Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 882 Building the Great Wall with Flesh

Chapter 882 Building the Great Wall with Flesh

Chapter 888 Building the Great Wall with Flesh

Then, the four or five hundred Aboriginal soldiers with ghostly symbols painted on their faces rushed out with knives and guns.However, when he was less than sixty steps away from the opponent's camp, Maoqiu felt something was wrong.

"It's so wrong!" Maoqiu thought secretly: "Even if the other party has drunk too much, then their horses should make some noise! ​​But now the other party has not made any movement. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It's definitely not good."

Hairy Ball was full of doubts, although the speed slowed down a little, but it didn't stop.In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was less than thirty steps. The Liao people are not good at bows and arrows. They can use blowing arrows, flying stones, and throwing spears. Within the distance of thirty steps, it is precisely throwing spears and flying stones effective killing range.

The so-called flying stones are flat stones that are simply polished and made into the shape of an axe. The flying stones that can rotate and fly are very convenient for hunting and fighting.

Throwing spears and flying stones are as fast as lightning, and even more powerful.The two sentries were hit by the spears and flying stones, but they didn't scream, let alone fell down immediately.Maoqiu came to the two sentries and moved forward, turned on the fire, only to find that they were actually two scarecrows wearing Wei army armor.

"Oops, I fell for it!" Fuqiu roared, "Rewind, rewind!"

The trap that Xie Ai personally ordered and set up would allow Mao Qiu to escape easily.Just when Maoqiu ordered to retreat, a fire suddenly broke out in the camp. More than 100 large carts are actually not loaded with food and grass, but a weapon newly invented by Wei Guo. According to history, Ran Ming named it "Hundred Tigers Running Arrow", and Ran Ming passed the gunpowder to Ge Hong. Ask Ge Hong to develop it from his disciples. After mastering the principle of gunpowder proficiently, Ge Hong's apprentice Qingyun Daochang successfully manufactured the solid rocket.To Ran Ming's surprise, the rocket made by Daoist Qingyun did not use explosion to kill the enemy, but only used the reverse propulsion principle of gunpowder to make the rocket smaller. The arrow was triangular, and the range could reach The rocket with a distance of [-] steps has very poor accuracy because it does not have a tail fin. With a range of [-] steps, the error is as high as more than [-] steps. However, this weapon also has its merits, that is, it is large in scale.

A single launch can make a hundred rockets fly out at once. This kind of phalanx rockets is very powerful against infantry or cavalry. Ran Ming has seen in experiments that within fifty steps, the rockets The huge thrust can insert the triangular arrow into half of the iron-clad shield, and within a distance of eighty steps, it can even break a single layer of heavy armor.

Numerous rockets swarmed in. Although Fuqiu was wearing heavy armor, he was too close to the rocket launch vehicle, only 37 or [-] steps away. As a result, a rocket flew in and immediately shot Maoqiu in the chest. The rocket quickly penetrated The fur ball's armor immediately shot the fur ball a chill.The fur ball fell to the ground like a piece of wood. He wanted to open his eyes to see who shot him dead. Unfortunately, the fur ball whose heart was wounded immediately lost consciousness. After struggling for a while, his eyes also lost consciousness. Shine.

Soldiers of the Wei Army from all directions surrounded four or five hundred natives tightly, and there was even a sharp archer who watched the fish that slipped through the net.

Hu Guang, the lieutenant of the infantry battalion of the Wei Army, looked at the native soldiers who looked like headless chickens in the field, curled his lips in boredom, and said in a lack of interest: "This group of Shu troops are no good, they are worse than Huanwen's Xifu Army!"

Hu Guang is the son of Hu Kui, a former chariot and cavalry general in the state of Wei, and he can be regarded as inheriting his father's career.However, Hu Guangneng's promotion from a small soldier to a fourth-rank infantry lieutenant has nothing to do with it.Even if people now know that he is Hu Kui's son, there must be no more than ten figures.Since Yongxing joined the army for three years, he has experienced many battles, and every time he was promoted, he had to fight for it.

With the hundred tigers rushing to shoot the arrows, the battle has fallen into a one-sided massacre. Those native soldiers either knelt on the ground and kowtowed everywhere, or they were so frightened that they peed.The Wei army almost met no decent resistance, and killed four or five hundred native slave soldiers.

