Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 881 The Neglected Working Class

Chapter 881 The Neglected Working Class
Chapter 887 The Neglected Working Class

Meng Gai's movements were very flexible, and the hammer in his hand danced wildly, hitting the clansmen's feet accurately every time.The Liaoren didn't wear shoes, so they were hit by a hammer on the top of their feet, and they all fell to their knees on the ground with an involuntary "Oops".After a while, Meng Gai's three zhang radius turned into a blank area, and at least fifteen or six tribesmen who dared to attack him were knocked down by him.Although Meng Gai didn't immediately kill these clansmen who dared to offend him, but the heads of the fifteen or six clansmen whose combat effectiveness was greatly reduced were quickly removed by other clansmen.

Meng Gai attacked in the front, and gradually formed an offensive and defensive alliance of more than a dozen people around him.The dozen or so people were responsible for covering Mengge's left and right wings and back. Mengge only needed to be responsible for attacking, while the other dozen or so people were responsible for harvesting the heads of those who were knocked down by Mengge.

If Mao Husheng wants to gather people here, the person he most hopes to gather is obviously Meng Gai. Of course, he will not interfere in the battle of these people. If Meng Gai dies in the hands of others, he will not be too serious What a pity.Meng Gai's strength soon weakened a little. At this moment, Meng Gai retreated to the edge of the battlefield with nearly twenty people, watching the chaos as a bystander.

Mao Husheng smiled. He could see that this man who looked rough on the outside actually had an exquisite heart.He also knows to save energy, and he is quite methodical between advancing and retreating.Mengai even knew how to grab a head, pry open the skull, and suck the brains inside.It is not surprising that the Liaoren actually have a tradition of cannibalism, otherwise they would not have disappeared into the long river of history.More than a dozen other hunters who temporarily teamed up with Mengge also followed Mengge's example, sucking brains or drinking blood.

Gradually the melee came to an end, and Meng Gai counted carefully. At this time, there were still more than 150 people standing in the arena, which meant that more than [-] people needed to be eliminated.Mengai obviously established his prestige in the battle and became the leader among a dozen people.

Meng Gai said something to a dozen or so people, but the speed of speech was so fast that even the translator couldn't understand it.At this moment, the dozen or so hunters tore off their clothes in twos and twos, and began to rub them quickly. They were actually weaving ropes. After a while, a rope made of linen appeared in front of Meng Gai. Meng Gai Holding this rope about three or four feet long, he pulled a loose buckle, like a nomad lasso, throwing the rope once, he would lure back a hunter from the battlefield.These Liao people were not directly killed, but were beaten up by a dozen punches and kicks until they subdued him and expressed their surrender to Meng Gai.

Mao Husheng couldn't help laughing when he saw Meng Gai's actions.It's so interesting that this guy actually used this method to attract strong men.After a while, Meng Gai recruited more than a dozen people one after another. At this time, Meng Gai had become the leader of 40 people.Ten people make a hero, a hundred people make a hero, a thousand people make a hero, ten thousand people make a hero, just look at Meng Gai bringing these three 40 people back to the battlefield, but no one around him dared to attack him You know, among these hundred people, Meng Gai is the hero!
It is difficult to calm down when killing red-eyed people. Even if the number of people is obviously less than one hundred at this time, these people are still killing.Meng Gai shouted at the sky at this time, and then led his thirty or forty men who were recharging their energy, and quickly quelled the battle.Mao Husheng counted, and now there are only 73 people left.Even the wounded, almost everyone has.

Mao Husheng said: "From now on, you are my subordinates. You'd better remember that as my subordinates, everyone drinks wine, eats meat, and dies together. But if you don't obey orders, you'd better Be like them."

Speaking of which, Mao Husheng pointed to at least 100 Liaoren aborigines who were still panting. These people were carried together by the soldiers of the Shu army, and then a dozen bombs that were ignited and led were thrown over.

"Boom" more than a dozen loud noises shook the sky, and the dust and smoke cleared, and the more than one hundred wounded soldiers all turned into corpses, to be precise, there were no dead bodies.

