Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 880 Armed Slaves

Chapter 880 Armed Slaves
Chapter 886 Armed Slaves

Since the royal inner guard had just entered the right track, the infiltration of the Jin army was not sufficient. Although Shi Yue's intelligence was insufficient, he knew Zhang Xuanzhi. General Sima Xi, king of Wuling, made an example to others.And Henry Zhang is that poor chicken.So Shi Yue is also a little familiar with Henry Zhang.Shi Yue knew that Ran Ming's psychological bottom line for the unification of the Southern Jin Dynasty was to minimize casualties as much as possible.

Once Henry Zhang is a breakthrough here, then the Southern Conscript Army can go straight down to Hangzhou and push the war to the Yangtze River.Shi Yue quickly put on his clothes and sobered up with cold water.

Shi Yue took a quick look at the letter written by Henry Zhang, and Shi Yue smiled.He said disapprovingly: "Since you want to play, then I will have fun with you guys!"

In fact, Shi Yue couldn't guess whether Henry Zhang really surrendered or falsely surrendered, but the initiative was in Shi Yue's hands, and Shi Yue immediately wrote back a letter to Henry Zhang, and then deliberately smeared it on key parts.In this way, the letter was handed over to the person who came to take it back.

If Henry Zhang really surrendered, this letter is not a problem. If he is a false surrender, he will definitely give this letter to Sima Xi. The key parts of it have been smeared, even if Henry Zhang is all over his mouth, he can’t tell clearly up.

After dawn, Shi Yue did not stop attacking the city immediately, but increased the speed of the attack.

On this day, the style of military training from the day before yesterday was changed, and it was a real attack.The most effective ballista vehicles, rockets and eight-ox crossbows in the Wei army were dispatched in succession to bombard the other 41 large and small military strongholds outside the city.The ballistas and rockets of the Wei army were seriously insufficient, and they could not gnaw the city walls of Huai'an.But it is much easier to deal with those semi-permanent camps.

Long-range weapons were dispatched, and the Wei army easily won.In one day, more than [-] military strongholds were conquered one after another, causing the Jin army to pay nearly [-] casualties. The soldiers of the Jin army in other military strongholds often retreated to the city after the walls of the strongholds were breached.In this regard, Shi Yue did not order the troops to intercept, but let them enter the city.

In Shi Yue's words, the influx of more than [-] broken troops into Huai'an City will not only accelerate the consumption of the Jin army's food and grass reserves, but also damage the morale of the Jin army.

On the third day, Shi Yue's Southern Expedition Army had cleared the periphery of Huai'an, and the battle on the fourth day began.The Wei and Jin armies took the lead in launching a round of artillery battles.Because Ran Ming sold arms to Jin, the Jin army was also equipped with a large number of crossbows and rockets.The State of Wei did not sell rockets to the State of Jin, but Huan Wen had such things. In order to share the pressure on Huan Wen from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Huan Wen sent Sima Dan a batch of rockets in vain.

However, Huanwen's rockets were fired from the eight-ox crossbow, not Wei's rockets that directly used gunpowder as the propulsion power.In comparison, Huan Wen's rockets have more serious problems with delayed explosions.If it is faced with an army that is not familiar with gunpowder, it may cause a lot of panic, but Wei Jun is also an expert in playing with gunpowder.The power of the Jin army's gunpowder has long been prepared.Shiyue's ballistas, eight-ox crossbows, and rockets were not directly placed in front of the formation, but a solid artillery position was established with sandbags, not only with shields, but also with barriers and isolation belts. Greatly relieved.

A rocket from the Jin army flew to a ballista position, but it surprised the ballista artillerymen. It turned out that the rocket still had a part of its lead, and it was whistling with black powder.The ballista artillerymen took their time, picked up the water ladle next to them, and poured a ladle of water directly on the fuze, and the fuze would naturally misfire when it encountered water.The range of the rockets launched by Ba Niu Leng is longer than that of the Wei Army's rockets and ballistas. Although there is a high probability of delayed explosion, it also poses a certain threat to the Wei Army's ballista artillery.

However, the Wei army fought more and less, and quickly blew up the Jin army's eight-ox crossbow into parts.Soon the rockets of the Jin army collectively lost their voices, and the Jin army also installed many trebuchets during the defense process, but with the extensive application of ballistas, the trebuchets became useless.In terms of range and power, trebuchets were far weaker than catapults. Facing the position where catapults had to take three or four hundred paces, the Jin army's trebuchets had a range of only two or three hundred paces, and they could only be beaten but could not fight back.All the trebuchets and eight-ox crossbows were beaten out of temper by the ballistas and rockets of the Wei army.