A small school said: "Lieutenant Hu, I don't know what's going on, these Shu troops seem to be unable to fight anymore, they used to be very fierce, even if they were seriously injured, they would come up to fight you desperately, especially Even if the stone axes in their hands cannot penetrate our armor, they can knock people unconscious. But today, why do they seem to be possessed by demons?"

Hu Guang is able to get what he is today not only because he dares to work hard, but also because he is willing to use his brains.Otherwise he would have died long ago.Hu Guang wrote this phenomenon into a detailed battle report and reported it to Xie Ai.

Once Xie Ai combined the information from other battlefields, he immediately discovered that although the Shu army’s combat effectiveness was not weak, and it was better at fighting in the mountains, it was afraid of gunpowder. All the escorts are delivered with weapons such as Baihu Qiben arrows or hand bombs. As long as there is an attack, they will directly use Baihu Qiben arrows to deal with these Shu troops along the way.

Xie Ai's order was carried out very well, and this is a good thing, Mao Husheng not only lost his son's life, but also ruined tens of thousands of troops.

But it didn't take long for Xie Ai to be proud. Instead, he received a battle report from Zuo Shu, the prefect of Wudu, and found a thousands of Shu troops in Wudu.

Murong Ke was also taken aback. Wudu belongs to Qinzhou. Although it is not under the jurisdiction of Yongzhou, Murong Ke still has the position of commander-in-chief of the town army. Once he loses the city and land, Xie Ai will bear the main responsibility. Pay joint and several liability.

Seeing Murong Ke's worry, Xie Ai smiled and said: "Don't worry about Xuan Gong, that Mao Husheng is too petty. If he surprises Guanzhong or Chang'an with surprise soldiers, he might make Ai flustered for a while. It's not good for him to sneak attack there, so I just go Sneak attack on Wudu. This time, he will definitely understand what it means to steal chickens without giving up rice."

"Oh!" Murong Ke said: "Is there any difference between Qinzhou and Yongzhou?"

"Of course it's different!" Xie Ai said: "When your majesty established a complete three-level combat readiness system in Qin State when he became a vassal of Qin State, now our Wei State's three-level defense system is the most successful. Apart from Jiaodong and Yecheng, Qinzhou is probably the most Yes. Although most of Qinzhou’s elite troops have been withdrawn, and the defense seems empty on the surface, when the war comes, the millions of people in Qinzhou, especially the craftsmen in workshops everywhere, will immediately mobilize. , I dare not say too much, there are more than 27 young and strong reserve troops on the list alone. You said that Mao Husheng sent thousands of soldiers and horses into Qinzhou, can he take advantage of it?

At this time, Zhang Lun, the prefect of Wudu County in Qinzhou, Wei State, was Zhang Lun.After Ran Ming became the prince, he did not bring Zhang Lun back to Yecheng, but ordered him to be sent down.After becoming the Lingling of Shanggu, and later named Ran Ming the crown prince, as a subject of Ran Ming's Qiandi, Zhang Lun was naturally promoted to be the prefect of Wudu.

Xu Xun was also the minister of Ran Mingqian's residence. The former Qin State abolished the country and changed it to a state. Xu Xun was also promoted and became the leader of Qinzhou.As a subject of Ran Mingqian's residence, Xu Xun has a very good relationship with Zhang Lun.

On this day, Zhang Lun's wife, Yan Shi, celebrated her [-]th birthday. Xu Xun came to Wudu to celebrate Zhang Lun's wife's birthday in person. It comes with great sincerity.Xu Xun prepared a headgear for Zhang Yanshi. The workmanship was extremely exquisite, and it was made of pure gold by a famous craftsman. It was also inlaid with emeralds and rubies.

The Zhang family in Jincheng is also a rich family, and the Yan family in Dunhuang is also a family of officials. Yan Ding, Zhang Yan's grandfather, was the prefect of Youbeiping in the Western Jin Dynasty, and later died in Liu Cong's army.Yan Man, brother of Zhang Yan's clan, was a former high-ranking official in Liang.What has Zhang Yan not seen in such a family?But Zhang Yanshi still smiled happily, she said with a smile: "I am an old woman, how can I wear such a good-looking head, when Li Niu leaves the cabinet, this hair will be left to her as a dowry."

