, he also ordered Deng Xia to lead an army of [-] troops from Chengdu to rush to help Fuling, trying to block the Wei army to the north of Fuling.As for the more than [-] Jianmen Pass guards, how much they can withdraw from Jianmen Pass is up to fate.


In Jiankang of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xiao Lezi became Sima Dan's confidant, which was related to Ran Ming's instilled ideas. Sima Dan had long been distrustful of those high-ranking officials of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but he wanted to do something big, and wanted to become a famous Zhongxing king like Liu Xiu The current Sima Dan has no talents at his disposal.During the period of contact with Sima Dan, Xiao Lezi paid great attention to promoting himself, and easily gained Sima Dan's trust.In just over half a year, Xiao Lezi has shown strong management skills, especially in government affairs and logistics.

Although Sima Dan is young, he is not stupid.Ordinary poor families can't cultivate such talents.Just like later generations, if you want to expose corrupt officials, ordinary people can't do it.Because the technology of corruption is advanced now, it will definitely not be so superficial anymore. If you are not a person in the system, it is impossible to understand the inside story of the system.Xiao Lezi is so proficient in government affairs, he must have been trained in this aspect by hearing and seeing. Under Sima Dan's detailed questioning, Xiao Lezi finally revealed the inside story.

The Xiao family in Lanling did not rely on becoming the Nanliang royal family to start their fortune. In fact, the rise of the Xiao family began with Xiao Wangzhi, a minister and prince during the period of Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty. However, the Xiao family has always been a family of officials and eunuchs.Regarding what happened to such a family, Sima Dan also felt that Ran Ming had gone too far, but he did not support Xiao's behavior.What is this, this is called a typical poaching, if this matter is placed in a country, the Xiao family will at least end up in the end of a house raid.As long as there is an enmity with Ran Ming, it will be easy, so Xiao Lezi will not surrender to Ran Ming.

As Ran Ming marched south across the country, Xiao Lezi's reusability became apparent.When the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty pretended to be deaf and dumb to Wei's Bianwen and Shulaibao, only Xiao Lezi questioned: "Your Majesty, this Bianwen must not be allowed to be lectured, and it must be banned in time, otherwise it may affect the future of the Jin State." Internal and external politics will interfere."

After all, Sima Dan was still a teenager at heart, and didn't have so many schemes.Disapprovingly said: "Lezi, your words are a bit alarmist!"

At this moment, there was a voice of admiration from outside the hall: "Nowadays, everyone in the Jin Dynasty has heard the story of Bianwen, and everyone finds it interesting, and everyone joins in the fun, but Xiao Qing has a bright eye and can speak faithfully. This is even more commendable!"

"Chen, (son) join the Queen Mother!"

Chu Suanzi walked in slowly, holding the arm of the eldest brother, Qiu Mulang. "The foundation of the Great Jin Dynasty is not easy to come by, the emperor must not be careless!"

"Of course!" Sima Dan said: "My son is also a fan of the authorities. Thanks to Xiao Qing's reminder, I suddenly realized it now. The Lord of Wei has always acted step by step. Now that Wei and Jin have turned against each other, Bianwen entered Jin on a large scale and became popular. It is no accident. ! I hereby decree that the whole country is strictly forbidden to recite Wei Guobian Wen, and those who violate it will be severely punished!"

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Xiao Lezi said: "Fangmin's mouth is better than Fangchuan's. Small people in the market are easy to fool and forget. After listening to Bianwen today, although everyone is excited and the whole city is giving lectures, three or five After a month, once the novelty passes, no one will remember it, and when things pass, even if someone still remembers it, they will just treat it as a legend and talk about it occasionally for a drink."

Listening to Xiao Lezi's intention to guard against it, neither to prevent it nor not, Sima Dan was rather puzzled at this moment.

Although Sima Dan didn't understand it, the old woman Chu Suanzi could hear Xiao Lezi's subconscious meaning. It's better to block it than to be sparse. We should take advantage of the trend of Bianwen to add other stories into it. The story of the rise was adapted into Bianwen to recite, so why can't the Jin State use this method to recite the stories of the Jin State?
Chu Suanzi's remedial measures were still a bit late, and the methods were too rough.In addition to Sima Yi, the Sima family, even Sima Yan was a half-bad guy. As the founding emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sima Rui was forced to death by Wang Dun, let alone other emperors.The Sima clan's emperor didn't shine, and the clan princes did too many bastard things. Such shameless whitewashing techniques are like imitation.

