Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 879 Let's see who can survive

Chapter 879 Let's see who can survive
Chapter 885 Let's see who can survive

Xiao Lezi took the binoculars, just at this time Wei Jun began to change.It is a big taboo for military strategists to change the formation before the formation, because thousands of people act together, even if it is just a turn around, it may cause chaos. And it is required that this army must have been battle-tested for a long time, so that it can have the determination not to panic in the face of the enemy.

Under the command of the leading lieutenant of the Wei Army, the infantry battalion of the Wei Army was originally in a nearly rectangular formation, but suddenly spread its wings like a wild goose, and quickly turned into an arc formation.

At this time, the Jin army in the military camp began to fight back. The crossbowmen of the Jin army fired their crossbows angrily and shot the enemy. However, the shields and armor of the soldiers of the Wei army were too strong, even if some soldiers were unfortunately hit by arrows. , unless it is the face and throat, there is generally no major hindrance.

The staff officer next to Shi Yue said: "General, the staff's plan is to bomb these military forts with rockets and ballistas. Why do you use such a stupid method!"

Shi Yue snorted coldly and said: "Stupid way, what should we do if we don't adopt this stupid way? In our army, [-]% of the recruits are recruits. If it's not at this time, let's enrich their combat experience. What should we do if we encounter a tough battle? Anyway At this time, Huai'an is the meat that has fallen into the pot, and they can't fly anyway. Why don't you take this opportunity to train the troops! Only actual combat is the best training method!"

Sima Xi certainly didn't know that in Shi Yue's eyes, his troops were just a sharpening stone for training soldiers.If Sima Xi knew about this situation, would he be so angry that he vomited blood?

At this moment, a military officer in the Jin army barracks said to Sima of the other department: "Sima, general! Go forward! What's the point of defending like this! We should go forward, go forward, go forward!"

Sima Biebu didn't agree. Although the defense ability of this barracks was not good enough, it was not as good as the city wall, but it was better than the wild.Just relying on their army, if they were placed in the wild, they might have collapsed long ago.Not to mention that their numbers are at an absolute disadvantage, even relying on the light cavalry on the two wings of the Wei army's infantry can completely abuse them.

At this moment, the Jin army dared not leave the camp.The soldiers of the Wei army had already arrived at the Juma in front of the camp. Under the protection of the shield soldiers, dozens of knives and axemen stepped forward, chopped the Juma into pieces frantically, and then cleared the way forward.The Jin army camp is actually quite concerned about its own camp.Not only did they place a large number of horses and deer firewood, but they also dug a trench more than two feet wide and six feet deep, with clear bamboo thorns inserted underneath.

For things like bamboo thorns, Wei Jun has more experience.As early as the third year of Yongxing, Wei Jun's shields were refitted with card slots and support rods. In this way, when necessary, the shields can be refitted into simple bridges, even if the load-bearing capacity is not enough to support heavy vehicles. It doesn't matter to ordinary soldiers.

The shield hand in front skillfully clamped several shields together, and put a support frame underneath, so that a simple trestle bridge was built.The soldiers of the Wei army passed the ditch, and the cavalrymen were dispatched to the camp wall of the Jin army. They swung the noose with steel claws in their hands, and suddenly dozens of flying claws were buckled on the wooden railing of the camp, and then dozens of horses The horse ran back quickly, and under the pull of the horse's petals, the barracks fell in response.

Sima, the other branch of the Jin army guarding the camp, is also very experienced. He didn't panic when he saw the camp was broken.At this moment, dozens of vehicles rushed out of the camp. Huge black balls were placed on these two-wheeled carts. These black balls were made of oil, coal dust, charcoal and gunpowder. was lit.Facing the raging fire, the soldiers of the Wei army could not resist at all. Some nimble soldiers fled in advance, and a dozen people who were a little slower were hit by the car, two of them were directly knocked down to the ground, and the rest fell to the ground. Being caught in the flames, the splashed oil burned this ten-foot-square area like a frying pan!More than a dozen soldiers who were involved were bathed in fire, struggling and jumping in the flames, but they seemed to be out of luck.

"His grandma's!" The veterans were crying when they saw the young man being burned to death. At this moment, they wished they could die for these young soldiers!
"Come on!"

The soldiers of the Jin army who survived the rain of arrows from the Wei army launched a charge. This was a situation designed by Sima, and what they saw was the chaos caused by the Wei army after the attack by the chariot of fire.