Hearing this, Zhang Lun laughed out loud, feeling more honored.Xu Xun said goodbye to Zhang Yanshi, and followed Zhang Lun to his study.In fact, Zhang Lun also knew well that Xu Xun would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and in the name of paying homage to Mrs. Zhang, in fact, he must have important matters to discuss with him.Otherwise, it is fine to send a confidant to bring gifts, but there is no need to condescend to come here.

The two sat opposite each other at the table in the small hall outside the study. Ever since Ran Ming stole the grand master's chair from later generations, more and more people don't like to sit on their knees.It is said that kneeling and sitting is the traditional etiquette of scholar-bureaucrats, but this is a test of one's willpower.The maid placed eight dishes, four cold and four hot, on the table, as well as a bottle of wine.At this time, the original glass produced in Qinzhou is not completely transparent, of course, but has a faint green glow, just like the beer bottles of later generations.Of course, because the copper powder was mixed in the raw materials, it was not cleaned up.

The two sat on the grand master's chair, each of them was holding a tall glass, and the wine in the glass was blood red.Xu Xun took a sip lightly, with a look of intoxication on his face. "Although the northwest is bitter and cold, the wine made from this kind of grape has a special flavor."

Zhang Lun said with a smile: "I still have [-] catties of this wine. If you like it, you can take [-] catties with you when you leave."

"Then I'll thank Brother Zhang first!" Xu Xun laughed and said, "Speaking of red wine, Xun thought of something."

Hearing this, Zhang Lun's heart skipped a beat.As Ran Ming's vassal, Zhang Lun also knows what Ran Ming hates the most, that is, he hates corruption and accepting bribes. Naturally, these red wines were not bought by Zhang Lun, but a gift from a merchant in the middle of Sichuan. Ten catties of wine.Although the wine is worthless, the bottles and glasses that hold the red wine are very valuable. The glassware produced in Qinzhou is only more than 1000 sets a year. If Ran Ming didn't allow them to be used as tributes, it might not be enough to just send them to the palace.As a person of later generations, even if he has no knowledge, Ran Ming will never be rare in glassware.But people in this era are different. Since the glass products produced in Qinzhou have been launched, they have sold like crazy.For a set of goblets, the starting price of only four pieces is a hundred gold, and there is no market for it. As for the goblets bought by the gentry of the Jin Dynasty, they are at least more than a thousand gold.As for selling to the Western Regions, it will be more than ten times more.Just receiving these red wines is enough for Zhang Lun to chop his head off a hundred times.

Xu Xun said: "Xu Tonghou, a merchant from Guanghan County in central Sichuan, is a distant branch of Xun's clan. He sent someone to send a message to Xun a few days ago."

Hearing this, Zhang Lun was even more nervous. Youdao said that if you don't do bad things, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, but the Shu merchant Xu Tonghou who Xu Xun said is good friends with the Shu merchant Guan Yifan who bribed him, and they even came to pay a visit to him.Could it be that his bribery was leaked?Xu Xun wants to blackmail himself with this matter?

In terms of age, Zhang Lun is only 42 years old. As an official, he is at the golden age. He has already become a prefect of a county. bright future.If there really was a bribery scandal, even if Ran Ming didn't kill him because of past feelings, his official career would definitely have no future.This made Zhang Lun very nervous, his palms were sweating, and he almost swallowed his confidants outside, and came in to kill people.At the critical moment, Zhang Lun still held back.

Xu Xun has a slow temper, and he still doesn't know that he was almost silenced because of a misunderstanding.He said calmly: "Shu's champion general Mao Husheng sent his deputy general Liu Chengyong to lead five thousand elite troops to attack Qinzhou. Wudu is the protruding part of Qinzhou, so I'm afraid he will bear the brunt of it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Lun breathed a sigh of relief.He said: "I'm afraid this is impossible? The general of Zhenxi Xie Ai has led the Zhenxi Army to Chengdu. How can Huanwen have soldiers and horses to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao? Even if he wants to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, the road from Guanghan to Wudu is also difficult." Doesn't make sense?"

"Although the news has not been confirmed, it should be true!" Xu Xun said: "Guanghan Xu Tonghou put aside his high status, and if this matter is false, it will not do him any good."

"Is this really possible?" Zhang Lun asked anxiously.

Xu Xun said with a smile: "It's better to believe it than to believe it. No, I got the news and rushed to Wudu overnight. Fortunately, Wudu has not found the enemy yet."