Chu Suanzi thought he was smart, but instead of adding jokes, it didn't have a good effect.Instead, the royal prestige dropped to freezing point.

In fact, it’s not all pretending to be deaf and dumb. Wang Meng, a famous scholar, once saw the danger of Bianwen. He said to Wang Ke, the leading general: “The two kings of Wei State all started from the end of the century. Thousands of ants, however, were able to fight for thousands of miles, defeated Murong's tens of thousands of elites in a row, and forcibly regained the national fortune of Wei State from the hands of Yan State Emperor Murong Jun. It is conceivable that his strategy is profound and extensive, and now he has more than a million elite soldiers. , It’s fine if Wu Jiang goes south, but now the whole country has mobilized troops and millions of people are going south, even though the thousands of miles of river is steep, it may not be able to stop him!”

The friends around Wang Meng are friends of his family, King Qi Wangke of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Wang Ke's sister Wang Jianji was the concubine of King Sima Yu of Kuaiji, but she lost her favor and died of grief and anger in the seventh year of Yonghe.Wang Ke was also from a famous family. His father, Wang Xia, was Wang Shu's uncle and the leader of Dr. Guanglu.And he himself is also the leading general from the fourth rank.

Wang Ke said: "Zhongzu (Wang Meng's name) is unfounded and worrying about the sky. Thinking about how heroic Shi Le was at the beginning, he also had hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and he was also rejected from the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and he was not allowed to advance!"

Then Wang Ke said quietly again: "An accident happened in the north, do you know?"

"Of course I know!"

Wang Meng knew very well what Wang Ke was referring to.At first, Huan Chong appointed Guo Quan as a general to guard Fancheng despite everyone's obstruction.Everyone thought that Fancheng would be lost, but no one thought that this young Guo Quan would have such talent. Instead of showing cowardice, he blocked the mighty Wei army under Fancheng. Flow into a river.Became the biggest hot news right now.

Wang Meng said: "Yan Si (Wang Ke's name), do you believe this news? I'm afraid things are not that simple!"

"Zhongzu is worried that Guo Yingyang won't be able to defend Fancheng!" Wang Ke said with a smile: "Ke thinks, Zhongzu, you are worrying too much. You may have never seen Fancheng, and you don't know how strong Fancheng is. If you say Fancheng, it can be regarded as the world. The rare fortified city may not be so easy to conquer."

Wang Meng said: "How is Fancheng compared to Luoyang?"

"This!" Wang Ke was at a loss for words for a moment.

Wang Mengdao: "Luoyang is so strong that it is still difficult to defend, not to mention a small Fancheng. Thinking back to when the Fu family guarded Tongguan and Hangu Pass, they didn't even defend it. Can a Fancheng be used as a barrier for the Jin Kingdom?"

Wang Ke said: "Ordinary people think that the state of Wei has swept the world. It is difficult for us to defend a corner of the country, and it is absolutely difficult to fight against it. You can't see the results in your life."

Wang Meng picked up the wine glass and drank it dry, and then slammed it heavily on the table: "Yansi, why deceive yourself, you have seen the strength of the armor and the sharpness of the weapon in the Wei State, and you feel that there is more in the Jin Dynasty. Chance?"

Wang Ke chuckled, and said in a low voice: "To be honest with Zhongzu, I have received no fewer than twenty or thirty letters of persuasion in the past six months..."

"Inappropriate!" Wang Meng shook his head again and again: "Since I want to gamble, I have to use my small to make a big fortune. Yan Si is just a leading general from the fourth rank. If you are driven by others, and the elite of your subordinates are exhausted, what is the difference between kicking you to some remote village and now?"

Wang Ke nodded: "It is indeed fast to be promoted in the Jin Dynasty, but I always feel uneasy in my heart. The rabbit's tail can't grow. If the Jin Dynasty dies after a few years, it will be a dead end!"

Wang Meng said with a smile: "Except for the gods who do not know the foretelling, who can know the future? It will be too late when everything comes to light. It is best to get on the boat and watch it. If the boat is about to capsize, jump quickly. It's no big deal."

Wang Ke said: "What does Zhongzu mean?"