The surrounding Wei troops fired their bows and crossbows in this direction one after another, but they only slightly weakened the enemy's offensive. Due to the large amount of smoke generated by the fire, which blocked the sight of the Wei army's crossbowmen, the Wei army's crossbowmen failed to completely contain the Wei army's charge.

However, just when Sima of the other branch of the Jin Army thought that his plan had succeeded, he saw a group of veterans rushing out of the Wei Army formation. The car quickly wrapped them up in flames.Those veterans who have dealt with the god of death countless times!Those veterans who have never taken death seriously!

"Fuck your ancestors, let me die!" A Wei army veteran's eyebrows and beard were burned off by the fire, and even his hands and feet were burned. The pain made his face distorted and deformed, but he still used it The horizontal knife slashed at the two soldiers of the Jin army who were pushing the fiery chariot.

These dozens of veterans of the Wei army who rushed forward desperately hacked the soldiers of the Jin army who were pushing the cart to death in an instant. After losing the advancing chariot, they stopped on the spot. These veterans still hacked and chopped the big fireball. It was burning, and the fuel oil and burning mixture were splashed and the whole vehicle was ignited. It would be difficult for the soldiers of the Jin army to get close, unless they also had the courage to die like the veterans of the Wei army.

A veteran of the Wei army was covered in fire, and rushed to the Jin army without hesitation.He yelled at the soldiers of the Jin army: "Little bastards, grandpa told you that the real warriors of the Wei Dynasty can be defeated with a little trickery! I will teach you a little lesson today. If you die, you will be reincarnated and live a new life. If you don't die Go back and think clearly: Are your ancestors Hu people or Han people? Will your descendants be Hu people or Han people in the future! Are you willing to work for the emperor who can only run away with your tail between your legs, or do you want to follow us? Wei Tangtang is an upright man!"

Chapter 763 Huai'an Attack and Defense ([-])
Chapter 763 Huai'an Attack and Defense ([-])
Flame is divided into inner flame and outer flame. Anyone who has studied physics should know that the temperature of the outer flame of a flame is much higher than that of the inner flame.If a person is sticky and burned by fierce fire oil, then he will definitely not die immediately, and this process will actually last for nearly 5 minutes.When the internal flame burns for more than 3 minutes, the tendons of the person will contract and the brain will also lack oxygen, resulting in coma.

Starting with the fire itself, every veteran has three to four minutes to fight, and of course this process is extremely painful.Those with a weaker will may not be able to hold on.

Facing a group of burning men wielding their horizontal knives, they wantonly harvested their heads.The soldiers of the Jin army were obviously frightened.Four to five hundred people were actually killed by thirty or forty veterans of the Wei army who were all on fire and retreated steadily.

A soldier of the Jin army had a hot stream between his thighs, and he was so scared that he would pee and shit on the spot.

"Mom, I don't want to die!" Said the frightened Jin army soldier threw away the spear in his hand, turned his head and ran away.By following the brave in battle, even cowards become brave.Of course, if you fight with cowards, even the bravest will become cowardly.

As the No. 1 soldiers abandoned their weapons and fled, it soon caused a chain reaction on the battlefield.The supervisory team sent by Sima from the other branch of the Jin Army was also dispersed by the fleeing soldiers.

Then one by one the veterans of Wei State who were all on fire finished their lives, but they infected those soldiers of the new army who had already wavered.Everyone in Wei Jun held back his strength: "Revenge!"

Although the fiery chariots of the Jin army had the finishing touch, they were defeated even faster when they encountered a group of desperate Wei veterans.

Seeing that the battle had come to an end, General Zhengnan Shi Yue put down his binoculars, and then said to the staff around him: "You see, to fight a war, you still have to rely on the recklessness of the veterans. Fighting a war is not about being well equipped. At critical times, You still have to fight with your life!"

The staff officer quickly picked up the charcoal pencil and recorded it on paper.