In the first round of long-range weapon confrontation, the Wei army won a complete victory.The price paid was that four ballistas were blown up by rockets, injuring hundreds of soldiers.But the Jin army paid a heavy price for this. At least a thousand people died in battle, and almost all the hard-working trebuchets were blown to pieces.

Successfully suppressed the Jin army's long-range attack weapons. Under Shi Yue's order, the Wei army's ballistas, eight-ox crossbows, and rockets began to move forward. At the position of two hundred steps, the city wall was bombarded indiscriminately.The shells from the crossbow blasted the stones on the city wall of Huai'an, and the ground shook the wall. Those defense equipment such as Yasha drums, maces, fire oil, and ash bottles that had not been removed from the wall were smashed by the shells.

As for the casualties, Wei Jun under the city couldn't see clearly. I'm afraid only Sima Xi himself knew best.

During the continuous bombing, Wei Jun's ballista accidentally hit the city gate.A [-]-pound stone heart bullet directly knocked out a big hole in the city gate. Through the big hole, it can be seen that the Huai'an city gate is not blocked.

Seeing this situation, the ballista gunners immediately aimed at the city gate, and as a result, seven or eight [-]-jin stone heart bullets fell down, smashing the city gate into pieces.

Slowly, the ballistas, rockets, and eight-ox crossbows all stopped bombing, and the battlefield gradually returned to calm.Shi Yue was very playful again, and ordered two infantry battalions with more than [-]% of the recruits to attack the west gate of Huai'an.

When the troops launched an attack, Shi Yue stopped the combat guidance given to them by the staff department, but let their respective leading lieutenants and their staff members solve these problems by themselves.As for Shi Yue's intention to use Huai'an to train troops, it is actually a lice on the bald man's head, which is obvious.

The lieutenants of the two infantry battalions are veterans who have experienced many battles. Li Sheng and Ding Guang, the Marquis of Guannei, met each other for a small meeting. A detailed battle plan was drawn up.Li Sheng's battalion was in charge of feigning to attack the city wall, while Ding Guang's troops were in charge of attacking the city gate.

The two battalions did not invest in the main force, but each organized a death squad of 500 people. Braving the arrow rain of the Jin army, carrying a simple ladder, they rushed across the pontoon bridge built by the equipment battalion during the bombing process. .The follow-up troops were like waves approaching slowly.Pushing the car ladder to follow up.

The Jin army on the city wall began to shoot arrows to block the Wei army's attack. The Wei army's archers and crossbowmen immediately fought back. Sima Xi and Xiao Lezi were not afraid of risks, and half of their bodies were exposed behind the parapet to check the movements of the Wei army below the city.The two discussed briefly, and then passed down orders.

The soldiers of the Jin army on the city tower turned on the mechanism, stirred the rope-wrapped windlass, and a thick and strong jack gate slowly fell.Blocked in front of the broken city gate.The Qianjin Gate is also called the Gange Board. It is made of iron-clad solid wood like the city gate, but it is thicker and stronger than the city gate. There are iron nails on it to prevent the enemy from destroying it. It is too bulky, and it is usually hung on the city tower for no use. It will only be put down when the city is attacked.

Since the gate of the west city gate was blasted, the soldiers of Wei State could enter the bottom of the city gate, posing a certain threat to the tower above, so Sima Xi lowered the thousand-jin gate to keep the soldiers of the Wei army out. Anyway, the ballistas of the Wei army were afraid. If you hurt your own people, you dare not open fire now.

Seeing this scene, Shi Yue had no choice but to order the troops to retreat.

Looking at Wei Jun receding like the tide, Sima Xi heaved a sigh of relief.He said directly: "Xiao Canjun, it seems that your plan has not succeeded!"

Xiao Lezi smiled and said: "Henry Zhang is just a chess piece. As the commander-in-chief of the whole army, your vision is still too small. If you want to look at the overall situation, since the general in Huai'an is unwilling to give up, Xiao has to give up his life to accompany the gentleman. Although we The possibility of victory is very small, but it can make Wei Jun lose a piece of flesh!"