Wang Meng is the prefect of Dongyang County, which belongs to Yangzhou.Lingchangshan (now Wucheng District, Jinhua City), Wushang (now Yiwu, Zhejiang), Yongkang, Wuning (now Dongyang, Zhejiang), Feng'an (now Pujiang, Zhejiang), Taimo (now Longyou, Zhejiang), Xin'an (now Quzhou Kecheng City, Quxian County, Zhejiang Province), Dingyang (now Changshan, Zhejiang), Pingchang (now Suichang, Zhejiang) nine counties, and Changshan was governed.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty established itself in the east of the Yangtze River, relying only on the essence of the 72 counties in the eight prefectures of Xuyang. Almost all other places were in a semi-independent state, and they all listened to the tune and did not listen to the announcement.

"Sacrificing a Dongyang County is not enough. If you want to be rich, you must make a bet as soon as possible!" Wang Meng said: "Bet when the situation is unclear, once the Wei and Jin decide the winner, even if you surrender, I'm afraid it will not be reused. "

Ran Ming took his set of members of the administrative leadership team and looked at all the five counties in Xinye.Not only Ran Ming was shocked by the ruin of Xinye County, but even the central officials of Wei State were also shocked.

In the five counties of Xinye County, Ran Ming did not see a single private house built in the last three years, and all the houses were dilapidated.

The common people, in particular, are almost like beggars.Ran Ming said: "Yuan Zhen is in Xinye, and he expropriates the whole county of Xinye. The whole county of Xinye is impoverished, and people feel at ease. If he is not defeated, there will be no justice."

Wang Jian bowed and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I have strictly ordered the prefect of Xinye County and all the officials to take care of the people's livelihood in Xinye County. There are 62 households in Xinye County, totaling 11 people. There were three people in 840, among them, according to the standards of our Wei State, the number of people below the poverty line was as many as more than [-]. I have prepared to implement Your Majesty's farming and warfare system, and started to arrange farms."

It is not easy to conquer the country, but it is even more difficult to defend the country.Some people think that the idea of ​​equalizing land and exempting grain will win the support of the people. In fact, such an idea is too idealistic.Take the people in Xinye as an example. They have no seeds, tillage tools, and even cattle. Even if they are given land, they cannot cultivate.Ran Ming adopted a new type of farming and warfare system in the newly occupied land of Jin State.

Ran Ming took Xinye County as a pilot project. In fact, in Xinye County, the tyrants and gentry were basically wiped out by Yuan Zhen, and almost [-]% of the land was taken back by the government.Ran Ming organized merchants to garrison the fields, and the merchants provided grain seeds and farming tools, and let the merchants participate in the management of the farm, under the supervision of the government and the people. The government received [-]% of the money and grain, the merchants received [-]%, and the common people received [-]%.

Some people may say that Ran Ming's tax is heavier than Jin's tax.But the common people don't think so. Jin's Spring and Autumn Fu plus land tax, [-] to [-]% of the income needs to be handed over.In addition to taxes, they have to bear all kinds of corvees. Jin's corvees not only have no money to earn, they even have to prepare their own rations, and the people are tortured and miserable.Many families went bankrupt not because of too heavy taxes, but because of corvée.

Although the grain harvest is only [-]%, they are exempted from all kinds of corvee, and can also use their slack time to work with businessmen to make money and pay off their debts. In fact, businessmen are greedy enough. Ordinary people need to work for them for five years of slack time in order to If you want to repay the debt with the grain harvest, it will be faster, but it will not be less than three years.

Ran Ming didn't interfere too much with the businessmen's pursuit of interests. If there were no interests, they would definitely not support the government's work.Relying on righteousness alone cannot attract their full cooperation.

Of course, due to the chaos of war, Ran Ming had to link this move with farming, and use the power of merchants to quickly enrich the vitality of Wei.Ran Ming's eyes did not patronize the Jin Dynasty. In fact, Ran Ming was more worried about the Gupta Empire.

These businessmen are all good people. After hearing Ran Ming's introduction, they all have plans in their hearts. This is indeed a good way.If you do it well, you can not only earn money, but also gain a relationship with Ran Ming. As long as you can get a few more projects, you don't need to pay for labor, and you can still make a lot of money.Almost all of the current Huaxia business alliances are merchant giants, without a net worth of millions of gold, it is impossible to enter the business alliance.