Shi Yue continued: "Whether it is the Huns, Jie people, or Xianbei people, they are all peoples on horseback, and they are all born cavalry. In terms of riding and shooting, we Han people are naturally inferior to them. But now we Han cavalry in Wei State, But they can easily defeat them and kill them all. This is not only due to the excellent equipment, but also the courage to dare to go all out, and the courage to go to death. When the late emperor founded the Great Wei Han cavalry, many of those soldiers have never ridden a horse in their entire lives. If you want to follow the normal training, it will take five years or even longer for a rookie to become a qualified cavalryman. But how does your majesty do it, that The method is actually very simple. It is to tie the soldiers and horses together with ropes so that they will not fall. Facing the enemy's arrow rain and swords and guns, of course they have no chance to avoid it, but relying on such a lifeless Work hard, we Wei State Han cavalry defeated the Huns, Jie people, and Xianbei people in the cavalry battle."

The staff officer nodded.

Shi Yue said again: "Order the clerk in the army to record in detail every soldier who charged to the death. This general will write a letter to His Majesty to ask for credit for them. They are true warriors and should be incensed forever in the Garden of Loyal Souls!"

In the end, the military clerk counted in detail the veterans who stepped forward and rushed into the flames at this critical moment to launch a desperate counterattack.There are a total of 47 veterans, the oldest is 38 years old, and the youngest is only 29 years old. The lowest position among them is team leader, and the highest level is marching commander.

As Shi Yue launched the troop training plan, he attacked the Jin army barracks on the first day. A total of seven new infantry battalions were dispatched, and more than [-] light cavalry were dispatched to cover.According to Sima Xi's original idea, this kind of plum blossom formation, if one party is attacked, the other parties should support each other when it fails.In theory, this is feasible, but the light cavalry of the Wei army is too powerful. The soldiers of the Jin army who rushed out of the barracks to rescue several waves, without exception, were shot to death by the cavalry on the way to ask for help.

After one day of fighting, all the seven large and small military strongholds of the Jin army were destroyed, and with the rescue team included, the number of people lost was about 450.The loss of the Wei army was less than a thousand, of which more than [-] were killed.

Sima Xi, who had been looking at the top of the city for a whole day, was exhausted physically and mentally, and he was on the verge of falling.

At this time, a soldier reported: "General, Xiao Canjun is here to invite you!"

Regardless of his exhaustion, Sima Xi went directly to the Commander's Mansion in the city.The night was getting darker, and the first day of the siege was over. Although the Wei army did not make a big breakthrough, the Jin army did not take any advantage.

Huai'an is not a fortress-style defensive city gate, but a comprehensive city, and defense is only one of its functions.In addition to the army, there are tens of thousands of people inside the city walls.This is not like Hulao Pass. Hulao Pass is small and simple, and only needs to consider defense and war issues. Huai'an is large and complicated. Sima Xi has to consider not only the enemies outside the city, but also the variables inside the city.

The soldiers of the State of Wei went south, after all, people's hearts are complicated and peaceful.Although it is said that the world is still owned by the Sima family of the Jin state, since the Sima family lost Luoyang and moved southward, they have lost some people's hearts, but not everyone supports Sima Dan and the Jin state. Will some of these people take advantage of it? What about Zhan Luan making trouble in the city?Or have these people secretly colluded with Wei Guo long ago?

Sima Xi had to consider all these issues.Of course, there is Xiao Lezi in terms of specific operations, but Sima Xi must also leave a part of his troops to prevent turmoil in the city.Since this is a city, the daily consumption of materials alone is already an astronomical figure. For example, vegetables will soon be used up just by storage, and fuel cannot be effectively replenished.There are still a lot of light cavalry in the city, but the elite cavalry is relatively insufficient, so Dai Shi, the cavalry guard, asked to fight several times but failed to get Sima Xi's permission.

Sima Xi knew very well that Dai Shi's [-] cavalry were going out to fight in the city to deliver food to the Wei army. Even if Dai Shi had ten times more cavalry, it would not change the result.Looking around the world, Wei's cavalry is peerless, no matter Xianbei or Jie people, their cavalry troops are in the tens of thousands, but they are all wiped out by the Wei cavalry.There are hundreds of thousands of elite cavalry from the Xianbei people who have become Wei's laborers.

The inability of the cavalry to go out of the city to fight calmly limited Sima Xi's defensive strategy. Defense is actually the best way. Sima Xi also knows that the strategy of "attacking and defending the city" is the best. Passive defense, all doors are always closed, and internal consumption cannot be obtained. In addition, it will also cause a lot of pressure on the soldiers and civilians in the city.