However, at this moment, a panicked voice outside the door said: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, something is wrong!"

Zhang Lun was startled, and hurriedly got up, ignoring that outsiders found his wine and glasses, he opened the door and asked, "What happened?"

"Mr. Zhang, there is smoke coming from the beacon tower!" The person came to report: "It's five-color wolf smoke!"

Wolf smoke is the basic way of transmitting messages in ancient times, and the basic meaning is the same in all dynasties.Like the lonely smoke in the desert written in Wang Wei's poem, the so-called lonely smoke also represents the meaning of conveying peace.Two strands represent an attack of less than 500 people, three strands represent a thousand people, and five strands of five-color wolf smoke represent an attack of a large-scale enemy.

In fact, not only Zhang Lun, but even the common people working in the fields also saw the smoke.It was the first month when Zhu Teng attacked Nanyang, and it was February when the Wei army counterattacked, and the spring plowing time in the northwest was from March to April in the lunar calendar.Except for most of the young and strong being taken away, the rest of the people took the time to busy themselves with the spring plowing.Not only the young and the strong, but even the old and the weak, women and children, as long as they are active people, they will not be idle.

Hechi County, Wudu County.Hechi County is the junction of the three provinces of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi, and it is the primary target of Liu Chengyong's attack.The old man who is working in the field is Guo Duofu, a village elder.After seeing the wolf smoke, he shouted: "The enemy is invading, and everyone is on standby. All the guards report to the barracks, and all people of the right age are ready to be recruited at any time."

Hearing the old man's shout, someone immediately passed the news back.The young and strong people returned home consciously, found out their battle clothes and weapons, asked their wives to help them put on the armor, and then picked up the weapons and rushed to the barracks to gather.The first wave of recruits in Qinzhou's three-level preparation system is young and strong, that is, young and strong between the ages of 35 and 15.If all these people die in battle, the scale of recruitment will need to be expanded. Then men between the ages of 50 and 60 must enlist in the army unless they are physically disabled.At the most serious time, it is necessary to launch a three-level recruitment, that is, except for children under the age of ten and the elderly over the age of [-], all men and women, regardless of gender, will go into battle with weapons.

The young and strong members of the first recruiting echelon consciously reported to the barracks, and more people also went home to take out the weapons and armor that had been dusty for a long time, ready to be recruited at any time and go to the battlefield.It is urgent to this point, they are going to fight for their homeland.

Wudu County is located at the junction of the three provinces, but in fact the most people are not farmers, but businessmen.

Commercial development is inseparable from transportation. The population of more than 200 million in central Sichuan is not a small market. In order to reduce transportation losses, many merchants have built their factories in Wudu. According to statistics, there are a total of 670 households in Wudu County. , more than 11 people.Among them, there are only [-] peasant households, and nearly [-] households are merchants or craftsmen.

In Qinzhou's three-level war preparation system, not only farmers need to undertake the task of defending their homes and the country, but also merchants and craftsmen.Zhang Lun and Xu Xun, the prefects of Wudu, saw that the unexpected happened, and immediately organized a three-level combat readiness mobilization.A large number of weapons and armor warehouses were opened under the order of the prefect, and all seven counties in the county were mobilized.

If Liu Chengyong's troops were cavalry, maybe they could catch Wudu by surprise, but they are only infantry.Moreover, traveling through thousands of miles of mountains almost exhausted their physical strength.In this way, Wudu County has been fully prepared.With the emergence of the enemy situation, Xu Xun also immediately reported to the governor of Qinzhou quickly, mobilized the whole state, and at the same time sent reinforcements to Yongzhou, Liangzhou, and Xizhou.

When the first army guards in Wudu City were assembled, Zhang Lun personally took them to Xiaohechi City.As Zhang Lun led the army to set off, under his banner, the troops assembled one by one hurriedly set off towards the destination.The entire road was requisitioned by the military, and pedestrians and business travelers all took the side road to give way to the army.

Just camping on the way Zhang Lun marched to Hechi, he summoned three No. 40 people in his tent, all of whom were famous merchants in Wudu County.Zhang Lun sat down grandly, and said to everyone: "Your Majesty created a three-level war preparation system back then. As the citizens of Wei, you also have the same responsibility."

"Yes, yes, yes, we only follow the lead of Zhang Taishou!" Everyone else agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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