These Liao people are ignorant, and they are even more afraid of the Shu army's method of asking the gods to help them.They all surrendered to Mao Husheng and became the new army.

With this new army of 73 soldiers who had changed into the armor of the Shu army, Mao Husheng came to an iron mine again.

In the Iron Mine, there are more Jagren slaves used.Almost five or six thousand people.The Shu army guarding the mine drove these five or six thousand native slaves to a valley bottom.

Mao Husheng is still very strange. Didn't the defenders tell the slaves that he needs to choose warriors?It's just that when Mao Husheng came there to take a look, he discovered the problem.Because he saw five or six thousand slaves at the bottom of the valley, he couldn't help thinking of the word "buried alive" in his head

It's like a child seeing a group of ants falling into a pit and having a pile of sand at hand, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​pushing the sand over to bury the ants.This thought surprised Mao Husheng. He didn't know why he had such an impulse, because it wasn't the original plan—could it be the evil thoughts in my heart?But when this idea appeared, it seemed so natural.Sentenced thousands of people to death with a wave of hands - what a great authority, although it is evil, it is full of temptation.

Mao Husheng suddenly realized a little bit, I'm afraid Bai Qi and Xiang Yu were thinking this way.

Then the interpreter told them: "General Mao wants to select warriors, and the first 1000 people who climb up from the bottom of the valley will regain their freedom and become warriors of the Shu army."

Suddenly, some natives shouted: "We have 6000 people here, why can only 1000 people become warriors and regain their freedom. Brothers, they want to kill us, so we will fight them!"

However, at this time, many indigenous slaves ran to the opposite side of the valley, which was slower and not as steep as this side.

Mao Husheng knew that this is one of the main production areas of Huanwen Iron and Steel. If war breaks out, the consumption of steel will definitely double. In this way, choose fighters by climbing a hill.

Naturally, this process was also very bloody. Originally, the valley wall on the opposite side was not very steep, but in the time of a stick of incense, no one climbed up, because the people behind were pulling the hind legs of the people in front, counting. Thousands of people have no organization, no morals, just know that they have to climb up quickly, everyone wants to regain their freedom and become a warrior of the Shu army, and no one wants to be left behind.The strength of breastfeeding and all the means have been used in this valley!Thousands of captives suddenly turned into [-] Gu worms, everyone thought in their hearts that only by climbing the valley wall can they escape!Only then can we not die!Just now, they were ready to fight against the same enemy of the Shu army, but now they started killing each other.As for the one who can climb up in the end, I don't know how martial arts it is, but it must be the strongest person.

Although Mao Husheng asked for 1000 people, in fact he only selected more than 800 of them. Those slaves who didn't have any scars on their bodies must be brains, and they are suspected of cheating.Mao Husheng put the more than 200 people in the supply unit, and only the rear 800 people, almost all of whom were injured, were all armed.He became an excellent fighter of the Shu army.

Among more than 130 large and small mines and more than 60 military camps, Mao Husheng selected [-] indigenous soldiers.These warriors were selected from tens of thousands of natives, and the minimum selection ratio was five to one, or even ten to one.Also adopted the armed slaves, Di Xin armed the slaves and became the king of subjugation, but Huan Wen wanted to show Xie Ai some color.

Huan Wen promised all the native slave soldiers that they would be free from now on. Under normal circumstances, each soldier would receive a monthly salary of [-] yuan, and every level of beheading could be exchanged for [-] yuan.

Of course, Huan Wen didn't directly let these slaves participate in the war, but messed up the formation. At the level above Dubo, all the elites of the Xifu Army were used as officers, and Mao Husheng also had a 3000-man supervising team with him.Huan Wen actually had no idea whether this would guarantee everything would be safe.