Xiao Lezi and Sima Xi discussed in secret for nearly an hour, but no one knew what they discussed.I just knew that after Xiao Lezi left Sima Xi, he came to the North Gate of Huai'an, and the captain in charge of guarding the North Gate was Henry Zhang.

Henry Zhang has not many records left in history, but otherwise, a person who can be as famous as Xie Xuan is also a talent.

"Xiao Canjun, please sit up!"

Xiao Lezi smiled faintly: "General Zhang, how do you feel about today's battle?"

Henry Zhang thought for a while and said: "The final general is a bit strange!"


"Not bad!" Henry Zhangzhi said: "The Wei army can attack and defend well, but during the daytime battle, they did not use their most powerful ballistas, eight-ox crossbows, and rockets. Instead, they used people to attack the strong camp. Isn't this abnormal? ?"

"Actually, there's nothing strange about this!" Xiao Lezi said: "The Wei army has a standing force of more than 60 troops. This time it dispatched [-] to [-] troops to attack Jin, and a considerable number of them are recruits. The Wei army attacked Jin in three ways. Well, there is no need to introduce the east road. The main attack direction of the middle road is the front line of Xiangfan, while the west road is the central area of ​​Sichuan. The three armies of Wei Guo are actually echoing each other. He wants to use Huai'an to train his recruits!"

In fact, there are many smart people in this world, and Xiao Lezi is one of them.In fact, Huai'an's defense has become weak at this time. If the defense is longer, Shi Yue's troops will become more elite through actual combat training.

Xiao Lezi's expectation is to abandon Huai'an, gradually lengthen the battle line, increase the difficulty of Wei's supply, and not give Shi Yue and the others a chance to calmly train troops. Once they easily advance thousands of miles, Wei Jun will definitely feel proud. At this time, he can take advantage of his slack. Give them a fatal blow.

Hearing this statement, Henry Zhang was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the places that were unclear at first suddenly became clear.In fact, this new Jin army is a solid supporter of the Jin court, and they are the backbone of the Jin state.In the state of Wei, the powerful clans were deliberately suppressed, such as the four major families of the Eastern Jin and Jiangdong. Naturally, such powerful clans were also weakened. Once the state of Wei was allowed to defeat the state of Jin and unify the world, instead of making any contribution, they would shoot themselves in the foot.

In fact, Henry Zhang didn't have a good impression of Wei's so-called New Deal. Instead of having a good impression, he was very angry.Ran Ming's re-use of merchants, in Zhang Xuanzhi's view, is perverse and self-defeating.

Henry Zhangzhi asked suspiciously: "What is the purpose of Xiao Canjun's visit?"

Xiao Lezi said: "If you want to defeat the Wei army, you can't fight against it, you can only use it out of your wits!"

"Of course!" Henry Zhang also saw that the Wei veterans rushed directly into the fire regardless of life and death, preventing the Jin army from counterattacking. This incident shocked Henry Zhang very much.

"I don't know what clever plan Xiao Canjun has!"

"Actually, it's not a clever plan, it's nothing more than picking up people's wisdom!" Xiao Lezi said: "I want to emulate Zhou Gongjin, Xuan Zhi wants to be a public cover (Huang Gai's name)?"

"Is Xiao Canjun's decision not a joke?" Henry Zhang asked seriously: "This is not a trivial matter, how can it be such a joke?"

Xiao Lezi said: "If it is arranged properly, this plan is not impossible!"

Henry Zhang was faintly angry, and said in a blunt displeasure: "I wish to hear Xiao Canjun's advice!"

"Cut your ears and come here!" Xiao Lezi whispered softly in Henry Zhangzhi's ear.After a while, Xiao Lezi left quietly.

Henry Zhang considered it in the middle of the night, and did not make up his mind until the early hours of the morning.He wrote a letter with his own hand, and ordered his confidant to hang it from the city wall and go to the camp of the Wei army.
In his sleep, Shi Yue suddenly received a report from the guards. "Caught a Southern Jin spy!"

Anyone who is disturbed while sleeping is in a bad mood.Naturally, Shi Yue was no exception, he shouted at the guards outside the tent: "I'm bothering you with such a trivial matter, hand it over to the Military Law Office, and interrogate it!"

The guard said: "Reporting to the general, it has been tried. He said that he is Henry Zhang's confidant and came with a secret letter."

(End of this chapter)

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