Sima Xi said: "I hope so!"

"By the way, General, please gather [-] civilians at night. Someone is going to dig a big hole at the west gate of Huai'an and give Wei Jun a big gift!"

Sima Xi asked strangely, "Why dig a hole?"

Xiao Lezi smiled and said: "This has a magical effect, it is not convenient to reveal the details for the time being!"

One good thing about Sima Xi is that he doesn't like to push people.Seeing that Xiao Lezi didn't say anything, he still ordered three thousand soldiers to bring the emergency shovel and shovel to Xiao Lezi.

As Xie Ai, the Western Army of the Wei Army, entered Shu from the Yinping Ancient Road, Huan Wen voluntarily gave up Jianmen Pass.As a result, the originally prosperous commercial routes were suddenly cut off, and a large number of merchants and goods gathered in Chengdu.

"After all, the King of Shu's foundation is too shallow." Some businessmen began to act as hindsight prophets: "It was said at the beginning. The King of Shu was canonized by the first emperor of Wei, so he should not be attached to the Jin Dynasty. That would definitely cause problems, no! That's right. How long did it take to hit Luocheng, only sixty miles away from Chengdu!"

As the army of Wei approached in a big way, the most uneasy ones were those merchants who followed Huan Wen very close. Originally, Huan Wen was suppressing the aborigines in Sichuan, and they followed Huan Wen to sell the treasures of the aborigines, and they also made a lot of money.But for the war between Huan Wen and the State of Wei, almost none of these merchants were optimistic about Huan Wen.

At this time, the people in Chengdu were in a state of turmoil. Zhou Ji, the head of the Guo family business located in the southeast of Chengdu, quietly said to his friends: "These things in the middle of Shu have long been expected by the king of Shu. I, Guo Ji, will not do them." Trading at a loss, the current situation is just a small repetition. Although the Wei army has entered Luocheng, if the sword gate is closed, isn’t it just closing the door and beating the dog? Don’t worry, the king of Shu is the sky in the middle of Shu. This day can't change!"

If it was Zhou Ji who publicized this matter, no one would believe him, but he leaked this "insider information" to his friends in such a mysterious way, and his friends would naturally have friends, and it didn't take long for the entire Shuzhong business circle We all know about this.

"It turns out that the King of Shu has plans for everything."

Zhou Ji "leaked" this, a secret.It quickly spread in the business world, and many people who were still superstitious about Huan Wen believed it on the spot.But most people just stay on the sidelines, and some people still feel that it is not safe, and there are very few people like Zhou Ji who mobilized all available resources to purchase goods at this critical moment.The business news is that you can fly without wings.

If you want to know who Zhou Ji is, I'm afraid no one knows, he is the natal nephew of Huan Wen's number one confidant, Xi Chao's wife, and I'm afraid that Zhou Ji is not close to Shu Wang Huan Wen in the whole business circle.

This is actually a strategy of Huan Wen.Of course, with Zhou Ji's disclosure of the secret, the hearts of the people in Shuzhong calmed down.Although the hearts of the people in Chengdu have settled down, Huan Wen's mood is not happy.He can use tricks to calm people's hearts, but he can't use tricks to retreat Xie Ai. After all, Xie Ai is the general who became famous by playing with his brain.

For such an enemy, playing tricks can only bring shame on oneself.For good and wise generals, they can only be enemies.

At this time, Fu Tao offered a plan to Huan Wen, which made Huan Wen suddenly enlightened.

In 57 B.C., King Wu of Zhou took advantage of the over 5000 main force of the Shang Dynasty to quell the chaos of Dongyi, and the court song was empty. He led [-] chariots, [-] tigers, and [-] soldiers in the palace. Straight forward, approaching Chaoge.At that time, the main force of the Shang army was unable to return to aid, so in a hurry, Emperor Xin had to arm the slaves and fight against the Zhou army in Muye.

However, at this time, the slave army and prisoners of war of the Shang army launched uprisings one after another. As a result, they turned against each other and the Shang army was defeated. The Zhou army conquered Chaoge in one fell swoop and destroyed the Shang Dynasty.

Ordinarily, Fu Tao was a man of knowledge and knowledge, so he naturally understood this truth, but he offered a strategy to Huan Wen, which was to use the Liaoren prisoners of war captured by Huan Wen to arm them and fight against the Wei army.Huan Wen's main force was also in Jingzhou at this time, and he would not be able to withdraw for a while. If he counted on more than [-] troops in his hands, he might not be able to defend against the all-out attack of the Wei army.