Unlike Huan Wen's apprehension, Mao Husheng at this time was quite proud.There is a saying that the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.Mao Husheng is also a famous general with both wisdom and courage. His greatest achievement in history is the second Northern Expedition from Huanwen, conquering Luoyang, and appointing Mao Husheng to lead [-] soldiers to guard Luoyang and guard the Western Jin Imperial Tomb in Luoyang.This defense lasted for ten years. During this period, whether it was Di Qin's southern invasion or Yan's southern expedition, Luoyang had nothing to do.

Guarding Luoyang with two thousand weak soldiers for nearly ten years, it is obvious that Mao Husheng's contribution is indispensable.Having won more than [-] indigenous soldiers, Mao Husheng felt that there was a bright spring breeze in front of him on the way north, and a bright future seemed to beckoning to him not far away.As the three tigers of the Xifu Army, in fact Mao Husheng is not a direct descendant of Huan Wen. Unlike Deng Xia and Zhou Chu, who are deeply trusted by Huan Wen, he is a figure excluded from the core circle of power.The proud and arrogant Mao Husheng is naturally unwilling to be regarded as a green leaf. He just wants to use his actions to prove that he is the mainstay of the Shu Palace.

Mao Husheng took his son Mao Qiu, as well as his lieutenants Liu Chengyong and Chen Boyin, all the way to Luocheng.Although Mao Husheng is not weak in martial arts and is good at riding and ejaculating, he is better at using his wits.For his opponent, Xie Ai, formerly known as a Confucian general, Mao Shenghu already had a way to deal with it.

To say that these hunters and native slaves have some bravery.Even in small-scale battles, they are stronger than the elite Xifu army.However, the Liaoren natives were not good at cooperating in combat. The larger the battle, the easier it was for the Shu army to win.On the contrary, the smaller the battle, the greater the price the Shu army paid.The soldiers recruited this time are of good physical fitness. Mao Husheng thinks he can train them into an elite army if he has enough time.It's just a pity that this army looks no different from a mob now, it just randomly pulls out young and strong Han Chinese farmers, and they are better than them after two days of training.

If Mao Husheng used such an army to fight the Wei army in an upright manner, I am afraid that even the Wei army would not be able to support a sudden charge.Therefore, Mao Husheng never planned to fight with Xie Ai in an upright manner, but planned to have fun with Xie Ai.Ten miles out of Chengdu, Mao Husheng ordered the troops to stop immediately.

But after such an armed march for ten miles, this army was already in disarray, and it took half an hour to get the formation in order.Mao Husheng immediately convened a meeting of officers and generals above the team.Mao Husheng said directly: "Liu Chengyong obeys the order!"

"The end is here!"

Liu Chengyong is a native of Berkshire, with a very short stature, only six feet seven inches. If converted into the centimeter unit of later generations, Liu Chengyong's height is only more than 1.5 meters seven.Regardless of Liu Chengyong's short stature, Mao Husheng knows that there is a huge power hidden in his body, and he is proficient in martial arts, making him a rare fighter.

Mao Husheng said: "Xie Ai led 5000 elite generals of the Wei army. When Deng Ai went straight to Jiangyou from Yinping Ancient Road, he caught our army by surprise. This general intends to use his own way to deal with him. You led [-] troops , enter the Yinping Ancient Road from Beichuan, and fight towards Yinping County. If possible, take Shangyu City to this general. Remember that your task is not to attack the city, but to destroy the enemy's rear production facilities. , When you encounter an enemy city, grab it if you can, and after taking it to replenish food and grass, burn it if you need it, and kill it if you need it when you encounter resistance! Be sure to beat Xie Ai to the pain!"

"It's the last general who takes the order!"

Mao Husheng said again: "Chen Boyin, Maoqiu."

"The end is here!"

"The two of you, each leading [-] parts, occupy the left and right sides of the Shu Road, guarding the Shu Road for thousands of miles. When you encounter the Wei army's food, grass and transport vehicles, you can grab them if you can, and burn them if you can't. Be sure to let Xie Ai You can't get a grain of grain, an arrow, or a tael of gunpowder from Chang'an."