Driven by Ran Ming, Wei's commerce has become very prosperous. Merchants are no longer a lowly business that discriminates against. At the same time, their status is rising day by day.There is another advantage of reusing businessmen. Under the supervision, if they have something out of the ordinary, they can deal with it without hesitation. They will be killed when they need to be killed, and they will be exiled when they need to be exiled. There is no social resistance at all.Unlike those gentry Qingliu, they do not engage in any professions, have almost no stains on their bodies, and occupy the commanding heights of public opinion, they can kidnap public opinion and force the government to make concessions.

However, businessmen have always been discriminated against. They have no social base, and the phenomenon of hatred of the rich will make them fall into a place of eternal doom.

The model of farming and farming in Xinye County is not permanent. Ran Ming has made a promise that when the people have their own means of production, they will recontract the land to individuals. This period is expected to be ten years , no later than 15 years.

The farming and warfare system, to put it bluntly, is still for war. Under the temptation of dividing fields, seeds and furniture, these people who have newly attached to Wei State also have a strong sense of identity with Wei State. They have a strong sense of identity with Wei State. They are very enthusiastic about supporting the frontline. In Xinye County alone, Ran Ming has obtained more than 8000 laborers, who can contribute to supporting the frontline.

After finalizing the farming and warfare system, Ran Ming paid attention to the battle in Fancheng.

"Chief of the General Staff, is the progress of Fancheng going well?" Ran Ming said, "How is the progress of the East Route Army and West Route Army?"

Discussing military and state affairs, except for the big bosses of the central department, everyone consciously avoided it.Ji Li commanded a group of staff to quickly assemble a sand table of more than one hundred square meters.

Ji Li pointed to the sand table and said, "The East Route Army has been progressing smoothly, and now they have advanced to the Huai'an area."

It has to be said that Huai'an has been at the forefront of war and confrontation for a long time.Years of war brought about the miserable scene of "a thousand miles of red land between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River", and the economy and culture were severely damaged.It is worth mentioning that today's economy has developed abnormally. King Wuling of the Jin Dynasty was the commander-in-chief, and he controlled nearly [-] Jin troops and stationed in Huai'an. , The business of each gambling house is extremely hot.

After a pause, Ji Wei continued: "It's just that at present, Shi Yue's troops of the Eastern Route Army are also blocked in Huai'an. Huai'an has nearly [-] Jin troops, and it is no longer appropriate to implement leapfrog tactics. If you want to encircle an army With a city of [-] troops, it is impossible to have fewer troops. Once the rear is unstable, the Eastern Route Army may be frustrated. The General Staff Headquarters has just received a request from General Shi Yue, who plans to fight a war of annihilation in Huai'an, and kill King Wuling. Sima Xi's [-] Jin troops were wiped out in one fell swoop, and by that time, there will be no Jin troops in Jianghuai."

War is not only a contest of strength, but also a contest of morale. The strong will form a huge coercion against the weak.Only by breaking this huge pressure and breaking the myth of Wei's invincibility can we stop Wei from sweeping the world... The current plan of the Jin Dynasty court is still to use war to promote cooperation and rule across the river.

Sima Xi, the king of Wuling, had high hopes placed on him by Sima Dan. He must be nailed to Huai'an like a nail.

Ran Ming asked: "Then what is the opinion of the staff?"

Ji Li said: "The opinion of the General Staff Department agrees with the request of General Nan Zheng Shi Yue to conduct a comprehensive encirclement of the Jin army in Huai'an in advance, and urgently allocate 4000 rocket launchers, a total of more than 1 rockets, and crossbows. There are [-] vehicles and [-] rounds of shells, and now this batch of materials has been shipped. Now the detailed plan is being deduced on paper, and the loopholes in it are considered.”

"That's right!" Ran Ming said, "If our country of Wei wants to quickly pacify Jiangnan, we must fight a few hearty victories to wipe out the main force of the Jin country. Although I have a bodhisattva confidant, I also know that many things are too idealistic. Combat rights are delegated in principle, but the bottom line remains unwavering. One of my demands is not to stick to formalities, and I agree in principle to take necessary measures when encountering a city where the Jin army is stubbornly resisting."

Ji Yan was startled, he was most afraid that Ran Ming would be too pedantic in holding the benevolence of a woman.Ji Li was completely relieved now.The necessary measures, the simple four words, are to implicitly tell the generals at all levels that when encountering resistance, they can take some extreme measures such as massacring the city to deter the enemy.

Sun Tzu's Art of War has a saying: Therefore, there are five dangers in general: death can be killed, life can be captured, anger can be insulted quickly, integrity can be insulted;

(End of this chapter)

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