In desperation, Huan Wen had no choice but to drink poison to quench his thirst, and adopted Fu Tao's strategy.Immediately mobilize the Liaoren natives and prisoners of war to fight against the Wei army.Huan Wen used more than [-] aboriginal prisoners of war in the Jiangjiang Camp outside Chengdu. Huan Wen used more than [-] indigenous prisoners of war to work. Iron is rich in Sichuan, and there are more than [-] Liaoren slaves in major iron mines.

Fu Tao considered himself a Confucian general, and volunteered to undertake the important task of attacking the Wei army, but Huan Wen did not really agree to Fu Tao's request.If Huan Wen really agrees to appoint Fu Tao as commander, then he is truly suicidal.Instead, Mao Husheng, one of the three tigers, was adopted as handsome.

Mao Husheng was brave and strong. Among the generals of the Xifu Army, he was second only to Deng Xia, and he was on the same level as Zhou Chu.Mao Husheng came to Wenjiang Tunchang with his personal guards.This is the heart of the Chengdu Plain. During the period of the Shu-Han and the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang, Prime Minister of Shu, built water conservancy in Wenjiang, improved the irrigation area, and built the Jiang'an River, making Wenjiang a land of prosperity.During the war at the end of the Cheng Han Dynasty, the gentry here were either killed or moved away. Instead, this fertile land was left idle.In order to feed enough troops, Huan Wen did not distribute this fertile land, but concentrated on farming with Liaoren slaves.

Standing on the high slope, Mao Husheng saw countless Liaoren slaves working under the whip of the Shu army. They used their hard sweat to grow millions of grains for the Shu army.As soon as Mao Husheng appeared, those Liaoren found Mao Husheng, and they were a little panicked immediately. If you say that the three tigers of the Xifu Army are absolutely ruthless when it comes to slaughtering Liaoren, Mao Husheng even has the deterrent power of stopping crying.

This is a small garrison field, with only five or six hundred savages working, and the Shu army monitoring them only has one garrison, but this group of savages who were gutted by the Shu army would rather be full under the whip. Being tortured, he didn't dare to resist easily.In fact, Liaoren was not afraid of the bravery of the Shu army, but their gunpowder.

"General, there are five to six hundred people here, all young and strong between the ages of eighteen and forty. As long as you give them food and weapons, they will be a group of good soldiers!"

Mao Husheng laughed and said: "This general doesn't need so many people. Here I only need 100 of the most brave people. Although there are many people in the tribe, there must be no more than [-] people in a tribe. This principle must be adhered to, otherwise it will be a disaster." It will create a situation where the guest is deceiving the master. This general does not want to be beheaded in his sleep!"

The lieutenant general nodded earnestly. At this time, several translators who could speak aboriginal languages ​​began to come to the gathered slaves and said loudly: "Our general needs to recruit warriors, and each warrior will get a pair of iron armor and fine steel blades. , of course there are endless wines and delicious meats to eat. But our general said that he only needs 100 people!"

None of the aborigines who have survived to this day are fools. After being eliminated by natural selection and the law of survival where the strong are respected, those with a slightly dull mind have already turned into a pair of rotten bones. Although most of them will not Chinese, but they know that this is their only chance to change their lives.

A person with a lively mind can turn his mind quickly. Just now he was called a brother, and the next moment he smashed the hoe on the head of his companion.The head was smashed like a tattered watermelon by the hoe, and with a muffled pop, the brain burst out.This is a signal, the five or six hundred natives seem to have inexhaustible strength, sticks, hoes, hammers, rakes, and even stones and bricks, at this moment, crackling into a human tragedy.

Meng Gai is the little king of the Liaoren tribe in Xilinputuo. Most of the slaves in this village are from the tribe.He really wanted to prevent the tribe from killing each other, but instead of calming down the tribe, five or six tribesmen rushed towards him with hoes and hammers.

Following Meng Gai's shout, Mao Husheng also noticed this stout man.Meng Gai held a hammer in his hand and fended off the attacks of his tribe with left and right moves.At this moment, Meng Gai seemed to be angry, he spread his hair loose, and roared to the sky, his eyes were as red as blood at this moment, for those five or six clansmen who dared to attack him, There was no more mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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