When a master plays chess, he usually takes one step and sees three moves.After Mao Husheng received the order, he specially selected Liaoren warriors as the army, considering that the Wei army was good at riding and archery, field combat, and attacking fortifications, but not good at mountain warfare.These Liao people themselves are fishermen and hunters. They are more fierce and good at fighting than the Han people, especially when climbing in mountainous areas, they are as easy as walking on flat ground.Thousands of miles of Shu Road, the terrain is extremely complicated, and the local slave army is broken into pieces. Even if Xie Ai wants to send troops to encircle and suppress, it may not be able to win.The rear is unstable, and Xie Ai will never give up on Chengdu.

In fact, Xie Ai can't just ignore it, whether it's from the ancient Yinping road to the Qinliang area to make trouble, or to use the special terrain of the Shu road to harass Xie Ai's transportation line.

On the Western Front, Mao Husheng fought against Xie Ai. Xie Ai fought Mao Husheng five times outside Luocheng. It was only then that there was a problem with the transportation line.

Maoqiu and Chen Boyin led more than [-] natives, and they stimulated the fighting spirit of the native slave army in the form of offering rewards. They either shot cold arrows, dug traps, or beat sap sticks, although they did little damage to the escort troops on the Wei army's transportation line. , but it was very demoralizing.Xie Ai kept dispatching troops from the front line back to wipe out the native troops on both sides of the Shu Road. It was a pity that those native troops were more flexible than monkeys and more slippery than loaches.

They didn't fight Wei Jun head-on at all. When they saw Wei Jun chasing them, they turned around and ran away. Anyway, Wei Jun couldn't catch up at all.But as soon as the Wei army returned, they reoccupied the favorable positions on both sides of the Shu Road and specially ambushed the transport team.A lot of luggage was lost in the rear, which made Xie Ai very worried.

For this matter, Xie Ai had to take a cautious approach.However, as a Confucian general, what Xie Ai is most afraid of is using his brain. Playing tricks is Xie Ai's strength. In fact, Xie Ai is really not afraid of such small tricks and tricks.

There is a famous ancient road hidden in Foping Mountain, called Tangluo Road, which is one of the seven roads to Shu in the old days.The Tangluo Road runs from Shaanxi Zhou to Luoyu in the north and enters the Qinling Mountains, and in the south it exits from the Tangshui River Valley in Yangxian County to Hanzhong. of a path.

On this 240-kilometer-long Tangluo Road, Wei State built eleven post stations, with an average of one post station every 45 miles.On the Ma Dao Liang in the southern section of the Tangluo Road, there are three large stones in the shape of "pin", which are as tall as a person, called Zhiguoshi.

A team of Wei Jun escorted more than 100 carts to camp beside Zhiguoshi.This small army of the Wei army lit a bonfire. As people from the northwest, regardless of Hu Han, they are all good at barbecue.Some soldiers and civilian husbands took out the animals hunted on the road and made them into barbecue, which was full of aroma.Most of the people living in the northwestern land are bold and forthright.Eating barbecue meat and drinking mellow liquor, the drunken people sang folk songs with a northwest style, and some even sang "Qin Feng-Wuyi" which many people are familiar with.

"Is there no clothes? I am in the same robe as my son. Wang Yuxing repaired my spear and spear. I have the same hatred with my son! Is it said that I have no clothes? I have the same lust as my son. Wang Yuxing repaired my spear and halberd. Walk with me! How can I say that I have no clothes ? Wear the same clothes with Zi. Wang Yu Xingshi repaired our armored soldiers. Walk with Zi!"

The singing was gradually desolate but with a charm that made people's blood boil.Even the soldiers who followed the army couldn't help but unknowingly sang along with the soldiers of the Wei army: "Would it be said that Wuyi is in the same robe as the son..."

Unknowingly, the night was getting dark, and the soldiers and civilian husbands of the Wei army who were full of food and drink all fell asleep.However, they didn't know that there was a wolf staring at them in the dark.

Seeing that the civilian husband and the soldiers of the Wei army were already asleep, Maoqiu shouted in a low voice: "Do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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